Android :: In Which Folder Is The Music Stored In On Mytouch
Feb 18, 2010For Example, lets say i needed to move music files from my CPU to the Mytouch where would i put em?

For Example, lets say i needed to move music files from my CPU to the Mytouch where would i put em?
I have several files stored in my project /res/values folder, is there any way to open and read these files from my android application? Each file contains text informations about one level of my game.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMan, this application is so awesome....... simple but what a great way to study. Anyway, does anyone know if the flashcards are stored on the sdcard or the phone? I found a folder on the sdcard named studydroid, but using Astro it looks like the folder is empty.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to store the location a series of images from the assets folder in my current android app and insert the location into a SQLite database and then display the image in an ImageView.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat folder/file my gmail password is stored in on my Galaxy S?
I've searched for it via Root Explorer but its not showing any results?
I installed an SD card but it appears all my pics and music are being stored on the internal memory. What do I need to do to fix this problem?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have pined them and they are local it says, but cannot find the files, do you know where they are stored. I read on other post that it is in Internal, but when looked there it is empty
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought the Centura a few days ago. Decided to download music to my 32G card. THOUGHT that's what I did, but now, I see that I've filled up the RAM, too! How can I remove the 2.16 G of music from my USB storage without having to purge everything else?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that despite having only four or five playlists on Google Music (desktop) my phone shows a bunch - mostly ones from albums I've downloaded. They don't show up in the browser version on my desktop so it looks like the only way to get rid of them is to manually delete every single one via the phone app.
Also, I've noticed that when I switch the settings to "on device only" my playlists created on the web page no longer show up, despite me having the majority of the songs on my microSD. I remember I used to be able to switch to "on device only" and the cloud playlist would scale down to only what I had on local storage. Was so....logical! Is there any way I can still do this? My microSD music is pretty much pointless since I don't have access to the playlists when I'm using "on device only".
I've searched for a solution to this but everyone just says to buy another music player,which I really want to avoid having to do.I've installed a few games that put sound effects on the SD card.The music player adds these to the playlist so I'm getting random sounds effects mixed with my music.I cannot find a way to tell the music player to JUST USE THE MUSIC FOLDER.Is there something I am missing or an add-on for the stock player?
View 15 Replies View RelatedMuch like the music app does i want to access the name of the song (not the name of the file) or the artist or album. For example, i want to populate a list view with the names of all the songs on the phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm on 2.1 and looking for a good media player. I keep my music in folders (too many mixed albums and non-tagged music), and want a player that will allow me to play my music by folder. Every player seems to do the artist/genre/album/etc. thing, but not the folder thing.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI bought my Galaxy S to replace my Rockboxed Cowon X5L. It has 30GB of storage, my Galaxy S has 48GB of storage. It's going to hold around 250 albums. I don't have single tracks, I just have albums, and typically I'll play an entire album rather than a single track. I've tried several music playing apps on Android and they're all awful. Not a single one of them is even halfway competent. I want to be able to go into a music player, and browse through folders and select music to play that way. I want to be able to go into a folder and start playing a track and for the music player to continue playing all the tracks in that folder and then stop. I want next/previous track to go to the next/previous track in the folder. The default music player is rotten, and does not work in this way at all. Any other music player I've seen seems to be built on top of the music player or just a reskin of it. They're all shite too. Has anyone created a music playing app that is fit for purpose? Has anyone seen one?
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy Droid is randomly playing one of the songs in my music folder (always the same song). I have 2.0.1 loaded. Phone is from Verizon. In only plays thru the song once but I cannot figure out where it is coming from??
View 7 Replies View RelatedDid you ever have music files without tags ? (for example ripped from your CDs)Did you ever add some music in a "new music" folder in your memory card, without knowing exactly all the artist / albums?Do you know the "unknown artist" who sings the "Track 01", even if your file name is correct?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an evo and just found a problem/bug whatever you want to call it but I have like 5 games installed and they all have some kind of sound clips which are stored in a gameloft folder. In that folder there are over a thousand sound clips for the games that I have downloaded. I also have a music folder with about 150 songs in there. My problem is now when I start my music apps it pics up all the sounds from the game loft folder. Is there any way that I can have my music app only look for music in the Music folder.
View 6 Replies View Relatedim trying to put music on my desire and where ever i put it, it doesn't appear. For example if i add it to MP3 and look in that folder its not there?
View 7 Replies View RelatedTried to find a relevant thread to post this at end of or perhaps that answers this and hopefully whoever knows where it is will just link to it and not be too unkind about my inability to find it.
I've never used any media player software to sort or tag my music ever. I have something like 10Gigs of fairly well encoded stuff and the collection grows over time, this time last year there was probably 8Gigs in the pile.
All my music is sorted by folders and in those folders they are usually named by track number, ie:
01. Astonomy Domine - Umma Gumma - Pink Floyd.
etc. etc.
I can't seem to find the way to get this 'music' app in android to sort by folder first and the multitude of '01. next song, next album' in a row in my music list is starting to really get me down.
I don't want any nonsense to get album art for me or even to try to figure out what album this is (byte allowance on plans in AU sucks pretty hard, OK?) or what order these songs should be in.
Simple form of question: What is the name of an app that doesn't try to be clever about your music collection, just sorts and plays it by "(1) FileFolder->(2) FileName"?
Is this possible with this app that comes with Android and calls itself 'music' in the list?
Still learning my Hero, but having issues with my music which I can not seem to get fixed. The problem is when I open up the folder when it is connected to my laptop it will say that a certain album or song is in the music folder that I have set up. However, when I unplug the phone from my computer and open up the music, the songs can not be found?!? I've sorted by each individual song and even looked in the dreaded "unknown artist" and "unknown song" folders and can not find the songs anywhere, but they will show up in the media file once its connected to the computer. Its making me feel really stupid cause I know I have enough room in my phone still, so I must be doing something wrong for a few of my songs, but I have no idea what.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created a MUSIC folder on my SD card for all my mp3s. However, the music player also picks up the voices from Sygic mobile maps which are on the root of the SD card. Can I get my Desire to ONLY look in the music folder I created and ignore everything else? Same thing happens with my photo folder.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to compile a list with music players which can play music by their order in their folder. Not by artist, album, genres and other. Just to play the music in a given folder one after another.
A quick search made me download tinyPlayer which does the job fine but the interface kind of lacks visual appeal. Any other apps for the purpose?
If i am mounting my phone and want to put music on it so i can play it, where do i put it? what folder?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo, I'm not a huge music buff but I decided to put some on my Evo to get the full effect and use of this phone. However, now that I've uploaded like 1000 songs I notice that there's alot of sound files from games I've downloaded and it is kinda irritating to finish a song and hear "your on the green!" (from that golf game) or "he's on your six" (from Hawx). I'm guessing this is a default folder that the games are saving sounds to but is there a way to fix this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've tried MortPlayer. Mortplayer really stutters and lags (a lot to the point I thought the program completely stopped) while browsing for folders; once inside the folder, the player is fine though. Also tried Meridian and the program took too long to load; it is also not responsive enough for my taste. Basically, I'm looking for an app that can play music by folder - that is as responsive and smooth as FolderPlay on Symbian S60, or the stock player on SE UIQ. Off topic: Really like the Galaxy S' gorgeous screen but also regret getting it at the same time. I guess I have too much expectation for it. I mean with its high end CPU and GPU, I expect it to be like super fluid but it takes longer to start up and to make a phone call than the 5800. Will hard resetting the phone and installing less apps help? I didn't really install that many apps, only about 9 pages filled.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a bunch of individual folders that I'd like to select, so I can add them to a playlist. Problem is, a lot of these folders contain Various Artist compilations, so I don't want to have to select each artist to program into a playlist.
If I could add the folders in question, that would be so much simpler.
I have a little over 20GB of music. I installed half on the players memory itself and the other half on an external micro sd card that has been inserted into the phone. Before transferring my music onto the phone and memory card, it was all under folders on my hard drived base MP3 player. I really like plug-and-play type MP3 players, non-Apple, and just simply had all my music in folders from A-Z and then the each different Band in a different sub-folder. I am not concerned with tags or album art. Since the phone comes with 16GB, I have to divide all my music half and half.
My questions are:
1. Is it possible to have all the music lumped into one like it was on my old MP3 player?
2. I cant seem to browse the music by folders. I want to have my music set up as 26 different folders from A-Z, then have the Bands seperated by folder WITHIN that folder
I tried downloading MortPlayer and Astro Player, but it doesnt seem to work right. Are there any settings on the phone to manage my music this way?
I'm looking for a music player that allows me to browse music folders and play directly from that view (with fwd, rev, etc). Basically, Rockbox (or similar) for Android. So far, all my app searches turned up empty.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI cant seem to be able to add more then a gig or two of music before it all gets deleted into the LOST.DIR folder on my sd card when I try to add new music.Any idea?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use voice recorder to record meetings and when I play music offline, I'm constantly pressing skip to get the stupid thing to play the music again (on shuffle).
lot of voice recordings in say "voice recorder folder" and all my music in the "music" folder but all the music players just pull .mp3 from the whole phone because I'll go from ACDC to, "today we will be discussing in today's meeting."
Making one big playlist of music.mp3 seems like a lousy work around which is all I can think of.
Is there a way to keep Google music on the phone from seeing non-music files, i.e. Doggcatcher podcasts? Tried adding a .nomedia file to the doggcatcher folder on the phone but that doesn't seem to work? I just dont want google music to dispaly the podcats files, or when you "shuffle" music, you get podcasts interjected.
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