General :: Porting ICS Apps To Gingerbread?
Jun 4, 2013Is it possible to port ICS Contacts and SMS to Gingerbread? If so, where should I start (or if these have already been ported over)?

Is it possible to port ICS Contacts and SMS to Gingerbread? If so, where should I start (or if these have already been ported over)?
The title pretty much explains my question. I would like to port apps from the Sony-ified stock ICS to Cm10.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have ICS apps such as Email, Messenging and Contacts on Gingerbread? Like a port of them or a theme to replace the same apps on GB.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if there is a way to get apps that are supposed to work for 4.0 and newer to work on 2.3.5? My friend has a phone that is currently running gingerbread. I currently have a phone running 4.1.2.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to use textinput-tng.apk from Android 2.3.4 in ICS (I have Xperia Mini Pro SK17i with Ported and working ICS ROM).I tried to install it normally but it did not worked so i tried to copy in /system/app with proper permission but it did not worked.I want to use gesture input method for English language.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to port over apps from Ice Cream, and Jelly Bean to Gingerbread? I see other people/developers porting apps from ICS to GB, such as apps like ICS Messaging, ICS Launcher, ICS Task Manager, ICS Camera, ICS Gallery, ICS Clock, ICS Calculator and the list goes on and on.
While there are a couple apps that have not been ported, such as the browser, phone/people app, email, and calendar; instead of waiting for others to port them, I would just like to learn how to do it myself.
Lets say I have the stock messaging app from Ice Cream, how would I make the app compatible with GB, and make it a non-system app? Besides just changing the Android Manifest to be compatible, because I tried that, and it did not work ( I just got Force Close).
Where can I find the stock apps for gingerbread 2.3.6 for samsung galaxy y duos?
i really need it especially the browser.apk file
i accidentally deleted it and i want it back, i dont want to flash any roms anymore because i bricked my phone a month ago , looking for the proper browser.apk?
I am on android gingerbread 2.3.6 in samsung galaxy y duos (rooted).
how porting aosp apps to Samsung based roms works.
Ics roms and apps more specifically.
I know Java apps can be run in Android. But what I want to know is this: I have a perfectly normal Java app and I want to port it to an android platform. What changes would I need to do to my app in terms of GUI and other code to make it usable in Android? I know Android uses XML file to control the look and feel of its app. So would I need to change my GUI completely? I just want to know the general overview of how porting may be done. If anyone could point me to right resources, that would be great. Also, for your info I'm a newbie to developing android app.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI saw at software development there is a way to port rom to rom, but the devices need to be in the same resolution. Thread: [URL] For the galaxy ace plus wich device is the good, and wich rom?
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy bro has a note running jb. He has a secgallery app which I cant install on my xperia u wid ics
I always get an error "App not installed".
I have decompiled the app... But m nt a modder so I dun knw what changes to make in androidmanifest or some other folder to run it..
Port CM7 based rom for Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300?
I've tried, but always failed. Only appears Samsung logo when turned on. I follow these guidelines.
How to port based on stock rom? I tried to port pyramid's cm9.1 on my device. Both cpu is msm8260..
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf we can play some Unity 3D games (etc.: Counter-Strike) on android, so I have a question how to port these games to android?
Is there any way to play games like these?:
I'm having some problems with the porting of a rom, my phone is a clone of the phone from which i'm taking the rom (My phone is a NGM Legend 2, which is also a clone of Gionee GN868, and the original is Blu Vivo 4.3) the only thing which is really different are the mounting positions of the internal memory.
In Blu Vivo 4.3 the system partition is mounted on /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 and the data partition is on /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 while in the mine they are mounted on /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 and /dev/block/mmcblk0p6.
I changed them in the updater-script so i'm able to install the rom, but i had to replace the boot.img with the one from my rom because the phone wasn't booting up, but i can't install any app from google play store (error 110) or any apk ("app not installed" error).
I want to learn rom edit but how to porting themes on roms?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to port Android onto phones? I can't find a lot on the internet...
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen you are porting a Rom, how do you know which libs to copy over? Also I'm porting for the fascinate, but the porting rom is for the nexus, should I copy all of the hw libs?
Its just something Ive wondered for a while since Android has a lot of similarities across different devices
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to port some package from Samsung ROM to CM following this guide and I'm stuck.I decompiled the package, removed TW dependency from the manifest and now I'm adding additional classes from TW framework into this package. Everything was smooth so far as I was getting rid of "class not found" and similar messages in logcat by adding the missing class and recompiling the package.When I try to run the app, I get the following message in logcat:
I/dalvikvm(30301): Could not find method, referenced from method
W/dalvikvm(30301): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 9561:
However, based on official documentation this method does not exist in this class.If I try to add android.view.ViewGroup and android.view.View from stock framework.jar into the package explicitly, I start getting "multiple definition" messages in logcat, and isInDialog still can't be resolved.So, I'm currently stuck.
How to add tweaks and mods while porting a rom
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to port Cyanogendmod 10.1 to a new device - Hyundai T7S.(smdk4412 based). I have successfully compiled CWM recovery image and it work good on the tablet. But when I try to build the whole ROM I receive the following errors:
frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/admin/ error 101: Unresolved link/see tag "#USES_POLICY_ENFORCE_MMAC" in
frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/admin/ error 101: Unresolved link/see tag "#USES_POLICY_ENFORCE_SELINUX" in
DroidDoc took 251 sec. to write docs to /home/steals/android-dev/cm10.1/out/target/common/docs/doc-comment-check
make: *** [/home/steals/android-dev/cm10.1/out/target/common/docs/doc-comment-check-timestamp] Error 45
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
I've tried to find some solutions, but haven't found anything. resolve the errors?
I tried to port MIUI v4 to Spica by this guide, but with folders in media/theme it's cant boot (bootloop). When i delete /media/theme/default & /gadget. it's booting normaly and i have working system ( fc - there is second problem). version of ICS 4.0.4, MIUI v4 - What i must do?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to port windows phone on an android device. HTC Flyer P512
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem while porting rom, I port from qHD (960x540) to HDPI (800x480) but..., how to resize it ??
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter knowing that the mtk6589t rom can be ported to mtk6589..... i have started porting one..!!! But after porting it as i regular do... it gets stucked on boot logo..!! it dsnt go in boot loop but gets stucked on boot...!! what shld be done?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have successfully ported a rom based on racer rom on my Karbonn A1 or Zte N721 or Zte Racer all have same specifications .the base ROM is racers ROM based on CM 7 . If i flashed it as it is it does not boot earlier. Then i used android kitchen porting tool . Now the rom the booting on my device but the issue is that My WiFi, Bluetooth and No service with sim. I don't understand whats the problem is i guess it is due to drivers but i don't know how to change them. I can start working further .
View 1 Replies View RelatedPorting roms from and to devices of different manufacturers,resolution(mdpi,hdpi etc.) etc.I am familiar with the zip method of porting roms from same manufacturer(sony in my case,xperia U to Sola)but i want to know about porting roms from others like htc,samsung etc and Tools/apps needed to accomplish this.Most of the tutorials i found on XDA are based on the same method of zip porting.
View 1 Replies View RelatedGoogle brought more language support to Android with Gingerbread. How do I use it? the only indication of Arabic support is that, when I get a text message in Arabic, it shows the letters in Arabic, but not connected to each other the way they should be.What I want is to make everything Arabic,not just messages received in Arabic.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just bought a GAlaxy Beam gi-i8530 and it is unlocked to any carrier. I read that it can be upgraded to ICS. My current android version is 2.3.6 Ginger bread and i wanted to know how can I upgrade my galaxy beam.
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