Android :: Way To Know Application Updates
Jan 26, 2009I easily missed application updates I use. Is there any way to get update notification for each applications I installed? of should I check "My downloads" list occasionally?

I easily missed application updates I use. Is there any way to get update notification for each applications I installed? of should I check "My downloads" list occasionally?
I am curious about the procedure for updating an app that was acquired off the market. Do you simply install over your existing app? And if so, what happens to your existing data?Is there a way to tie your installed apps to the market, so it can automatically check for updates? Any information is appreciated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi,
I'm planning to use my website to provide updates for my android application whenever the user decides to perform an update( in case there is one available) . I'm thinking to use http requests for the communication between the user and the server, so whenever there is a new update the server sents back to the user the link to download the apk of the update through the android browser. So far I think it should work !?!. But once I have the apk of the new update on the card ,and the installed old version of the application how do I actually perform the update ?
How an android application handles updates ? What kind of information does the application usually needs to send to request an update, and what does it receives back ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had thought that appbrain is more or less of a mirror of market. How come sometimes I got into appbrain and sync and it shows me no updates, but they I go into the market and it does show updates for some apps?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem when trying to stop location updates when the app goes into the background. In my onCreate() method I start request updates like this:
However the GPS icon remains in the status bar and the only way to get rid of it is to manually kill the application.
I have data that is to be refreshed from the Internet. Let's call it Model.
What I want to do: Basically it sounds like an MVC model, where the Model is also kept persistent in local (private) storage. The Model and its associated methods are application-wise. There are several Activity's that display and manipulate different aspects of it:
navigates across different Activity's
that display Model
from different perspectives. Currently I have a ListActivity for all elements, and an Activity for one element's details
Sometimes Model needs refreshing.
Surely this is done on a different thread. Refreshing can be triggered from several Activity's.
There are several (time consuming) common
tasks that can be triggered from different Activity's
My application loads and saves Model
to private storage when it starts
and stops
My problem: I'm not sure where to put Model and the related tasks in. Also, I don't know what mechanism to use to notify Activity's. Currently I come up with 2 approaches:
Use Service and send broadcasts. Saving to disk is performed in Service#onDestroyed(), so I want to minimize that by binding it to Activity's. At this point, I'm also not sure how to deliver the updated information: whether to provide a getter in Binder, or include that in the broadcast message.
Customize the Application object so that refreshing methods and getters are available globally. I then perform update from Activity's using AsyncTask. If there are other Activity's that are behind the current Activity, they will update in onResume() when the user navigates back.
Reasons I'm not using a class with static methods:
I need to save and store Model to disk. Some of the methods need a Context for displaying toasts, notifications, caching, etc.
Also, I don't put these functionalities in an Activity because there are several activities that manipulate the same piece of persistent data.
Below are pseudocode illustrating what I mean:
Using Service:
Make the functionality globally accessible in the custom Application object
Weaknesses I can think of for the Service approach is complexity, since Binding is asynchronous. And it's very likely that I have to repeat some code because I have both ListActivity and Activity
For the Application approach, the documentation says not to rely on onTerminate() being called.
I'm pretty new to Android, and I had some questions that I've had trouble getting answered via the web. I have done a few searches, but I'm not sure how to word my question, either. So I apologize if this has already been covered somewhere...but here it goes. I was wanting to know how the Android handles application versions/ updates. Specifically, does an update blow away my database? Is there a way to preserve the users' settings as well?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the process of creating an AppWidget which displays data from a remote host, I am looking for documentation about how to manage updates. Are there articles somewhere about how and when querrying remote data is the most appropriate? I am wondering if we have to explicitly code the remote queries in a separate thread, or even do it in a separate service, to avoid freezes of the home screen (this happens a lot on my htc magic).
View 3 Replies View Relatedproviding updates to unpublished application( old users)
Lets say we have a PAID app - "x-some". 1000+ users downloaded and using it, before 28-Feb-2010. we stopped for some reason from 01-march-2010, by "unpublishing the app" from market.
however, we found some bug in x-some and want to fix it and also to be available to only 1000+ users who already downloaded it. We dont want this app to be seen by new users. Only old users( who downloaded this paid app), should be able to view it and download the new fix.
I seen to have a problem installing and updating pretty much all apps from the market. I am running anbranded and unrooted desire on 2.2. I have successfully downloaded nearly 50 apps from the market but recently it doesn't seem to install any apps including updates. I did find one that was ok (retro camera which I tried just to see) but it wont update sppedview, folder organizer lite or quick system info pro. It also doesn't seem to want to let me install quite a few other apps that I have tried (some alarm apps and some poker ones).
View 21 Replies View RelatedWe wanted to follow-up. By now, you should have noticed that the installs metrics for your applications have been restored. We identified the problem as occurring with application updates only, have made some changes recently that should resolve and prevent this problem. Please let us know if this error persists.
If we can assist you further, please let us know. In my case, things have not changed at all. Downloads are increasing (1550) and active installs stabilized at 29% (the value before the drop was 44/45%). So, indeed active installs are increasing again - 29% is stable since three weeks - but the original percentage was not restored. Now, I don't know what to think... Maybe the problem is not solved, maybe in my specific case the active installs really dropped for a while (but it's curious that it only happened for a while...). BTW, I didn't release any new upgrade since then (I have a new one almost ready, but I'm beyond schedule because of personal problems) - and maybe the count would fix itself with new upgrades...
What would you do now? Is there anybody else for which the problem was not solved?
-- Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere." -
Just wondering if there's a way to uninstall application updates? Anything short of using something like Titanium Backup for all apps before letting them update? Basically, I have a widget that's been updated to support 'night mode' - now I can't see the details over my wallpaper Obviously re-installing the app from the Market will already contain the update .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought an app and had it for a while and got a notification for an update, but when i tried updating it takes me to the screen where you pay for the app. Did this ever happen to anyone else? I dont wanna pay another 4 dollars for an app i already bought. Btw the app is gameboid
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anybody noticed download delays while trying to update an application? Sometimes it takes minutes or longer for a download to start so that an application can be updated...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to create a location update program which updates my location and send to the latest updated occasionally other named one's which has same application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Android. What happens when there are updates available to apps that I've installed from the market, and the pre-installed apps? Do I have to update it manually, and how? Or do they get updated automatically? I read that a new version of Google Maps is out, but I don't know how to update. My version does not display driving directions.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSince I reset my phone a few weeks ago, I get "Application updates available" notifications every day at 8:50am.
I cannot switch them off. I have disabled notifications in Google Play -> Settings -> Notifications, yet I still get them every day at the same time.
I am running Android 2.3.5 on a HTC Desire S, with HTC Sense Version 3.0
I've been trying to update a couple of applications that I have on my phone but everytime I try to download anything from marketplace, it just says "starting dowload..." and stays there. The application never actually downloads. I've dowloaded stuff in the past but I can't seem to download now. Is there something that I need to turn on
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10. Phone works great etc etc BUT I have a tiny problem, I can go out for the day and leave my phone at home, I'll get back and it'll say "11 Updates found" for my applications. Which i'm fine with but, as i'm not connected to a WiFi, it uses my mobile internet to connect and find these "updates" which starts eating my phone credit. I'm tired of leaving it. In a matter of days my phone credit is gone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I enable notifications for updates to apps I've downloaded from the marketplace? Can't seem to find the option.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is a way to control how often the Motorola Social Networking application updates with Facebook. I have searched the phones settings for a month and have not found anything.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought my Droid X a couple of weeks ago (2.2 and Rooted). It wanted to do some auto app updates and I told it to do them all not sure if it was before or after that that I noticed a red light by the ear "piece/speaker" and the phone was on and a battery level warning came on which I thought was premature. I plugged in the power cord the light went to green and I looked over a few minutes later and it was dead. I could be a little off on what happened when but that's what happened.
It wont power on now and I've tried holding a few different buttons while powering on and still nothing. I did check the settings the other day and it was successfully backing itself up not sure how to use that backup though. I just looked over after typing this post and the Motorola "M" was on the screen but I couldn't get it to do anything so I pulled the battery and tried again to boot it and nothing.
I lost the .keys.ks file, that I used to sign my Android (on the Market) app. Is there anything I could do? I really hope I won't have to republish the app with a different package name on the Market, because current users won't see my updates. If I recreate it in Eclipse with the same password can I create the same key?
View 1 Replies View RelatedQuick question about android market application updates. If I have an app on the market and release an update, is there a way to ensure that the users download the new update?I.e. Does the app tells the user there is an update, or does it stop working until they download an update?Or should I be writing code in my apps to stop working after a fixed period thus forcing the user to download the new version?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am looking to create an app with plugin functionality. What I want is to allow a separate plugin "app" to provide me with the view, and take care of the updating of the view that I will use in my list adapter. Essentially, I want the separate app to take care of the bindView and newView methods of my adapter.
I am looking at RemoteViews, but I am not sure if that is exactly what I need, if it would work, or maybe it's what I have to use, since it would be cross-process.
Anyone know if I release a test version of my app to some BETA testers without publishing it on the market, and later publish it on the market with an updated version number, if the BETA testers will then get a notification from the market that there is a new version available?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've recently Hard Reset (factory reset) my HTC Evo after backing up Applications using File Explorer App. Now, that these applications were restored from the backup, I can't see them in Market Download and therefore I don't receive any updates for them. Per say, I've Smart Keyboard Pro, and I know there's new updated version out but unless I buy the App again, I won't get it. How do you get updates on Applications like these and other?
View 4 Replies View RelatedEarlier today, we released updates to several different components in the Android SDK. Xav announced these updates via the Android Developers blog: If you want to follow the blog via Twitter, you can now do so via [url]
In addition to the new tools and platforms, there's one other important change that I wanted to point out. We've added additional clarification to the docs about android:maxSdkVersion and what effects it might have on your app if you use it. You can see these details here: [url]
Can someone tell me, what is the best way to deal with situations when there is no GPS signal or from some reason fix cannot be acquired?
The thing is that I thought that it would be sufficient just to use onStatusChanged method from LocationListener, but when there is no GPS signal it never calls this method. Why is that?