General :: Iberry Auxus CoreX8 3G Mobile Data Connection In Standby Mode

May 11, 2014

iberry Auxus CoreX8 3G Mobile data connection issue in stand by mode. when tablet is on stand by mode mobile data gets disconnected automatically , and when i wake up the tablet it wont connect to mobile data . i have to manually turn off and turn on to get mobile data connection to get mobile data connected .

General :: iberry Auxus CoreX8 3G Mobile data connection in standby mode

General :: How To Reinstall Firmware In Iberry Auxus Ax01

Sep 25, 2012

I bought this tab but there were few probs int he tab i called customer support they told me to reinstall the fw and the instructions were like this:

"1) Turn-off the tablet.

2) Press and hold the 'Volume +' button and connect the USB cable to the tablet and to your desktop/laptop. Now press the power button 10 times continually.

3) PC will show a message "Found new hardware". The drivers have to be installed manually. The drivers are located in the "Drivers" folder.

5) Run "AX01-tool.exe" located in the "Update Tool" folder and follow the procedures. When prompted to select the image file, select the file "AX01-20120615.img" located in the "Image" folder.

6) Once the initial setup wizard is complete. Disconnect the USB cable and reconnect to the tablet.

7) The PC will prompt you to confirm the initialization of the upgrade and format, select "YES" to continue. Once confirmed the update process will start.

8) Once the update is completed the tablet will automatically switch to charging mode.

9) Turn on the tablet to complete the finalize the update process. The initial boot will be slow and it will take a few minutes for all the application to get installed.

-> Perform the above process ONLY when your Tablet is connected to charger.

-> Do NOT press Cancel or Disconnect the Tablet from desktop/laptop during the update process."

But im not able to connect the tab lyk that to my pc and im unable to install the usb drivers and from this morning tab is not starting up.....

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General :: I9100g - Lost Network Connection / Mobile Signal In Standby

Sep 19, 2012

I using the Cyanogenmod 10 with JB . I got a big problem cause every time i turn my phone into standby i loss my connection to internet and also i loss my mobile signal. after unlock my screen i have 2 enter my pin , i can only phone emergency. when i enter my pin, the phone reconnect and i got signal. i tried nearly every update, i flashed stock ROM and re-flashed cm10, nothing better.

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General :: Mobile Data Is Off In Standby Galaxy S2

Jan 30, 2013

the mobile data connection is switched off automatically when my S2 is in standby. Using Omega 19.2 rom. Is there a setting for that? I have no energy saving turned on.

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General :: Data Connection Goes Into Idle Mode If Don't Use It And Stops Downloads

Dec 15, 2012

My data connection goes into idle mode if I don't use it and stops downloads... How can I prevent it?? K-Touch E619

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General :: Mobile Data Connection Doesn't Work After Using WiFi?

Jul 15, 2012

I am using ICS Evervolv a5 on my N1. The mobile data connection works only if I don't connect to a WiFi network. If I do, the only way I have found to make it work again is to reboot the phone.

This means that while I am at home, everything works through WiFi, however, if I leave home, I have to reboot my phone once I am sure the phone is far enough from my WiFi access point to be able to connect. Then, it starts working with the cellular data plan

The only thing I can relate to this is that I have the "application protection" app installed, protecting the settings menu do with a code so my kids don't mess up with that. However, is still hard to believe that's the culprit.

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HTC Desire :: No Mobile Data Connection On O2

Nov 4, 2010

anyone else on O2 unable to get any data connection this morning?my APN says its connected, but I cant use the internet, market, email etc this morning?I have done several reboots and tried putting it in and out of airplane mode.It was working fine when I went to bed last night. I turned APNs off overnight.

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Android :: App Screw Mobile Data Connection?

Jul 27, 2010

This was working until today on wife's phone.Now it just says mobile data state disconnected. All shes done is installed a load of new apps.Is it possible that a bad app can screw the mobile data connection?Or could it be faulty phone?Tried the sim in another phone and data works fine so its not the network or sim.

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HTC Desire :: Mobile Internet / Data Connection On Launcher Pro

Aug 26, 2010

Currently using launcherpro as default but having a little problem with my data connection. Do you guys leave mobile internet on then use a data connection toggle like on switch pro to enable disable as and when you like? Or do you use a toggle like curvefish apn to rename and automatically connect to the network? Or do you turn it on and off via settings or the power button as and when you need it? Bit lost on the subject to be honest. Also when I go and turn mobile internet on in the settings under it it says something like connect to mobile internet when WiFi is unavailable. Is this the default setting or can it be changed to only connect when I want it to?

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HTC Droid Eris :: 3G Mobile - Data Connection Failure

May 5, 2010

I purchased an Incredible, which I was not too happy with, so I decided to send it back and reactivate my Eris. My Eris was at 2.1v2 at the time. I called Verizon and had them do the switch through their customer service number.

Immediately I began to notice that I had a lack of 3G. My Turn Mobile On setting would be stuck on "Turning On". I could force it by switching airplane on and off and then using the power button to choose Mobile settings. Once I'd get it on, 3G would be spotty and drop in and out, and when I do have it it is ridiculously slow. Speed test shows downloads of 302 kbps and uploads of 1023 so it appears I have upload 3G but not download. Many times throughout the day I get data connection failures on apps requiring internet.

So, I called Verizon, we went through all their steps including escalation to tech support and they decide it is my Eris (which worked perfectly previously). They are sending me a replacement. In the interim, I went back to the Incredible. And immediately had the exact same problem on the Incredible. I called Verizon, and went through all their steps, and now they want to send me a new Incredible. I went back to the Eris, and upgraded to 2.1v3, still the same problem. I am 100% confident that when I get the replacement Eris it will solve nothing. APNs are at correct default.

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HTC Hero :: GMail Message Not Sent On Mobile Data Connection

Sep 23, 2009

While I was out today with "Mobile network" selected and an HSDPA connection I was able to update weather, view a Google Map, browse web pages and read GMail messages. However, when I replied to messages in the GMail app my replies were not sent. They sat in the GMail app with the word "Sending" shown in red in the Inbox. I tried toggling the mobile data connection off and on a couple of times, but still no joy. As soon as I returned home and reconnected through WiFi the messages were sent within a minute or so.Has anyone any suggestions as to what I might do differently next time?

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HTC Wildfire :: Mobile Data Connection Doesn't Work After Unlocked

Sep 25, 2010

I recently bought a Telstra HTC Wildfire and unlocked it by code to use my 3 SIM card on it. However, after unlocking my mobile, when I choose the option "use phone for data connection when wi-fi is unavailable" it doesn't work. When i go to mobile network and network operators, I select to search for networks and the phone is automatically connected to "3Telstra(3G)". They also show 3(3G) and 3 networks, but when I try to select any of them, it says that the SIM card does not allow the connection to this network. I don't know if one thing is connected to the other, but I always used my old phone for data connection with the same SIM card.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: T-mobile Data Connection Not Working

Apr 22, 2010

I've been trying to connect the Xperia x10 that I received yesterday to T-Mobile data network but no joy. Everything else works ok except for the t-mobile data connection. I have tried everything, setting apn manually - even have reset the phone etc. In the mobile networks menu the Auto Internet Settings option is grayed out. This is a French phone that I got from Expanses US internet vendor. The manual is in French and its got a french wall plug. I had no clue I was buying an import as the web cite does not specify that it is an import and in the discussion with salesman it was never mentioned that it was an import but he assured me it had a us warranty and was able to connect 3g to t-mobile therefore I assumed it was a US phone. Sony Ericsson tells me this phone is not yet released in US.

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HTC Hero :: Flickr Integration - Fail To Download Them For Viewing Through The Mobile Data Connection

Nov 25, 2009

I have about 40 photos on my flickr account, many of which were uploaded from my Hero directly. That all works fine.

Unlike the viewing of the same photos through the Albums widget on the phone, which seems to fail to download them for viewing through the mobile data connection, even at H connection speed.....the download just seems to stall?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Standby Numbers In Airplane Mode

Jul 13, 2010

ive seen alot of posts in some threads with people thinking official standby numbers are done in airplane mode. i have some proof that says otherwise. sry about the blur took them with my evo in bad light
8 days from 100% to 85%. this is just a post about official standby numbers are not done in airplane mode, otherwise they would show way higher numbers

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Android :: Phone Deactivated Or In Standby Mode?

Jun 1, 2010

When I deactivate my Android phone, I push the power button, and the screen then shows nothing more, i.e. it looks deactivated. But when I push back the power button, say, 2 hours after, it directly notices me that I have a new message, if so. How can it know this, if it was shut down? Is the whole device in some standby mode when you turn it off like that? So, does the antenna still works in this case? Is it the right way to use an Android phone? I.e. if somebody calls me, will I be noticed of this call if I deactivate my phone as mentioned above? Or should I let it always turned on for real (i.e. with screen acting, etc.)?

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Android :: Periodically Wake Up From Standby Mode?

Aug 26, 2010

I have an app that needs to send a periodic heart beat to a server, but when the phone goes into standby mode the background heartbeat thread dies. Is there anyway to wake the phone from standby, send the heartbeat and then go back to sleep programmatically? I want to avoid using PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK if possible.

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Android :: Disabling Standby Mode While Running

Apr 13, 2010

How to can to avoid my app goes in stand by while it's running?

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Motorola Droid :: Standby Mode Notifications ?

Nov 13, 2009

Is there any settings that can make the droid screen light up when you receive a notification like an email. On most phones (including my old LG Dare), whenever you are sitting around and the screen is off/locked/in standby, you get a text message and it lights up the screen and says "you have a text message".

I have messed around with the different notifications settings so it will vibrate/sound off when you get one, but if you are in the car and have the phone just chillin there listening to loud music.. sometimes you don't hear it but I would like to be able to see the screen light up when notifications come in... instead of just that little green status light blinking.

It's not that big of an issue, but the whole screen lighting up usually grabs your attention when you are in a crowded bar or loud vehicle so it would be nice for it to show up at least for text messages.

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HTC Desire :: My Phone Never Enters Sleep Or Standby Mode

Jun 22, 2010

i just got a htc desire 5days ago i moved over from a iPhone 3G. I have a big problem with it. Battery lasts for about 4-5h i have read forums and googeld for 2 days now.So far i changed my Background to a black one i made wifi turn off after 15min no Bluetooth etc.I think the problem is that my phone never goes in to sleep mode.when i go setting > about phone > battery the up time and awake time is the same.I downloaded advance task killer but the only program i can see running is Smart Keyboard Pro and Amazon. I kill amazon and it stays dead for sometime i cant kill smart keyboard pro it restarts it self straight away.I have had the phone on charge for about 6h now and the battery seams stuck half way and don't relay increase or its increasing very slowly.

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Android :: Phone In Standby Mode And Alarm Function

Jan 8, 2010

I've used blackberry's for a long time now and love one feature of it. The Standby mode that you can put the phone into and the only notification that will pull it out is the alarm clock. I've found a few alarms that will disable notifications, except calls. Well I don't want any notifications through the night. Only the alarm waking me up in the morning. Is anyone familiar with an existing app that puts the phone in a low energy sleep that only wakes it up for the alarm clock?

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Android :: Service Stops Running In Standby Mode

May 23, 2009

I'm trying to log the phone's cell movement. So I created a PhoneStateListener that is being called when the CellLocation has been changed. Then it informs a logging service to write that new cell information to a log file.

This works as long as the screen is on. But when the screen goes off, the logging stops.

I have two classes:

The PhoneStateListener gets loaded on boot time public class CellStateListener extends PhoneStateListener { public void onCellLocationChanged(CellLocation location) {...this is the logging service which is informed when the cell location changes listener.onCellChanged(mcc, mnc, lac, cid); ... }

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General :: How To Not Let Data To Transfer When Data Connection Enabled

Feb 8, 2012

Imagine the situation that Any data plan is not activated and as soon as u enable the data connection hundereds of thing in android want to connect to internet and when u disable the data connection again . Ur money is deducted.

Now u will ask me if i dont have a data plan why i enable the data connection.?

So here is the thing I want the data connection to be enabled so that i can open free site like facebook on Opera Mini.

So is there any way so that i can enable the data connection but my phone does not connect to internet to itself but i control which app connects. In my case opera mini.

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Samsung Vibrant :: When On Sleep/standby Mode Will Randomly Flash On

Sep 25, 2010

Just bought a Vibrant off of CL. I got it unlocked and it seems to be running well off of AT&T. I had a few questions though.

1) Whenever it is in the sleep/standby mode it will randomly flash on. I won't get any new emails or txt messages but it does stay on for a while until the screen timeout period ends

2) It does display a "Refreshing SIM data" message at the bottomish area every few minutes. Is this normal or is this an AT&T thing...

3) I was able to reset everything from going to the Settings>privacy>factory data reset but the instructions for a hard reset of "turning on the phone while holding down the volume down button" did not work. Has anyone been able to pull this off?

All in all I'm pretty jazzed about the phone. I like the Swype typing a lot as well as the overall speed and app installs. I'm coming from a work iPhone and an old school bar phone that could only call and txt. My wife has a iPhone4 and even though the facetime feature is nice I still don't like the restrictiveness of Apple products.

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General :: App That Shows Data Transfer Rate (WiFi / Mobile Data) On Notification Bar

Jul 9, 2012

I use DU meter but its in the notification panel...i need one in the notification bar

and there was another app called network meter and lots of other... [URL] .....

but none of them have it on the notification bar....

this one fits my need... [URL] ....

but isnt refreshed in real time and slows the phone and battery life.

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Samsung Moment :: When Turn On WiFi / Phone Never Sleeps Even In Standby Mode

Nov 10, 2009

From what I can tell, if you turn on WiFi the phone never sleeps even in standby mode. Is this a known issue or has anyone else noticed this. I noticed this using Spare Parts and turning off and on things until I saw it was wifi that keeps it awake.

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General :: Data Usage - Mobile Data - On / Off -> Difference

Jan 2, 2013

In android 4.0 and above there is the option in the data usage settings, to turn mobile data on and off. What difference does it exactly make? As fas as I tested, I still can take a look at my mobile data usage, even though it is tuned off in the data usage settings.

According to this source of Google


turning it off means:


If it's off, you won't be able to use mobile data at all and many features of your phone and apps won't work correctly.

what they mean by "...use mobile data at all..." (since I still have 3G) and what features there could be?

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Samsung Fascinate :: Battery Already On Half - Screen Off - Phone Left In Standby Mode

Oct 2, 2010

The screen is off, with the phone left in standby mode. Is it normal for it to die that fast.

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General :: Odin - Setup Connection Without Download Mode

Jan 31, 2013

Is it possible for odin to setup connection without download mode ?

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General :: T-Mobile Galaxy Vibrant - No Network Phone Connection?

May 31, 2013

I have a T-Mobile Galaxy Vibrant that was running Android 2.1. I rooted the phone (successfully), and installed Slim Bean 4.2.2 plus Google apps. Everything was going smoothly and I was reinstalling apps and data when I noticed that I had no network phone connection. Slim Beam did not seem to recognize the sim, and I came up empty searching for networks. I removed the sim and put it in another phone, and everything was fine.

I decided to restore the previous android 2.1 (which I had backed up) using ClockWorkMod Recovery. I did restore, then reboot. Now the only thing I get is the initial screen ... Vibrant and Samsung in bold white letters. I have tried repeatedly to launch CWM Recovery, without success.

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