General :: Different Default Actions For A Contact?

Jan 30, 2012

Is it possible to set for a contact with 2 number 2 different default action? A i have a contact with 2 numbers and when I call him I want use a number while I want to text to the other number. Is there any app I could use? I have the stock rom on my S2.

General :: Different default actions for a contact?

Android :: Default When Using Multiple Actions In Intent-Filter

Jul 6, 2010

Trying to grok intents and actions in android and looking through the documentation. But one thing I keep seeing is an intent filter with multiple actions defined.

Like this, from the above link:


But, if you call that activity, how does it choose which action is chosen?

For that matter, that linked to example has multiple activities that all contain the same actions, "android.intent.action.VIEW" for example. When calling this with something like content:// how does it even know which activity to use?

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HTC Desire :: Cant Add Multiple Favourite Actions For One Contact

Jun 27, 2010

I'm having trouble using the favourites widget. I can manage my favourites using the dropdown in 'people' when viewing my phonebook.I can add favourites.I want to add 2 favourites for a contact I call and text (one shortcut for call, one for text).I can add one or the other, but not both. Is there a simpe way around this? (I don't want a shortcut on the main screen, I want to use the favourites widget)

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Android :: Hide Actions In People Contact Manager

May 2, 2010

I was wondering if there was a way to remove certain actions from the individual contact display in the HTC People app. It gives you the option of sending an MMS to all the phone numbers associated with the contact. It's confusing because I only ever want to MMS the mobile number.

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Android :: Spinner - How To Do Distinguish User's Actions From Computer's Actions In OnItemSelectedListener

Nov 17, 2010

I'm in a trouble managing a spinner. I have a spinner with its adapter. I initialize the spinner with a list of values when starting my activity. Then I force the selected value to be the one used in the object that I manage.

Once the screen is initialized :
When the user selects a value in the spinner, according to the selected value, I may continue (or not) to another activity for let the user choose a complementary and necessary value.

If the user "cancels" this second activity, I want to rollback the spinner to its previous selected value, and cancel some actions made in the meantime.

If the user goes to the end of the second activity, everything is fine and I want juste to refresh the spinner display with the datas selected in the second activity (I overload the getView method in the adapter to do this).

Overall, I can easily do all of this, however, when I force the selected value in the spinner at the begining of my activity, or whene returning back from the second activity by "Cancel", the change value event is catched and the second activity is triggered (the user did not click anything at all).

How would you allow the second activity to be lauched only if the change of the selected value in the spinner is due to a manual action from the user, and prevent that same second activity to be launched when the value of spinner is changed "in the code "?

I tried many solutions, as setting a boolean into the adapter that tells if the next event will be raised because of an "in the code" action.

Or also putting a boolean in the adapter that tells if the adapter has initialised itself, and I force that boolean to true on the forst change catched event.

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General :: Use Of Default Contact When Texting?

Mar 13, 2012

when I send a text to a contact, I type the name in the search and choose the contact. For some contacts that works great. For some, when I select them it sends an email and not a text. I have verified for those contacts that the phone number is set as default - is there something else i can do other than create 1 contact for phone and another for email?

Am using the default text and contacts apps

AT&T Galaxy s2 - software version

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General :: How To Change Default Application For Use Of Contact Address In CM7

Mar 31, 2012

How can i change the default application for the use of the contact address in cm7?

If i touch the adress, then maps Starts. I want to start an other app. How Can i change IT?

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General :: How To Stop Facebook Sync From Changing Default Contact Picture

Aug 20, 2012

I have contact pictures for my contacts that I have chosen and assigned to my contacts manually and are stored as the Google contact picture, I have an issue with the facebook app when it syncs a facebook profile picture update the application forces the contacts default picture to be the facebook picture.

I don't want it to do this, it can change the facebook linked contact picture but why does it have to change the contacts default picture?? Is there some way this can be blocked or stopped from within Android contacts??

This has been prevalent since before I can remember with the facebook app and sync. Surely submitting a bug to facebook is not the solution as we SHOULD be able to control and/or lock portions of our contacts details..

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General :: Broadcast Actions On ICS?

Apr 12, 2012

As my application is running as a service, it uses the BOOT_COMPLETED and USER_PRESENT events to start.

I tested it on different devices running Android 2.x but today I realised it doesn't work on a Google Nexus 3 which runs Icecream Sandwich.

Both booting and unlocking events does not start the application.

I use the following code :


<actionandroid:name = "android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
<actionandroid:name = "android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT"/>


So I wonder if it is related to the Android version. Why it does not work on this specific phone ?

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General :: Hacking Voice Actions

Mar 1, 2012

I remember sometime in 2009, when google navigation was restrict to US, some people used to Hack it to make it work outside the US..Voice Action is restrict in english. The app is there.. if I change my locale settings to English US, it works... But when I set it back to portuguese, it only works in search mode...I was then wondering if it was possible to hack it to make it work in other languages, since it can already recognize speech pretty well in portuguese...

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General :: Add Some Custom Actions To ICS Softkey Bar

Mar 18, 2012

I'm wondering if it's possible to add some custom actions to ICS softkey bar... On my tablet would be nice to have next/prev/pause music always visible even in navigation mode with sigic or igo at full screen.

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Android :: App To Set Default For Each Contact

Jul 23, 2010

Anyone know of an app that will let me set a default app (for messaging and/or email) depending on the contact?For example, if I click a contact and want to send a text message, I want to use Google Voice for some contacts, or the default SMS program for others.Same for email. I want my coworkers to be emailed from my work account, and my friends and family from my gmail account.Any advice appreciated.

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General :: Email Conversation View And Actions?

Dec 2, 2011

So I just got my first Android device today (switched from a BlackBerry Bold 9700). I love everything about this device so far and I hoping to keep that streak going.

I get a LOT of emails and most are simply replies to the same thread. I love the conversation view (same as I had on my BB), but unlike the BB, I can take actions on the thread as a whole (e.g. Mark as Read and Move to Folder).

How do I do this on the Android?

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General :: Adding Task With Voice Actions?

Jun 1, 2012

I would like to use Google voice actions to add a task to my Google tasks list. And no, using voice actions to text twitter to direct message Remember the Milk is not good enough. That's just silly. I want to hit the microphone button, say, "new task buy more bacon" and have it show up in my pure calendar widget.

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General :: Changing Soft Key Actions In DEFY

Apr 23, 2012

Is there any way to change soft key actions like MENU key to open app drawer.No launcher provide the feature to change menu key action. Is there any way to do it?

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General :: Any App For Logging All Macro Actions Done By System?

Feb 6, 2012

My question is this: is there any app that can log all the (macro) actions that have been done by the system? I'm referring to something which can produce logs for "<time> <app> started", "<time> <app> closed", "<time> <alert> presented", "<time> call from <contact> received/ended", "<time> data packet sent/received <size>", and other similar system related messages, the more, the better.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Remove Default Contact Groups

Aug 7, 2010

I want to remove some of the default contact groups like "VIP". I already have one called favorites why would I want VIP and favorites? Seems redundant. This is for a HTC EVO

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HTC Droid Eris :: Default Contact

Feb 7, 2010

My Cousin Albert lives with his parents. He has a cell phone and his parents have a normal phone.I put them in the same contact which maybe I shouldn't have but anyway, my cousin's cell phone is rarely on. However, in the contact list, his cell # is the default, so when I press the contact it calls him.I want to change it to my Aunt and Uncle's home tel #. How can I do that?And maybe I should make my cousin a different topic, but I have this problem with other contacts, just the default being their cell (or home) number,when I want it to be their home (or cell) number.

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HTC Desire :: Default Contact Picture Changes

Jun 8, 2010

I have all my contacts in Gmail and sync'd with facebook on my desire.Some contacts I have images in google too (which are low res as we all know).I used Facebook Sync (or fbSync) from the market to pull images from facebook and upload to Gmail.This appears to work fine.Out of the contacts that have images for facebook and google contacts, some default to using the FB image (which is what I want) and some default to google.I need google images because HulloMail VVM only uses gmail contacts so I don't get a contact image unless I have a gmail ones for my voicemails.I have tried to find a trend between the contacts that default to google and those which don't but have been unsuccessful in finding one. I have tried turning off contacts sync but also to no avail.Has anyone else had this issue, or has anyone got any idea on what could be causing this please? I've been trawling the web for too long now and can't find any reference to this issue at all.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Contact Pictures Default To Google

Aug 30, 2010

I have painstakingly updated most of my Google contacts with pictures, and set them as the default pictures for all of my contacts in my phone.However, every two days or so they revert back to the contacts Facebook picture.I have the HTC Evo 4G.How do I keep it from doing this?

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General :: Writing Tags That Would Have Menu And Perform Several Different Actions?

Jan 19, 2013

Any good source for writing NFC Tags. I am looking for information on writing tags that would have a menu and preform several different actions.

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General :: Custom Bluetooth Headset Button Actions?

Jan 10, 2012

Is there any application or way to customize the actions performed when the headset button is pressed?

I use Tasker for various automated things, but looks like there's nothing there (did I miss something?).

Specifically, this is the button on a bluetooth headset that would normally start the voice dialer -- I'd like it to do something different, perhaps. I know that the button's "command" can be intercepted by some applications, because I know that Vlingo, when installed, becomes an option of an application that would "handle" the bluetooth button press (i.e. when I press it, it pops up a window for "which application do you want to use for this").

Unfortunately, Vlingo just uses this to launch its own voice dialer... If it matters, I'm using the Galaxy Nexus on ICS.

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Android :: Set A Default Contact Number - How To Undo

Jan 10, 2010

So, I selected "remember this" when I was sending a text to a contact, because it was the mobile number. Turns out, that set the number as "default" for the contact and now I no longer get to choose which number to use when calling. How can I got back to not having a "default" number?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Can't Delete Default Groups In Contact Manager

Sep 7, 2010

How are people using the contacts manager in EVO? It seems impossible to organize things logically. I can't delete the default groups ("vip", seriously?), which just clutters things up. I can't figure out how to make a folder on a home page from one of my groups. When I sync my contacts into windows, the group assignments gets lost, and I have to sync EVERYTHING, meaning my poker buddies and some chick I saw a movie with once end up on my work computer...

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Android :: Setting Default Contact Card

Jun 5, 2010

I can't seem to set my default contact card in Android. When I open the contacts app (People) there is an entry for my Facebook account that says "My Contact Card" but I don't really use Facebook. All my info is in an entry in Google contacts. How can I change the default contact card?Also, this might be related. When I text with my girlfriend her picture shows up but mine does not. All contact entries for me have my picture so I'm wondering if it has to do with my default contact card.

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Android :: Setting Default Contact Group

Nov 7, 2010

Is there a way that every time I turn on the contacts app it goes straight into one of the groups I've created, say "friends"? Right now every time I open the contacts app it shows all the contacts in my phone. I want to go to my "friends" group instead. Is that possible? Or do I need another app?

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Android :: GVoice / Custom Default By Contact

Aug 8, 2010

Just got the droid x, huge upgrade from the iphone 3g ball and chain i've had for 2 years.I want to set the default text messaging program for certain contacts to be google voice, but the rest of the people to send using the default texting app.Is this possible?

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HTC Desire :: Default Contact Sync With Google

May 20, 2010

I have now deleted all my phone contacts and am managing everything in google.So when I click on people, only one contact comes up.myself. Yet for some reason this does not link with google,so it's not syncing my picture or details.Anybody know how I can do this? You cannot delete the main contact.though I can add myself as a new phone contact(but then I would have two.)

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HTC Hero :: Changing Default Contact Photo

Feb 26, 2010

By default, the Hero displays a green android logo when calling a number (contact or not). Is there a way to change that picture?

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General :: Voice Actions On Jelly Bean Not Functioning Properly

Jul 9, 2012

I flashed jelly bean onto my galaxy nexus over the past weekend.Playing around with it, I've noticed that voice actions just don't work.Every time I say 'Call Contact', it searches for the phrase instead of performing the action. I've tried other voice actions too like setting alarms, writing emails but nothing works. My phone just performs a web query each time.

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