Get Back Button To Return To Certain Fragment / It Closes App At Moment

Dec 27, 2012

I've set up a horizontal scrolling system to move between 5 different Fragments, at the moment pressing the back button on the phone/tablet will exit the app. This happens on all Fragments.

getting the back button to move to the first fragment. So Fragment 2, 3 , 4 and 5 will all move to Fragment 1 when the back button is pressed.I've been looking into Fragment transactions but I can't get them to work, I guess I just don't understand it that well yet. Maybe it's not the correct way.

I have the horizontal scrolling thing set up in the usual way. Each Fragment has it's own Java file, there's a Fragment pager adapter. based within a FragmentActivity.

Get back button to return to certain Fragment / It closes app at moment

Android - Back Button From Send-intent Closes Application

Jun 1, 2014

i have a drawer menu, when i press one of its buttons to start a sharing intent as below:

Intent iFriends = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
iFriends.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "");
iFriends.createChooser(iFriends, "Invite Friends");

The sharing dialog appears, but if i press the back button, the whole application exits!

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Samsung Captivate :: Back / Return Button Not Being As Responsive?

Jul 20, 2010

Has anyone else notice the back/return button not being as responsive? I have a screen protector on at the moment but noticed some issues prior to it as well. Is there a way to adjust sensitivity for the bottom buttons?

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Motorola Droid X : Back Button Functionality - Cannot Simply Go Back One Menu Using The Back Key

Jul 15, 2010

This is my first android device and i'm loving it... but one thing that irks me is the use, or lack thereof, of the back button.

As I am navigating menus and options in the Settings, I cannot simply go back one menu using the back key. For example, if I go to Settings->Battery Manager->Battery Profile Options and want to go back to the Settings screen, I cannot.

Pushing the back button does nothing and I can only go back to the Settings menu by going Home, then re-entering.

Another quirk regarding the back button is when reading emails. Using a regular email account such as Hotmail, I cannot simply read an email and go back to the inbox using the button.

It makes navigating the phone very tedious.

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Samsung Moment :: Getting An Excessive Amount Of Force Closes?

Nov 3, 2009

Anyone else getting an excessive amount of force closes? I must have had like at least 5 today.

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Samsung Moment :: Slow And Constantly Force Closes

Oct 22, 2010

I got a samsung fascinate last month and have been doing nothing but soaking up information since then.

Well, My mom has had a Moment for some time now. After looking at it today the first thing I noticed that its really slow and constantly force closes. She doesn't know anything about the phone other than its really slow lol.

It appears to of been rooted (I think my cousin rooted it for her) so I guess I need to know what steps I need to take to speed it up and to get it to stop force closing. LMK if I need to provide any more info,

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Motorola Droid X :: Real HDMI - Closes When Hit Home Button

Sep 19, 2010

I have 2.1 rooted. real hdmi. i can see the hdmi page on my tv, but when i hit the home menu (on my X) to get to an app, my home screen flashes on my tv then closes. and i get no connection. ive watched youtube vids and read the hdmi page. ive tried dock/car/no dock. with the same result...

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HTC EVO 4G :: Want To Return Completely Back To Stock

Jul 23, 2010

Is it possible? I want to get rid of root, return to stock recovery, stock everything, so I can start fresh and start over. I don't know if it's possible. Is it? If it is, how do you do it?

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Motorola Droid :: Camera Closes Whole Settings Slider - When Click Back To Options

Nov 11, 2009

1. after taking a picture, and clicking on the thumbnail to view it, have the phone let you view it in portrait, not landscape only.

2. on board image resizing, the 5, 3 and 2mp options dont cut it. let us choose 640x480(all MP's), 800X600(all MPs) 1024x768, etc..

3. when in camera settings, when you click back to get back to the options it closes the whole settings slider. which is annoying.

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Android : Replace The Smiley Button With A Return Key In An EditText

Jul 17, 2010

How do you replace the "smiley" button with a return key in an EditText?

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Android : Return To Call Activity - Once Button Is Pushed?

Jul 19, 2010

Newbie Question from an iPhone developer.

I have called the startActivity(intent) and the new activity loads. How do I go 'back' to the calling activity once a button is pushed. 'Popping' the activity off the stack basically.

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Android :: How Can Service Return A String Back To Activity?

Nov 11, 2010

I am new in Android. I encounter the following situation, I have a background running service, which will get a keep-updating string from a webpage, I need to show this keep-updating string in my UI through Activity, since this string is get from service, I am wondering, How can the service pass the string to Activity so that activity can render the string on UI.

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Android :: Return Back To The Parent Activity From Subactivity

Jun 14, 2010

My application supports twitter and needs to open browser for OAuth. When the user clicks the Share on Twitter button, the main activity will create another subactivity (TwitterActivity) to handle twitter authentication issues. Here is a flow graph showing how activities are invoked currently. Main is short for MainActivity and Twit for Twitter Activity. startActivity() OAuth intent OAuth callback finish()Main ---------------> Twit ------------> Browser --------------> Twit --------> Browser As you may notice, after the TwitterActivity calls finish() to stop, it will now return back to MainActivity, but Browser instead. How can I make it return back to MainActivity?

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Samsung Moment :: Google Voice Force Closes On Power-off / On - Reinstall An Older Version Its App?

Jan 10, 2010

Think Google Voice was updated a few days ago. Version 0.3.0 on device. Every time on power-off/on it force closes. Uninstalled and reinstalled it, did not help. Reviewed the log file and there are some unhandled exceptions in Google Voice code. Any one else with this problem? Is there a way to reinstall an older version of Google Voice app?

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Android : Way Return To Main Menu In Droid By A Button Click?

Nov 22, 2010

In android, my app provides a button that the user can click to return them back to the screen that appears when the app is opened (onCreate). How can I set that button to return the user to the main menu?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Trying To Return Messaging Icon Back To Bottom Bar

Oct 10, 2010

I'm a long time Nokia user and got my first android phone two weeks ago and there are still some learning to do in order to know how to use it properly. Today I accidentally removed one of the short keys from the home screen and I'm not able to get it back to it's place. To be more exact, it is the messaging short key which is located on the bottom bar of the screen. The other ones (Phone, Contacts & Applications) are still the, but when I'm trying to return the messaging icon back to the bottom bar, I always end up with the trash can over the area where I'm supposed to place the icon.What can I do, How do I get the icon back on the home screen?

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Android :: How Do I Return To Calling Activity If User Presses Back?

Aug 4, 2010

My MAIN activity is spawning a child activity that contains a ListView. While this ListView is being populated (through an AsyncTask), an indeterminate progress bar is shown.However, assuming that I am an impatient user and I press the BACK button, the progress bar is cancelled but I am left with a blank screen. I have to press BACK one more time to go back to the MAIN activity.I would like the app to go back directly to the MAIN activity by pressing BACK only once. Can somebody point me in the right direction? I am thinking I should call finish() somewhere but I don't know where to put it.

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Android :: Return To Application When Back Key Is Pressed From Native Dialer?

Nov 4, 2010

This is what I'm trying to support. Can this be done?

a) User is an Activity A in my app. b) The user is taken to the native dialer when he chooses a particular action in my Activity c) User presses the back key d) Taken to homescreen

Is there a way I can change it, so the back key press returns him to my app, instead of native homescreen?

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Samsung Captivate : Restore Back To Stock To Return Phone?

Aug 3, 2010

How do I get rid of all the apps, settings, email addresses, contacts, etc...basically get it back to how it was when it was bought from the store?

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Android :: How To Control Activity Flow - Back Button Versus Home Button

Sep 2, 2010

I have 3 activities in my app: Activity1 -> Activity2 -> Activity3. Inside Activity3, if the user presses Back, I would like to return to Activity2. In Activity3's onPause event, I added a finish() statement. That's probably not even necessary, but I wanted to make sure this Activity gets cleaned up. This works fine.
However, while in Activity3, if the user presses Home or starts a new app (through notification bar or some other means), I want both Activity3 and Activity2 to finish. If the user returns to this app, he should resume with Activity1.

I have figured out how to do one or the other, but I can't figure out how to handle both cases, if it's even possible. Can I trap the "Back" button in Activity3 and send a message back to Activity2 telling it not to finish()? It seems like the Activities follow the same lifecycle flow (Pause, Stop) regardless of what you do to send them to the background. Just to answer the question of why I want this behavior, imagine that Activity1 is a login screen, Activity2 is a selection screen, and Activity3 is a content screen. If I press Back from the content page, I want to be able to make a new selection. If I exit via any other means (Home, notification bar), I want the user to be "logged out".

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Android :: WebView.clearHistory() - Don't Want Back Button To Allow User To Go Back Further Than Current Session

Mar 31, 2009

I call WebView.clearHistory(), but I am still able to go back after doing so. I want to reuse a WebView, but I don't want the back button to allow the user to go back further than the current "session" of using the WebView. Anybody know what is the best way to handle this? I thought for sure that clearHistory() would do it.

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Android : Back Button - Disable In Buffering Or Should Prevent The Player Tostart If Back Is Clicked

Oct 11, 2010

In my android application i have a video list screen,a buffering screen and a videoplayer screen.
As soon as the user clicks an item from videolist screen ,he is navigated to buffering screen and then to videoplayer.
In the buffering screen i am using Async task and doing the loading process in on background process.

Now my issue is like the user if has selested a video then gets navigated to buffering screen.But if the user clicks back when he is in buffering screen then initially he is getting navigated to videolist screen but immediately after that again he is navigated to videoplayer screen.

What i would like to have is either the back button should be made disable in buffering or should prevent the player tostart if back is clicked.

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Motorola Droid :: Verizon's Return Policy / Switching Back From Eris

Dec 4, 2009

I bought the eris almost a month ago so my 30 day return policy is getting close. I like the eris a lot, mostly because of it's size and the senseUI, but a part of me yearns for the larger, sharper display of the moto droid. Now, I've noticed my eris is starting to chug slowly to do things like typing, changing apps and I'm not sure if it's just because I'm running a bunch of stuff at once or what, but its making me feel like I'd rather have the powerful processor of the droid as well.But, what if I get the droid and decide that I liked the eris better. Will I be stuck with the droid or can I return it and go back to the eris? I guess what I'm really looking for is an explanation of verizon's return policy and perhaps some feedback from those of you who switched from eris to droid.

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KitKat 4.4 :: Note 3 - Return Back To Stock Jelly Bean 4.3 After OTA 4.2.2 Update?

Mar 27, 2014

I have a Note 3 Bell Canada and have not touched it at all other than the OTA update from 4.3 JB to KK 4.2.2. I of course read the woes and pro's of KK 4.2.2 after I did the update!! grin! and do not like the restricted access to my SD card folder creation file transfers etc and want to go back to JB. "A", can I go back with Odin and a stock Bell JB for the note 3, and have it all back like I did before the update...."B" What about my trip counter etc? Will that be effected?

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Motorola Droid X : Back Button - Swipe Left To Right On Maybe The Top Bar It Goes Back

Jul 19, 2010

I'm finding that I'm using the back button A LOT whether browsing the web or just navigating the OS. It kind of sucks because the buttons on the droid x are well, really small, and sometimes hard to press because they are so narrow and flimsy feeling. And depending on how you are holding the phone, it could be a good bit of distance for your thumb to travel or I'm finding myself having to reposition the phone in my hands just to reach the back button, which you seem to need very frequently.

Anyone know of any kind of back 'swipe' implementation ? Like some software you can install that makes it if you swipe left to right on maybe the top bar it goes back?

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Samsung Moment :: Flashing A Cricket Moment Back To Sprint

May 22, 2010

Can I take a Moment that is flashed to Cricket and flash it back to sprint.

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Android :: Ok Button On AlertDialog Should Work As Back Button

Jun 16, 2009

In My code I am displaying a AlertDialog based on some condition.


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HTC Incredible :: Swiping Down Notification Bar / Back It Up - Hit Back Button?

May 5, 2010

Instead of trying to grab the notification bar and swiping it down, simply start ABOVE the screen and swipe down. Fast or slow makes no difference.

You can swipe it back up, or simply hit the back button.

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General :: Have To Click Back Button 2x In Browser To Go Back?

Sep 8, 2013

In the last few days I am having to press the back button twice when using both the stock android browser and the latest version of chrome on my rooted S3.

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Use Fragment As A Placeholder?

Apr 17, 2013

I'm getting an error in getFragmentManager() method, here is my code:

public class WebViewActivity extends Activity{
private WebView _mWebView;
private ViewStub _mViewStub;


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