General :: Show Phone Number On Home Screen?
Jun 27, 2013I have a galaxy nexus phone. Can I show my phone number on the home screen?

I have a galaxy nexus phone. Can I show my phone number on the home screen?
How to make ics show only contacts with phone number? I really miss this feature, I hate seeing my contact list as an endless list with email addresses.
View 8 Replies View RelatedTwo things I'd like to be able to do with my incredible.First is reduce the number of homescreens. Seven is really pointless for me, it makes finding the right screen take a little longer and there's just not enough good quality widgets that I need to use. I could do better with 5 and possibly just 3.Second is that when I'm not on a homescreen and I hit the home button, I'd like it to go back to the LAST homescreen I was on, not the center one. And if I'm already on a homescreen, once again pull up the homescreen select menu, instead of going to the center homescreen. It's a waste of a button press to always go to that center screen when pressing the home button.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to display a certain part of a webpage in a widget on home screen with a manual (or auto) refresh button to sync it with the website?
For example, I have the following website and want to only show the table I circled in red on my home screen.
Code: [URL] ......
This is more of an annoyance, but whenever I reply to a message off the home screen widget, it automatically defaults to the home number for that contact, instead of replying to the same (cell) number that it was sent from. If I go into the messaging app, it works as it should (replies to the same number).
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe Home sample in the android sdk doesn't implement the Add item, which bring up the "Add to home screen" popup window, and Notifivcations item in onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected. How to do that like the default home?
View 1 Replies View RelatedComing from a Treo 700wx that I use thru Active Sync, and connect to my companies exchange server.
My Treo when locked, would only show the time, My name and a telephone number. In the case I lost it, some good samaritan could contact me when they realize the phone was useless with out the PIN.
I cannot find anything similar to this on the Incredible.... Can someone assist me?
I have posted a message for this topic. And my requirement changed, seek some help here. What I want to do is to make my application run on the Home screen, like the widget show on the home screen. But I can decide how my application was shown on the screen, and the application will have to be in front of all the others ( including widget, I think this also prevent me using a widget). It is something like when I get a SMS, I will run my application and show something. the application will be show in the most front. And it can not removed by change the widget setting( unless remove the application). Can anyone help me on this? Or give me some advice. Shall I modify the android source code to achieve the target?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm designing an android app. It pairs phone numbers to user IDs and allows you to dial a phone number via the ID by pulling the phone number from a web-server and dialing it with the native android phone application. However I want the native android phone app to show the ID instead of the phone number. Is this possible and how do i achieve it.
This is important because in my environment, the phone number of a contact varies often and the best way to handle this is changing the phone number attached to an ID.
I have been using LaucherPro for about a month now and really like it. I finally found out how to swipe gesture my dock and all.
Now my problem is that I decided to play with setting a little more and wanted to enable the number of columns and rows on the home screen. I sit my columns to 3 and rows to 1, then attempted to add widgets. However, when I do do I get a message saying that there is no more room on my home screen. I don't have anything on my home screen so I'm not understanding what I am doing wrong. I uninstalled and reinstalled LP and still the same problem.
How can i access the Home screen .....i need to show the gif animation there how can i show that gif image there how can i do it .....
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the icons in my home screens to show the entire name? There's plenty of room if it just goes to a second line.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy facebook app does not show updates on the home screen. When I have e mail or text messages I get a notification sound and a number over the box or up the top but I get nothing with the face book app.I have it set to refresh every 30 mins and notifications are switched on.Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?I am using version 1.3.2.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen anyone calls me it just shows 'unknown' these are not blocked numbers and the the people calling me are in the contacts list (on sim & on phone) so their name should really come up. how do i get their name or just simply a phone number to come up when they call me. what am i missing?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want the incoming message to show up on the home page when it is first received, like the iphone does, it covers a good portion of the screen, for a few seconds even when the phone is asleep, then it goes away until you wake it up. I tried Handcent and I'm now using ChompSMS. With Chomp you get this tiny little ticker at the top of the screen, that is all. Is it possible to have that feature with this phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been successful showing a notification, starting an activity, or loading the home screen *during* a call on the Droid? All three of these actions can be done with the emulator running 2.0, but will not run from the Droid. I don't receive any type of notification that these actions fail on the Droid. Although, every action works when a call is *not* active. Missed calls during a call *do* show up in the notification bar, so I am hoping there is a way.
I understand that the notification bar can not be accessed by users during calls, but it would be nice if a notification could at least be delivered. I also understand the security and usability concerns of displaying a window or action during phone calls. Although, there are a lot of users who would like actionable functionality based on calls.
When sending a text message, I click on "new message," then type in the person's name.
When I do, it will show the person's name and phone number more than 20+ times! It's actually doing this for every contact I have, but only when I'm searching for a name when I'm trying to send a text message.
It doesn't affect my sending or receiving of messages, but it's a little annoying.
Just noticed that when I click on the "People" icon from home screen that some of my contact names are listed more than a dozen times!
Running on a Droid 4 with no mods. Email is a POP3 based account.
Are there any apps out there that will show on the email icon that messages are waiting? Right now, all I am getting is the update in the top status/notification bar. If I clear that bar out, I have 0 notification without going into the actual client. BB would show a red * on the icon, and iPhones show a red circle with a number in it on the mail icon. I'm looking for something similar on the droid.
I've recently upgraded from my Blackberry curve to the Desire. One feature I liked on my Blackberry was the option to add your email address and alternative phone number to the lockscreen so that if you do lose the phone, there's a chance a decent human might contact you and arrange to return it. Is this option out there for the Desire?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I have my AT&T number show up as the text message/sms number for google voice?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen sending an MMS through the stock app (I have a Nexus 4) or SMS from the Google Voice app, why do home phone numbers show? It clutters the list and makes it harder to pick the number/name I want. Is there a way to have only mobile numbers show?
View 1 Replies View RelatedPhone froze on the samsung home screen, i took out the battery and replaced it, still nothing! i did the home, volume down and power buttons did the download, it started downloading then the screen went black, it now wont even go onto the home screen. I have tried doing home volume up and power buttons but nothing comes up! i don't know what to do!!
View 1 Replies View RelatedBrowser keeps exiting, but I've only noticed it when I visit a certain page. Nothing comes up as in a force closing it just goes back to my phones home screen. I've tried clearing cache and that didn't work. Its really annoying, & I don't want to have to download another browser thats a last resort for me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBasically, i use my personal cell phone for work and personal use, i have multiple exchange accts that keep things sorted and seperated.
recently though i have been getting more and more business calls to my cell phone, during and outside of normal business hours.
what im looking for is an app that will take a selective group of contacts/phone numbers/CID strings and if it is a "business" call then forward it to a specific phone number (external number, the actual business line).
I have seen apps on the market and around that will forward calls to voicemail if they match certain filters, but i cant really seem to find an app that will forward to an external number. Any way I could accomplish this?
I just installed lock 2.0 and i was just adjusting the settings and now every time I'm in my phone and i touch the "Home" button it locks my phone instead of taking me back to my home screen! Is this normal? Did I accidental do it in the settings? HELP its driving me crazy
I'm on the new 2.1 leak if that matters
I want to show the direction on the screen that phone is facing.
For example:
|- []
South --- North
In the above diagram the phone would display "North". Since the user (the stick with 0 for his head) is holding out the phone (the [] in the diagram) pointing north.
I found this example. I understand what it's doing except it seems to calculate yaw, pitch, roll, and inclination. What are those and how would I use them to simply find which way the phone is pointing?
Also this android documentation mentions X, Y, and Z axises but I don't see anywhere that says how those axises correspond to the phone? Is Z going from the bottom of the phone to the top?
How can i set the number of items to show in a list without to scroll?
Example: I have a list with 10 items.
I want that only 3 items appears and that I have to scroll to see the rest of the items.
I recently switched from T-mobile to Verizon, and just picked up my nice shiny new HTC Incredible phone. It works great, with one exception.Whenever I get an incoming call, the phone just shows that I have an incoming call but doesn't show the caller's phone number, or the name if they are one of my contacst. It doesn't matter if the call is coming from a land line, a Verizon mobile phone, or whether or not they are on of my contacts, each time all it shows is incoming call, and nothing esle.I probably have some setting screwed up, but so far I can't find it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I change the battery icon to show number?
View 8 Replies View RelatedOn the soft keyboard in Android you can set the soft keyboard to show the numbers instead of a-z keyboard using android:inputType="numberDecimal". However, what do I do if I only want to show the top number row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 and not the following rows starting with @ # $ %?
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