General :: Modem Turning Off On Call Send / Receive?
Jun 2, 2013I just flashed a rom, and now my phone on receive or send of calls, it turns off the modem.

I just flashed a rom, and now my phone on receive or send of calls, it turns off the modem.
I planning to buy a wifi-only 7" tablet, but the tablet support some external 3G/EVDO modem to connect to the internet. So, is there -by any chances- a way to make a call or send a sms via external modem?
I've seen this possible on "ipod to iphone conversion" with custom dialer and sms app...
i have a problem with my x10: some of the sim cards dont work on it.i do have signal but cant call someone or receive calls or send messages but i can use the internet.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf i turn this off while I am home or in my dorm and connected to wi-fi
can I
1) Receive Texts
2)Send/Receive Pics
3)Make Calls?
I am trying to use a USB GPRS (SIM5218A) modem in eclair, I am wondering how to send the AT commands to the modem. I saw some old emails here in the list showing how to use pppd with chat (exec /system/usr/bin/chat -v); Unfortunately I am unable to find chat in eclair. Is there a better way to perform this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to develop an application that would need to AT commands that are not yet defined in the RIL. I saw from the ril.h file, that hook requests are available :
It can be invoked on the Java side from
But from the application side, this package is not visible (
Is there anyone who bypassed this issue or is there any other way to send specific AT command to the RIL from an application?
My GF's daugther just got an 7" OMY Q88 tablet with 8Gb flash, 512Mb Ram, 1GHz A13 Cpu, running (Android version 4.0.4 - Baseband 1.5 - kernel 3.0.8+ yishion@yishion #95 - build number nuclear_evb-eng_AL_4.0.4), from her mother and I'm trying to see if I can get it to work with SMS and phone calls.
So I'm using Globe tattoo usb stick E1552 & E153(rebranded Huawei) attached by USB dongle. Both work fine for internet using PPPwidget and sending SMS through GO SMS Pro, but is unable to receive SMS or make phone calls(I tried most dialers from Play store).
*-Thoose things work perfect on a pc, so what is Android missing? She needs this tablet when starting in college this comming june, and there is no public Wi-Fi on campus.Here in the Philippines, things we take for granted in other countries, are scares to be found.
There are plenty of apps for windows and pc but eventhough I have used 5 days and looked though hundreds of google pages using different search criterias, I have not been able to find a solution for Android.I would not be able to send SMS. URLs.....The last one is alien language to me as I'm not an programmer.
I even installed the JB Messaging app from XDA - but sadly it had no effect.What I need is offline SMS, there are plenty of apps for online SMS but her money is not enough for constant internet.
I wanted to send an apk to my friend but it says something like not supported filetype and therefore it's automatically rejected and it is not sent in consequence. It's not a problem with my phone but with Samsung i9000 dual core 1.2GHz with mali400. IMO we could fix it by adding a line but I'm not sure which file to edit. Weirdly he's able to send apk's. I can send apk files to everyone but him. His Rom is resurrection remix v4.0.7
Xperia Play
I have a Samsung intercept and when I try to send a picture message on my phone it says sent but the person says that they did not get the picture. I tried sending myself a picture and once again it says sent
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust to start off, I have a Droid 3, flashed to metro. I didn't flash it myself, so I don't have very extensive knowledge, but it is rooted.
1) My biggest problem: I can't receive or send group messages. I tried both handcent and go sms pro. In GO sms Pro, I've checked Send Settings > MMS Group Chat. I can send and receive MMS, but when I send it to multiple people, they all receive individual texts rather than a group text. Long story short I'm trying to message a group of people with iPhones. How can I do this or what exact settings do I need? I've looked at other threads, but to no avail.
2) 3G isn't working. It worked when I initially got it, and when I called the place that flashed my phone, they said that Metro sent out some file that blocks the 3G access.
I changed my email password on my PC. now I can't receive or send emails on my phone. I tried to change my phone email password but it does not take.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can send and receive normal texts, but not pictures. When I try to send a picture, it says "Message not sent." "MMS not supported by network." "Server response error." And when someone tries to send me a picture, I was directed to a website called
I have a Samsung Galaxy s3 with AT&T.
My co-worker has the Bionic, and we set up our IMAP work email. He receives, the emails but when he tries to compose a message on his Bionic to send he gets the following message:
Message not sent Invalid Server Certificate
I've set up his and other co-workers phones to receive/send emails with our work emails.
I got the Samsung Stratosphere smartphone last week and I couldn't figure out how to send or receive any multimedia messages. I got home, googled it and found out I had to turn my data on, and turn atuo-receive off, then click download. That worked to receive them but I have NO clue how to send them! It will act like its sending but say pending, and never send? how else to send/receive the messages!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can not send or receive texts. Verizon did send my ringtones via text but for whatever reason I can not send or receive.
Droid Pro
Somewhere in a period of 24-36 hours of being turned on continuously, my phone (a Sony Xperia Go with Cyanogenmod 11 running on it, but the problem was there before with stock rom too) needs to be rebooted, else I can't receive or send text messages or call. The text messages simply won't be sent and I don't get a waiting tone (or any sound for that matter) when I try to call and it'll eventually fail.
Now when I still used a stock rom, I'd see that I had lost network connection, but on the current Cyanogenmod build I still have full bars. This issue I then have to fix by rebooting my phone, as I stated. I have not tried setting it to airplane mode for a quick fix, but in all honesty, I'm looking for a permanent fix, not a temporary one. And this also seems to be an issue that isn't just with my type of phone.."
i have an htc vivid (i know an old old phone lol) and i lost the ability to send and recieve mms when i attempted to root my phone. i still have all ingoing and outgoing calling ability and the ability to send and recieve sms. is there any way to correct the mms problem or is my phone shot?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant rooted to ICS passion 13.1 and it uses the 3.1.10_ICS_KissYum_yum_good #1 Kernel. I rooted this phone from Froyo 2.2 down to Eclir then to CM7 and then ICS.
Anyways I think that is enough info but the issue I have is I cannot send or receive pictures via text. I used to be able to and I know the plan for Tmo supports it but even if I try to send one to myself all it does is say 'sending message'. I never get one in my inbox and it never gives the time of when it was delivered, or sent out. When someone else sends one to me, it shows the size of the file with a little button that says Download, next to it. Even if i turn wifi on and connect to my router then hit 'download' it doesn't do anything. I don't have the Data plan but I don't think that would cause the issue would it?
I'm having a LG Optimus LTE 4G one form Korea. The problem is I only can send and receive 80 character length sms.I don't want to install a new android OS on it. It currently having the official ICS update.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Spice Mi 350n (Android 2.3.4 ; Baseband Version: MT6573 ; Kernel Version: ; Build Number: ALPS.GB.FDD2.MP.V2.14 ; Custom Build version: spice_MI350N_IND_V1.7) .
Very surprisingly I am not able to transfer (both Send and Receive) any files through BLUETOOTH. This is such a basic function of all mobile. I have tried couple of file managers, Bluetooth Manager but not able to transfer. I have rooted the phone .
I just bought a Galaxy S3 this morning (first Android phone ever!) and for some reason, I haven't been able to send/receive any pictures to/from any of my friends who has an iPhone. I went into At&t earlier tonight and several people without iPhones sent me pictures and received pictures from me with no problems, but everyone with an iPhone couldn't receive my pictures. The techs there told me to try and use the lowest camera resolution and I was able to get one picture to send but still wasn't able to receive any pictures.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased an unlocked Sony Xperia SX SO-05D and am using it outside of Japan. I am not able to send or receive any MMS messages. I have updated the APN settings so that I'm able to get on the internet via data. When I go to the settings in the messaging app there's not even any options/setting for MMS like there was on my Xperia go.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat the solution is to be able to send and receive picture messages?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have the galaxy tab 3 8" tablet. Is it possible to send and receive text messages?
View 1 Replies View RelatedGot a problem with my new Samsung galaxy S2 that's stumping.Several times a day, for several minutes at a time, I'm unable or send or revive text messages. During this ~5 min window I am also unable to make or receive calls. Outgoing texts will time out and outgoing call just stay at "dialing" and then time out. The issue resolves itself after a few minutes.
• This started when I switched to an iPhone on Sprint from my Samsung Epic 4g on Sprint. Thinking it was the iPhone issue, I switched to a Galaxy SII... which does the exact same thing.
• I have signal bars the whole time
• my girlfriend, who shares the cell plan and my house never has this issue (she has an Evolution 4g)
• tried updating the PRL, profile and even had Sprint reset my MSID#.
• happened on stock EK02 ROM, and rooted EL29 roms.
I'm using Google voice exclusively for text messaging. Right now the only way to send/receive texts is to use the google voice app, but I would like to do that through the native message app.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've been looking high and low for something that can achieve what is mentioned here, but to no avail. I would like the ability to send/receive messages directly from my Desktop without having to touch my phone (something similar to AirDroid, though unfortunately it only supports SMS).
AirDroid claimed they were able to make it work, though it requires root and other permissions that may infringe privacy rights. this leads me to believe that a similar software should exist.
Don't suggest emulators/BlueStacks - as the experience is suboptimal, and/or one would be required to have a separate phone number or sign out from the phone service in order to use it exclusively on the desktop.
I spent hours last night search and trying various combinations of APN settings. But I still can't send or receive MMS messages.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have full bars of servive, I can recieve txt messages but I can't send!! I have the Samsung Galaxy SII white phone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhy do all Android devices constantly receive/send data traffic? Even though no app is requiring it for that moment.During a one minute period the data traffic light light up at least once.
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