HTC Droid Eris :: Apps That Drain Your Battery?
Dec 29, 2009All of you Androidites. Please list all of the Apps you have known or seen drain your battery. So we can stay away from them or use an alternative app!

All of you Androidites. Please list all of the Apps you have known or seen drain your battery. So we can stay away from them or use an alternative app!
Do the adds in free apps drain your battery? How do they work. Are they always connected to online? Well, i dont have any problems with the apps on my phone because they dont even show up. Does that drain my battery even more? I have a rooted phone and in all my apps that have ads only show some white circle showing that something is loading but no ads show. My battery only lasts 8-12 hours of use. And it sucks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy battery seems to be draining about 1/3-1/2 faster than it normally does over the past week or so. I'm trying to figure out if it has something to do with any apps I've installed recently. Is there a way I can figure out which apps are doing the most damage to the battery?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Eris is always getting stuck on the screen with the 3 skateboarding droid dudes. Here's the story of what happened and what i have done so far. I have an unrooted Droid Eris, OS 2.1 OTA been working quite well for the past few months now few weeks ago, my battery was suddenly drained for no apparent reason (it was idle), no programs were running in the back at all it went back to normal after i turned it off and charged it. It happened again to day and when i tried to turn it back on, i got stuck on the 3 skateboarding droids. So i tried battery pull, x123121 didn't work. i did the "hold vol+send+power", -recovery: it gives me this red triangle with exclamation point, i only found errors regarding this on rooted phones while on this screen, i pressed vol up+power, and tried all the option there and nothing worked, it still gets stuck on the skateboarding droids then i held the "vol+send+power" and tried all the other options there, and it stuck on same screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy Eris, just updated on Monday for the lock up from sleep Anyway, I am a low user of the phone and keep, wifi, Mobile data off unless I am using it I have noticed the last 2 days the battery life is improved. yesterday, phone on at 6am off at 11pm, 65% left, no data used, few Txt messages and about 45 min of phone calls Today so far, on at 6am, WIFI, Mobile data off, one 6min call and one txt, at 9am, still 100% battery. turned Mobile Data on at 9am now it is 11:50am and battery is still 100% my on time is 5:45, awake time is 8 min (2%) this is typical for me. I don't have email set to push, I refresh when I want it. I also use Advanced Task Manager. So maybe the issue that was fixed was also causing a battery drain and is fixed now?
View 25 Replies View RelatedEvery other day I find a point where my phone went to the lock screen but didn't sleep. My battery gets low, less than 15%. Anyone else been seeing this lately?
View 12 Replies View RelatedHas anyone recently seen ridiculous battery drain on their Eris? I know people are saying the new facebook is stuck on contact syncing and draining the battery, but it cant be draining it this much. Today when I was at work is where I noticed it the most. I started at 1 and when my group took a break at 2:42 I had lost 65% battery life!
View 15 Replies View RelatedOk what I want is for whenever I move from one place or another ...maybe driving 30 mins or an hour the weather automatically updates to that location without me having to manually refresh.what do I need to turn on for that in the location services
"Use Wireless Networks/Mobile Networks" Location determined by wifi and or mobile networks
"Location Settings" Allow network to detect your position
"Enable GPS Satellite" requires more battery
These are the three options I can check...the first one is checked right now.if I check the second one will it update the weather automatically or is the first one all that is required and it says the battery will be drained in the third option but what about the 2nd option.
Is there an app out there that will tell you which apps/widgets are responsible for power drain?
in a perfect world, it would show which apps are running and how much power or wake time they are using. i've tried to turn off as much as i can, yet my battery life still sucks sometimes, and i'd like to find out what is responsible for it so i can change that setting.
most of the power management apps i've seen just tell you battery level and health.
Ok so i have found battery offender for doing initial calibrations after i go on my rom flashing frenzies. I was wondering if there are any apps that are similar but that will power the device down at a certain battery level as to not sllow the battery to be fully drained.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat apps actually drain battery life?Im curious about the gmail and regular mail, and ECOBUZZ app?What's the best app I can download that will tell how much power an app is using?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI get pretty bad battery life. I wiped everything and reflashed the ROM and only installed about 10 apps instead of my usual 150 or so. Total difference in battery life! Except I want want my apps back, at least most of them.
I'm wondering if there's a way of finding out which ones take the most juice or are always running when I don't want them to do I can get rid of those few.
Ever since I rooted and installed nonsensikal ROM my battery drains like crazy. Was wondering if maybe the overclocked CPU in the ROM (710) might have something to do with it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes everyone keep their screen brightness on auto or do you set it manually. I notice when it's on auto, sometimes the screen doesn't light up all the way. Will setting it manually drain the battery quicker? I notice in my battery usage that it says display is at like 74%. Not sure if that's normal or not. I have the brightness set at about 1/4 of the way up.
View 8 Replies View RelatedRooted Droid 1, running LFY 1.9 with it's 1ghz kernel, SPRecovery. Had a weird issue recently; the phone displayed that my battery life was at 40%, then probably ~30 minutes later it was down to 20%. I wasn't using it during that time, I just unlocked the screen to check something. Anyway, I opened my browser and within a minute or two I got the "15% battery life remaining" message, prompting me to connect my charger. I decided I would allow the phone to just die and shut itself down. So I waited ~45 minutes and it went down to 10%, then almost immediately to 5%. I turned on the GPS just to make it drain faster... I watched a one-hour television show and when it was over, I glanced over to the phone to see if it had died - nope, still on. I turned the LED light on, leaving the GPS running for ~25 minutes and it finally powered down. Then I plugged it in to charge and left the room. Came back in about 2.5 hours later and picked up the phone - it was very hot. Unlocked the screen and checked SetCPU and it was running ~135?F but it immediately started cooling down. It was fully charged, however so I unplugged it. I went to bed shortly thereafter and the battery life displayed 90% as I set the alarm to wake me up the next morning. I happened to wake up shortly before the alarm was set to go off and I picked up the phone to disable the alarm and noticed the red 'charge me' light blinking - unlocked the screen to see 5% and just then it powered itself down.
TL;DR -- Phone only got hot that one time, phone hasn't gone dead in stand-by mode again like it did that night. Battery drains at a seemingly normal rate based on my regular use from 100% down to 40%, then it rapidly drains after that, always skipping 30% and when it gets down to 5% it stays alive for quite a long time under heavy load. Is there a way to 'teach' the phone how to check and calculate actual and remaining battery % and to display it correctly? Is it kernel-related? I heard somewhere about doing a 'battery wipe' but I am unsure what that entails and searches are proving fruitless for me so far.
does battery status pro drain your battery life?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi've had my phone rooted with sensable...i recently about two weeks ago rerooted it again with it..i was going to put another rom on but it didnt work out so great so i went back to sensable...its been fine..until yesterday my battery is drained within an hour...and its not even being used...the status light at the top doesnt blink..i've set to not get notifications for text messages how on earth do i fix this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedAnyone have any experience with apps that are huge battery drains? Thought it might be a good idea to list ones we know as huge drains so we know what to avoid in apps. So far I've found Pandora to be a horrible drain. I'll lose between 5-7% battery in 15 minutes when Pandora is running
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I ran it, my phone had been unplugged for about 12 hours and I found that Spare Parts showed my phone to have been Running (not sleeping) for 100% of that time. After being methodical and getting data points after opening various programs, I determined that after I opened any program that accessed the GPS, the phone no longer would go into sleep mode. To get the phone to start sleeping again, all I have to do is toggle GPS off and then back on again. It's completely reproducible every time on my phone.
Now, I don't know what kind of effect this will have on battery life, but seems like it probably would have some effect. If others can test this and see if it affect you at all, it'd be helpful to see if there's a potential major software bug here or if it's just something with my phone.
Easiest way to test is to start with a fresh reboot with GPS toggle on, install Spare Parts, plug in the phone for a second (to reset the counters), let it sit sleeping for a few minutes, then read the Running % in Spare Parts. Should be pretty low. Plug in the phone to reset the counters again. Then start Google Maps or any other program that will activate your GPS. Close that program and then let the phone sit idle for a few minutes. Check Spare Parts running time again and, for me, it's pegged at 100%. It stays like that until I toggle the GPS off or reboot the phone.
i went on vacation with my girlfriend about 2 weeks ago and at that time i had some serious battery issues so my phone was constantly on the charger. i noticed that while i was using my navigation the battery was actually draining while i was charging it. is this because my charger blows or something worse?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI came in to work...plugged in my X (USB) and the battery drained to 15% in 3 hours. What is that about?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo I've noticed since I've gotten my phone that even when its plugged in (100 percent battery to start) if I use navigation for 45 min or so the battery will drain to around 80 percent. I don't understand how its doing this if its plugged in and the battery has the charging icon on there.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have been avoiding all widgets except the clock because i want to squeeze every bit of battery out of my droid. but does any know (someone who has alot of experience with android phones) how much widgets really drain on your battery. i mean do they really make a difference, or is it minscule. any advice?
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust to clarify, is there in fact battery pull and drain from BT, Wifi and GPS even if you are not actually using them as there no app running needing them and no icon showing them active in the menu bar?
I am curious if they are sending out polling or searching signals and thus, still draw the battery down? It seem they must, agreed?
Is it a substantial pull? I kind of want to leave them all on, but have started the habit of having them off and just using a widget to turn each on - 1 by 1 - as needed.. but that is kind of a PITA and I wonder if it is not even necessary?
Okay so I woke up this morning and took my phone off the charger and headed to work. About 2 hours later I feel this burning sensation in my pocket and I put out my phone and this thing is burning up and the batter is down to 30%. I turn it off take out the battery, and turn it back on 10 min. later and attempt to charge the phone. I check about 15 min. later and the battery has drained to 20%. Any idea whats going on?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just bought the extended battery for my Droid X yesterday and put it on charge for three hours last night and then at bedtime. I got up this morning with a "charged" battery. I used the phone a little today but not alot. By 7 pm CST my battery was at 30%. Is this normal, I mean with the regular battery I had a better battery life span than this. Did i not charge it correctly?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince updating google maps last Friday, my GPS icon goes on all the time and my battery seems to drain faster. I cannot shut it off except to cycle the power on my phone. Anyone else notice this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy battery life sucks.I use TasKiller pretty regularly and I still get less than twelve hours out of it.Also would like a free ringtone download source?I had a blackberry curve and used crackberry forums for ringtones, haven't found a good one for Eris yet.(Haven't looked exceedingly hard either though.)Anybody know how to get rid of native HTC or Android apps?Like MP3 store, stocks and Peep?Tried QuickUninstall and it didn't do the trick.
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo my church is a cell-phone black hole.No 3G and barely 1x.They changed the password on the WiFi recently so until someone leaks it to me, my phone is near useless in the building. This stinks as I spent a considerable amount of time there over probably 4 days a week, so stinks to be me.That said, I've noticed that on days I spent a lot of time at church, my battery life is poor. Last Sunday however, I noticed my Droid/battery was HOT when I left church and by the time I got home, it was down below 20% battery life. Was full when I awoke (media dock) so this all happened in just a few hours, most of which it was unused.I returned that evening for some children's events and it dropped again to 20% in just another 2 hours in the building.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI've had an ongoing struggle with my X's battery life, from day 1 with 2 different standard batteries to try until now with the extended battery.
I've tried it all and thensome and nothing has majorly improved my battery life. I won't go into number of hours I get or usage details or anything, but I have a question I cannot seem to find any solution to.
I noticed after I updated to leaked 2.2 Froyo that very often the 3g up and download arrows are both lit up and basically never turn off. After a few days of trying to figure out what it was (and using Juice Defender in the meantime to shut data off except for 15 min intervals), I think I've figured out what is causing the 3g data to often constantly be transmitting.
I went into the Battery History screen, left it set to "Since last unplugged" and went to "Network usage". In here, the bar for "UID 10012" is very high, almost all blue. Every time I exit the menu and go back into to re-check those data numbers, they are always increased after only seconds while the 3g data symbol is active.
Inside of the details for that are several built-in system app names. I tried stopping a few of these through the Applications menu of the phone where you can stop services/apps.
I finally have force stopped one (has worked several times now) that has stopped the 3g data instantly every time.
This one is "Social Messaging Service".
Every time I click the "Force stop" button within that app's info page in the Application settings of the phone, the 3g data arrows stop lighting up instantly.
Is this app related only to the Social Networking built-in app (which I don't use/need)? Is it tied to other things? Is there a downside to me stopping this?
I can't seem to keep it stopped and it seems to cause this 3g data issue every day at some time (multiple times usually - seems to happen again a few hours after I've stopped it). I think it is attributing to my sometimes bad battery life.
How can I stop this ongoing Social Messaging "bug" battery drain?