Android :: Parse Data - Multiple Objects
Oct 29, 2010
i need to parse this response in android using the android json parser but the thing i cant find the answer to anywhere is: how do i parse the data if for example "itineraries" can contain one or sometimes more objects of the type itinerary? if it contains one than it is returned like this but if it contains more it is returned with [] with this example "itinerary" cannot be placed into a JsonArray becouse obviously it is not an array. (not placed in [] right?)
how do i parse this? any examples?
"name":"Булевар Партизански Одреди",................
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May 5, 2010
How can I utilize Connection: Keep-Alive option, re-use connection and download multiple objects from the same server? HTTP connection consists of opening a socket, sending request and then readign response. For Keep-Alive option open the socket connection needs to be done only once. However I could not find in Android Java classes how this can be accomplished. URL.openConnection returns new instance of HttpURLConnection implementation for every request so HttpURLConnection cannot be cashed for reusing on multiple requests to the same server, URL object is also new for each request and also cannot be reused.
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Sep 26, 2010
I would like to make a game out of many cubes and am planning on putting it on mobile platforms and also on the web using webgl. My problem is when I make a drawelements call per cube I take a hit on the frame rate. Is there a way I can make a single draw call to opengl es to draw them? The only difference between the cubes would be position and color.
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Jun 9, 2010
I have to dynamically add a list of views (the views use RelativeLayout). Can I do this by specifying the view definition in xml and instantiate multiple objects off it? This gives the usual benefits of separating the view part from the code (for e.g., making it easy for the UI guys to alter things) or Is going the ArrayAdapter the suggested/only route?
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Sep 26, 2010
How to parse xml data.. file is php file and Soap is used in xml..
i am going to use this in a android application.
please provide me proper codes
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Jul 29, 2010
What is proper way to exchange data or objects between different Android Activities?
Welcome screen <-> Main Screen <-> Startup routines <-> Processing data <-> Settings
Is it normal/recommended to have more than one activity in Android app? in my opinion, it's somehow strange to have this model of data exchange inside application
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Nov 16, 2009
I am trying to pass a custom object to one activity from another. What I would like to use is the HashMap of WeakReferences, but the description isn't clear, at least to me. From above URL: "A HashMap of WeakReferences to Objects. You can also use a HashMap of WeakReferences to Objects with Long keys. When an activity wants to pass an object to another activity, it simply puts the object in the map and sends the key (which is a unique Long based on a counter or time stamp) to the recipient activity via intent extras. The recipient activity retrieves the object using this key."
MyObject object = new MyObject(); HashMap map = new HashMap(); WeakReference reference = new WeakReference(object); map.put(reference.hashCode(), reference);
Intent i = new Intent(myIntent); i.putExtra(map);
I know this is probably way off but I can't figure out how this is intended to be implemented based on the description. Are the keys hashcodes, user defined, or what? It sounds like all that is passed is a HashMap containing the key values but how is the object retrieved with just the key? I couldn't find any code examples or useful documentation on this method of passing objects
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Jul 30, 2010
Intents in Android are an elegant way to pass messages between uncoupled components, but what if you want to send extra data with the Intent? I know you can add various value types, and objects that implement Parcelable, as extras, but this doesn't really cater for sending user defined types locally (i.e. not over a remote interface). Any ideas?
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Oct 26, 2010
The FAQ mentions a method of passing objects around activities. (It is not clear to me): "A HashMap of WeakReferences to Objects. You can also use a HashMap of WeakReferences to Objects with Long keys. When an activity wants to pass an object to another activity, it simply puts the object in the map and sends the key (which is a unique Long based on a counter or time stamp) to the recipient activity via intent extras. The recipient activity retrieves the object using this key.".................
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a web service, .asmx that when consumed gives a response in the form:
I use Ksoap2 to consume the web service in Android, and I see the response as a string anyType {lData=anyType{name=....;posx=....;posy=....;};}
So, I get the right data from my web service, but i don't know how to parse it correctly.
I want to find a way to iterate through the different nodes.
I have tried to use a SAXParser, but can't seem to understand what I should use instead of the url. In the tutotirals I have followed the link to a xml-file on a url, but my url is only part "finished" since i need to consume the web service first. code...
Is this above something I should use, but have another openStream?
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Nov 24, 2010
It would be nice if StackOverflow had a section where we could post tutorials like mine so that I can answer literally hundreds of questions that have been asked here with a single blow. See... every day I read questions about how to pass complex objects between activities, how to save state so that your app can resume after orientation change, how to update listviews when the data changes, etc, etc. Here is the second part of a tutorial series I posted on my blog... I hope that you actually read it... because I haven't seen any examples like it anywhere... and it has changed how I think about developing for Android across the board. The question is... is there a downside or negative affect of developing like this?
Beyond Smart Lists - How Observable Singletons change the game. Please read through both of these tutorials carefully... I will answer any questions about it here that I can... I really want to know what you think about this and if it might solve issues for you. NOTE TO MODERATORS: there are no advertisements of any kind on my blog.. so don't just close this because you think I am spamming somehow... I am not going to duplicate my post here.
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Jun 15, 2010
I have an application that have a Google map on Google Android 1.5 since we have been working on the application for a long time, we are not in stage of upgrading to the newest framework, so we are using 1.5. Now, I have map locations that are dynamically generated and drawn on the map at run-time to visualize some streams, Up to this point the application is working fine, Now my problem is that I am trying to filter the objects ( addresses) to visualize only the on-screen ones. I do NOT want to visualize the addresses that are off-screen. The way I am trying to do this is to check the screen-coordinates of each object (address) before visualizing it, then it the coordinates (x,y) more than (0,0) and less than (320, 460). I should visualize it. I am trying to use this approach, but it is not working for some reasons, I have tried many posts but could not understand why, there must be something missing somewhere that I am not aware of.
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Feb 28, 2012
I want to create an app that displays flight information such as: arrival/departure info, canceled flights, etc. I don't know how to query the data from the website in order to display it in the app.
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May 15, 2014
I primarily do hardware and firmware design, but a new product my company is developing has the need for an Android app and since I have the most Android programming experience (which is extremely limited) that leaves the task to me. I need a little guidance figuring out how to do a few things so that I can get this app up and running. I already have a simple GUI to display some stuff, but what I need is a way to handle data.
I am trying to receive a 148 byte stream of data over a serial connection, parse it into a structure and display certain values from that structure. The data is packed in a struct that is sent from a micro controller and due to that it has a very specific layout (i.e. the first 8 bytes mean this, the next 16 bytes are this... ). In C, I can just declare a struct with those values and use the #pragma pack function to eliminate any extra spacing the compiler would otherwise inject for alignment purposes, receive the data and do a memcpy into the struct to write the data. It's not the safest or cleanest way to do it, but it takes very little time and if you do CRC tests to make sure the data received is valid it works like a charm.
Now to the root of the problem: How do I declare structs in Java? Is there a way to pack them tightly like you can using C? Once I've received the binary data, is there a way to parse it into the structure easily? These are the issues we hardware programmers face when dealing with Java...
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Sep 22, 2011
I have an application that receives data in binary form through bluetooth. I read the data using bluetoothsocket to an byte[]. But i must parse all messages, because they must have an given format and they are in binary.
My solution was to convert byte[] to a string and then split the string and parse all received messages.
An example of the data to parse:
I should know that the first 8 zeros are the header and 10000001 the real data.
My idea was to create a string that represents -> 0000000010000001 and then split the whole string in one byte and check the value, like:
string1 had 00000000
string2 had 10000001
I know that 8 zeros are the header, therefore string2 has the representation of the data.
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Sep 10, 2009
I was just wondering if it is possible to give the intent a set of data, instead of just one. A particular scenario where this could be applicable would be a music application.You select a list of songs, and pass all these data (file path) to the Music Player's application.Another scenario: You need to plot more than one address on the Google Maps. You launch the application with a set of data for the intent.
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Apr 16, 2009
The general use for multiple PDP (mPDP) is that when we use one PDP(A) to download a file, and we want to send a mms message via another PDP (B), the original PDP(A) will not be disconnected. This is the scenario on Windows Mobile. My question is ,if Android had supported mPDP, how does one application know which PDP should be used to transfer data?
Or Application (ex: Browser) doesn't care these issue, and it will try all PDP to transfer data ?
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Oct 18, 2010
I am working on developing an application that requires me to establish multiple client-server based connections. Connection can be of two types where the Android device can be a server or a client. I can have up to 6 - 8 connections. Once the connections are set-up they need to be running in the background and are not typically affected by UI actions.Since each connection can be blocking, I am wondering what is a good away to design this app. Should I have two services for handling the server and client connections? Each service could have a "connection manager" that can spawn new threads when necessary. Or does creating two services even help? I presume spawning new processed would not be good as they will be expensive. Is this correct? I would appreciate any suggestions. Also, if this use case is not typical please let me know if you need more information to make any recommendation.
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Aug 22, 2010
I'm looking for suggestions for ways to share Android app data between phones running the same app. For example, lets say I have an app that stores a database of book reviews. If person A has a book review that person B doesn't have, what are the options for getting that information from person A's phone to person B's phone?
Currently, I'm aware of the following options:
- Upload data from person A's phone to a server, then download data from server to Person B's phone.
- Write code to have the phones sync up using bluetooth
- Write code to send SMS messages
I'm wondering if there are any more options besides these, and if there's actually a best-practice for accomplishing this?
Ideally, I want the users to simply click a button in the app to make the sharing take place, so I don't want to go down the bluetooth route because that requires the user to do a bit of setup (or assumes they already have set things up in the form of bluetooth settings).
Since the data can be of variable length and potentially large, I believe that would rule out text messaging.
As far as the server route goes, from what I understand this seems to be an ok way of doing things, but my problem is that I have no experience with having users potentially sign in to a server and then uploading data. I don't know of the cost concerns (if any), or of potential security concerns (allowing just anyone to upload data, I'm not sure if I would have to take steps to ensure someone couldn't bypass the app and upload malicious data).
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May 11, 2010
Let's say I have a background service that performs several tasks. As it completes task A, it posts notification A with a certain intent and some extra data that indicates viewing result of A. As it completes task B, it posts notification B with a certain intent and some extra data that indicates viewing result of B. As it completes task C, it posts notification C with a certain intent and some extra data that indicates viewing result of C. At the end, the notification area has three notifications. Each one has the same intent, except for one of the extra data fields. I would expect that each one would load my activity with different extra data. They don't. When onNewIntent is called, each has the extra data field set to C. I have rooted out any possible aliasing and checked the data as it is placed into a notification. It seems to allow only one set of data per package. Is what I am attempting not possible? Has anyone accomplished what I am attempting? For example, have you had a service download several large files, and then had notifications that would open each of those. Code...
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Oct 27, 2010
I am trying to parse an xml file using SAX with Android and the problem is that the function characters(...) is getting called multiple times with what appears to be the same data just offset by a few characters.
As you can tell from the output below the first time it gets called with " alabama" and the second time it gets called with "labama". I am not sure as to why it is doing this but if anyone could help that would be awesome.
10-27 23:04:47.033: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299):
10-27 23:04:49.000: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): alabama
10-27 23:04:51.835: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): labama
10-27 23:04:52.129: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): labama
10-27 23:04:52.408: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): labama
10-27 23:04:52.519: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): ub_dir_name
10-27 23:04:52.649: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): ub_dir_name
10-27 23:04:52.809: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): ub_dir_name
10-27 23:04:52.989: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): ile_name.kml
10-27 23:04:53.158: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): ile_name.kml
10-27 23:04:53.358: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): le_name.kml
10-27 23:04:53.529: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): le_name.kml
10-27 23:04:53.698: DEBUG/LocationHandler(10299): le_name.kml
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Apr 17, 2009
Now I have 2 activities that would simultaneously access one data/ settings. However, two kind of solution can be applied after I study from the Android Developer's Guild.One is ContentProvider, The discription in guild is as: "Content providers store and retrieve data and make it accessible to all applications. They're the only way to share data across applications; there's no common storage area that all Android packages can access."and another is SharedPreferences, "To use preferences that are shared across multiple application components (activities, receivers, services, providers), you can use the underlying Context.getSharedPreferences() method to retrieve a preferences object stored under a specific name."
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Aug 18, 2010
I just encountered the following situation. I have an Android app with a scenario which I guess may happen in multiple apps. It's about tagging/labeling/categorizing, call it as you want.After CommonsWare's feedback here a bit of a clarification. I'm weird about doing the second query to the DB inside the CursorAdapter, basically this would result in one query per row and I fear this will heavily impact my performance (I've still to test it on a real device with a substantial amount of data to see how much this impacts).My question therefore is on whether there are some strategies on how to avoid this given my data model or whether I have to basically "live" with that :)
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Jun 26, 2010
I am working on an android application, where there are 4 activities. Activity1 is main activity and there are different buttons on that activity which can open other activities. Other 3 activities can also open each other. There is a thread running in Activity1 which returns some counter. I need to show that counter on all activities. At an specific time, the thread doesn't know which activity is at top. What is the right way to control this scenario, such that thread output should update on all activities, no matter which one is at top?
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Dec 15, 2009
So my problem is that I've written a function that takes two Doubles, two Int, and a Calendar object on Android (Java). I believe the class provided to allow it to run in a separate thread, AsyncTask, accepts only one type of Object (but allows multiple) as an argument so I figured I might be able to put it in a List or a Linked List or something. Is there such a type that allows multiple data types like that (Double, Double, Int, Int, Calendar), or would I have to create my own object class? I'm a novice programmer so less complicated is probably better, but I'm interested in the best solution as well. What the function does is take a location (double latitude, double longitude), a couple options as integers, and a Calendar Object. It takes the location, options, and date then returns a Time object of the sunrise (or sunset, depending on the options) for that location. and I understand it would probably be best to create a special object class and just pass that, or override the background thread class, but I'm pretty new to object-oriented programming so the less overhead the better (for now). (Update) After a lot of work, it ended up being easier making a data-type class and just using that. The right way turned out to be easier in the end. Who'd a thought.
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Oct 5, 2009
I am developing an application which is communicating with the server. Tha application can perform log-in and get different parameters from server.
The application consists of a RESTful client (custom class for making requests), Communication Service (the service which runs in the background) and the main activity.
For now I created multiple broadcast messages and multiple broadcast receivers in the main activity so when the application performs login operation a receiver (loginBroadcastReceiver) in the main activity receives a message and when another parameter is received from the server different message is broadcasted and another receiver handles the message.
This way however the application performance is poor but I am not sure whether it is due to multiple broadcast receivers.
Does anyone know what is the best way to exchange data between service and main activity - is it better to create a single broadcast receiver and retrieve all parameters from message or is it better to initialize multiple broadcast receivers for multiple parameters?
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Sep 8, 2010
I am new to Android development. I want to know how you all manage objects. For eg we make object as A a = new A(); and then manage that object. But, here, we call A.class; My concern is that i don't want to call on Create(),nor do i want to push UI screen I just want to make 1 static object for 1 screen;and want to manage it throughout my application. that is, instead of calling A.class; can i call A a = new A(),and manage that object without pushing,and whenever i need i push that screen. Is there someway?
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Aug 16, 2010
Are there design guidelines to help decide if an application with multiple views should be designed with multiple activities or just one activity and control the back button itself.
I've tried both. My most complex applications using one activity per screen. However, now that I'm successfully written an app with just one activity and handling the back button myself, I don't see any compelling reason to use multiple activities. The one activity application is much simpler and more straightforward.
What advantages of multiple activities am I missing?
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Nov 12, 2010
Is there a way to pass an Array List of objects between activities? The myObject implements Parcelable and I'm able to successfully pass the objects around individually, but that means I need to have an exact amount of "myObjects" coded. I want this to dynamically grow/shrink by what the user does with the app. I have seen some posts on the web about doing:
Activity A
ArrayList<myObject> myObjArray = new ArrayList<myObject>();
Then when passing this into the intent I would use:
intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("myObjArray", myObjArray);
Activity B
ArrayList<myObject> myObjArray = new ArrayList<myObject>();
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); myObjArray = extras.getParcelableArray("myObjArray");
However, the myObjArray always gets filled with "null". How can I achieve this?
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Aug 30, 2010
I want to pass an object from Activity B to Activity A. Scenario:
- Activity A calls Activity B
- User selects item in Activity B
- Activity B passes an object to Activity A
How do I accomplish this? And in which method do I read in the passed object in Activity A?
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