Android :: Detecting Where Has Been Touched

Jul 7, 2010

I have a single bitmap with several individual pictures in (each one is an option) and I would like to detect when the user touches these pictures. I am using the event.getX and event.getY to detect where is pressed, I know the top left X Y and bottom right location of each of the pictures. What is the best way of detecting which one is pressed? (i.e. tieing up the event press and which picture has been pressed?

Android :: Detecting where has been touched

Android :: Know Touched Cube In Opengl?

Feb 24, 2010

I drew cubes using opengl,

GLSurfaceView has onTouchEvent method. but I'd like to know

what cube was touched ?

cubes can move anywhere in the viewport...

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Android :: Edit Text Not Highlighted When Touched

Oct 28, 2010

I assumed this feature would be activated by default. How do I set an Edit Text box to do the normal orange highlighting when a user touches it?

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Android :: How To Get Size / Limits Of A Touched Area?

Jul 26, 2010

I'd like to know if there's a way to get the size or the limits of a touched area ? So for instance, it could give me how many pixel the finger is covering.

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Android :: No Callback When List Item Is Touched

Feb 1, 2009

I have a ListView that is populated with a custom adapter. When an item is clicked with the trackball, it works fine, i.e. I can catch the event and move on, though when I touch an item with my finger there is no callback from the listener.The item does respond to the touch, by turning orange for that moment.What am I missing? Is there another listener I need to configure?

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Android :: App's Map Pins Not Appearing Until Screen Is Touched

Oct 5, 2010

I am experiencing a problem with my app. The 1st screen that appears is a map that displays pins that are located based on an XML file that is loaded from our server.

Sometimes the app loads as expected. Other times, the map loads but none of the pins appear until you touch the screen.

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Android :: ListView Items Won't Show Focus When Touched

Jun 20, 2010

I've got a ListView that works just great, except for this minor annoyance. I can use the trackball/dpad to move up and down my list, and the background changes according to which row has focus. But when I touch the row (click or long click), there's no background change letting me know what's been focused. I've tried setting 'focusable' and 'focusable in touch mode' to true on the rows, but it still doesn't work.

Just in case it matters somehow:

I am setting onClickListeners for each row. The row is comprised of LinearLayouts, TextViews, and a single ImageView. Focusable/clickable is 'true' for each row. Have not specified values for these on the ListView.
Trackable does act funny. I can only move between rows after touching inside the ListView. If I scroll trackball above the first item, it's impossible for me to scroll back into the list.

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Android :: Add Marker On Touched Location Using Google Map In Phone?

Jan 31, 2010

How do I add a marker on a particular location in the map?

I saw this code that shows the coordinates of the touched location. And I want a marker to pop or be shown in that same location everytime it is touched. How do I do this? Code...

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Android :: Use Gl.gluUnproject In OpenGL ES 1.1 Phone App To Know What Is Touched In 3D Space From Screen

Mar 21, 2010

How do I use gl.gluUnproject in my OpenGL ES 1.1 android app to determine what is selected when the user touches the screen?

My understanding is that the touch event results in a line and I have to find the first "thing" it intersects with.

Are there any tutorials on how to do this?

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Android : Playing Small Music File When Image Is Touched

Nov 4, 2010

I am New to android, My task is to playing a small audio file when we touch an image?

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Function That Returns Pixel Touched?

Oct 10, 2011

As title, i need a function that returns the pixel that i'm touching...

for example i have an image in background and i want that, if i keep touching a point for a little bit, it appears a menu where i can do something on that exact position like adding a draw on the picture in background...

already exists a function like that?

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KitKat 4.4 :: Touch Screen Only Working When Touched Twice?

Mar 11, 2014

This may be an Android 4.4 or Nexus 4 problem, but I suspect the former. I encrypted the device (using the in-built encryption stuff) and have found that now the touchscreen will only register if another part of it is touched. For example, when entering my PIN once I get into the OS itself, I have to hold down a finger somewhere else on the screen (usually having to move it between some of the later numbers).

When it comes to multi-touch features (zooming etc.), these work fine but still require another finger held down somewhere to work.

This is definitely a software problem as the touchscreen works fine when putting in the password to decrypt storage.

Is this supposed to happen - part of the encryption process - or is this a bug?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Games Stutter When Screen Is Being Touched

Mar 7, 2010

Ever since I bought my hero in December, I have had this problem where if I'm in a game, and it requires the screen to be touched, the game stutters. This happened when I had the stock 1.5. I needed to trade my hero for another when a lot of dust showed up under the screen, so Sprint gave me another one, only this one worked perfectly. No stuttering at all. So I decide to root it, and now it's running Aloysius, and the stuttering is back. Does anyone know what could be causing this? It happens in both the official and unofficial firmware. I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Games it does this in includes: Nesoid and snesoid, and Raging Thunder to name a few. These games worked perfectly to my shock when I got the new phone, as I originally thought it was just a hero problem. I even emailed the developer of Nesoid but he didn't know the cause. Any suggestions?

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HTC Legend :: Notification Panel Open Randomly When Screen Touched

Sep 11, 2010

On Aug 10, 2010 I purchased an unlocked HTC Legend (A6365 - HSPA 850/1900/2100 Mhz). The phone operated wonderfully until Sep 8, 2010. At that time, the Notification bar couldn't be "pulled-down" anymore. Additionally, without rhyme or reason, when I touch the screen, the notification panel will open randomly. This renders the phone useless since every time I touch the screen, the notification panels opens. I tried a softboot and a factory reset. Neither action resolved the issue. I contacted HTC USA support and they suggested clearing the calendar data and vigorously rubbing my hands together and then touch the screen whenever the issue occurred. No success. This issue occurs whether the SIM card is installed or not. I can safely say that no new applications were installed within 48 hours of the issue starting.

I search the available forums and found at least three other instances of this same issue:
Regrettably, none of these threads have any answers. HTC support then recommended for me to contact HTC Return Merchandise Authorization & Repair Center. This group (in the USA) cannot accept the phone for troubleshooting because this phone is not available in the USA. Based on the behavior thus far, I suspect this is an issue with the firmware becoming unstable. The phone hasn't been exposed to any drastic environmental changes (heat, cold, excessive dust, etc).

Software info follows:
Firmware version: 2.1-update 1
Baseband version:
Kernel version: 2.6.29-9e497c43
Build number: 2.02.666.3 CL1777708 release-keys
Software number: 2.02.666.3
Browser version: WebKit 3.1
By know, HTC should have received multiple complains of this issue and I hope they have a solution for it. The options of the phone are great, reception is wonderful and performance is superb (except for this issue).

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HTC Hero :: Hepatic Feedback - Dialpad Vibrate When Touched Is Not Working?

Feb 19, 2010

When I'm generally sending an SMS or using the text pad, there is a hepatic response which is welcome in my opinion. However when dialing, I don't get any vibration feedback. I swear remembering this was so

My firmware is 1.5.Can anyone suggest as to how to turn it on? Vibration is enabed in Touch Input btw

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Phone Connect Incoming Calls Without Being Touched / Why Is So?

Sep 16, 2010

When the Bluetooth is on and I am near my laptop, incoming calls are connected without the phone being touched. I have seen a few comments about this in other threads, so it is not just me and this is the 3rd replacement phone, so it is not just a one-off fault.

Advice and guidance please?

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General :: MTK6589 GT-I9500 Touch Screen Works Up Whenever Lower Part Is Touched

Apr 4, 2014

I was able to flash ROM from : LNK1 but I have a problem with touchscreen which works upside down. When I press screen on top it actually shows that I pressed at bottom of screen. I was looking for solution many days and have learned a lot from many sites and different forum threads, but surprisingly non of the solution works for me. I am not able to reach proper file to change proper property to change this behavior. Most probably i need to set somewhere: ctp_revert_y_flag = 1 as described here: LNK2, but I am not able to find nor edit script.bin on my phone, here I found some info: LNK3 and also here is very interesting info about partitions: LNK4 but I can't find this script.bin on my phone.

My phone is china phone 1:1 Real MTL 6589 GT-I9500, I was able to flash several ROM's using SP Flash tool from LNK5, I know how to do this, but no matter which ROM I flash no matter which recovery image I flash this touch screen behavior is still upside down as described.

1. set ctp_revert_y_flag = 1 in script.bin on my phone - I can't mount proper partition, don't know which partition should I mount, can't find this file

2. set ctp_revert_y_flag = 1 in script.bin on ROM file before flashing - don't know where to look for this file and don't know how to edit ROM before flashing.

What I know: how to root my phone, how to get to it using adb, how to use android-sdk, how to flash using SP flash tools, how to use recovery mode, clean user data, how to use SP Flash tool, how to switch on developer mode, switch on USB debugging, switch on "show touches".

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Android :: Detecting Hardware Capabilities

Jun 3, 2009

There are return values and such that allow handling if SensorManager sensors and location providers aren't available, but what about the camera and microphone for audio recording? Is there a way to detect those in software, or are we just to assume that every device running Android (even the rumored set-top box) is going to have a camera and microphone and try to use them?

In the case of the camera, it would seem that returning null would indicate the lack of hardware. I don't know if that assumption is valid or not, though, considering it isn't documented as such.

In the case of the microphone, though, I don't see anything that could possibly be checked. The same goes for the camera if you're wanting to do video with the MediaRecorder class.

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Android :: Detecting When Launched By An Alias

Sep 2, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how my Activity can detect if it was launched by an alias as opposed to by the main icon.

Is it possible to do this?


alias1 and alias2 appear as expected in the Launcher, but I don't see any way in multipleEntryPointTestActivity to tell which of these icons launched the application.

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Android :: ScaleGestureDetector Not Detecting Gesture End

Oct 31, 2010

I have hooked in a ScaleGestureDetector to an OnTouchListener as instructed in Android documentation. For some reason the ScaleGestureDetector does not always detect end of a pinch gesture. This happens mostly when pinching fast from large to small.

The effect is that after I have released both fingers the detector does not fire the gesture end event. If I touch the screen with one afterwards it still thinks I'm continuing the scale gesture (keeps firing onScale events). I have to do another gesture to get the detector to fire end event.

I have added logs to the OnTouchListener and when the scale gesture gets stuck I still get motion events normally when using one finger and event.getPointerCount() is 1.

I have made sure that I don't have any other listeners intervening. View that has the onTouchListener is not the only view on screen but this effect happens also when I'm very careful to begin and end the gesture inside this one view.

Is there any way to improve the end detection?

Or if there a way for me to manually set the ScaleGestureDetector to fire onScaleEnd and change scaleGestureDetector.isInProgress() to false?

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Android :: Detecting Which Drawable Folder Was Used

Nov 26, 2009

Is there a way to detect whether a image was pulled from the folder res/drawable or res/drawable-hdpi?I am trying to save space and have a program that is using some hdpi bitmaps and some mdpi bitmaps. When an image is placed in drawable-hdpi it automatically replaces the mdpi version. I need to know when this happens beacuseI am using bitamp.resize() to fix the image sizes.The problem is that the getDensity() method (in the if statment after the && ) returns the screen density and I need the original bitmap density. This allays matched the screenDPI and returns false. I have a lot of artwork and do not want to duplicate everything for every size screen. I am trying to just create hdpi bitmaps for the ones that don't look good when re-sized.

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Android :: Need Detecting Area Code

Oct 20, 2010

I'm trying to find out if the user is still within range of his own area code. Detecting roaming doesn't solve the problem since the user may still be in the same network with a different area code. I thought about getting the user's coarse location to find the city he's is in but this approach needs Internet access and might not be fast enough (this is done as the user is making a call and needs to finish before the call is made). Is there any way I can do this with just the info from the cellular network?

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Android :: Detecting Outgoing SMSs

Jun 6, 2009

I am writing a Security-oriented application for Android that is supposed to detect abuse of SMS sending.

In my work I encountered the problem of not being able to detect outgoing SMSs sent not through the use of conventional applications, i.e. merely by using SMS Manager's sendTextSMS method.

The conventional SMS applications add the contents of the sent SMS to the SMS Provider after they send it but I can assume that malicious applications will not do that... and neither will they provide the pending intents to the sendTextSMS method to be broadcast upon sending/ delivery.

My question is, is there any way I can detect the sending of the SMS without relying on the SMS provider?

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Android :: Detecting When Outgoing Is Accepted

Oct 16, 2010

As far as i know there is no way to detect when an outgoing call is accepted at public API level. I can detect incoming calls (with PhoneStateListener), outgoing calls by NEW_OUTGOING_CALL intent, but i can not find a way to distinguish the dialing and connected phone states.

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Android :: SQLite - Detecting Limit Hit?

Oct 11, 2009

I have an SQL which uses something like "LIMIT 100". If the cursor returns 100 rows, is there an efficient way of distinguishing between whether the LIMIT caused it or not? I suppose I could just call LIMIT 101 instead but I was hoping for a nicer way.

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Android :: Detecting Incoming Calls

Aug 27, 2010

I was trying to come up with an app that works on the call that a user gets on his phone. For this I wanted to know whether it is possible for me to get intimated when a call comes to the phone and is it possible to intercept the same.I tried to go through quite a few forums but could not get conclusive evidence on how to achieve this.Does anyone have an idea whether this is feasible and if so then how?

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Android : CTS Not Detecting Device After Restart / Way To Fix

Feb 18, 2010

I am testing an android device with eclair using the 2.1 CTS version. When CTS completes a set of tests and restarts the device a "device disconnected" messages appears on the CTS console. However after the device completes the restart to the android home screen CTS does not detect that the device is back online. I have to physically disconnect the USB cable and re-connect it. Do you think this is a device side issue or a USB driver issue on the Ubuntu machine (intrepid) where I am running the CTS?

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Android :: Detecting Socket Connection Failure

Apr 1, 2010

I am working on an app that uses a Socket to connect to a controller over TCP. The protocol library was written in Java and I am implementing it in android via a Service. where the Connection class is a Thread that handles the communications with the controller. It's where the Socket lives.I'm using the Preferences mechanism to store the IP and Port. If I feed the Socket the correct IP and Port, the Connection Service works beautifully. However, I am trying to simulate a user entering the wrong information and having the connection fail. The ultimate goal is to present a dialog and offer the ability to "reconnect" or "update settings". However, when I enter a wrong Port number, the application simply hangs.I was under the impression that Threads executed concurrently so I've tried moving the call to start the Connection Service to a Thread, but it still hangs the application.

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Android :: Detecting Physical Menu Key Press

Nov 21, 2010

I am trying to detect when the physical Menu button on my Android phone has been pressed.I though the code below would work but it does not.Where am I going wrong please?

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Android :: Detecting Ad Hoc WiFi Access Points

Feb 9, 2009

I am developing an application on the android platform. The app performs continues WiFi scan and sends information about the list of visible access points to server. However, I need to remove all the Ad Hoc points. The api does not seem to have any information on "mode" of the network. Is there anyway I can distinguish a given point is Ad Hoc or Master?

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