Android :: No Resource Found That Matches Given Name Label With Value
Nov 23, 2010im using a tutorial from the book hello android and i have come across said error, any help would be great as its for a uni project, files are below...........

im using a tutorial from the book hello android and i have come across said error, any help would be great as its for a uni project, files are below...........
I am new to android, I try to create layout so that I have background image, and have a ImageView with animation start from bottom right of screen and along with a TextView stay on top of this ImageView. (Hope my describe make sense).
My problem is when I try use "android:layout_above="@id/flyobject"", the eclipse alway say: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'layout_above' with value '@id/flyobject'). But as for sure I have defined flyobject, and I can find it's in my R class.
Here is my XML file:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=" android"android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent">
<ImageView android:id="@+id/background"android:src = "@drawable/background"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:scaleType="centerCrop"/>
<ImageViewandroid:id="@+id/flyobject"android:src="@drawable/asteroid01"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:layout_alignParentRight="true"android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"/> </RelativeLayout>
The problem with NinePatchDrawable. Created 9.png file using a utility draw9patch, but when the throw the file in a folder res/drawable error: No resource found that matches the given name.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy speech recognition app needs to work without human intervention, so the situations where the "No speech heard" or the "No matches found" dialogs come up and require a button press are a problem.
Is there a way to prevent this dialog from displaying?
Is there a way to programming perform the button click?
Is there a way to programmatically close the dialog?
This is how I'm firing the RecognizerIntent:
I got "no resource found that matches the given name(at 'id' with value @id+/textview')" my main.xml file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TextView xmlns:android=" /apk/res/android" android:id="@id+/textview" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_ height="fill_parent" android:text="@string/greetings"/> Any idea what I am missing? You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers+ For more options, visit this group at /group/android-developers?hl=en
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a bitmap that I want to display in my Android app.This works fine for platforms with version number greater than 1.5 but not for 1.5. When executing the line below an exception is thrown stating that the resource couldn't be found.
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mApplicationContext.getResources(), R.drawable.arrow);
I have put the bitmap in all density-folders (hdpi, mdpi, ldpi) and scaled them according to the documentation (the mdpi-bitmap is 25x25 pixels and the ldpi-bitmap size 75% of the mdpi-bitmap size and the hdpi-bitmap size 150% of the mdpi-bitmap size).
Any idea what is wrong here?
My 1.6 app works fine in both portrait and landscape modes on the default HVGA device. I'm now trying to support it on QVGA devices and am encountering build-time errors I don't understand. In my res/drawable-ldpi directory I have:
startstopin.png startstopout.png and a selector file
which contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable-ldpi/startstopin" />
<!-- pressed --> <item android:drawable="@drawable-ldpi/startstopout" />
<!-- default --> </selector>
I've 'fixed project properties' and done a 'clean' build, to no avail. The error I get is:
Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable-ldpi/startstopin').
Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'drawable' with value '@drawable-ldpi/startstopout').
I've tried adding a layout file in res/layout-small that explicitly references this selector file, but this triggers a similar build error and fails to address the original problem:
Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'src' with value '@drawable-ldpi/startstopbuttonimageselector').
I've run into an issue with an autocomplete field I'm working on.The field I'm working with is composed of the form "<NAME> (<CODE>)".When a user starts typing in text, I want to display any results that match either NAME or CODE.For example, if this list contains items and their codes, like "Personal Computer (PC)", then I'd want the list to pop up that row if the user types "P", "PC", "Per", etc.However, the problem I'm running into now is how to best sort the results that come back from this.For example, If someone enters "PC", I want "Personal Computer (PC)" to be the first result. However, if there's another row (you'll have to bear with me as this is contrived) "PC Case (301)", then there's no simple ordering I can do on the results to ensure that the best match appears first. Ordering by name and code both returns PC Case first.I want a query where it returns the best match first, rather than items in alphabetical order.Is there such a function I can use in SQLite to get this, or should I return the results and then mess with the order in the code?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an XML resource file:
<resources> <section>
<category value="1" resourceId="@xml/categoryData1" />
<category value="2" resourceId="@xml/categoryData2" />
<category value="3" resourceId="@xml/categoryData3" />
</section> </resources>
Using XmlPullParser, on the START_TAG, I can use:
int value = parser.getAttributeIntValue(null, "value", 0);
to get values 1, 2, 3...however:
int resourceId = parser.getAttributeIntValue(null, "resourceId", 0);
doesn't just yields the default value 0, or whatever I change the default value (3rd parameter) to be. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or if this is possible?
So has anyone found a good app that is good for the fifa fanatic?
Is there an app that will be showing live matches ? Maybe something like sprint is doing for their customers...i know that's asking a lot but one can dream right?
Is there a way to get the application label in different languages according to locale? For example, I can get the application label "Settings" of package in English, "Ajustes" in Spanish.
View 4 Replies View RelatedBy default the label of a RadioButton in on the right of the checkMarck. Is there a way to put the text on the left?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSuppose that you create a HelloWorld application under Eclipse. Then in res/values/strings.xml the following entry is created: <string name="app_name">Hello, Android</string> Now, when you launch the HelloWorld application you see the label "Hello, Android" on top of the screen. I want to hide this label. What is the way of doing this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a map with many overlayitems on it, they look all the same (simple bubble), When the user clicks on one overlayitem a detailpopup is shown. I would like to draw a numbering every overlayitem - but how could i accomplish this? I tried to extend overlayitem and overwrite the draw method (but now, everthing get a shadow also the number). What it is the best way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make only satellite view without label. How to do it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to get the displayed name, id the label, that is associated with a android account. For instance, when you create a new contact, you have to precise the type of the account and to do so, you can pick up one of the account that enable contact synchronisation, or the 'telephone' type. I have search thru the AccountManager, ContactsContract.Settings and SyncAdapterType but cannot find this label.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny one can share the mainfest.xml. How to set it? then can remove the label..?
I want to give my application launcher icon (the one that is displayed on the startscreen!) a different, shorter caption. It seems the launcher takes its label from the mainfest section about the main activity's label, as here:
<activity android:name="MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_short_name">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
I already changed the original reference to my app's name @string/app_name to a different, shorter string resource here. BUT - big BUT: this also of course changes this activity's default title! And I did not want that to happen, there's enough space for a long application name! Setting the long title again in onCreate using the setTitle(int) method does no good either, because the short name will be visible to the user for a short time, but long enough to notice!
And - please don't answer my question by refering to a custom titlebar... I do not want to go that long way, just because of a stupid string title! It's a pain to draw a custom title bar for so little effect! Is there no easy way to just give the launcher a different string to display?
how can i change value of a Activity label in AndroidManifest.xml file through the code in java. welcome your response.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need 2 ways of showing vertical label in Android:
Horizontal label turned 90 degrees counterclockwise (letters on the side)
Horizontal label with letters one under the other (like a store sign)
Do I need to develop custom widgets for both cases (one case), can I make TextView to render that way, and what would be a good way to do something like that if I need to go completely custom?
When I'm reading my Gmail with the HTC EVO and I go to "Change Labels. My label list only shows 15 or so characters. Since I have nested labels (Google IMAP enabled) that is not nearly enough and it is impossible to read the last part of my Label. Which makes it hard to assign labels. Is there any way while changing a label to see more of the label name?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an Android app with 3 tabs in a TabHost (text labels, no images). I set up the tabs like so:
intent = new Intent().setClass(this, AnnouncementsActivity.class);
spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("news").setIndicator("News").setContent(intent);
I start up a background thread to fetch announcements from my server and I want to update the text label on the tab to tell the user how many new announcements there are. For example, I want to change the text on the Tab to "News (3)". How can I access and change the text label on the tab?
Is it possible to add a little bit of space between a RadioButton and the label while still using Android's built-in components? By default the text looks a little scrunched.
<RadioButton android:id="@+id/rb1"
android:text="My Text"/>
I've tried a couple of things:
Specifying margin and padding seem to add space around the entire element (button and text, together). That makes sense, but doesn't do what I need.
Creating a custom drawable via XML specifying images for the checked and unchecked states, then adding a few extra pixels to the right side of each image. This should work, but now you are stepping outside the default UI. (Not the end of the world, but not ideal)
Add extra whitespace to the beginning of each label. Android seems to trim a leading space character, as in " My String", but specifying unicode U+00A0, as in "u00A0My String" does the trick. This works, but it seems kinda dirty.
Any better solutions?
When we create a new activity, in the Android.manifest file, we can set some text for the activity's label. It looks like:
<activity class="MyActivity" android:label="Some text here!">
Is there anyway to access that programatically and change it during runtime? Regards Dileep
I am trying to make an icon with a label, just like the ones used on the home screen. Currently I use a TextView with a top drawable as specified in the code below: The problem is that I would like the background to only be around the text and not around the drawable too. How can I achieve that? Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe name of my Android app is 14 characters long with no spaces, as such, the full name is not visible on the home screen when displayed under the launcher icon.I want to use an alternate name for displaying under the launcher icon, so I can break up the name into two strings separated by a space - so that the words should wrap.How can this be done?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen changing the custom locale the label of the phone types change to the appropriate language. Does anybody know how to get the localized label of the phone types?
I pick a contact in my app to get its phone number and if there is more then one number I use an AlertDialog to let the user select the currect one. In this pick list, I want to show the label of the type, so it's easier for the user to select. Since they labels are somewhere in the Android system, it must be possible to get the localized label. Unfortunately, the Phone.LABEL is null when reading the phone number.
I am having a bear of a time figuring out what colums exist for email contact methods. Specifically, I want to find out the "home", "work" or "other" of an email address. I have tried looking for it under integer "TYPE" (illegal column), and under Strings "LABEL" (illegal column) and "NAME" (this works, but it is the owner/person's name, not the name of the email address). Is there a place where these schemas (as they are actually used) is documented well? the Javadocs seem to mislead me................
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a custom title bar that I would like to apply to all my activities. I have searched online and found a few ways of doing that however I have ran into a problem. It seems that despite the fact I have a TextView in my titlebar with id @android:/title, Android will not use the value defined in the manifest in android:label for each activity.
I tried also calling setTitle(R.string.myTitle) but it still will not render it! If I manually put some text in my TextView in the xml it shows up fine. How can I have a custom title bar that is linked and makes Android use my manifest values for labels? I do not want to lose the setTitle() or the XML attributes functionality.
How can I create a dialog with each dialog item being a label and then a checkbox?
And when user click 'ok' to the dialog, I can tell in my code which on of the dialog item has been checked?