General :: Porting Themes On ROMs?
May 20, 2012I want to learn rom edit but how to porting themes on roms?

I want to learn rom edit but how to porting themes on roms?
Porting roms from and to devices of different manufacturers,resolution(mdpi,hdpi etc.) etc.I am familiar with the zip method of porting roms from same manufacturer(sony in my case,xperia U to Sola)but i want to know about porting roms from others like htc,samsung etc and Tools/apps needed to accomplish this.Most of the tutorials i found on XDA are based on the same method of zip porting.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSuppose two phones... eg:- Huawei Ascend Y300 and HTC One X both of which have the SOC Qualcomm S4 play MSM8225.
Now my question is because they have the same SOC's is it easier to port ROMS between the two?
I own an Motorola XT316 device, and i can't find an Custom ROM, so i was thinking to port one from Galaxy 5 (i5550) or LG Optimus me (same hardware, same screen, maybe same camera).
The problem is how to do it, because theres some differences between them like the camera. The XT316 has an locked bootloader, this can screw everything?
how porting aosp apps to Samsung based roms works.
Ics roms and apps more specifically.
I am currently Running Fresh 3.2 w/ Manup's rEVOlution's Theme for Sense.
In Flipz log it says users using 3.2 can upgrade to 3.3. with out a data wipe.
I of course am going to do a nandroid backup just in case but I am new to ROM's and Theming will flashing to Fresh 3.3 ROM over the 3.2 ROM Keep all my current Settings and What not? Also will it keep the Theme Intact?
Or will I need to re-install all the apps using Titanium Backup and re-set up all the accounts n crap again then re-install Manup's Theme?
Are Themes the same as ROMS? If they are, how so, and if they are not, how so.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've replaced this thread with two threads run by eXtremeDX who does a much better job than me! Enjoy!
Droid X Themes & Extras - HERE
If we can install things from other galaxy s phones to another one? like i have a samsung fascinate
and i would want to install something from a captivate or a vibrant ect..
I installed the smoked glass theme V2.0 from Everything seems fines except for the notification bar and my clock is missing....anyone else having these problems? I have tried searching around for the answer for about 30 mins now and cant find anything.
View 14 Replies View RelatedWould it be possible to compile a list [links] to the various ROM and Theme threads here? Either list them in the top sticky, or create a second sticky entitled "Themes/ROMs," or some variation thereof?
View 5 Replies View Relatedlooked around and couldnt find an answer. they seem the same to me.
View 3 Replies View RelatedTwo or three months ago, I'd heard all about rooting, but was "afraid" to do it as it looked complicated. Then came along 1-click rooting. I did it and was hooked.
As soon as 2.2 OTA came out, I had to re-root. It wasn't quite as easy to do as the 1-click, but in retrospect, the one-step root for 2.2 was very, very easy.
Then came the roms. Thanks to the help of D13 and a few others, I tried my first rom. R2D2. I didn't like things about it, but I did it.
I also bricked for the first time and was shown how to do the sdf file. It worked fine. In fact, I bricked again a few days ago, as I'm playing around with this stuff, a lot, and I might have forgotten to select "mount system" first. No problem. SDF plus back ups cover a multitude of sins!
To make a long story short, I now have played with about 5 or 6 different themes. Some I won't use anymore, such as R2D2 because it wouldn't work with swype, but I have several backed up zip files to switch around.
I think I have so much that I have gone overboard, have become addicted and need serious help! I love this stuff!
Here's a list of my zipped backups:
1) 928Droid Black Glass X: This is probably my favorite one, at this point. It is the most "finished", meaning that I have it just the way I want it.
2) Big DX Serenity (Red): This is the most fun. I like the way the dev has modded apps, especially LPP (as I purchased that). It's pretty much finished, the way I like it. I have a bit more work to do, but I like it a lot.
3) RubiX Focused 0.3:: This is the newest one. I tried it yesterday, but didn't like it because it was too dark and it wouldn't sync my google calendar and it was waaay to dark to view.
I came across the zip files to fix this and how to install them. I like this muuuch better, now. I simply cannot believe how fast this ROM boots up. 10 seconds from the Android screen!
This is probably the least developed, for me. I mean, I don't have much set up, but I can see myself loving this one too!
4) 2.2 ota rooted 2.3.15
5) 2.2 2.3.15 deodexed.
I love being able to do this and I want to thank everyone who has helped me. I'm also happy that I've begun to help others, considering how very, very simple all of this is, once you understand it.
So, am I the only addict here? It's okay if I am. Does anyone else have a lot of themes and roms backed up on their SD? (Perhaps I should further back these zips up on my PC, no?
Taking a page out of D13's book from the Droid X, I figured Id make a one-stop shop of links for available Themes and Roms (most if not all are at xda, but its kinda cluttered all over). If a new one is available or I missed something, just post and Ill update the OP
*DJ05 Themes* (deodexed systems, may not have aosp lockscreen or reboot options must be on DJ05...dont flash if you dont have the leak!)
Nextheme [Theme] Nextheme ~DJ05~ ~V1~ - xda-developers
Ultimate Revolution [Theme] Ultimate Revolution ~DJ05 And DI01~ ~V3.6~ [Updated 11/21/10] - xda-developers
Ultimate Incognito [Theme] Ultimate Incognito/Minimal Matte Remix ~DJ05~ ~V2~ [Update 11/26/10] - xda-developers
Ultimate AOSP [Theme] Ultimate AOSP Theme ~DJ05~ ~V1~ - xda-developers
Matted Blues (with stock lockscreen) {Theme}{Port} Matted Blues
Purple [url]
Blackish_Storm [Theme] Blackish_Storm_DJ05.v02 w/ Reboot Options Mod! [New - v04] - xda-developers
super dark [ROM] Super Dark Beta v1.1 UPDATED 11/22: Theme Update for DJ05! - xda-developers
frosted glass [Theme] Frosted Glass DJ05 - xda-developers
Avalon [Theme]-Avalon Port-BETA-Now DJ01 & DJ05! - xda-developers
JAMT [url]
Darkstar [url]
defcon1 [url]
DI01 THEMES: (for deodexed systems)
sonofskywalker3 (xda)
Blackmod Enhanced [THEME] Blackmod Enhanced *with 15 sec softkey backlight and power options* - xda-developers
goldenstorm (xda)
Blackish Mod-Theme [Theme] Storms Blackish Mod-Theme w/ Power Mod & Accurate Battery[Updated 11/07/2010] - xda-developers
frostman89 (xda)
Remix NexTheme Frost Remix NexTheme [Updated:09/27/10] - xda-developers
Tweaked Remix NexTheme [Theme] Tweaked Frost Remix NexTheme - xda-developers
Remix Incognito/Minimal Matte [Theme] Remix Incognito/Minimal Matte [Updated: 10/31] - xda-developers
txinstrument34 (xda)
Frost for Aosp Rom [Theme] Frost for AOSP Rom - xda-developers
thatdudebutch (xda, rom manager under jt)
Dark Gloss Mod [Theme] Dark Gloss Mod - xda-developers
Retrokid223 (xda, rom manager (under jt)
Revolution Theme [Theme] Revolution Theme ~~ [Updated 11/07/10] - xda-developers
NexDeep [Theme] Nexdeep With AccBatt Mod - xda-developers
Florynce (xda)
Androdena Galassia [THEME][PORT] ::ANDRODeNa GaLaSSiA:: - xda-developers
raiderep (xda)
Blue Minimalism [THEME] Blue Minimalism with circle battery mod - xda-developers
stanrc (xda)
BlackMod [MM Theme] BlackMod - xda-developers
nitsuj17 (af, xda)
Matted Blues {Theme}{Port} Matted Blues
Nextang {Theme}{Port} DI01 Nextang 1.0 Beta 11.19.10 - xda-developers
Purple {Theme}{Port} Purple Theme
Nexus S Singularity [Theme] Singularity (Nexus S Concept) - xda-developers
Avalon [Theme]-Avalon Port-BETA-Now DJ01 & DJ05! - xda-developers
BACK TO STOCK (courtesy frostman89)
hoey2011 (xda)
Swype Themes [MetaMorph]Swype Themes: Voice Input only - xda-developers
jt1134 (rom manager, xda)
Super Clean 0.4 [ROM] Super Clean De-Binged DI01 + AOSP apps - Updated 10/30 Version 0.4 - xda-developers
thatdudebutch (xda)
SuperDark [ROM] Super Dark Beta v1.1 [Updated 11-15: More UI + map search key to anything] - xda-developers
sonofskywalker3 (rm, xda)
Blackhole [RELEASE]Blackhole Version 1.3 Rom now available in ROM Manager *11/15 update* - xda-developers
deodexed (rm, xda)
Zinc [RELEASE]Blackhole Version 1.3 Rom now available in ROM Manager *11/15 update* - xda-developers
bubby323 (xda)
AOSP Magic [ROM] [UPDATED] AOSP Magic v 0.2 Beta Testing ~AOSP Apps, Lockscreen, & Theme~ - xda-developers
I have a couple of ideas for theming but have no idea on how to actually go about making them for the phone.
View 14 Replies View RelatedTHEMED ROMS:
Pete's Bugless 0.4 FRF84b themed (2.2) - Android Forums
Compatible THEMES:
[Theme] 928Droid "Black Glass" 2.2 for Froyo - - MetaMorph - Back to Stockl
[Theme] NexTheme for Bugless Beast V0.4 (6/29/10)
Start posting them and I will edit it for people. I can't quite get KangaSaurus to work on it just yet - loads lock screen, everything is themed, then it reboots after SD Card load (sound off)
Can someone please explain what the difference is between themes, roms, mm, flashes. Might be simple but everytime i do something knew I have no problems. I was on cyan .7 but now nextheme e1sb2r r2 (or something)! love new things just not sure if I might be missing out on something that one might offer over another.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAlright so my phone has been rooted for a while now and I have been running Koush's Cyanogenmod for the DInc for a couple weeks. Now I was wondering how do I get themes for these ROMs and how do I install them?? I have seen people on the XDA forums theme their DIncs and they said something about metamorph but I have no idea what that is.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat I'm asking is if I were to install a new ROM/THEME do i need to uninstall or delete the old one? Or do I just load right over it? Also what's the best app to use to "unbloat" uninstall unwanted apps?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI rooted my x last night, and was wondering where and how to download custom ROMs to theme my droid x. I've been looking around on websites for custom ROMs for the droid x and it's all really confusing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have searched for this but didn't really find a clear answer. I am running BB Froyo 0.4---can themes be installed over other themes? IE- can I install blue energy over Xtheme? Is there a way to revert back to the generic BB with no theme or do I need to restore a backup to accomplish this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI saw at software development there is a way to port rom to rom, but the devices need to be in the same resolution. Thread: [URL] For the galaxy ace plus wich device is the good, and wich rom?
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe title pretty much explains my question. I would like to port apps from the Sony-ified stock ICS to Cm10.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy bro has a note running jb. He has a secgallery app which I cant install on my xperia u wid ics
I always get an error "App not installed".
I have decompiled the app... But m nt a modder so I dun knw what changes to make in androidmanifest or some other folder to run it..
Port CM7 based rom for Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300?
I've tried, but always failed. Only appears Samsung logo when turned on. I follow these guidelines.
How to port based on stock rom? I tried to port pyramid's cm9.1 on my device. Both cpu is msm8260..
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf we can play some Unity 3D games (etc.: Counter-Strike) on android, so I have a question how to port these games to android?
Is there any way to play games like these?:
I'm having some problems with the porting of a rom, my phone is a clone of the phone from which i'm taking the rom (My phone is a NGM Legend 2, which is also a clone of Gionee GN868, and the original is Blu Vivo 4.3) the only thing which is really different are the mounting positions of the internal memory.
In Blu Vivo 4.3 the system partition is mounted on /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 and the data partition is on /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 while in the mine they are mounted on /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 and /dev/block/mmcblk0p6.
I changed them in the updater-script so i'm able to install the rom, but i had to replace the boot.img with the one from my rom because the phone wasn't booting up, but i can't install any app from google play store (error 110) or any apk ("app not installed" error).
How to port Android onto phones? I can't find a lot on the internet...
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen you are porting a Rom, how do you know which libs to copy over? Also I'm porting for the fascinate, but the porting rom is for the nexus, should I copy all of the hw libs?