Android :: New Voicemail Icon On Their Droid?
Apr 5, 2010I have google voice enabled for my voicemail, and today i had a message (from myself no less) and there is nothing on my voicemail, yet the icon is still there and no way to clear it.

I have google voice enabled for my voicemail, and today i had a message (from myself no less) and there is nothing on my voicemail, yet the icon is still there and no way to clear it.
I can't get my voicemail icon to go away. Its been on there for close to a month and won't go away. I went to Verizon but none of the tech guys had arrived yet and the other people at the store couldn't get it off either. I have checked the forum but haven't found a solution. Anybody know what to do?
View 26 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to clear the New Voicemail Icon from the notification bar w/o actually Checking the voicemail? It doesn't seem to go away for me when I hit clear notfications lol..... IDK why but having notfications on my screen of any phone i've had has bothered me immensly... and I hate checking my voicemail for one message I kno I will be deleting in the 1st 2 seconds of listening too it
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have this annoying "voicemail pending" in my notification bar that will not go away. When I pull down the notification bar it says "Voicemail Pending. Tap ehere to call Voicemail. Sat, July 24, 2010." I tap it, it calls my voicemail, but it says I have no voicemail. The notification doesn't go away. Is there a way to "force" this notification to go away?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am not receiving voicemail notifications. I am not using GV, just the Sprint service. I am not getting the little cassette looking icon or any other indicator that I have voicemail. Have not received any visual voicemails either. I do get the missed call notification. If I call my voicemail there are messages waiting.
Did some digging on the forum and found other voicemail issues, but not this one, at least with my word combos. I unchecked and checked the notification option under voicemail to see if this would jump start it.
how can I get a Voicemail Icon on my HTC Hero (EU version) home screen?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can't move the icon I've tried everything like leaving myself a voicemail and deleting it, turning on and off, deleting any saved voicemail, removing sim and replacing. It won't go, how to remove it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got the Droid yesterday, and I'm trying to use Google Voice *just* for voicemail. However, it seems like I never get notifications about new voicemail, unless the app is open. Also, recorded voicemail is very soft when it's played back, almost too soft to hear.
View 12 Replies View RelatedAfter the update, the factory-installed Voicemail icon was showing that "Couldn't load widget" message. I removed and replace it without a problem. This morning, I got a voice message and now it doesn't show the new message count in the icon.
Not a big deal, but I guess that means they updated that app (current version is V. I was hoping they would at least improve the recording quality by providing options for raising the recording frequency so it doesn't sound so "tinny".
In my notification bar at the top of my screen it says i have 1 voicemail. This notification also pops up when i turn my phone back on from being locked. However, when I check my voicemail, I do not have a new message or any saved messages either. Whats going on and how do I get rid of it?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have a floder containing Google Earth. The normal icon has been replaced by a little droid icon labeled "loading." When I click it, Google Earth loads.
View 1 Replies View RelatedVoicemail - Google Voice/VZW Visual Voicemail (poll) Which do you use?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI have following queries. How can I display icon in Signal Area(what it is called?) ? Like default audio player when playback is on and u press HOME or BACK at last screen of audio player, Play icon is displayed in that areA? Kind of minimize application. How to display shortcut of media player? the minimal version of media player in that area
View 2 Replies View RelatedDroid Eris w/ "Verizon" Visual Voice Mail installed. Phone will show I have a missed call but does not give me any kind of notification that I have a new message.The other day I just happen to check my voicemail and found 4 new messages!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use my google voice number for work phone calls and I use goolge voicemail for all of my voicemails. Google voicemail was working properly when people called either my normal phone number or google voice number but now when people call my google voice number, my office land line voicemail picks up the voicemail and not google voicemail. Anyone know how to get all voicemails in my google voicemail inbox?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of deleting a voicemail without actually having to listen to it first?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an app to download voicemails or a way I can do it?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIve got this phone almost how i want it. it reminds me every 2 minutes (vib. or ring) for a missed text and a missed call. but i got no reminders if ive got a voicemail (other than flashing LED's that are no help when the phone is in my pocket). ive looked for apps with no luck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using the app Easy Reminder to get constant notifications when I have a missed call or a text message. But it doesn't work on voicemails. Anyone know of something that will work on all three?
I can't understand why this isn't base functionality in Android. Even my plain old basic cell phone from 10 years ago did this.
Out of nowhere, I got a voicemail notification in my notification bar.(Cassette looking thing) I don't remember ever seeing it because I've had Google Voice for so long.
I've tried Powering on/off, battery out, uninstalling GV, hour on phone with VZ tech support. The notification bar doesn't give me a clear option.
If I call*86, it says I have no voice mails.
This notification is very annoying and I don't want to do a factory reset..
same carrier, same phone number, just a new phone -how do i setup my voicemail? i tried going into voicemail settings and doing the "*86ppXXXX#" thing and then called *86, but I just get a busy signal forever.what do i need to do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo, I had I think a free version or something of Visual voicemail before on myBB. Of course thatjust transferred over to my Eris when I got it last Dec. But, that voicemail service would alway send texts when I recieved a new VM and it got annoying so I turned off the notifications. When I did, I just stored the voicemails # to dial in my contacts. Unfortunately I must have done it as a phone contact rather than google because when I reset my phone the number was gone. therefore I have no way of checking my voicemail... any ideas?
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust downloaded the Update, now you can use speakerphone or earpiece to listen to voicemails. Also, it works even if you are on wifi, so no more annoying error messages while using wifi. It tempararily activates 3G to get your voicemails while you are on wifi. It works great so far.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have the Eris and I signed up for the Visual Voicemail through the widget (?) on the home screen. When I listen to my voicemails, they play through the speakerphone.I have tried to turn off the speakerphone by pushing the menu button when I am in Visual VM.I looked in options and preferences and can't find a way to set the phone so the voicemail doesn't play for everyone to hear.Any ideas?Also, what exactly are the benefits of paying an extra $2.99 a month for this service?
View 13 Replies View RelatedChange the voicemail number in the settings. E.g. if your password is 1234 put *86,,,1234#, (, is pause - you must put a pause after the # - otherwise it won't work) I have tried that advice and still cant get it to work. I have put from 1 to 4 pauses inbetween the 86 and the passcode. That still isnt working. I hear no attempt for the phone to put in the passcode.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do i change it so i dont have to enter my password to check my vm with t 2.1
View 12 Replies View RelatedI know this is not a ne issue, but I have read thru all previous threads and don't see a solution, is there one? Not always getting VM notifications until I power down the phone then power up got aggravated this morining when I turned on phone and had an important voicemail from TWO days ago.Tried leaving myself vm's from land line, got notification both time, but its hit or miss.any help? I have "applied" for Google Voice invite,,,waiting.what about 3rd party VM apps?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tried troubleshooting on google. I tried emailing them, but there is no option to email about the voicemail greeting, just telling me to wait after i change the settings.
So to the problem, I recorded both my name and custom greeting. When people get my voicemail, they hear the standard greeting "Please leave your name and Google voice will try to contact 'Thuyet To'". I went to all the settings, changed everything to play my custom greeting, but I'm still getting nothing.
Since I rooted I cannot find the program to get visual voicemail on my Verizon Droid.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSince I am waiting to get my google voice invite, I am attempting to try this app. Has anyone been able to get it working on the Droid? When it dials the number to forward voice mails to the YouMail site I get a recording from Verizon to call Verizon customer service. Verizon customer service tells me to contact the app. While waiting for a response from the developer, does anyone here have any information? The code being used to attempt to forward voice mails is *71.
View 7 Replies View Related