Android :: Manipulates Contacts Database Via Contacts Provider

Aug 29, 2010

I have some code that manipulates the Contacts database via the Contacts Provider (ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI), so I can add/edit/delete my Google contacts, Phone contacts and the Sim contacts cached there. Changes to the Phone contacts are immediate, changes to the Google contacts are synced to my Google account, but changes to the SIM contacts only affect the Contacts DB and aren't persisted to the SIM.

Ie while I can delete the SIM contacts from the Contacts DB, once I reboot my phone the SIM contacts get repopulated into the Contacts DB. The IccProvider (accessed via content://icc/adn) seems to be a way to directly access the SIM contacts. The source code seems to suggest so and there is annectdotal evidence that this works, but it is an internal Android API and it doesn't work on my Galaxy S in any case. So, does anyone know a definitive way of modifying/deleting SIM contacts. Or failing that, a way to stop the SIM contacts being reopulated on reboot, though this seems less satisfying.

Android :: manipulates Contacts database via Contacts Provider

Android : Query More Than One Phone In The Contacts Content Provider

Dec 9, 2009

I am using this code to get the phone from the android address book:


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Android : How Can Query The Contacts Content Provider Outside An Activity

Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to query the Contacts content provider outside an Activity. But managedQuery is a method of Activity. Is there any other class/method that I can use instead of managedQuery?

Here's my code:........................

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Android :: Sorting Bookmarks / Contacts Or Any Other Content Provider / Resolver

Sep 27, 2010

Is it possible to actually re-sort an Android SQL DB? for example, I want to resort the Bookmarks DB. I can query the data and sort it with "Browser.BookmarkColumns.TITLE + " ASC" in the query but this will only sort the list shown to the user and will not sort the DB itself. Therefore, if a user uses my app to sort the Bookmarks by Title(ASC) and then goes to the Android Browser Bookmarks - the order will remain default (other than the one selected on my app).

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Android :: ID Column In Contacts Database

Nov 12, 2010

I read that the different entries in different tables are linked via the _ID column in that table. For example a contact might have an _ID = 1 I get via


And now I want to read the phone number of that contact using


This works fine, but what I would expect is that if the _ID of the contact is 1 that the _ID of the phone number is as well one since they belong together, but they are not equal. So the question is how does Android match these entries?

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Android :: Query All Phone Numbers Of All Contacts In Database

Jun 5, 2009

Can you please tell me how can I query all phone numbers of all Contacts in the Database? Where can I find some examples for that?

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Android :: Multi-selected Contacts In Checkbox Without Using Database

Nov 24, 2010

How am i supposed to get the multi-selected contacts in checkbox without using database.

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Android : How To Add Manually Contacts Group To Droid Database?

Feb 26, 2010

I want to define some Contact Groups. I am wondering where and how does Android store the groups. Maybe in a Sqlite database? If so, will be able to run a insert on it? Otherwise how do you add new Contacts Group via the emulator?

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Android : Setup Trigger On Contacts Database In Droid?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a requirement wherein I need a list of all the contacts that are edited/changed.

As per the Android documentation,


will be set every time a contact is edited. But, there seems to be a bug in this, which makes this always set to 1 (no matter what), even is we explicitly set it to 0.

So, I was wondering if I can create a SQLite TRIGGER on the contacts database. Such that, everytime a contact is edited, the edited contact id is populated into a different table which I can read later from my application.

I tried this...

CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS updated_contacts UPDATE ON 'contacts.db'.phones
INSERT INTO updated_table SET updated_id=old.person;

But a few problems here...

1) 'phones' is a table in the contacts database. but, I am not sure about the name of the contacts database (here I have assumed it to be 'contacts.db').

2) updated_table is a table on a different database 'mydatabase.db' that I have created from my application. and, I am not sure if I can set TRIGGERS across different databases.

All this in Android 1.6 Also, I am not sure about the permission to access native contacts database on Android.

Is there any other way of achieving this.

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Motorola Droid :: Contacts Only Syncing To Google All Contacts Not My Contacts

Jan 16, 2010

I seem to be having a sync issue with my Droid.When I add a contact to my phone, it doesn't sync into "My contacts" in Gmail; it'll sync into "All contacts". So, a couple of questions:

1) How can I get the phone to add new contacts created on my Droid into "My contacts" in Gmail?

2) I'm trying to understand the point of "All contacts". Why does Gmail want to keep a list of anyone that I've ever sent an email to? Otherwise, it'll be simple enough to just merge the two groups and call it a day.(Note: When I bought my Droid I did NOT have the VZW sales person transfer my contacts or any data from my old Blackberry to my Droid. I used Google Sync on my BB and synced my contacts from my BB to Gmail, then when I got the Droid, it automatically pulled my contacts from Gmail.)(FWIW, yes, I did a search and found two great threads: and but I have a different situation than most of those guys and I'd actually prefer to sift through and merge a couple of contacts from "All contacts" to "My contacts" every once in a while than deal with a backup and factory reset.)

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Android :: Read Contacts Field And Generated V-card And Store Into Database

Feb 26, 2009

I was trying to read all Contacts field one by one and generated a v- card and store it into a database. When I have a huge number of contacts (say more than 150), while reading 155th contacts, I see my application is getting killed and cat log say it because of excessive JNI global refreences. Can anyone pls suggest what is causing the problem and how to solve it. Also, Im not seeing any errors if I have less than 150 contacts............

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Android : Content Provider Or Database

Nov 22, 2010

Since I've seen a presentation from Google IO I'm a bit confused in the question, if it's better to use content providers or databases. Or it makes no difference if I don't want to share any data with other applications.

If I've understood it right, content providers based on SQLite DBs and it's also possible that content of them is only accessable for my application.

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Android :: Content Provider Database Leak

Sep 4, 2009

I am writing a content provider for this application and in my content provider I am opening a database connection, running a query and returning the cursor of results to the calling program. If I close this database connection in the provider, the cursor has no results. If I leave it open, I get "leak found" errors in my DDMS log. What am I missing here? What's the clean, proper way to return a cursor of database results?

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Android :: Want To Get Code Of Content Provider Which Database Is Created

Oct 8, 2010

I want to get a code of content provider which a database is created. I am using the tool which located here tools/sqllite3.exe to check if the database is created.Please let me know the step by step procedure for this thing.

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Android :: Exact Difference Between Content-Provider And SQLite Database

Jul 28, 2010

i have done SQLite database programming for Android, but i dont know anything about Content-Provider except this: "As i have referred Android Developer page , Android SDK explained about "Content-provider" as it is used to store and retrieve data." What is the exact difference between "Content-Provider" and "SQLite Database"?Which is best to store data, when ?

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Android :: Possible To Write Custom Content Provider For Existing System Database?

Dec 9, 2009

Not sure of the absolute utility of this but seems as though it should be possible and useful. Can you extend ContentProvider to provide URIs representing new queries (i.e., joins across multiple tables not specified by existing URIs) for an existing system database? The alternative seems to be that I need to write a series of cursor queries then join them -- seems like a lot of unnecessary code duplication.

I have been trying this for the contacts database as an exercise, but no love so far. The crux seems to be that I cannot open a database in another package during the setup phase. Am I just completely out in left field here? It's possible as I am new to both Java and Android.

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Android : Content Provider Vs Direct Database Access - Transaction Management

Aug 7, 2010

I understand, at least on paper, the basic difference between the Content Provider and just directly accessing the SQLiteDatabase. I have a functioning prototype for my application, and currently it is just directly hitting the database. I don't really have any experience using the Content Provider pattern, but I have found out that I will need to share some data with another application.

I will only be sharing about 2 out of a dozen or so tables, so I was wondering if I should be just completely redoing the data layer to follow the Content Provider pattern, or just expose only those tables via a Content Provider for the sake of the other application and still directly access the database in the primary application.

One of the issues I ran into with my prototype was that I have some fairly complex transactions, and the code I wrote to get that working is not designed particularly well and isn't reusable at all. As I add more functionality to this app, I'm going to need a better designed data access layer, before I set off writing my own, does anyone know of any good resources with design patterns for this type of thing already? Also, if I need to go the Content Provider route, am I going to have solid control over the database transactions?

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Android :: Custom Contacts Field With A Set List Of Values And Contacts Lookup Performance

May 28, 2010

I'm pretty sure it's not viable to do what I'd like to based on some initial research, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask the community of experts here in case someone knows a way.

I'd like to create a custom field for contacts that the user is able to edit from the main Contacts app; however, the user should only be allowed to select from a list of four specific values. A short list of string values would be ideal, but an int with a min/max range would suffice.

I'm interested in knowing if it's possible either way, but also wondering if it make sense to go this route performance wise. More specifically, would it be better to look up a contact (based on a phone number) each time a call or SMS message is received or better to store my own set of data (consisting of name, numbers, and the custom field) and just syncing contact info in a thread every so often? Or syncing contacts the first time the app is run and then registering for changes using ContentObserver?

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Android :: What Logic Does Contacts Api Use To Aggregate - Overlapping Fields From Multiple Raw Contacts

Nov 2, 2010

when a "contact detail" screen is presented in the contacts application, how is each field aggregated from its underlying raw contacts

case 1: Overlapping fields

when the same field exists in two or more contacts. Say they have two different last names or emails in different accounts. Does the contacts app show both fields with an account indicator?

case 2: Non overlapping fileds

one rawcontact has email while the other one has phone number

Short of scouring the source code, I have exhausted searching everywhere else.

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Android :: Links To Articles - How To Move Palm Contacts To Gmail Contacts

Jul 5, 2010

I'm about the take the Android (EVO specifically) plunge. I'm coming from an old Palm phone. Wow, talk about a quantum leap. Anyway, to prepare for the move, how do I get my Palm contacts into Gmail's contacts? Is that how it works? I need to move my Palm contacts to Gmail contacts, right? Then when I get my new EVO, it will sync with Gmail and my contacts will be in the new phone?

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Android :: Syncronizing Mobile Phone Contacts With Contacts From Social Networks

Apr 28, 2010

I retrieve a JSON list of contacts from a social network site. It contains firstname, lastname, displayname, data1, data2, etc...

What is the efficient way to quickly lookup my local phone contacts database and "match" them based on their name. Since there are firstname, lastname and displayname this can vary.
What do you think, how can the best match be achieved?

Also how do I make sure I don't parse for each JSON item the whole database I want to avoide having JSON_COUNT x MOBILE COUNT steps

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Android :: Filter Out Contacts From Contacts Pick List / Create New Contact

Aug 19, 2009

My application wants a functionality of picking a contact from the phone contact, I have achieved this using the following intent Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI); startActivity ForResult(intent, 001); I wanted few more functionalities
- An option to create a new contact from the pick list, similar to the one which is available in inbuilt Launcher appliation
- Set of contacts should be filtered from display i.e already selected contacts should not be displayed
- Filtering of contacts should be based on the phone number i.e a contact might have two phone numbers associated with and wants to filter out the phone number which is selected I guess above can be achieved by implementing my own pick list using contacts provider, is there any other way without implementing the new pick list

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Android :: Convert Google Contacts Back To Phone Contacts

Nov 16, 2010

When I switched to the Samsung Fascinate from a previous non-smart phone, I transferred all of my contacts from the phone over. I think in the setup somewhere I chose to convert my contacts to Google contacts. That was really confusing at first, because I didn't know what it did, and didn't even remember I had done that until recently. I'd like to get the contacts back to phone contacts (not Google contacts) for multiple reasons, which I won't bother listing for now. So, does anyone know how to UN-convert or re-convert Google contacts back into phone contacts? I really don't want to have to recreate all of the phone contacts, because I've got a LOT of them. I would remove my Google account from the phone, but I worry that would remove all of my contacts completely, which wouldn't help me.

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Android :: Importing Contacts To The Device - Contacts Operations Are Very Slow

Mar 23, 2010

I have some questions concerning importing contacts to the device, which is extremely slow.

First of all, if you delete all your contacts, google sync will restore it very quickly. However, when my app is adding contacts to the device, it's very slow (a few contacts per second). Even if I add almost empty contacts (with name only), it is a time-consuming process.

If I turn google sync off, importing 5000 contacts can take 1-2 hours (on HTC Magic). When google sync is on it can take up to 24hours. And this happens despite the fact, that application for the whole time is in the foreground, device is connected to charger and screen is on. I checked the logcat to make sure my app is adding the contacts the whole time, and it is.

I tried different methods and different devices. The results differ of course, yet manually adding contacts is always significantly slower that google sync. Is there any way that I can speed up the process? So that importing 5000 contacts will take less than an hour.

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Android :: How To Turn Phone Contacts Into 'Google' Contacts?

Jul 26, 2010

I own a HTC hero (Orange). With talks of android updates becoming available, there seems to be a mad rush to back up everything so that nothing is lost on the update. There are many ways of doing this, but one of the most common problems, is that people have their contacts saved as 'Phone' contacts and not 'Google' contacts. This means that they will not sync with Google mail. There was no contact export available to me (I think because my firmware was still 1.5).
This seems to be a solution that will solve the problem without having to write out every single contact number in Google mail.
1. Enter android market.
2. Search 'Contact sync'
3. Download/Install this application.
4. Run the application
5. All contacts will be turned from 'Phone' contacts to 'Google' Contacts
6. These contacts will then be synchronized with your Google mail
This means that if your contacts are lost on your phone at any point (eg. an update), they can easily be 'Exported' back to your phone through Google mail.

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Android :: Application For Merge Of SIM Contacts With GMail Contacts

Apr 21, 2009

i've been looking for an application for merging the SIM contacts with the GMail contacts but can't seem to find any. Does anyone know if such an application is available? The result now is that i have a huge list of contacts (GMail + SIM) with many duplicates and information spread around different entries. Remark: i'm not sure if this question belongs here, but i had to choose between the G1 T-mobile and this forum.

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Android :: Pick Multiple Contacts From Contacts Application

Feb 17, 2009

Is there any Intent for picking multiple contacts from the Intent.ACTION_PICK?If yes whats the data that needs to be passed to the intent?

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Android :: Contacts - Fetch Contacts Number From Phone

Aug 2, 2010

when i am using this class it is written there use contactscontract but am not getting how to use this class to fetch contacts number from phone.....

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Android :: Scrollable Contacts Widget - PhoneBook Contacts Only

Oct 7, 2010

I need a widget on my htc wildfire, one that looks like the People Widget but only for the Phonebook contacts and not FB or other social networks. I have tried so many but none are good enough.
Any suggestions? Or is there any way to make the People Widget display the phonebook contacts only?

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Android :: I Accidently Deleted Contacts On Google Contacts

Jan 29, 2010

I accidently deleted 44 contacts on google contacts. I still have them in my phone, as I don't have a data plan and the wifi wasn't enabled, thankfully.Now, I want my phone to get those contacts on the google contacts. Is it possible to do that?

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