Android :: Proper Way To Share Data Between Lite And Pro Versions Of Same App?

Apr 27, 2009

Suppose you have an app with a lite version and a full version. The app stores some user data in SharedPreferences, and some data in a SQL database. If a user tests the app for a few days, generating data all the time, and then decides to switch to the paid version, how do you copy or share the data between the two? Some code examples would be appreciated - but for some reason I have a feeling this is much, much more complex than I hope.

Android :: proper way to share data between lite and pro versions of same app?

Android :: Best Way To Store Application Data / When Data Stored / Data Format Could Change In Future Versions?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm making an Android Java app game (although this question applies to all languages really) and hope to release the first version soon. I'm nervous about how I save data in my game. My problem is that, if in a later update, I decide to store more data or store the same data in a different way, I need to be careful I don't lose or corrupt data for users that upgrade (i.e. I want users to be able to use data created by an old version in the new version, like their high scores from before).For example, say I want to save high scores in version 1.

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Android :: How To Import Data From File To Sq Lite Dbs?

Dec 29, 2009

This is truly a beginner's question. I installed and successfully ran the notepad
tutorials Note pad v1,2,3 and typed in a few notes. Can i import data (manually )from an
external text file into the sq lite dbs? I looked in my Notepad workspace folders
but no dbs seem to have been created? I looked for anything with .db extension or
named 'data' as specified in the code.

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Android :: Proper Implementation Of Changing ListView Data With Cursor Adapter

Sep 3, 2010

I have a ListView populated via a CursorAdapter. I give my user the ability to alter the data in the list. For example, the user can mark a row as being unread (the data are messages).

Suppose my user marked a row unread. Would a proper implementation mark the row in the database as read and then requery the Cursor?

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Android :: Insert Parsed Xml Data In To Sql Lite Database

Oct 11, 2010

I have parsed xml data but I don't know how to insert it into a SQL Lite database and I don't know where I have to place the xml database file in Eclipse IDE folders.

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HTC Incredible :: Proper Way To Transfer Data From 2gb To 16gb

Jun 30, 2010

I have a new 16gb card that I got what is the proper way to transfer files?I want to backup my contacts and add photos and media to the new 16gb card.My 2gb card was in my incredible when I activated it.... does this change anything?

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Android :: How To Share Data In Different Processes?

Nov 23, 2010

I wrote a JAVA application with native methods, and trigger encoding program in native methods. That makes two processes, one is application process, another is encoding process.I would like to know if there is a way to get encoded data from encoding program and pass them to JAVA application.

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Android :: Where To Start Save - View Data From 3 Edit Text Fields And Date Pick To SQL Lite DB?

Oct 23, 2010

I would like to be able to save& view the data from 3 edit text fields and a date pick to an SQL lite DB. Can anybody point me to a decent beginners tutorial or perhaps give me an idea of where to start?

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Android :: How To Share Data Between Applications With No Dependency

Sep 19, 2010

I want to share data between 2 applications. the idea is both applications can write and read the SAME data and there is no dependency which one of the apps is installed or first created the data. I have 2 version of the same app: regular and premium and I don't know which of them will be first installed and both of them can change it.I tried to use ContentProvider but the problem is that only the first app can create the Provider and when it is uninstalled it deletes that custom Provider. I want the Content to be kept for the second app. Also, I tried to use Settings.System which keeps the data regardless if the application is installed or not but I don't want to use the permission for that (it is very problematic from user perspective). BTW, it seems that I can change ANY of the Settings.System which is not secured from Android OS perspective - but this is a subject for other post.

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Android :: Use Content Provider Without Share App Data Between Other App?

Mar 15, 2010

how should i use content provider without share app data between other app?

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Android :: Share Data / Text With Other Apps?

Jun 2, 2010

I have an app that creates a new data entry in a sqlite db with several columns. I would like to have a simple share button on the final activity so they can share the results (or even a simple text field) with apps that accept it (email, mms, twitter, etc..). I did some reading on ContentProviders but the more I read, the more I'm thinking i'm heading down the wrong path.

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Android :: Get Data From Share Picture Via Dialog?

Nov 15, 2010

I've added the intent-filter. And when I tap "share" in the Gallery, it will launch my activity.

android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" />
android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
android:mimeType="image/*" />

But I don't know how to get the correct data from the current intent.

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Android :: Best Way To Share Data Between Service S And Activity A?

Jun 17, 2010

I want to create an app that contains a Service S and an Activity A. The Service S is responsible for preprocessing, such as preparing the data shown on the UI of the Activity A, before the Activity A gets invoked.I want to be able to invoke the Service S from outside the package, say from another Android app's Activity class B, do the preprocessing, and then when the data is ready, invoke Activity A. What is the best way to share data between the Service S and Activity A?How can the external activity B communicate with the Service S to determine if it has completed with all its preprocessing, and the Activity A is ready to be invoked?

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Android :: Free And Paid Version For Share Data

Jun 5, 2010

I have a free app in the market and use the data directory of the app to store some files. Now I think about offering a paid (donate) version of the app, so that people who want to pay a few pennys will be able to do so. But AFAIK the new (paid) app needs a new name, so I won't be able to use the stored data of the free version. That means, that existing users would have to re-enter a lot of personal settings - which probably would be a no-no for a lot of users. So my question: Is there a smart way to have a free and a paid version in the market, where the later installed payed version can use the data of the free version? I thought about using the SD-card for data storage, but there might be devices without any SD-card...

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HTC EVO 4G :: Everything Data Share 1500

May 12, 2010

This is the plan I'm under that my parents pay for. My sister and I want the evo phone so I guess we'll have to pay $10 each extra for it?

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Android :: Share Non Sqlite (shared Preference) Data Over Content Provider

May 28, 2009

I looked into some examples of sharing data to other apps using content Provider. All these examples talks about sharing sqlite dbs. I need to share data under shared Preferences of my app to other apps using content Provider. Can I use content Provider to do that ?. Please let me know some pointers or sample code to share data other than sqlite db using content provider.

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Android :: Singleton Objects To Save State Or Share Data Between Activities?

Nov 24, 2010

It would be nice if StackOverflow had a section where we could post tutorials like mine so that I can answer literally hundreds of questions that have been asked here with a single blow. See... every day I read questions about how to pass complex objects between activities, how to save state so that your app can resume after orientation change, how to update listviews when the data changes, etc, etc. Here is the second part of a tutorial series I posted on my blog... I hope that you actually read it... because I haven't seen any examples like it anywhere... and it has changed how I think about developing for Android across the board. The question is... is there a downside or negative affect of developing like this?

Beyond Smart Lists - How Observable Singletons change the game. Please read through both of these tutorials carefully... I will answer any questions about it here that I can... I really want to know what you think about this and if it might solve issues for you. NOTE TO MODERATORS: there are no advertisements of any kind on my blog.. so don't just close this because you think I am spamming somehow... I am not going to duplicate my post here.

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General :: Connect Two Phones To Share Voice And Data

Mar 19, 2012

I'm looking for a solution to connect one android phone to another over bluetooth to share voice and maybe data service. What I want to do is use my old Dell Streak as a GPS/media player in my car without having service to it. I would like it to connect to my current phone so I can make call through it, like a headunit with hands free bluetooth calling. I'm not so much worried about data, though it would be a plus but I don't think Android supports connecting to ad-hoc networks. I can't seem to find any app that supports this, and I'm not seeing anywhere on the Android system where this is possible. I haven't owned a car stereo that supports bluetooth calling so I'm not sure what to look for.

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General :: Access Password / Logins And Share Data

Jun 27, 2012

Password manager that can sync between multiple devices? The only one I found was Keeper but it's $10 for each install which would run me 20-30 bucks for 2-3 devices. My wife and I need to be able to access password/logins and share the data.

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General :: Send Data From Tasker Using Share Feature

Jun 1, 2012

Trying to make Tasker automatically open and populate Astrid todo's task edit fields the way that so many other apps can using the Share menu. With pretty much any app being able to do this using Share, I figured it wouldn't be too hard to make Tasker do the same, but I'm having trouble finding out how.

I'm using the beta of Tasker so Send Intent replaces the previous two intent actions. The fields available are Action, Category, Mime Type, Extra, Package, Class, and Target. Right now Package is set to com.timsu.astrid and Class to com.todoroo.astrid.activity.TaskEditActivity, which manages to open the task edit screen. That intent is however from the Astrid widget so I don't know if that's even the right thing to use if doing this via the Share ability.

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General :: Any Way To Share / Sync Save Games App Data

May 4, 2012

Is there a better way then using titanium backup and manually doing this? Seems like a crazy tedious thing to do. I jump back and fourth between the two devices even on an hourly basis. one is my phone and the other is a tab.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Share How You Use Your Screens /share Pics

Jan 5, 2010

I am just wondering if anyone would like to share pics of how you have you 7 screens setup.

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Android :: Proper Way To Dim The Screen?

Aug 16, 2010

I have seen 2 methods so far in my search, both of which I am having trouble with.

Method 1)
Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS, 100);

Method 2)
IHardwareService hardware = IHardwareService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("hardware"));

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Android :: Proper Way To Set Timer?

Dec 9, 2009

What is the proper way to set a timer in android in order to kick off a task (a function that I create which does not change the UI)? Or there is a better way in android (android's handler)?

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Android :: Open Proper App With Intent

Sep 13, 2010

Forgive me if this is a topic that has already been discussed, but I've searched for hours and can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. I'm trying to cut my teeth on Android programming with a simple file manager app and currently have most all functions working, but I can't seem to open a selected file with the appropriate app.

Here is my current code:


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Android :: How To Specify Proper Layout For View?

Mar 3, 2009

I want to re-use 1 adapter (similar to well known ImageAdapter from samples) with 2 different views - Gallery and GridView. I need to specify LayoutParams for the each View returned by getView() method of my adapter. In case of Gallery it should be instance of Gallery.LayoutParams, and in case of GridView it should be GridView.LayoutParams. I'll get an exception for sure if I'll try Gallery.LayoutParams with GridView and vice versa.What is the best way to do that? Can I somehow use "parent" parameter (ViewGroup parent) for that?

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Android :: Proper Way To Use Non Extended Classes?

Oct 7, 2010

I have an app I am working on and being new to Android Dev I am running into a situation. I have a Scores class not extended from anything (Activity,Service, etc) but in the same package that needs to access SharedPreferences

public class Scores {

Context ctcx;

public Scores(Context context) { ctcx = context;


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Android : Can I Get Proper Uri Of A Particular Contact In Droid 2.1?

Mar 18, 2010

I have written an application and added 2 contacts on emulator, but i
am not able to update their names on android 2.1, code is working on
android 1.6 platform with the following code.

ContentValues contactValues = new ContentValues();
contactValues.put(Contacts.People.NAME, firstName+" "+lastName);
getContentResolver().update(UpdateContactUri, contactValues, null,

In android 1.6 i am getting Uri for those two contacts are "content://
contacts/people/1" and "content://contacts/people/2".

but in 2.1 I am getting these values are "content://contacts/people/8"
and "content://contacts/people/9" and while updating its giving
"java.IllegalArgumentException, Empty values" exception.

When i tried to put a static Uri like "content://contacts/people/1",
code was debugged sucessfully but contact was not updated.

How can i resolve it, why i am not getting uri like 1.6 platform ?

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Android :: Proper Video Formats And Settings?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble getting videos to play on my HTC Evo with Android 2.1. I have several videos that I play on my PSP, and work just fine. However, when I transferred them over to my Evo's MicroSD card and tried to play them in any video player, they only played the audio stream, and no picture was shown. I never had trouble getting PSP-formatted videos to work on phones before; they worked n my G1 just fine. I assumed that because the Evo and PSP even had similar-sized screens, it would be even more compatible. It sounds somewhat foolish when I type it out, but one could expect it to work. I have tried playing it in the stock video player, the Meridian player, and the Video Player app from the android market, and they all had the same error. The file is an .mp4; and, as I said, gave me no problems when played in the PSP's video player.

Here's the specifications on the video file:
Type: MPEG4
Video Codec: AVC
Audio Codec: AAC
Size: 25 MB
Length: 00:23:41
Width: 480
Height: 272
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Data Rate: 99kbps
Total Bitrate: 147 kbps
Frame Rate: 23 fps

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Android :: Understanding Proper Alarm Flow

Jan 11, 2010

the app I'm trying to implement allows the user to select a sound file (MP3 or WAV) to play at a specific date and time showing a dialog with a progress bar and an OK/Cancel button allowing the user to stop the playing of the sound file. I want it to behave something like the countdown apps I've seen or even the built-in alarm clock app. As I'm implementing this simple (I thought!) app, I'm trying to better understand the platform and make the application conform to the Android way.

As I've been writing the app, I learn more about how things are supposed to work on the Android platform. And here's where I'm getting a bit confused. During my attempts to get the alarm to fire and display, I'm learning that properly formed Android applications are not supposed to show dialogs as a result of a background service or broadcast receiver being invoked through Android's alarm service. Instead, I think, the app is supposed to use a notification on the status bar to alert the user. The user then has the option to look at the notification to see what the app is trying to tell them..............

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