Android :: Installing 2.0 On Mac - Snow Leopard

Oct 30, 2009

I was trying to install Android 2.0 on Mac which running snow leopard. When I run android, it give me error message. I forgot the exact message, but it roughly says I cannot run a 32 bit code on a 64 bit virtual machine or something similar.

Android :: installing 2.0 on Mac - Snow Leopard

Android :: Installing Eclipse And Setting Up ADT On OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard

Mar 21, 2010

I am trying to install Eclipse Galileo on my MacBook running OS X v10.6 (Snow Leopard) and set it up with ADT plugin. I downloaded 64-bit cocoa version of "Eclipse Galileo for JEE developers" and ADT v0.9.6 from the respective offical sites. When I try to add this new plugin-archive in Eclipse, I get the following error:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found ....missing requirement: ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found.

AFAIK, one gets this error when a required Eclipse-plugin is missing. I checked the official site and saw that wst-plugin is actually bundled with "Eclipse for JEE developers" download package compare Eclipse packages. Not sure what I am missing here.

My mac is not connected to the internet so I guess adding resource URLs to the "Available Software sites" section wouldn't help. I would have to download anything required on my PC and then copy it onto my mac]

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Android :: Can't Run Gmote On Snow Leopard / How To Fix?

Oct 8, 2010

I can't get gmote to work. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.4, and I downloaded the snow leopard gmote package, but I still can't connect to my computer. I use the local ip addresses gmote gives me on my laptop (it gives me 2) and neither works. I can't figure out what's wrong! If any1 can help I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Android :: DDMS Under Mac OS X 10.5 - Snow Leopoard

Aug 30, 2009

Under snow leopard I get an error running ddms:


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General :: Mac OS X Leopard Compatibility With Android Phones?

Jan 6, 2013

I'm sick to death of my iPhone. It's been playing up to the point that using offline apps is about the extent to which I can use it half the time - calls drop/don't come through, messages don't send & the phone doesn't receive them either, the connection to the internet (Wi-Fi & cellular) suddenly drops & doesn't return unless I restart the phone...

I'm due an upgrade on my contract, and the two options with the right plans are the Samsung Galaxy S3 & Sony Xperia T, both of which have a reputation of being decent, if not fantastic phones (one more so than the other). I definitely want to go to android rather than stay on with another iPhone (which is another possible option), but I'm worried about it's compatibility with my computer.

I own a 2006 iMac which is currently running Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard), which, despite only being released a few years ago and is more recent than Windows Vista, has been declared obsolete & is no longer receiving updates for any software (Flash, iTunes, Firefox, Chrome, etc.), so I'm concerned as to what may happen if I choose to switch to Android. I'm already struggling to keep my iPhone working well with the computer because of the fact that I can't even update it's software any more.

I do intend to update the software to Snow Leopard, and possibly Lion depending on whether my mac will accept it or not (the apple store assistants didn't really know anything about the 2006 model, one of whom didn't even know that the older white design existed -.- ). However, I'd like to get my phone before I upgrade.

1) Will my computer's current software (and future software) be able to effectively sync my android? & yes, I know this will require some third-party software to assist.
2) Which of the two phones would be better? My intentions are for browsing, social networking, texting, and listening to music.

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Android :: Can't Install Plugin For Eclipse On MacOS X - Leopard

Jan 6, 2010

When I try to install the Android plugin for Eclipse on MacOS X (Leopard) I get the error:

Cannot create tempfile for site.xml
Permission denied

I'm not sure what persmissions the system is referring to. I have set this up on a Linux distro with no trouble at all.

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Motorola Droid :: Cold Rain And Snow

Dec 31, 2009

Usually I used some rugged type of flip phone and never had a problem. How well does the droid hold up to being out in the cold winter weather? Do I have to put this thing into 3 layers of protective pouches or what?

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HTC Aria :: How Macbook Leopard 10.5.8 Teathering On Phone?

Oct 2, 2010

Has anyone been able to do this ? Any words of wisdom ? Since ATT doesn't seem to have an unlimited data plan,I am a little skeered of the 2g limit.

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General :: Haier W910 - Screen Displayed With White Snow?

Mar 22, 2014

I've a two month old Haier W910 with stock ROM. The other day, when switching on the phone, the device displayed white snow. The device function normally - touch screen, audio, wireless and cellular (accept calls) but the screen continue to show white snow (like old analog TV).

I found a youtube video showing the same symptom and one of the comments suggested that the phone need to re-flash ROM and it will solve the problem. The youtube video posted confirmed that it did. Since then and for the past 3-4 days I've been trying to flash my phone but it doesn't work. I'm able to put the phone in "Download mode" and use fastboot to flash a recovery boot, oem unlock works but I can't seems to reflash full ROM: I can't use the "" method as a I can't see the screen and when I try to flash different ROMs under www.needrom.dom using 'fastboot update' it keep saying:

archive does not contain 'android-info.txt'

archive does not contain 'android-product.txt'

error: update package has no android-info.txt or android-product.txt

I can't flash the rom in "recovery mode" as I can't see the menu and select the proper option.

I guess I also need to replace the bootloader as the screen is white snow from the very beginning..

So the question is: how can I do a device full reflash WITHOUT using the screen (preferably in fastboot)

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Face Book Installing And Installing And Installing

Nov 9, 2010

Anyone ever had this happen? Downloaded an update after the 2.1 upgrade and I sync'd my contacts with FB. It then deleted all of my contacts.So I deleted Facebook, re-stored all my contacts and reloaded Facebook. However, now it gets as far as installing and it never stops. It just stays on Installing.However, the FB app works fine on the phone itself.Is this a Market glitch? Is there anyway I can purge it from out of my downloads section?

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Android :: Trying To Get Hello Android Tutorial To Work On Mac OS X Leopard

Nov 16, 2010

I'm on Mac OS X Leopard and installed the ADT plugin into Eclipse Galileo. I followed all the steps on the Android developer SDK page to get started. My SDK version is 2.2 API 8 revision 2 and I just used the Hello World tutorial.When I ran the app, it launched my emulator but all I saw was a vertical screen on the left that said "ANDROID" and phone buttons on the right. I did not see the "Hello, Android" text from the

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Android :: Youtube App Not Installing - Error Installing - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Oct 21, 2010

I have tried to update the default youtube app on my nexus one (Froyo) numerous times. I get the message "Error Installing - Package file was not signed correctly". I am trying to upgrade from 1.6.21 to 2.0.26.I have tried unmounting my SD card, clearing the cache for the android market, the download manager and the original youtube app.

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General :: Installing New Kernel Without Installing New Rom?

Sep 9, 2013

I have installed cyanogenmod 9 in my Sony Live Walkman, and the kernel that comes with it.

Can I install a new kernel (like rage kernel) without having to install the rom (CM9) again? It will work just replacing the kernel?

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Android :: Installing SDK - ADT

Dec 20, 2009

I installed android eclipse galileo, and also downloaded android SDK. while installing ADT, I chose

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Android :: Apps Not Installing

Jan 13, 2010

Almost all the apps I try to download on my t-mobile pulse don't download, a message appears in the message window saying 'download unsuccessful.' It happens alot even thought I have full connection and alot of memory space. Does anyone know what is wrong and how can I fix it?

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Android :: Installing Apps From Pc

May 30, 2010

Hey guys i want to install some apps to my phone (HTC HD2) from my pc but everything i have tried so far wont work. i have tried looking for apps installer on marketplace to no avail, tried using 2 diffrent adb's but none will pick up my phone. does anyone know how i can achieve this ?

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Android :: Installing SDK For Screenshots

Mar 21, 2010

I have been trying to install the android sdk to take screenshots on my Milestone. I am using this How to take screenshots of your Android based phone from Windows - Simple Help tutorial. I have installed the sdk, jdk, and the drivers for my milestone but when i run ddms it opens cmd prompt and then closes. If someone would come on team viewer and help me finish the installation i would appreciate it.

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Android :: Installing App Without SD Card

Nov 16, 2010

I uploaded an apk file to a web server and attempted to access the link from the browser on the phone. When I attempt to download from that link I receive an error message that reads "An SD card is required to download." I do not have an SD card installed, but the internal memory is not full, so I would expect the app to install to internal memory.

The obvious solution is to install an SD Card. Putting an SD card in the device does allow the app to install. So, the question is why is this necessary?

Nowhere in my app do I specify that this needs to be installed on an SD Card. I've tried leaving the installLocation blank and setting it to "auto" and "internalOnly". I've scoured the forums and not found a reason for this.

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Android :: Installing Zip In Eclipse3.5 Sdk

Sep 9, 2009

I'm having problem with installing the android in with Eclipse 3.5 sdk.

Here are some specifications, I have the android 1.5 sdk zip file, and And the Eclipse 3.5 sdk zip file.

I have tried installing android as a plug-in but was unable, please tell me the way so that i can install android in Eclipse with above specifications only. please note that i have the 'ANDROID ZIP FILE'.

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Android :: Installing SunJCE With My App?

Aug 3, 2010

The company I work for is wary of Android app development because the default cryptography library, Bouncy Castle, is not FIPS-140 certified. Nothing I can do to change their minds or policies.

I'm wondering what options I have for installing (or at least bundling) SunJCE with my app.

For one, I can't find where I would download the latest version of this jar. I tried grabbing the jce jar from my desktop and setting it as an internal jar in my Android project and received this amusing, if ominous, message:

Attempt to include a core class (java.* or javax.*) in something other than a core library. It is likely that
you have attempted to include in an application the core library (or a part thereof) from a desktop virtual machine. This will most assuredly not work. At a minimum, it jeopardizes the compatibility of your app with future versions of the platform. It is also often of questionable legality.

If you really intend to build a core library -- which is only appropriate as part of creating a full virtual
machine distribution, as opposed to compiling an application -- then use the "--core-library" option to suppress this error message.

If you go ahead and use "--core-library" but are in fact building an application, then be forewarned that your application will still fail to build or run, at some point. Please be prepared for angry customers who find, for example, that your application ceases to function once they upgrade their operating system. You will be to blame for this problem.

If you are legitimately using some code that happens to be in a core package, then the easiest safe alternative you have is to repackage that code. That is, move the classes in question into your own package namespace. This means that they will never be in conflict with core system classes. If you find that you cannot do this, then that is an indication that the path you are on will ultimately lead to pain, suffering, grief, and lamentation.

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Android :: Trouble Installing The New SDK

Jun 6, 2009

I've installed the newest Android SDK using eclipse's software updates feature to hit the resource at

After installing it, it seems like the SDK is integrated into Eclipse, but when I try to create a new project with a single blank activity in it, I get the following error:


This is using eclipse version 3.4.2 running on top of Mac OS 10.5.7 on a 32 bit processor.

Is this a misconfiguration on my part? Have I missed a part of the installation?

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Android : Installing & Using NDK In Eclipse

Aug 12, 2010

I've been running the Android SDK for a while now in Eclipse (MAC OSX). I've downloaded the NDK and installed the C/C++ tools in Eclipse, but could anyone guide me on using the NDK? For example, do I just create an Android project like normal and build it with the NDK instead?Really could do with a decent tutorial if anyone know of any.

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Android :: Changing Installing Location

Oct 12, 2010

as i read we can change applicatin Installing Location to SD card With Android Tools via usb cable and Android USB driver package.Now I wanna know is it possible to change the installing location programmatically?

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Android :: Yahoo Update Is Installing

Nov 1, 2010

I'm using a HTC Legend (VF branded) and have installed the Yahoo MAil app for free. It has runed well but after starting an update two or three weks ago, the installation has started and never ended.I can't uninstall the app during the installation and I've tried Uninstaller Pro to uninstall Yahoo Mail. It has worked but the installation ist still running so I can't reinstall the app.

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Android :: Installing Non Market App On HTC Magic?

Jul 5, 2009

Just download some apk files, they are non market app.But how do I install them on HTC magic?

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Android :: Backup - Before Installing ROM Updates

Feb 16, 2010

I have a HTC tattoo and my mate's got the HTC Hero.

We are trying to find out how to backup the phones before installing ROM updates.

The main thing we need backing up would be the contacts/messages and email but it would also be nice to have a backup of the applications to save all the time its going to take finding/downloading and reinstalling them?

Whats the best way to back up the phone's?

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Motorola Droid :: Installing Android Sdk

Feb 22, 2010

im installing android adk just for rooting and rom purposes is there any specific directions for installing this..i found a guide but it really doesnt go into detail about the install process of this just says you need it

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Samsung Fascinate :: Installing Android SDK

Nov 26, 2010

I have noticed lately a shocking amount of the root crowd in general (between irc, xda, and here) that either do not have the sdk installed on their computers, can't get it to work, or have no idea what it is. I'm of the school of the thought that adb/sdk is an essential tool that anyone who thinks of rooting their phone should have, and often a lifeline and a last line of salvation when bricking your phone. I figured it would be helpful for some out there, so I found a good youtube video that lays out all the steps for downloading and installing at least the adb portion of the sdk

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HTC Droid Eris :: Installing Raw Android?

Dec 13, 2009

Now that Google has released the source code, has anyone explored the possibility of installing raw Android 2.0--sans Sense UI--on the HTC Eris (or Hero for that matter)? I wasn't able to find anything on search, but maybe I'm just not searching right. I know that would mainly forfeit multi-touch, but I'm just curious...

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Samsung Vibrant :: Installing Android 2.2

Oct 28, 2010

I have googled and failed miserable at trying to install android 2.2 on both my phone and my friend's. (Samsung Vibrant - Galaxy S) I have no clue what I'm doing.. I'm slightly new to android. But I'm not computer illiterate. I'm not quite sure what rooting is and blah blah blah. I'm sorry. I need help doing it. Maybe step by step? From step one.. to getting it running good with 2.2? I'm not sure if it's allowed, but my email is to make it easier.

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