Google Maps Stopped Working?

Jul 8, 2013

Recently discovered that IE handles development with google maps so since then I have been using it and phone gap to develop an app. For some reason the maps have stopped working when I run it on my tablet.

Google Maps Stopped Working?

HTC Hero :: GPS Stopped Working With Google Maps - Cannot Find Location

Feb 14, 2010

I have a Telus HTC Hero and for a few weeks now my GPS simply stopped working with google-maps. It keeps saying "can't find location". If I use Gps Status app, it shows a compass and shows how fast I'm moving in what ever direction, but for some reason google maps can't seem to lock on. I've tried hard and soft resets, turning triangulation on off, GPS on off.

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Android :: Google Maps API - Detect When User Stopped Panning Map

Apr 3, 2010

I need to know when the user is panning the map so I can check if they've panned outside of the initial radius that I fetch data from the API with when the app launches. If the user pans outside this radius, when they stop panning I will get the new center point of the map and fetch new data with that geo-point. So far I can't find anything in the Google Maps API docs [and I've inspected the entire class tree] that notifies developers when any animation actions are occurring or completed.. It seems weird that Google wouldn't give us some sort of event listener or protected method to override on the MapView or something to do this.

I looked into what methods were available to override on the View class and it does have onAnimationEnd() but I guess panning or zooming the map doesn't count as an animation or is never passed up from the MapView or something... I tried running a simple log in onAnimationEnd() and it is never being called. Searching the interwebs gave me nothing but some never-successfully-answered posts.

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General :: Google Apps Like GMAIL / GOOGLE+ / PLAY / Maps Not Working In Airtel 3G

Apr 16, 2014

I am using Nexus 4 Bought from US thro my friend.Current Android version id 4.4.2..My Service Provider is Airtel. All my google applications like Gmail, Maps, Play,Google Plus are working fine in WIFI.But when i try to refresh or update these application thro Airtel 3g,i am getting No Connection Error.

All my 3rd party apps like Facebook,Whatsapp are working fine in 3G.

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Android :: Google Sync Stopped Working

Nov 14, 2010

I noticed I had about 25 duplicate entries for every Google contact and anniversary, synching from my Google Calendar. I unsubscribed from "Contacts & Birthdays and Anniversaries" on my desktop and then did a sync, and as expected it deleted all the birthdays and anniversaries on my HTC Incredible. I then subscribed again to the Google Contacts "Birthdays & Anniversaries" calendar....made sure they were being displayed in the Google Calendar, and then synced the phone again. Nothing. Synced it several times and everything works...even a new test event, but the Birthdays & Anniversaries are not showing up. Any ideas?

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General :: Unfortunately Google Play Has Stopped Working After Installing App

Aug 1, 2013

I have the pirate bay app on my AT&T htc one running stock jellybean. I cam across an app called Google play modded. Which I thought meant I can go in and customize the Google play store and delete the bloatware that come with the phone, but I found out that It was something totally different. So I went to uninstall it from the app drawer and It deleted the whole Google play store. I downloaded and apk file from some website which fixed it. but after rebooting I got this error. I then went to titanium backup and wiped the data. It fixed the crashes but now I for some reason am running the modded Google play app again. I deleted Google play services and google play app. rebooted my phone. It removed the modded Google play store and fixed everything, but whenever I try downloading an app It breaks everything.

I'm running Jelly bean 4.2.2 on stock android. HTC one.

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General :: Google Play And YouTube App Stopped Working?

Nov 26, 2013

For some reason Play store and Youtube app cant access the net. Says problems with network, but there are none.I have 2 more android devices and 2 pcs running off the same network and all work just fine.

Also, may be related, browser started dropping error popup saying something about certificates. Can continue but most pages drop this multiple time

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Jelly Bean :: Galaxy Tab 3 - Google Services Stopped Working

Feb 22, 2014

So i bought my galaxy tab 3 yesterday and everything worked fine. I only got to download 2 apps and then every single of googles services stopped working youtube gmail google play etc.

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General :: Default Gapps And Google Play Stopped Working

Jul 23, 2013

I recently upgraded my phone xperia mini pro SK17i 's software from GB to ICS 4.0.4 and rooted my phone. After rooting i installed Titanium backup and remove a few what i thought were unnecessary apps from my phone . I think i also deleted the i'm not sure but i cannot see this service in my "ALL APPS" (APP Manager) Its not at the bottom or disabled its just not there.

Since then i keep getting gapps stopped working and Google play stopped working .

i have tried

1. Rebooting (multiple times)
2. Clearing cache/clearing data for Play
3. un-installing /Re Install play
4. Download goomanager and downloading latest gapps packed and flashed the zip
5. Delete gmail account and restart and add account again.

Also i don't think there is prob in Google sync...

and checked out all the sites and forums for solution ... i still haven't gotten any solution to this.

i saw in a few places about QtADB and new ROM..but i have abs no clue about what it is or how to go about it

I jst want the Google download manager back and Google Play to work...

I have downloaded a new download manager for now. But was wondering if i can get back Google download manager without have to to do a factory reset.

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General :: HTC One Mini Upgraded - Google Account Manager Stopped Working?

Apr 3, 2014

I upgraded my HTC One Mini from android 4.2.2 to 4.3 and eversince I get multiple times a day annoying notification in top bar, that permission is requested for my google account and when I click on it, toast appears saying that google account manager has stopped working.

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HTC Eris :: 2.2 ROM W/ Working Google Maps Nav

Aug 31, 2010

Are there 2.2 ROMs where Nav is confirmed working? Historically some have and some haven't, at least on the DROID, just figured I'd ask before I spend 3 days trying a ton of different ones...

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Sync Contacts With Google Stopped Working

Dec 3, 2010

For 1-2 weeks I cant sync my contacts with google any more.

I have turned auto sync off and just try to do it manually�

It tries for like 5 sec then says "there is a problem with sync, it should work soon, try again" or something like that.�

Now this HAS worked before, even after I updated to 2.1, but now it just wont.�

Think its a great way to keep a backup of the contacts.�

Manual sync for Gmail in the same menu works fine.

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Jelly Bean :: Galaxy S3 - Google Play Store Randomly Stopped Working

May 16, 2014

My Google play store randomly stopped working earlier today. It isn't closing or crashing. It is just endlessly loading. No time out message or error message. Tried with both 4g and wifi. I am using a Galaxy s3 on Verizon, jelly bean 4.3. The only thing I noticed is that Clash of Clans updated this morning but I was able to get on and download the update and then get back on play store but like not long after that it won't open.

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HTC Droid Eris :: GPS / Google Maps Not Working?

Jan 18, 2010

After working well for the first month or so, it looks like GPS is not working very well for me. I'm not sure what changed. I now, when using the locate feature in Google Maps, often find myself in the middle of the Pacific off the Social shore. I usually try to remain on land when possible, though. Or it my randomly 'telephonist' me a few hundred yards off in some direction, then I'm back withing seconds. But a lot of the time it's not able to really locate me well at all. I think the network locating is doing 'k', but GPS is failing pretty bad lately. The icon shows GPS working, and I try disabling and re-enabling it. But that doesn't help. Anyone else having issues with GPS accuracy? Any apps that can help 'fine-tune' the GPS?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Google Maps Not Working

Sep 8, 2010

People are saying that you can download Google Maps, but it does NOT work and crashes on launch. What is going on with this phone?

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HTC Eris :: Google Maps Not Working With KaosFroyo V35

Sep 21, 2010

I just switched from PlainJane to KaosFroyo v35-1 the other day and I just found out that my google maps does not work. It can never find my location so I cant use the GPS.

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Motorola Droid :: Google Maps Not Working

Jun 30, 2010

My maps and nav were working fine last night, but today for somereason it gets stuck on "getting directions" and wont load upthe maps... I've tried uninstallng but no luck.. I'm running BB v0.2.1...

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HTC Eris : Just Rooted / Google Maps Not Working

May 16, 2010

I just rooted my phone and my google maps wont work. It keeps telling me there is an update so I click update and it wont install. It always says "Package is not signed properly" then when I just try and open google maps on my phone since its already prelaoded it force closes. Please help!

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HTC Desire :: Google Maps Navigation Application Not Working

May 22, 2010

I live in Sweden and the application is on my phone, but does not work. That is odd because it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to do, especially if Google Maps already gives turn-by-turn directions. I'm guessing it might have to do with the language or pronunciation of the streets. I don't mind using it in English, though.

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HTC Droid :: Google Maps Not Working On Rooted Eris 2.1

May 24, 2010

So as the handle suggests I need step by step directions to do anything involving a computer. I took a jump by rooting my eris, and now I have a problem and don't know how to fix it! which is frustrating, but it is exactly the reason why I rooted in the first place! To have a reason to learn this stuff! So here I am reaching for help. The problem with my phone is that when I open google maps and type two or three characters on it it force closes on me. 50% of the reason to get this phone was for google maps. It could replace a gps with longer battery life than 4 hours which means I can leave the house and ride all day without having to plug it in. Any way I have tried turning off the phone, turning it back on, and clearing the settings on the application then turning it off again. still I get a force close message. It is using 2.1, but I am not sure which version it is using. would updating to a newer rom like 2.1 v3 help? if so how would I go about it?

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Motorola Droid :: "" Has Stopped Working

Nov 6, 2009

Does anyone else have this error popping up every so often. " has stopped working" force quit. I have found no solution for the Motorola Droid.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: WiFi Working Earlier Now Stopped Working?

Sep 3, 2010

Had WiFi working earlier now it has stopped but laptop still working ok?

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Android :: Google Maps - Settings In Emulator For Displaying Maps

Sep 25, 2010

I use the google code from I use that application but in the emulator it shows only the crossed lines not the map so is there any settings in emulator for displaying maps


Android mainfest


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Motorola Milestone :: Application Maps Has Stopped Unexpectedly / Please Try Again

Nov 12, 2010

Model Number: Milestone
Firmware version: 2.1- update1
Firmware configuration version: GAS_EMEA_USASHLS00RTINT_P016

The handset has been popping what this message for a couple days: The application Maps (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. I did not open Maps, nor Latitude on my phone. I did not root my phone, yet I this message pops up every 20 second, and is extremely annoying. I was only give "Force close" as the choice to end the message box. Nothing really happened after I click on "Force close" until the next same message pops up.

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General :: Google Maps 6.9 - Where Are Offline Maps Stored

Jul 12, 2012

what is the path to the offline map files saved by Google Maps 6.9?

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HTC EVO 4G : Ear Speaker Stopped Working After 2.2 / Way To Fix?

Aug 17, 2010

Got some weird problem:

The ear speaker in my Evo stopped working, presumably after 2.2 upgrade. I cannot hear anything during phone call or when I listen to voice mail. When I turn on speaker or insert headphones - I hear fine.

I got this problem with one Evo and thought it was a hardware problem. Sprint exchanged it. Got the new Evo, upgraded to 2.2 and now the same issue. I did checked the ear speaker before upgrade and it was working.

Hard reset did not help. I checked all the settings I could.

I found on another forum that someone had similar issue. Anyone else? Any suggestions?

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Motorola Droid :: Unable To Find Google Voice Or Google Maps In Market

Oct 19, 2010

I'm running Cyanogenmod 6. I just noticed that I can't find Google voice or Google maps in the market. I do have the apps installed, but can't see them int he market to get updates. I tried out LFY1.7 and Ultimate Droid 1.0.0, and see the same issue.

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General :: Google Maps App Doesn't Sync Names With Google Bookmarks

Apr 17, 2013

I'm using the latest version of Google Maps on JB 4.2.2 [Nexus 4]..I noticed that I cannot edit the names of my locations in "My Places" in the phone app. So I used Google Bookmarks ( from my PC to edit/rename My Places. However, the names do not sync or carry through to the Google Maps app on the phone. The names in the app are still the generic names, coordinates or street names.

Is there any way to change the names of My Places and get them to sync with the phone app? Really baffling!

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HTC Desire :: MMS Has Stopped Working / No Downloading

May 24, 2010

I've had my Desire for a couple of weeks now, and I love it! Have spent FAR too many evening customizing it and playing with it and even taking it along to the pub one evening and completely ignoring everyone else there because it had my undivided attention (yes, I know, very sad). Anyhow, very recently (as in, the last couple of days), MMS has stopped working. It first happened on Friday (I think) when I received one from a friend (well, I assumed it was one!) using Handcent. It showed up from the person with a Download button and when I pressed that, it changed to a Downloading which then did nothing. When I came out of and went back into Handcent, repeated those steps, and got the same outcome. I thought it was something to do with Handcent not being configured correctly for MMS - I hadn't sent or received one since installing and using Handcent - I had sent a received a couple using the default Messages app, which then subsequently were pulled through and displayed in Handcent fine. I thought nothing of it at the time, but I've just been playing with it again this afternoon and I can't get anything out of it. I've been trying in both Handcent and the default app to send a simple picture to myself, and it's not sending.

It did send once, for some reason, as I turned the phone off completely, I saw it suddenly send in the background and then low and behold when I booted it up, it was there - but even that hasn't worked this time?! In both Handcent and Messages the picture will sit there with the little spinning circle icon, doing nothing. In the "undelivered messages" section of both clients, they both report that that particular message is failing, but if I try a re-send it still just does nothing. I just can't think what has changed/why it isn't working - could it be Handcent? That's the only thing I can think (that would effect messaging) that could have caused a problem? Another thing is, although I've found the message centre number for my network (o2) in the settings for the default client, and I've found the Access Point details for O2 WAP and O2 MMS (which got downloaded automatically when I first set up the phone) I can't seem to find a way to reset them - I don't want to hit the Delete button on them if it is just left blank - is there a way of re-downloading the settings from the network? (or do I have to make a note of them and input them manually?!) I don't particularly want to have to do a factory reset for this either! It just seems as though, although the settings are there for MMS, neither application seems to be able to connection to the MMS-specific servers and whatnot!

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Android :: Emulator Stopped Working

Apr 13, 2009

Everything has been working for just about a week and now for some reason the Emulator has stopped working. I am running Vista Ultimate, Intel DualCore E? 4G memory.
Here is the Event Log.
Faulting application emulator.exe Version Time stamp 0x498b7c2d, faulting module emulator.exe, version, time stamp 0x498b7c2d, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00036070, process id 0x186c, application start time 0x01c9bca07b1f1785.

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