HTC Desire :: Application Called Poor?
Jun 24, 2010
I was using Advanced Task Killer Free and found a running app called poor, unsure what it was so used ATKF to kill it but after checking a little while later it was running again, killed it again and again checking a few minutes it was running again. Becoming increasingly concerned I've now uninstalled every application (a number of them had updated) except ATKF and Google maps (which also updated recently) but it still seems to start itself.
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Nov 11, 2010
When i m indoors, if I switch to GSM only mode, the reception is excellent. But when I m on WCDMA mode, then the reception drops alarmingly to near zero. At the same spot, a Nokia E51 shows near full strength signal. If I move towards the door, the reception improves. Does the desire have issues with indoor reception? Or is it just my handset?
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Nov 6, 2010
poor signal reception been fixed yet? I'm interested in buying either a new sim free desire, x10, or a blackberry bold 9700. Leaning more towards the desire, but the only thing holding me back is the poor reception problems people have been experiencing. I'm on orange, and based in the east midlands, UK. Not had bad reception in my area with other phones in the past, so if got the desire and did have problems, it would annoy me to say the least
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May 30, 2010
Since having the HTC desire I have noticed that my Vodafone reception is very poor. I am sure it has something to do with the phone because I never had the problem with Sonyerikson. Now overtime I have no network I have to turn off HTC desire completly and turn it back on to have network, which works.
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Jul 23, 2010
I use to own a palm pre before I switched to HTC EVO. I think the evo is a great phone but the two things I missed so much about my palm pre is the camera and the sound qualities.
The EVO is said to use 8MP for its camera but honestly the camera quality is nothing compare to the palm pre. Simply put, the camera and the sound output on the evo sucks.
You can clearly notice the difference between the pictures I took using the pre and the evo. The pre gives far better picture quality and also better sound output. I always enjoy plays my sounds or using pandora on my pre, but with the evo the different is the case. The sound quality with the evo is horrible even when plugged to good speakers.
I bearly take picture with the evo because I am used to good picture quality with my pre.
I have had the evo for less than two weeks and i am seriously thinking of returning it because of these two issues.
I really want to know, is this poor picture and poor sound qualities a thing with the evo in general or is it just with the particular evo that I got.
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Oct 16, 2010
In my Android application, I overload the Application class, and I updated the tag in my manifest. This application also creates an Android Service. I have put some logs in the onCreate of my Application class, and I see it being called twice. The first time is when my application gets launched (this is expected) and then, it's usually right after the Service is being created. the log also shows that a second instance of the Application is being created. (I print the "this" value and they are different). I thought the Application would be created as a singleton. Is that happening because I create a Service?
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Sep 4, 2010
I seem to have a poor signal alot of the time. 1 or 2 bars is not unusual in places my old phone used to have full signal strength. It went on roaming for some reason in the shopping centre today. It is always on H or nothing. My old phone used to drop onto edge and GPRS if it didn't get a H signal. And what about 3G? An all singing all dancing phone is no good if it cant perform its main function.
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Jul 4, 2010
I just received my HTC Desire on Orange, rooted and de-branded it. Works fine now, I'm on SW version 1.15 as otherwise, I get issues on Orange.
However, the color depth on my device is very poor, it looks like it only has 256 colours if that makes any sense? A bit like on the old PCs when you rebooted and your display graphics drivers weren't properly installed.
Is there any way I can reinstall display drivers on Android? I hope this isn't a hardware issue.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have added a few photos to my contacts but the resolution on both the thumbnail and contact picture while dialling is shocking! Can anyone suggest a way to improve them?
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Mar 19, 2010
From the documentation for
"Base class for those who need to maintain global application state"
I am using my own subclass to maintain an object that I'm using to query a server. Also from the documentation:
"onTerminate() Called when the application is stopping."
However, onTerminate() in my class is never called. I press the back button while viewing my main activity, and everything seems to shut down. My main Activity's onDestroy() method is called and isFinishing() returns true, but my's onTerminate() method is never called.
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Apr 29, 2010
I have never had any problems at home with either my trusty unlocked N95 or Orange Sony Ericsson T610 (remember them?) so I had no qualms over ordering a nice shiny (dark brown) HTC Desire.
3G coverage is a bit iffy in the area as I'm right on the border of an excellent to good area so I never expected to have super fast data over the air, but I have wifi locally for that anyway.
So you can imagine my disappointment when the first call with the mobile from home cut off quite suddenly. A retry to reconnect failed with a no service message and no signal strength. I then spent the next hour playing around with the settings turning off wifi, data, setting the phone to 3G only (no chance) and then GSM only.
When the phone was working and making a call the audio was not clean and very digital. There was also a chance that mid call you would be cut off for no reason. When it wasn't playing ball at all the signal strength varied from three bars down to zero without moving the phone. Sometimes upon initiating the call it came back immediately with no signal and cutting the call off. Picking the phone up from sitting on the side in sleep mode you were usually presented with a no service message.
Orange were excellent and immediately replaced the phone, a courier arriving at 6:15pm upon reporting the problem at 8:30am that morning. Unfortunately the replacement was exactly the same.
Even worse, my place of work is in a designated poor reception area. There are a number of us on Orange as it is the only network that can at a pinch be picked up inside. My signal at all. Moving to a window seat got me two bars but the phone refused to connect or hold a call. The only time it did calling 150 sounded like I was listening to a recording of a Darlek. A Nokia 5300 on Orange alongside was nice and clear, with very good tone by comparison.
By chance another member of staff also had recently signed up with Orange on a Desire (500mins, unlim texts, 500Mb, free phone, 20). In a back to back test both phones were the same. We even tried swapping SIMs. Luckily for him he has no problems with reception when at home so is quite happy with the Desire.
Contacting Orange again I did not get much further. Talking to technical support they were not much help and suggested that they did not warrant the phone to work inside the building and as I could make a continuous call outside then they did not class the phone at fault. This included my problems at home in what is termed an excellent coverage area! When I pointed out that two other phones I owned did work in the very same location I was told that mobile designs differ and positions of antennas vary considerably.
Frustrated I decided the only course of action was to use my right to cancel within 7 days as it was apparent that I was not going to be able to resolve the issue. Even last night it performed perfectly for a couple of calls and then failed miserably an hour later.
As a gadget I was smitten. Even as I handed the package over to the Post Master today I was inwardly screaming �GIVE IT BACK!� Unfortunately I need to be able to make calls on it when I want, not when it wants.
I have only seen a couple of other members note a similar problem on these forums but I have noticed a large number of Nexus problems that sound very similar. I would be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced this or do you all live in 5/5 coverage areas?
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Nov 28, 2010
It stopped charging, seemed like it was the charger connector, no problem they say, its covered under warranty, so i sent it off, then they email me, 53 quid please, you broke it, well i didnt, im CAREFUL BUT WHAT CAN YOU DO. 3 weeks pass, where is it? several calls result in various responses. after 4 weeks, it comes back, still not working, turns out its the charger. how did they not eliminate that? perhaps i should have noticed but i put my faith in their support and they took fifty quid fot the pleasure. poor
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Jul 30, 2010
On my Desire, under Menu>settings>programs>administer programs there is a program called 'SIM Toolkit'.
Is it possible to use that program somewhere in the phone?
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Oct 27, 2010
I experience poor sound quality after my pairing my htc desire phone via bluetooth with my parrot ck3100 handsfree device. The handsfree set is connected to my car stereo, and I need almost to turn up to full volume to be able to listen to the person on the side of the line. This problem doesnt occur with other cell phones i've tried, like nokia and samsung. I actually hear the person absolutely clearly with other cell phones. So this has to be some compatibility issue with my htc desire, or there might be some setting which can resolve this problem?
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May 26, 2010
I (like hundreds of others) have had a call quality problem with the two Droid Incredibles I purchased for my wife and myself when they were released on April 30th. Verizon recognized that there was a problem and replaced both devices with ones manufactured about a month later (5/02) and the same issue with poor voice quality continued.
We love the device EXCEPT for the lack of ability to understand callers. So, I asked Verizon to extend our 30-day opt out to give them an opportunity to work out the issues with this device. I just received a call from Verizon customer service (which I could barely understand) and was told they would not extend the 30 day period and my option was to live with the poor sound quality or switch to another device. Verizon has no other devices that were interested in at this time so well be canceling these two lines (and one other) and returning to T-Mobile. T-Mobile may not have the best coverage, but they do have great customer service, unlike Verizon.
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Jul 13, 2010
why my phone is not showing recently called numbers? Also the call history is totally blank. The contacts show but take an age to load?
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Sep 5, 2010
I am sure this has been asked millions of times but how shitty does it look, my goodness. everytime i dial a friend & see their nice pretty picture but soon as it dials, the picture looks awful & blurry. My pictures are good quality pics that i saved to my sd card & then i just added them while creating contacts etc. is their a easy fix to this? i also have a app that lets you display a full caller id photo when your being called but it does not look good right now.
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Oct 26, 2010
I am running into an issue with the way my asynctasks are executed. Here's the problem code:
firstTask = new background().new FirstTask(context);
secondTask = new background().new SecondTask(context);
What I'm doing here is creating a new asynctask object, assigning it to firstTask and then executing it. I then want to fire off a separate asynctask when the first one is done and making sure it returns a success value (1 in this case). This works perfectly on Android 2.0 and up. However, I am testing with Android 1.5 and problems start popping up. The code above will run the first asynctask but doInBackground() is never called despite onPreExecute() being called. If I am to execute the first task without the get() method, doInBackground() is called and everything works as expected. Except now I do not have a way to determine if the first task completed successfully so that I can tell the second task to execute. Is it safe to assume that this is a bug with asynctask on Android 1.5? Especially since the API says that the get method has been implemented since API 3. Is there any way to fix this? Or another way to determine that the first task has finished?
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Sep 17, 2010
I have a rooted desire running leedroid rom 2.1 froyo. there is an app called "car home" which can be used for running things in the car, I often use Internet radio or spotify in the car but with this app I cant see to find any way of editing the options within this mode to run different apps, anyone got any ideas ?
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Sep 21, 2010
There is an application in Captivate called "AT&T Hot Spots". What is this application and how does it work? I read about AT&T Wi-Fi, a free Wi-Fi access from AT&T at various locations in US. I read that it is free for iPhone users and some BB users. I am not sure if it is free for us Captivate users. How do one find out.
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Jul 13, 2010
Am I the only one, or is there a problem with the EVO and 4G speeds? In the Houston Area, I get anywhere from around 600 kb/s to 2600 kb/s speed. In most all cases, the 3G speed is faster than the 4G. At home, I average around 700 kb/s with 2-4 bars signal strength showing. Tech support is working on this with me and trying to determine if it's a phone problem, or tower problems. I had a chance today to journey around the area within about a 10 mile distance, thus insuring it changed towers. Service stinks on 4g, to say the least. Clearwire tells Sprint Tech Support that the tower for my home has low use, and good throughput. If the tower is good, and the software on the tower, then there may be a HTC EVO problem of some kind as this is the same on 3 different HTC EVO's purchased within 2 days of each other.
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May 7, 2010
I 'm typically at work or home. At home i usually have between 1-2 signal bars (3g) on my Inc while my wife's blackberry has 3-4 bars. and while at work, i have 0-1 bars while my buddy 10 feet away with a moto driod has 3 bars in 3g. Does the Inc inherently have poor signal strength? or do i have a dud?
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Jun 6, 2010
I don't know if this is because of Sprint or the EVO but in my house I barely get 1 bar of signal and people can barely hear me on the other end of the call. This is my first Sprint phone so I don't know if it is the service or not. I came from ATT and never had these issues with my iPhone before. I am a little concerned about whether I exchange phone or am I going to just have to give up on Sprint.
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Jul 6, 2010
Is anyone else experiencing poor Bluetooth reception? Have my wireless bluetooth headset that I love so much. On my Samsung I could walk two rooms away and it would be fine. On my EVO I get constant reception problems. If I step more than 5 feet from the phone its awful. Even walking around with the phone in my pocket its just awful. What the hell is the deal with the EVO and its reception problems?
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Jul 3, 2010
I went for a drive today and put the Evo on the mount I built for my car, plugged it in to the radio and also in to the car charger. I have Slacker Radio set to leave the screen on as long as it is connected to power. My battery was probably about 95% and during the drive, it was charging and, while listening to Slacker, the screen stayed on. However, not long before I reached my destination, my battery got to 100%, the green LED was on, and the screen would follow the 30 second shut off that my phone is set to. I could no longer get Slacker to recognize when the phone was connected to power. Anyone have a similar experience? I'm hoping this was isolated to that one instance (some perfect storm of other settings, use, etc), but I have a feeling it isn't.
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Jul 16, 2009
I'm having a weird problem with GPS accuracy. Basically, I check the GPS accuracy in a background thread after the user clicks a report button, and show the accuracy in a progress dialog, changing second by second. (Code is below.) The following strange thing happens:
1. If the user clicks more or less immediately on the button after taking the phone out, accuracy is unsurprisingly pretty poor to start off with, say more than 100m. But the accuracy never really improves very much while the user is running the background thread. There is some improvement, but it's slow and it never gets very accurate. 2. However, if the user gets the phone out and then waits for several seconds *without* clicking on the button and running the background thread, and *then* clicks on the button, the accuracy quickly improves and becomes very good. When they click on the button, the accuracy shows up as fine - within the same length of time............
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Sep 22, 2010
Anyone have an issue with there 3G and overall signal being very poor after the OTA update? Now not getting 3G or even 1x at times in my cube where before I had 3G all the time. Did a *228, reboot, battery pull and nothing seems to help.
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Mar 8, 2010
I have just got hold of a Tattoo on the Vodafone network and i am finding that at times the signal strength is very poor.
I am finding that in places i used my previous phone and had a good signal that the signal is dropping out or there is no signal at all.
This is very frustrating as whats the point in having a decent phone and not being able to use it?
Normally the Vodafone network signal is very good.
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Apr 28, 2010
I just got my incredible and the screen resolution seems poor. I just compared it to my droid and the droid looks super crisp whereas the incredible looks more like my old storm 1.
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Jun 5, 2010
Does anyone else have very poor call quality with their EVO? I have 2 EVOs and both have a tinny sound
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