HTC Desire :: Usb Disk Drive Not Detecting
Sep 1, 2010In windows7 new htc desire usb behaving weird, can't see disk drive. Even htc sync can't connect. sometime out of 100 times its detects 1 or 2 times. Any setting to be done?

In windows7 new htc desire usb behaving weird, can't see disk drive. Even htc sync can't connect. sometime out of 100 times its detects 1 or 2 times. Any setting to be done?
my mobile samsung galaxy note 2 , i need this feature in htc mobiles when i connect usb " Disk drive mount as disk drive " , i need to use my mobile like flash memory to work on my satallite reciver
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if there is a app, or phone mod that allows you to access the SD Card on the phone, at the same time as it's being used as a drive.I'm getting tired of transferring things like icons, and wallpaper to my phone, then having to unmount the drive before I can use them. Especially if I'm just trying out new icons.Is it possible to have my desire set to disk drive, and access it at the same time?
View 3 Replies View RelatedTurning the phone on and off.Rebooting my PC.Done both of these multiple times. Have changed settings in "Connect to PC" and re-set them to see if that would make a difference and have clicked and unclicked "Ask me."option on connecting.What is going on? The phone just starts charging, but I cannot get it to show up as a drive.It worked perfectly until I installed Handcent SMS (which I've since uninstalled).And have naturally rebooted the phone several times since.yet it still doesn't work.I'm really at my wits end. I'm using the USB cable that came with the HTC car charger but it surely can't be that but then what is causing it to not work? The only non-standard things I have on my phone are 3G Watchdog and the Astro file manager. Both of which didn't have any impact WRT to mounting the phone.But now, having just bought some music from Amazon on my phone, I can't get my music or photos off the phone onto my PC.
View 29 Replies View RelatedUnable to connect my DINC to my PC to look around, move some files etc.
Yes, I have USB Debugging checked. Yes, I select "mount as disk drive" when prompted.
Appears to be charging just fine after I attach it to my PC, then I go to open Windows Explorer and Explorer sits and spins then crashes. In fact, when I close Explorer and go to my desktop, all I get is the wallpaper (no desktop icons etc). Then, when I unplug my phone, computer acts normally. Same PC that I used to root my phone mind you, so somehow it was able to connect to my phone for that process.
Have rebooted the phone as well, all to no avail. One of the advantages of Android and the DINC is the ability to hook up to a PC and move files around...not being able to do this is becoming a bit of a PITA...
So i spent half my night downloading new songs on limewire to add them into my evo.. so i keep putting my phone into disk drive but nothing loads and my computer doesnt reconise the usb port..than theres a little lock next to each of the songs i just downloaded so wtf
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I plug my Eris into my PC using the USB cord I select "Mount as disc drive" however I cannot find my phone anywhere on my computer. I've tried restarting my computer and my phone and it still doesn't work.
View 1 Replies View Relatedagain i went to open my gallery and it is saying insert SD card. This is the second time this has happened with me and the evo but it has been 2 different evos not the same one. now when i hook it to the computer it wont recognize it as a disk drive and says there was an error and the hardware might not be working right (from the computer it says this) also debugging mode has popped up which i have never seen before when plugging the phone in.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't want my EVO to mount to my desktop every time I plug in to my MBP. It is saying "charge only" in the notification panel but yet mounts and makes the SDCARD unusable. USB debugging is disabled. Can anyone figure out why this started?
View 2 Replies View RelatedLooking to see if there's a wisdget that'll do the same thing as swiping down my status bar, selecting the notification, then selecting "Connect USB storage".
View 3 Replies View RelatedCd player just says "no music". Is this cause of being rooted? Is there anything I can download to get it working?
View 7 Replies View RelatedEven though I choose "Charge Only" when i plug the phone in, it still treats it like if I had chosen "Disk Drive". I'm not able to access my SD card when i want to do things with the phone.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just mounted my Evo as a disk drive so I could backup some of my older photos and then delete them from the SD card to free up space. Well I deleted over 1gb of media files and when I unmounted the SD card it still showed the same amount of free space as before.I opened up Astro File Manager to see if I could find the problem and the files were deleted from the various folders but when I clicked the menu button and selected Tools, I went to view the SD card usage and noticed a folder labeled .Trashes which contained the 1+gb of files that I deleted from the card.The problem is, I am unable to clear the .Trashes folder and free up that extre 1gb of space that I should have...Is there something I am doing wrong? How do I get that extra space back because there is no option to delete or clear the .Trashes folder and when the phone is mounted as a disk drive there is no path to that specific (.Trashes) folder.
View 4 Replies View RelatedUnder the settings for Connect to PC, the phone mounts as disk drive even though the radio button for 'charge only' is selected.
What else should i try?
The drivers work for the EVO as well.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am running one of the leaked 2.2 OTA Roms, everything has been working fine, except lately, as of a week or two ago, the phone won't mount as Disk Drive unless I reboot, and it wasn't a one time fix, I have to do this every time. I noticed that when I plug the phone into the computer, I don't get the message saying "Charge Only / HTC Sync / Disk Drive / Mobile Broadband Connect etc." And yes, I have it set to ask me every time, and I even set the default connection type to Disk Drive, and still I unplug it and plug it back in and nothing. I know it connected okay, the computer recognizes it as HTC Android device or whatever it calls it, and the orange light lights up on the phone showing that's it's charging, but in my computer all that pops up is a weird optical drive that I can't access.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMonitoring the traffic on the unrEVOked IRC channel, it's clear that there is a ton of confusion about the USB drivers needed, despite the excellent article on the unrEVOked site. I thought I'd maybe add to that or create an alternative article.
There are three different modes in which the Incredible (or the EVO!) can connect to a Windows system:
Disk Drive
ADB (USB Debugging and ClockworkMod Recovery)
BootLoader (while phone is in the HBOOT mode)
The drivers that come with the Android SDK can't do any of it because none of the interfaces for the Incredible are present in the .INF file. The drivers that come with HTC Sync can do #1 and #2, but cannot be used for rooting with unrEVOked because they don't support #3. The following link points to drivers which are universal; they will work for all three purposes on the Incredible (and the EVO as well).
unrEVOked modified USB Driver
You do not have to remove HTC Sync if you have it installed. These drivers will replace the ones that came from HTC Sync and be usable for that as well as rooting. The trick is getting these drivers to replace the ones you have from the Android SDK or HTC Sync or ??? (or simply installing them if you have no drivers yet). The idea is to plug your phone into USB while it's in HBOOT mode, forcing Windows to look for Bootloader drivers. Only the ones here provide that.
Anyway, here's how:
Uninstall HTC Sync, DoubleTwist, and DropBox from the PC. Sorry about this. Once these drivers are installed you may reinstall those and they will continue to work. These drivers are universal.
Unzip the file, leaving the folder Android USB Driver somewhere like on your desktop
Unplug your phone from USB
Power down your phone
Now simultaneously press the volume DOWN button and the power button, holding till the HBOOT screen appears
Now connect the USB cable between the phone and your PC
The word HBOOT (blue box with white letters) will change to HBOOT USB PLUG
On the EVO, wait till HBOOT cycles through an SD check (10 sec) then select select HBOOT USB at the bottom of the menu (using the vol keys to navigate and power button to select). Thanks to hperry for this.
Now look at your Windows Device Manager and see if you already have Android Phone listed for HBOOT as shown in one of the last two images (way) below. To see the Device Manager, right click My Computer, select Manage..., select the Device Manager. If you see the Android Phone, you're ready to root and can skip the rest of this. Otherwise, you do not have HBOOT-capable drivers, and you need to install them. Windows should be looking for drivers now. At this point things may differ between XP and Vista/7.
In XP, the New Hardware Found Wizard should appear. Tell it NOT to use Windows Update, and moving along, tell it to look in a specified location. It will pop up a file open dialog. Navigate to the Android USB Driver folder, click OK then click Next.
For Windows Vista/7 you might not see the New Hardware Found Wizard. Open the Device Manager (Right click My Computer, select Manage..., select the Device Manager). You will see an Android Phone node in the tree with a "caution" icon node beneath it. Right click on the caution-marked node and select Update Driver. Follow through specifying NOT to look in Windows Updatte and Install from a specified location. It will pop up a file open dialog. Navigate to the Android USB Driver folder, click OK, then click Next.
In either case, eventually the driver should install. At this point you have the universal drivers installed for the Incredible. They can also be used with the HTC EVO. Here's what you should see in the Windows Device Manager for each condition:
Phone Running Normally, USB Debugging Enabled, plugged in via USB:
Windows 7
Windows XP
Phone running HBOOT, plugged in via USB:
Phone showing HBOOT
Windows 7
Windows XP
Parts taken from public:windows_hboot_driver_install [RootWiki]
My HTC desire phone,, after upgrading new 2.1 to 2.2 software, it suddenly stops detecting SD card slot and error in WiFi as well. Can anybody please tell me what is the problem?
Mount SD card & Format SD card is not highlighted, I can see but can not tap on it. Same SD card is detecting and working perfectly with my laptop.
I tried in multiple laptops of windows 7, my htc desire 2.1 USB sometimes doesn't detect at all.Its totally weird, out of 10 times try, its work for one time. Sometimes its auto disconnect,in mid of file transfer.Even i tried to installed android USB drivers, but no use. Any solution for this.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to measure Disk Activity and Disk Usage on android ? Unfortunately iostat is not available in Android. I would like to monitor Data read and Data written for disk activity and Utilized and Free space for Disk Usage. I found diskstats but I don't know how to read it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter much waiting for my desire HD I was (and am) really pleased with it. However in the last couple of days my screen appears to be detecting a second touch which pretty much prevents me playing games and is a real hindrance when typing. I could accept this if it were the gel protector or my hand running over the side of the screen, but it seems to be around the "rtuio" bit of the keyboard when holding the phone in portrait mode (i.e. the centre). I do have a screen protector on there but there are no air bubbles or anything visible underneath it. So yeah, has this been raised before? I couldn't find anything. Do I need to recalibrate the screen somehow?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an urgent problem with my desire and would appreciate any help. My desire is not detecting my computer when I connect the USB, I connect it and it begins charging instead of asking me about the connection type. As I was puzzled and thought this was very strange, I checked the "connect to PC" settings only to find out the "ask me" option was indeed enabled . When I connect the USB to the computer it begins charging and displays "USB" on battery status, but it does not actually detect the computer, nor does the computer detect the phone (even when I change the default connection type to "disk drive" it continues on charge mode). Has anyone any clue as to what is wrong with my desire? I am very confused because as I said, I select the "ask me" option but it does not "ask me", I really want to fix this as it means I cannot sync music onto it, any ideas?
View 19 Replies View RelatedStrange noise after tether to PC in disk mode? When I plug my desire into the PC and press disk mode there is a sound its like a static sound and every couple of seconds a whistle and the only way to stop it is to turn the phone off and on.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a network drive at my home, is there any app that i can map network drive? Meaning i can acess the drive from my desire?
View 5 Replies View RelatedTried connecting my phone via USB for the first time last night. Upon connection Windows popped up an "installing driver" bubble, as it often does with new USB pendrives, and said this was successful. The phone popped up asking how I wanted to connect so I chose the option to mount as a drive. At this point Windows did nothing for a while then, eventually, the removable disk appeared but I couldn't access it. Whenever I tried to open it, it'd try to scan it for 5-10 seconds then give up and ask me to format it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSeems to be another Vista and sync problem: Laptop will recognise Desire in "Disc Drive" mode, but not in "Sync" mode. No response from the lappy and error flung up on the Desire ""Unable to find HTC sync on your PC ...etc"
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan you use a BT keyboard on the Desire to manage SMS / email and drive web navigation?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone figure out a way to move the app installations to your SD card on an HTC Desire with Eclaire (2.1) installed? I'm restlessly waiting for 2.2 to be released by Telus in Canada but don't know when that's gonna be (hopefully sometime this month). As of now, I'm running out of space to install any new apps (especially big ones like, say, ANGRY BIRDS?!). I tried out the trial version and fell in love...and now if I want this app, I have to get rid of a bunch of my useful apps.
So ultimately, my question is (and I might be coming across as a newb here but hey, I just got this phone so give me a break) if there is a way to install my apps directly on the SD card? I know I could root it and install FroYo, but I just paid for a 3 year warranty with Telus that I don't want to void within 20 days of getting the phone.
If anyone has any updates on Telus getting the upgrade anytime soon, do let me know!
I have a single bitmap with several individual pictures in (each one is an option) and I would like to detect when the user touches these pictures. I am using the event.getX and event.getY to detect where is pressed, I know the top left X Y and bottom right location of each of the pictures. What is the best way of detecting which one is pressed? (i.e. tieing up the event press and which picture has been pressed?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere are return values and such that allow handling if SensorManager sensors and location providers aren't available, but what about the camera and microphone for audio recording? Is there a way to detect those in software, or are we just to assume that every device running Android (even the rumored set-top box) is going to have a camera and microphone and try to use them?
In the case of the camera, it would seem that returning null would indicate the lack of hardware. I don't know if that assumption is valid or not, though, considering it isn't documented as such.
In the case of the microphone, though, I don't see anything that could possibly be checked. The same goes for the camera if you're wanting to do video with the MediaRecorder class.