General :: How To Display Live Tile Of Images From Gallery
Sep 21, 2013There's any app/widget that allows to display a live tile of images from gallery (or any other path) like the one found in launcher8?
View 1 RepliesThere's any app/widget that allows to display a live tile of images from gallery (or any other path) like the one found in launcher8?
View 1 RepliesHow can I make it so that only the images are displayed when I go to 'Galllery' on my Galaxy S? It currently displays all music as well as all images. Failing that, is there a good image viewer available?
View 6 Replies View Relatedi am storing the imagesurl in an arrayadapter. i want to display all the images that i get from the server in a gallery. i am pasting my code here can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong? public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {/** Called when the activity is first created.....................
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow would I use Image Gallery to display images I have saved in a particular location on the SD card?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to get a pre-saved image from the gallery and then display it onto the screen. Any tutorials/helpful links and info would be appreciated. If there is anything you would like me to explain more, please ask.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using following code to display bitmap on screen and having next and previous buttons to change images. and getting out of memory error. New Code
HttpGet httpRequest = null; Code...
So after googling i got new code as answer the old code was not giving me out of memory error on those images but decoder->decode return false, so i choosed new code.
Any one guide me what is the solution and which is the best approach to display live images?
I have a query i want to set my ImageView over the Gallery,How to do this? One more thing is there any possibility to display images in android app without using Gallery view.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to modify this example:
But instead of displaying images that are resources, I want to display Drawables that I currently am storing in a List.
Can anyone instruct me on how I would modify
To display my drawable items instead?
I want do display some images that I load from a remote source in a gallery. The gallery should let the user do the following things:
-zoom the image (preferably also by pinch-zoom) -pan the image -switch between the different images
Of course most built-in gallery applications can do all of that. So my first idea was to use an ACTION_VIEW intent in order to delegate the task to some gallery application. This however won't work for me since you can only pass the URI of the image you want to display but not the actual bitmap data itself. I can't just pass the URL of the remote image because I need to manage the loading and caching of the data myself. A way around this would be to write the data to a local file and then pass the URI of that file (and deleting the file again afterward). Besides this being less than elegant it won't even do the trick because with an intent like this you can only pass one image at a time.
The built-in Facebook application on the Nexus One actually does exactly what I have in mind for displaying photo albums. It looks like a custom gallery activity they built into their application. Does anyone know whether there are templates available for something like this somewhere that one could reuse? Building something like this from scratch by myself seems too time consuming.
Recently I have found when I open the Auto Back up file in the Gallery app, it loads all the thumbnails up to a point and then nothing. The screen shot below shows where the loading stops:
I have tried to following to resolve the issue: Reset phoneCleared Gallery app cache and resetScrolling through the images in filmstrip mode
The photos appear in the new Photos app and on G+.
So when I save an image from Firefox it saves to a downloads folder on my sd card yet the normal internet app saves it to the phone (gallery). I can only view those pictures saved from Firefox through firefox. How do I get them to save to my phone/gallery?
HTC Evo V/4g/3D whatever it is
i once had a blog on with around 11 pictures in it. i recently purchased android phone ( samsung galaxy y duos ) and logged into my google account from the phone. Now the problem is that all the images of the blog are being displayed in the GALLERY. i am not able to delete them since i cannot find the delete option for these particular set of images.
how these images from the blog got into the phone gallery. And also how to delete them..
Ok, so recently (out of the blue) I went into the gallery on my Android and all the thumbnails were a plain image with a padlock. When I open images, I can view them individually but I cannot swipe to different images. I have no third party applications installed..
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a GS4, and I've been learning my way around the camera and gallery, but today after shooting a bunch of photos to the SD card, half of them are all "broken images" and can't be viewed. I reformatted the SD. A friend of mine had the same problem when he had an HTC Inspire.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy mobile is xolo q800, see my attachments in 100 % zoom .1st image shows a comparison between the original pic (left side) and the same pic as my phone wallpaper (right side) with no cropping and scrollable taken by default screenshot (hold vol- and power button simultaneously). i have marked the problem areas with black circles for u to compare notice the scar below the eyes appears smudged in my phone...the same pic looks good without smudging when viewed with astro file manager or quickpic....but even when i set the same pic from quickpic(no smudging in quickpic app) as the wallpaper....the wallpaper looks smudged again.
View 1 Replies View Related i have read lots of tutorials about making live wallpapers but i can't find how to create a live wallpaper using set of images in eclipse?p with it?
[Live Wallpaper] Custom Creater 2.6 [SCRIPT] [WINDOWS . i have seen this but it is nt effective.
how to make such using Eclipse IDE
I'm an iPhone user. Upgraded from a AT&T Samsung Fascinate to a AT&T Galaxy SII Skyrocket.
When we put her SD card from the Fasc into the Sky, all her pictures didn't transfer over, I guess only the main "Camera" album. I used the Astro app and see that the additional images that aren't showing up must be in a subfolder called ".thumbnails", since it's full of image files.
I downloaded Rescan Media and ran that but it didn't work.
I have a droid raxr maxx with android 4.1.2
Recently I did a bunch of updates and started using google now. My phone performance has been significantly degraded as a result.
My most pressing issue is that after taking a photo, when I go to view it, it shows as normal brightness for 1 second and then gets very dark. This happens for every image as I scroll through them individually. It appears that I now have some sort of editing option or maybe google photos or picassa has hijacked my viewer. When I click on the gallery app this dimming issue does no occur. I am unable to view photos from the camera after taking them.
Suppose that into images folder I have several subfolders, say 25. I would like a way to display in Gallery say 2 folders, with the pictures that I desire into each one, without having to physically moving the pictures (because for example each subfolder corresponds to a month, like nokia does: 201201, 201202, etc.)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am simply trying to get the path of an image that the user selects and then convert it into a bitmap. The problem is, only some of the images in the gallery work when selected (by "work" I mean they are found to be a file that exists), while the others claim the file does not exist (even though the image is showing up in the gallery?). Even more strange is that this doesn't seem to be consistent, an image that was at one point considered to "exist" now claims to be nonexistent..............
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using the blow code to open the gallery and grab an image for an incon im gong to store in a database and access later to populate a listview attached to a simpleCursorAdapter...........
The code runs, and then starts force closing (what seems like) randomly. I'm convinced that I've gotten something confused somewhere but since the force closure happens at all different points of my app I dont know where to start looking.
As per title - there are options to delete jpg, but not gif. In order to delete the latter the only way is to connect the phone to pc and delete them directly from SD card. But not from the gallery. Is it a bug?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe api demo for gallery uses resource id's to access the drawables in the gallery.I have tried multiple ways to use images from file. My steps...
1. grab filepaths and save all files as a drawable array
2. using the same logice in the api demo, I ste the background to the drawable instaed of the resid
That's All I felt the need to replace from the api demo, which seems to fail miserably since the images do not appear in my test app.
I'm making an alternative camera App. As you might expect my App involves taking pictures and saving them to the sdcard. On most phones (and the Emulator) everything works fine, pictures appear in the built-in Gallery App straight away. However on the HTC incredible images only appear when the user restarts the device. (I'm talking about an HTC Incredible phone with an sdcard, I know some of them shipped with internal storage only, but this is not the issue I'm talking about) The code I'm currently trying goes like this: I've also tried MediaScannerConnection.scanFIle() with no luck. I wonder is the problem is due to the HTC incredible being originally designed to operate with internal storage only, maybe the Gallery App has issues with media stored on the sdcard. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have never had any gallery problems that i can remember, but all of a sudden my images/folders arent showing in the gallery. I use a file explorer, and it shows that all my files are there, but for some reason nothing will show in the gallery. sometimes i can gt it to show a "camera" folder and like 3 "download" folders, and some weird folders with numbers and stuff, but they never show thumbnails and wont let you click them.
Gone are my picture folders, and also the galleries from picasa web. I have the droid, with the latest updates and everything. Never had this problem before. Was working the other day. Today i was tryin to send someone a picture, and noticed this.
I want to add images to gallery view after downloading them (like in android market application). All examples of gallery uses images stored in drawable folder. So how can I add images to gallery when image gets downloaded??
View 3 Replies View RelatedI currently have two codes that i am trying to figure out how to mix or write a new code to have a gallery with image doing fill_parent but i can slide sideways to see the other url linked images from my site. here are both parts of code i have.....................
View 4 Replies View RelatedOriginally posted accidentally in 'introductions'. My bad. Quote: "i7500 refuses to load images. That sounded a little bombastic, sorry. My O2 UK i7500 will not load pictures from the gallery, when changing wallpapers (I basically can't), Picture Frames widget, even Astro's built in viewer returns a message "(whichever activity) in (application whichever -usu. camera?) has stopped responding." Force close.
Baseband I7500XXIH6
Kernel 2.6.27 hudson@andy#1
1: I have noticed that after a couple of days any photos/images I have, be it downloads from a website or photos i've taken with the phone itself disapear from the gallery, but if I hunt for them in the file folder structure they are still on the phone! Similary with...
2: Music, despite me manually dragging some albums over from my laptop, be it in its own folder for the album title or stuffed into one folder called Albums, the music app or Cubed cannot see them, and when I open Cubed it says there are no playlists and dies a death, doesn't give me the opportunity to search for songs on the phone and create one!
Are these issues that have been documented elsewhere? Anyone experience anything similar? Should I be placing my music in one specific folder? the photos should not be disapearing since the phone dictates where they are kept so this one is irritating me!
I want to add some images to gallery in android emulator of windows SDK. When pictures application is launched it is saying no pictures found. How to mount a SD card on android emulator on windows SDK and copy images into it?
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