General :: Google Account Sync Interfering With Email?

Oct 9, 2013

I get emails to my yahoo account from an organization that puts links in its emails.

I have to click on some of these links to email the organization. Clicking one of these links opens up an email with a form I have to fill out.

I'm having a problem using my yahoo email because of something google does involving sync. This is on my nexus 7 which I bought in 2012.When I click on a link in an email, a full-screen window opens up that says

Gmail Account not synced / This account isn't set up to sync automatically.

Touch Sync Now to sync mail once, or Change Sync Settings to set up this account to sync mail automatically.

At the bottom of the screen it has "Sync now" and "Change sync settings" buttons.

I don't want to have to sync; I would just like to avoid or opt out of the whole thing and use the computer normally, without any interference from google. But for what it's worth, I have tried syncing. It never works. I have gone into settings and tried changing sync on and off, I have tried logging out of my gmail account, rebooting; I can never get the link to work. Always the window pops up when I click on an email link.

I have tried copy-pasting the link to the url window (same thing happens). I have copy-pasted it into a text editor and examined it. It has mailto followed by the organization's email address and a string of commands that creates the form-letter body of the email. I need that form letter, I can't just open a blank email to the organization.

General :: Google account sync interfering with email?

General :: Active Sync Account - Not Showing To Whom Email Was Sent To By Default?

Jun 14, 2013

I cannot find a setting anywhere but here is what I am talking about below. I don't want to have the click the arrow to drop down who the email has been sent to, i would like to see who is all on the email

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General :: What Does Sync App Data To Google Account Actually Do

Apr 16, 2014

What does the Sync app data to Google account actually do? Should I keep it on?

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General :: Sync Settings For Google Account

May 11, 2012

I recently got a HTC One X and noticed that there was an error syncing with my Google account. When I checked it out, my "Sync Internet" is failing. Then I remembered that on my Logitech Revue with Honeycomb had the same issue.

What exactly is "Sync Internet" and how come it is failing on more than one device?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Auto Sync Email Individual Email Account On Phone?

Jul 21, 2010

I've set up an email account on my mini pro (NOT gmail or exchange) and it all works fine updating my inbox manually , however, I cant find any settings to automatically retrieve my emails periodically ( as far I can see auto sync refers to gmail or sony sync or road sync for exchange). Is there any way to auto sync an individual email account ?

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General :: Way To Download Apps Without Using Google Account And Sync

Aug 7, 2011

Is there a way to download apps without using Google account and sync? Is there a way to download, for example, dolphin mini hd without android market or appbrain?

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HTC Desire :: Hotmail Account As Email Account - If Delete Account - Effect On The Actual Email Account

Jun 5, 2010

just got my desire this morning and i don't really know what i'm doing with it, i've never had a smart phone before. i've set up my hotmail account as the email account on the phone but, call me paranoid, i'd rather not have it on there at all. if i delete the account on the phone will it have any detremental effect on the actual email account?

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General :: Samsung Galaxy S4 - Google Account Sync Over WiFi Only

Jul 25, 2013

I just got my first android phone, a samsung galaxy s4 and love it. I have been able to set it up as I want for the most part. One thing I cant figure out though, how do you set google account sync to only sync over wifi? I know you can go into the data section and choose which apps can update over wifi, but I don't see one for google account sync. Is it called google services or something? In the google plus I was able to set it to update photos and videos over wifi, but what about the calendar, app data, drive etc.?

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General :: Photos Taken On Phone No Longer Sync With Google Account

May 11, 2012

Up until November 2011 I had an older model Motorola Droid X. I was able to take photos using the phone camera and those photos would automatically sync with my Google accounts and could be accessed by Google+, Blogger, etc. All was well and I was happy.

In November 2011, I fried my Droid X when I spilled Gatorade on it and it was immediately replaced with a HTC Droid Incredible 2. I just downloaded Google+ (over six months after replacement) and the photos that I take NOW, sync just fine. But the photos that I took during the last 6-months did not synch up with my Google accounts.

Is there any way to synch the photos taken during the 6-month period that I did not have Google+ installed to be included in the Instant Upload?

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General :: EGlide Forgot Google Account Email / Password?

Aug 11, 2012

I have recently wasted all of my time on my tablet. I have stop using my tablet since new years eve due to my forgotten google account password. I have to hard resetting it but my Tablet does not have volume buttons on the outside only on the touch screen.

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Jelly Bean :: Intrusive Google Play Ads Interfering With Other Apps

Nov 20, 2013

I have a Samsung Note 2 running 4.1.2.

Google recently updated Google Play and now does many of their basic function updates through Play instead of through Android releases. Since this has happened I now get unasked for and unwanted Google Play ads for aps that appear on their site randomly popping up on my phone - not from within running apps, but just on the phone itself. There seems to be no way to stop this callous disregard for Google customers' privacy and personal space. Why do they imagine that doing such things will make me want to respond to their advertisers. It makes me disregard the ads entirely. This policy is good for no one, customers, advertisers, Google or Android.

I don't mind ads appearing in free apps - that's why they are free, that's fine. But I didn't ask for this intrusion and interference when I bought the Android operating system on my phone. These ads interfere with running apps, like the phone app, or the alarm app. Google Play opens itself whenever the phone comes out of hibernation and displays a random app from the store, asking you to install it. When my alarm app goes off in the morning, instead of the screen with buttons to snooze or dismiss the alarm, I get the Google Play screen. When I finally get rid of that, the Alarm is nowhere to be seen, not even in the list of running apps behind the pull down screen, yet the alarm sound continues to go off the whole time. I have to go find the Alarm icon and open it again to turn the alarm off.

THIS IS AN INFURIATING example of the way Google treats their users. There seems to be no way to turn these Google Play ads off - Google Play is no longer an app and you can't treat it like other apps. There is no way to complain about it to Google. The Contact Us tab on the Google Play site is a joke and doesn't work.


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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Hotmail Account Email Sync

Oct 1, 2010

I set up a Hotmail account on my Xperia x10 so I can easily check my emails on the phone. However, when I open an email from the phone, it would still show as "unread" when I open my Hotmail account from a laptop / computer. Is there a way this can be changed, so that when an email is opened/read on the phone, it would also show as open/read when I open my Hotmail account from a laptop?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Can't Sync To Google Account?

Jun 8, 2010

A friend picked up the EVO on launch day, from Radio Shack where they just handed it to her and offered no kind of walkthrough. I've been trying to hep her get used to the phone, and to Android (I've got an Incredible). There's one big problem, and I've searched the forums and can't seem to find an answer. When she tries to add her Google account (**** in Accounts & Sync, it accepts her account name and password, and says the login was successful. When she hits the "Next" button, it brings her back to the Add a Google Account screen, where the options are to "Create" and "Sign In". Repeated the process multiple times with the same results. Is it just a matter of continuing to sign in until it works? Would a factory reset help?

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HTC : Desire Does Not Sync With Google Account

Sep 26, 2010

I am having problem synchronizing my Desire with Google Account. Either it is stuck at sync stage or says sync server is not available. I do not know if this ia problem with my phone or my google account. I use chrome and is logged into Google acount all the time. My Chrome crashed a couple of months back and I think the problem started then.

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Samsung Captivate :: Does Not Sync With Yahoo Mail Account When Click The Email Icon

Jul 25, 2010

My captivate does not sync with my yahoo mail account when I click the email icon.I am not sure if my incoming and outgoing settings are correct..does anyone know what the right configurations are?

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Android :: Can't Sync Google Exchange Account

May 31, 2010

For some reason I can't sync my google exchange account. My calander syncs fine, but my mail won't. It keeps saying "synchronization is experiencing problems." Anyone else have this issue as of today? I am just trying to figure out if its my phone or something on googles end.

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Android :: Get Email Address Of Google Account

Jul 7, 2009

I want to get the email address of the Google account tied to the phone (the one the user enters upon setup). I need it to uniquely identify the user of my app - however I do not want their password as it would, understandably, scare most users away from using the app. So I need a way of getting the email address without having to include permissions that suggest I am accessing account info etc...

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Samsung Fascinate :: Can't Get Phone To Sync With Google Account

Sep 26, 2010

I did all the steps I could, but I still can't get the phone to sync with my sister's Google account. It locked up and perma-black screened after rooting and installing launcher pro, so I tried to use the backup from Odin to save it. Saved the phone. Seems to work. The verizon backup option successfully restores her contact info.I can't get it to sync with her google account, and I am LOSING MY MIND because I have to leave early tomorrow morning, and I don't want to leave my sis. with a broken phone.And where in the heck do you get the oft-mentioned "" file from?

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Motorola Milestone :: Unable To Sync With Google Account

May 22, 2010

I finally installing 2.1 with all English menus.that worked in china.However I cant get my contacts and calendar to sync with google.The mail client works fine with no hitches.But I cant add the google account.when I enter in the full server name:

the next button is grayed out.the only way it will let me proceed is if I remove the https:// and then it try to connect.but it then says :" unable to open connection to server"Any help for what is more than likely an extraordinarily simple problem?

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Motorola Droid X :: Turn Auto Sync Off - Application Enable Push Email For Gmail Account

Jul 30, 2010

I have been reading up on the concept of push email, and how it's supposed to be a huge battery saver (since in theory, the phone would only receive a notification of an e-mail, and not the actual e-mail itself). I have also been reading up on how the "Gmail" app's version of Push email is not the same as other Push e-mail software, in that it requires the phone to "Sync" whenever an e-mail hits the Gmail server. As a result, whenever I would try to turn Auto Sync off (supposedly to save battery), I would no longer be able to get my e-mail notifications in real time.

With this in mind, I attempted to find another application that would enable me to use Push email for my Gmail account, without having to "Sync" with Gmail's server. After messing around for a bit, I found that I could manually input my Gmail account info (Incoming Server, Outgoing Server, Username, Pass, Etc.) into the stock "Email" app that comes with the X. Once this was done, I was able to enable "Data Push" in the "Email" app's Settings menu (as well turning off any Polling intervals). By doing this, I was able to receive new Gmail notifications through the "E-mail" app, even when Auto Sync had been turned off. As a bonus, I received them around 15 seconds faster than I did with the "Gmail" app's version of Push.....

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HTC Desire :: Sync Phone Contacts BACK To Google Account

Apr 8, 2010

I have searched around on this and other forums, looking for the answer to a question that has been bugging me since before the weekend.I got the HTC desire on friday (love the phone!) and have got to the point where most of the things are set up how I want. I have used HTC sync to import my contacts from Outlook where they were already set up how I wanted. However I can't seem to be able to import these contacts back up to my Google account though. I have turned on all the sync settings and checked these, but nothing seems to work.I tried creating a dummy contact in my google account and prompted a sync from my phone which pulled this down ok. So this would indicate that the sync seems to work one way, but wont pull my contacts back up the other.I don't really want to re-enter all my contacts into my Google account to get the sync working properly plus I am assuming this will create a duplicate of every contact already on my phone.

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HTC Desire :: When Do Google Contacts Sync Back From Phone To Account?

May 4, 2010

I've recently (today, earlier & just now) added a few Google contacts to my phone.They don't appear in my contacts on my GoogleMail web page. I've manually synced them on the phone and refreshed the web page to no avail.I created one much earlier on (maybe even yesterday) and it's there.If I create a new contact on the web it appears almost immediately on the phone.

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Android : Can't Buy Google Apps - Back To Account Sync Page?

May 4, 2010

I'm trying to purchase an app, but everytime I enter in my Google Apps premier account info, it just takes me back to the Account Sync page. The app never gets purchased. Is there a way I can fix this issue? I have purchased numerous things using my Google Apps account and all the information is current.

I did a number of searches regarding this issue, but either the question goes unanswered or the response is "just create another Google account to buy the app". I would rather not have to create another account just for this. If anyone knows how to correct this, please let me know.

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Android :: IMAP Email For Google Applications Account Not Working

Aug 14, 2010

I have been trying to setup my schools email account via google apps but to no avail. I have gotten count less errors both on the gmail and email app. Typical errors include "invalid credentials", "rejected", or something of that nature. I have also tried setting my username to "" , "", or simply "anon". These are the settings I use:

Incoming mail settings
Port 993

I won't bother including outgoing email settings because I have yet to even make it past the incoming settings page.

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HTC Incredible :: Deleting Google Email Account Without Clearing Storage

Apr 29, 2010

Is there anyway to delete one of two Gmail accounts without clearing storage? If I do clear storage will it wipe out my apps or are they backed up by Gmail?

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HTC Hero :: Setup Google Account Email / Log Off And Switch User - Add Other In This?

Nov 21, 2009

I just setup my hero and had to setup the google account email,how can i log off and switch user..and how can i add other email accounts

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Sync Contacts And Calendar With Extra Google Account

Sep 22, 2010

I have a Droid, and my friend just got a Samsung Epic, so I am trying to show him things.He has a google account (not a gmail account, not a google apps - a Google account with his own email address). He wants to sync his contacts and calendar.On my Droid, I go to accounts & sync > add account > Google > enter my address and password.i get offered to sync Calendar and/or Contacts, by clicking on the check box.On his Epic, he adds the account, but there are no options, no check boxes! Is this different somehow? It works fine with his gmail, but not his generic Google account. On my Droid it all works fine and everything is in sync.

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General :: Google Voice - Notifications From One Account Are Displaying Other GV Account

Mar 11, 2014

I have two gmail accounts, each with their own Google Voice account. Account 1 is my primary account, and I have even ported my phone number to this account. I'm using this account on my phone (nexus 5), and have 0 issues with this account. All texts, voicemails, etc come through with no issues. Account 2 is largely not used. I would like to use account 2 on my nexus 7, for texts, and maybe making calls if I don't want to give out my real number to someone.

My issue is when I'm logged in to account 2 on my nexus 7, I'm getting text notifications for account 1 on my nexus 7. But if I were to open Google Voice on the nexus 7, once GV refreshes, the texts disappear. It doesn't happen the other way around. If I get a text/vm to account 2, it does not notify my phone, which is logged in to account 1.

I've checked the settings in both GV accounts, and neither account is linked to the other, or to send copies of texts/vm notifications to the other. How do I stop notifications from GV account 1 to stop displaying on account 2? I have cleared cache, data, uninstalled the app. The only thing i have not done, is a reset of the nexus 7.

I was initially logged in to account 1 on my nexus 7, but I would have thought removing the app from the device would have essentially erased all traces of the account 1 on the nexus 7. I even signed out of hangouts, to make sure Google was not treating this like my phone, and sending it both places.

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General :: Sync Outlook Or Exchange And Google Calendar Without Google Sync?

Dec 21, 2012

so i screwed up and got a windows 8 machine (sony tap20) anyhow its past end of life for google sync but i need to sync outlook calendar with my google calendar, prefer ota like it used to be

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Motorola Droid :: Sync GoDaddy Email Account With Droid?

Nov 20, 2009

I have my gmail account and a Comcast POP 3 account working on my Droid but would like to set up a domain email account that I use with the Droid. I am not sure what type of email format godaddy uses. Is this possible?

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