General :: How To Hide / Remove Icon Of USB Debugging On Notification Bar
Aug 26, 2012I think I have been seen apps can do this, but cannot remember them at all

I think I have been seen apps can do this, but cannot remember them at all
Is it possible to hide just the notification icon without hiding the notification itself from pulldown?
Use case: Yahoo Weather app, the persistent notification in the pulldown is beautiful. I want it to always be there. However, the little temperature notification icon is pretty ugly, and I want to hide/disable it.
Using JB's "disable notifications" won't work since it will disable the entire notification, not just the icon.
This icon appears whenever my data allowance has been used up. My network who are usually useful with things like this were otherwise on this occasion.
My phone is rooted with CM and terminal editor. Although I've not well versed in terminal editor I can follow instructions, like adding read/write to the system folder so I could delete system apps.
I've looked all over the forum, but don't see any recent posts for my question. So I'm hoping someone can help... I would like to hide or remove unwanted icons from the left side of the notification/status bar. I realize most programs give you this option, but some don't (such as the latest version of Norton security program). It just sits up there and hogs up real estate. Ideally, it would also be nice to be able to rearrange the icons, or make them larger if desired..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am displaying an icon in status bar.Now i want to remove that icon immediately when i open that content , after some time if we receive any alert ,that icon will be displayed again.For this what can i do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm rooted and have 4.0.4.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn android 4.4 there are no stat_sys_battery pngs in systemui. I would like to completely hide the battery icon but without being able to find the stat_sys_battery pngs. Any way to hide the icon.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi need to hide an icon from statusbar, is there any app that can hide specific icon from statusbar?? but i dont want to close the app which icon i want hide.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to hide an icon from drawer without disabling the app and without using any launcher app?
i have samsung galaxy y duos.
Is it possible to hide the icon (on every launcher, not a particular one) of the gallery on JB, which is the same application as the camera? i want to keep the camera icon only. I readed, but i dont remember where, that you can do something like that with some .xml editing...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI know that there is a option in LP and ADW still is there any specific app to hide it.
360 launcher doesnt have that option and i love the launcher really!
So,is there an app.
Using GingerDx on X8.
So when I get texts, gmail, completed app downloads, etc I get notification icons at the top as usual. When I slide the notification bar down to reveal the nofications and click on an item, the notification screen doesn't hide back to the top of my phone -- it just stays open. I either have to hide it manually or I have to hit the back button, which sometimes exits the app I was trying to open. 2.1 never did this for me, it always hid when choosing an item. Anyone have a solution to this? I've done a factory reset after 2.2 btw. I've also searched support to see if there was a similar problem, no similar threads.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to free up space because I'm having problems updating apps because not enough disk space. I tried to get rid of Polaris Viewer which I never use and tried to drag it to the waste bin but it stuck on the bottom taskbar and I don't know how to remove it.
View 12 Replies View RelatedUpdated the YouTube app and now the channel logo is on the corner of every video. Any way to get rid of it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove this power indicator icon? I don't want two...
Uploaded with
I am looking for a way to remove apparently names from the homescreen and just have the icons.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI can't remember how to do it
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using a Lenovo a60 phone. It has dual SIM support. However i rarely keep the second SIM card activated which results in a no-signal icon beside the 1st SIM signal icon. Anyway i can remove the NO SIGNAL icon ONLY? I still want the signal strength of the second SIM to appear when SIM 2 is activated but i don't want the icon when SIM 2 is deactivated.
I believe it lies somewhere in the SystemUI.apk since that's how i removed the Vibration Indicator icon.
How to remove the NO SIGNAL icon in the statusbar of ANY PHONE (dual sim or not).
I've been searching for a fix to remove the data switch in notifications.. It can't be cleared and wouldn't clear neither data on and off.. I've found one for sony x10 think but the fix did not work for my device...
I'm running Froyo 2.2 (stock ROM) on Huawei Boulder U8350...
What program the eye is in the screen shot? it appears and disappears... How to get rid of it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm compiling my own ROM project from source, and I wonder if I can remove the home "icon" on the app drawer for the stock gingerbread launcher2.apk? From source that is.
For example the latest LauncherPro have the option for removing/hiding the home icon on the app drawer, I pretty much want to do the same basically on the default Gingerbread Launcher.
I have a situation like this. I have a "A" app which shows on home screen. When I click this "A" app, It will show many other apps which installed or will be installed on the device. ut the problem is I only want to show these apps through the "A" app only.Is it possible?? If installing and hiding icons not possible, I can dynamically download these apps from my own cloud and load them at the request.
Can anyone please guide me some ideas or something?'m so lost here and just no clue at all how to start!
I defined an application which is only used from my other application. So I would like to hide the icon of this application, so that the user can't see it on the desktop of his phone (or how do you call the thing where all apps are listed?). My manifest file looks the following way:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
<activity android:name=".PacmanGame" android:label="@string/app_name" android:screenOrientation="portrait"> <intent-filter>
<action android:name="pacman.intent.action.Launch" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
</intent-filter> </activity>
<receiver android:name="">
<intent-filter> <action android:name="" />
</intent-filter> </receiver> </application> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7" /> </manifest>
I already read this question:
But if I just remove the line
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
in my manifest, the activity isn't working at all (ActivityNotFoundException in the calling activity). I already tried android.intent.category.EMBEDDED but this doesn't work too. In the Internet I found CommonsWare answer that it can be done using PackageManager. Unfortunately, it isn't explained how exactly and I couldn't find a solution by browsing the PackageManager API.
I have an application which launch automatically after the booting finished,but the application icon is displayed in the android emulator.Now i want to hide that icon from the user.So that the user cannot know from the application is lanuch and they cannot launch that application manually.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to hide an application icon from Android applications list ? The application should be downloaded from Market and opened some GUI for configuring my application. I don't want to see any icon of my application in applications list. User should not be able to run it.
By the way I know some way:remove this line from manifest <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> But it is not worked for me, because the GUI is not shown.
I've been using Go SMS Pro for a long time and have never had this problem. When I get a new text, the Go icon shows up in my notification bar as usual (I have it set to do this), but when I access that text message either from the notification bar pull-down or through the Go SMS app itself, the icon still remains in my notification bar. The only way to remove it is to pull down my notifications and hit "clear". I believe I have all my settings in order (stock notifs off, etc.).
Using Android Rezound (Gingerbread - still!), not rooted, Go Launcher Pro
i got a transparent icon in the notification bar is like a submarine o balloon, but the weird thing is just in the lock screen, when i enter in the home screen the icon disappear but coming again on the lock screen, some one knows what can be?
View 14 Replies View RelatedThis is really minor, but it's annoying to me to have an icon in my notification bar up top that USB debugging is connected. I realize I have to have the USB debugging option checked in settings, but it's annoying that this notification icon appears whenever I plug the phone into the computer.How do I disable this icon?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to remove a specific status bar icons and change the order of icon display? I think we need to edit the smali files, but I'm not sure which one to edit.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to hide the two icons but not the whole status bar when user enters my application. After exit my application, the two icons can be re-displayed. How should I do?
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