General :: How To Use Minimal ADB And Fastboot
Nov 14, 2013How I can use adb and fastboot on my computer. i

How I can use adb and fastboot on my computer. i
On a Nintendo DS you can write with the stylus and the 67 MHz CPU catches up with the strokes quickly but a Galaxy Tab 10.1 (1 GHz dual processor) lags horribly which makes handwriting totally impractical.
I have tried a few white board apps (skitch, whiteboard among others), but all of them suffer the same problem. Is there "whiteboard" or handwriting app that works without a noticeable lag? Or is this a problem inherent to android and its many abstraction layers?
I'm after a system.img that's going to allow me to run adb shell sessions as root. That's all I need. I don't need any of the normal phone fuctions or devices. I'd imagine disabling these would overcome any incompatibility issues... but I don't know.
Naturally, it'd be easier if such an image already existed, but I should be able to follow instructions on how to reconfigure a normal system and pack it to yaffs2 image.
I need to rebuild from CM10.1 because I want to make some minor modifications for reasons I won't go into detail here because that's a whole other story. I've researched online and it seems I need to use repo sync [URL] .... I tried doing that to get the android source the other day but stopped after 20 min when I realised the entire source tree is around a gigantic 8-10GB. This is bad as I live in Australia where every MB counts and I'm only on a 30GB/month plan!
Which brings me to my first quesiton, how big is the CM 10.1 source tree?
If not too big, I might be able to download it all, but I really only need to rebuild [URL] .... and I think I'll need the source for it's dependencies (from my limited understanding about shared libs). Using arm-eabi-ld with rpath option, I was able to find the dependencies required which are
[Code] ......
My second question is how do I go about downloading the minimal amount in order to successfully rebuild
What is the minimal version of eclipse SDK should be used to build android?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to flash a kernel using fastboot on os X. Therefore I've decided to add a new post about that on XDA for those who want/need to use fastboot on mac os X. Example given for a Sony Xperia ARC LT15i. This should work for any SE device but will need different vendor ID value for another Brand.
- Download and extract Android SDK (let's say on the Desktop for the rest of the explanation)
- Add "Android SDK Platform-Tools" with android SDK Manager
- Download fastboot for mac here http:[url]....
- extract it in android-sdk/platform-tools/
Next you need to update the PATH for tools/ and platform-tools/ folder.
- Open Terminal app and type
nano ~/.bash_profile
- Add the following two lines and change the (username) with the name of your mac os X account name :
I've tried to see if others have had data problems like mine, but apparently no one has posted on something of my magnitude.
I have 1 Gb of data a month...thats one of the biggest plans in Canada, and I cannot increase (student plan maximum). A few weeks ago, my 3G watchdog alerted me that I was over my 1Gb, and this was in a week span of a new billing cycle. I called Telus and they said it was a mistake, but later on my data usage on their site said I had used 500 Mb on that day!
Since then I had a few more instances where 400 or 500 Mb has been used on a day (almost all outgoing or transmitting data). This has to be a syncing problem or a bug. Not only do I not stream radio or youtube, but I usually only use facebook, twitter, read yahoo email, and weather updates.
I had to get a datablock for the rest of the billing month (since I had used up 2.2 Gb in 10 days) and now I'm monitoring my data wifi usage through data counter widget.
It would be wonderful if I could figure out what app is sucking all of my data...I have about 500 friends on facebook...I also went though and deleted almost all of my emails in my inbox (which was the problem with motorola data usage).
Yesterday, I was on the net on postsecret, and then on facebook (maybe 15 minutes total). Upon returning I saw I had used 510 Mb of transmitting data....
The only advice I got from Telus is to format my phone and start over...No other problems with the HTC desire have been reported to my provider.
I have read other tutorials about the fastboot update command, but I do not understand how to make system.img from a zip Rom. How to install a Rom with fastboot? Cwm recovery can't read zip files for some reason.
HTC Explorer A310e
I am trying to setup fastboot adb on my laptop.. i set it up on my pc a while back but my pc is windows 7 and my laptop is windows 8.. i read many things online.. watched youtube.. i cant do it!!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need go to the FastBoot menu becouse i need change the splash screen - boot image (bootlogo)
If i push + / - / power buttons, always i will go to the ClockWorkMode.
Huawei sonic U8650
Android 2.3.5
OC Kernel
i have root access, and full adb, but i cant get fast boot even with adb commands. i attempted to flash a faulty a20 tablet i had via sd install. and i obviously had a damaged flash, anyhow it wiped the tablet clean, the backlight still lights up. i can turn it on and off, and i can boot the boot loader.
is there anyway out of this, i want to install a recovery, but with no flashboot....
What is the cause of that? From my knowledge they use the same driver? ADB cannot detect device but fastboot can... This occurs in both windows 7 and xp.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have had my GNex since it was released. However, I just got a new computer. I am trying to set up everything again on my new computer. I got the drivers working to a certain extent. I can get adb to work, however fastboot does not work.
How to get fastboot working?
Screenshot showing adb clearly works prior to bootloader, but it stops working after going into bootloader. It seems to lose connection to my phone once it is in the bootloader. I tried this multiple times.
My device only supports adb on recovery but its sideload. How to boot fastboot in recovery? Can't access fastboot without adb command. Volume keys not working.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have Xperia U and blocked Fastboot can i unlocked?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy phone's usb works pretty much perfect, adb and the usb storage are working (HTC One M7). But when i do "adb reboot-bootloader" the pc just says "the usb device fails to enumerate or something like that. Everything works except for Fastboot and i dont know why. Has it something to do with Win 8.1? I never tried it on another machine before.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have "Android SDK tools" and "Android SDK Platform-tools" installed using the SDK Manager, and fastboot is nowhere to be found.The new r14 SDK seems to be missing this tool, what the replacement is?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI tried flashing a font from romtoolbox lite using flashify but my phone only displays
"[470] fastboot mode started"
"[520] udc_start()"
I can't access download mode or recovery mode. What do i need to do? I also can't turn it off.
I want to install ClockWorkMod Recovery on my Karbonn A18, i tried doing it using SP Flash Tool, but it gives various Errors, I want to know how can i get into FastBoot Mode in A18 so that i can install it through their ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs any way to flash with low battery using fastboot.exe? I know that, I can use bat file to charge, but i would like flash with low battery. Is any way to bypass statement about Low battery?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAny way to enable usb debugging via fastboot ? Flashing something may do it ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have MTK6515-based china phone and can't enter fastboot mode through "adb reboot bootloader". Phone just boots normally. USB debugging enablde.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi'm having a problem with my huawei u8650 fastboot. when i want to install cwm recovery, i press volume down + power on and my phone freezes. only i can see, huawei logo on screen
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it just me or does the call screen (what displays when there is an incoming/active/ended call) look like crap? Ugly colors, minimal layout, contact picture too small, etc... So many other features on the phone are so polished, it just seems odd that the call screen would look so unfinished - it's almost looks like a development placeholder that they never got around to updating.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using a Mac and I have my HTC one hooked up in fastboot mode. I type in ./fastboot devices and get "error: could not get pipe properties". What that means?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it somewhat possible to have fastboot installed as an apk on my tablet (Android) in order to flash things on a smartphone plugged in that tablet.
Scenario is: wife wants my notebook; I want her tablet. If I could use adb and fastboot from the Android tablet, I could really do everything with it and the swap may happen
ive faceed a problem after upgrading to 8.1..Phone doesnt showing in adb or fastboot.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy mom's LGC800 is stuck in LG boot screen, is there any possible way to enter fastboot mode in the LGC800? I tried the adb command "adb reboot bootloader" it reboots and gets stuck again in LG boot screen..
View 1 Replies View RelatedHTC sensation blackscreen, trying to flash a nand backup. ADB, fastboot and Shell working.
I got into shell, can #ls that directory ok ..#cd sdcard... try to #ls sdcard or any other folder and will not show content. Im not up with linux commands. I believe I am missing a mount command somewhere.
What Im after is the location of backup folder so I can see the filename of the nand backup to restore in fastboot. And the commands necessary to restore a nand backup via adb, shell or fastboot.
I own a Moto G (Global GSM) running CyanogenMod 11 rooted with TWRP recovery and the bootloader is unlocked. I have been trying to go back to the stock firmware using this guide: [URL] ..... but I have a problem. The adb drivers for my device work fine when I am in the system or in the recovery, but don't work in the bootloader. I am able to type "adb reboot bootloader" when I'm in the system/recovery and it will follow the command, but once I get into the bootloader it stops. When I type "adb devices" a line saying "List of devices attached" comes up with nothing underneath it.
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