Media :: Select Music Albums By Folder

Feb 10, 2010

I have a bunch of individual folders that I'd like to select, so I can add them to a playlist. Problem is, a lot of these folders contain Various Artist compilations, so I don't want to have to select each artist to program into a playlist.

If I could add the folders in question, that would be so much simpler.

Media :: Select Music Albums By Folder

Media :: Keep Music Sorted By Folder

Jun 13, 2010

Tried to find a relevant thread to post this at end of or perhaps that answers this and hopefully whoever knows where it is will just link to it and not be too unkind about my inability to find it.

I've never used any media player software to sort or tag my music ever. I have something like 10Gigs of fairly well encoded stuff and the collection grows over time, this time last year there was probably 8Gigs in the pile.

All my music is sorted by folders and in those folders they are usually named by track number, ie:

01. Astonomy Domine - Umma Gumma - Pink Floyd.
etc. etc.

I can't seem to find the way to get this 'music' app in android to sort by folder first and the multitude of '01. next song, next album' in a row in my music list is starting to really get me down.

I don't want any nonsense to get album art for me or even to try to figure out what album this is (byte allowance on plans in AU sucks pretty hard, OK?) or what order these songs should be in.

Simple form of question: What is the name of an app that doesn't try to be clever about your music collection, just sorts and plays it by "(1) FileFolder->(2) FileName"?

Is this possible with this app that comes with Android and calls itself 'music' in the list?

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Media :: Music In Folder But Not In Phone

Feb 21, 2010

Still learning my Hero, but having issues with my music which I can not seem to get fixed. The problem is when I open up the folder when it is connected to my laptop it will say that a certain album or song is in the music folder that I have set up. However, when I unplug the phone from my computer and open up the music, the songs can not be found?!? I've sorted by each individual song and even looked in the dreaded "unknown artist" and "unknown song" folders and can not find the songs anywhere, but they will show up in the media file once its connected to the computer. Its making me feel really stupid cause I know I have enough room in my phone still, so I must be doing something wrong for a few of my songs, but I have no idea what.

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Media :: Default Music Folder

Sep 1, 2010

I created a MUSIC folder on my SD card for all my mp3s. However, the music player also picks up the voices from Sygic mobile maps which are on the root of the SD card. Can I get my Desire to ONLY look in the music folder I created and ignore everything else? Same thing happens with my photo folder.

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Media :: Music Player With Folder Browsing

Nov 10, 2009

I'm looking for a music player that allows me to browse music folders and play directly from that view (with fwd, rev, etc). Basically, Rockbox (or similar) for Android. So far, all my app searches turned up empty.

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HTC Incredible :: Select Multiple Picture Files And Move Them To Another Folder (like "Select All" With Windows)?

May 9, 2010

New to Android and starting to work on file mgmt. I set up some subfolders on my SD card for pictures. I have been moving pictures from one folder to another, but I can only move one at a time. Is there a way to select multiple picture files and move them to another folder (like "Select All" with Windows)? This is the sequence I've been following: Use the Edit Icon in the Astro taskbar, select Move, then going to the directory folder I want to move them, and hit Paste. Moving one file at a time is taking for ever.

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HTC Hero :: Creating Folder Within Albums?

Aug 28, 2009

I just got this phone yesterday, so this maybe a really stupid question, but when I plug the Hero into the computer via USB, there is an DCIM file for photos, but when I create a new folder (with my computer) in this folder, it does not appear in the phone's album application.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Can't Find Download Folder In Albums Directory On Phone

Jun 20, 2010

Where is the folder located at? Like when i save a picture from a MMS it goes under "download" in the Photos.. & i can't find it when it's mounted as a disk drive.

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Media :: Need App To Download Full Albums

Aug 26, 2010

I they have an app where you can download individual songs but what about full albums

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Media :: How To Add More Photo Albums To SD Card In Eris?

Nov 22, 2009

Is there a way to add more photo albums to the SD card in the Eris? I would like to have more albums for photos than what is the default ones. Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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HTC Hero :: Music Albums

Jan 25, 2010

If I copy a complelation album to the SD Card. How do I dispaly the contents of the album and not have a load of individual artists.

If a copy an album by one artist it works ok. I get the album name followed by a list of all the tracks which is what I want from the compelation.

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Media :: Remove Thumbnails Of Albums In Gallery On Captivate?

Sep 7, 2010

How can I remove the thumbnail of an album in the gallery on my Captivate? I'm running 2.1.

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HTC Hero :: Problems With Music And Albums

Jan 7, 2010

Having probs with music on my t-mobile g2 (Hero) can save single mp3's to the sd card and it plays them, how do I get it to recognise albums and tracks within albums, it just seems as if it doesn't like them, tried creating a folder on the sd card with the album name, putting tracks inside this and cannot get it to work? Also want the player to show album art but having difficulty with that too - do I need to use WMP or something else and sync?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Scrolling Through Music Albums

Feb 6, 2010

So when I first got my sprint hero when I would go to the music it would open up in such a way that I could finger swipe to flip through albums. Somehow...I've done something so when I open up the music from the icon, it just shows me the current/last album and song I was on. I've clicked all the little icons on the bottom, and they show various top to bottom text menus...but nowhere I can find to get back to make it where the albums are seen in that distance where you finger swipe left/right to flip through them.

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Android :: Music Player That Can Shuffle Albums

Jul 20, 2010

I've tried out a few different music players, cubed, mixzing and the stock music player and I can't seem to figure out if there is any way for the apps to just mix up the order of my albums and play them like that. The shuffle features just mix up all the songs from all the albums, but I want to listen to a whole album at a time, just don't want to pick the order the albums come up in if that makes sense. Is there a way to do this with any music players?

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General :: Google Music Can't Delete Albums?

Jan 16, 2014

How do I go about deleting albums from my Google Play Music account using the mobile app? I can delete individual songs but not albums or artists. On the full website I can delete songs, albums, and artists but not on mobile, only songs. I thought Google updated the app a while ago to include the delete function but I seem to be completely missing it?

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Android :: Allow User To Select Folder On SD Card

Aug 1, 2010

I'm looking for a way to allow a user to press a button to browse the contents of the SD card, and then select a folder, whose path will be returned to the application. Similar to how you pull up the "Browse..." dialog on Windows for installations.

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Samsung I7500 :: Problems Recognising Music Albums

Sep 23, 2009

When I transfer mp3 files onto my Galaxy which is USB mounted I can see the various music albums in file explorer. However, when I open the standard music player only a few of the albums are recognised.

Instead the songs are just scattered under "Songs". I have tried with various music players from the Market but the result is the same. This happens even though the songs are tagged.

Is there any way to make Music Player recognise the various albums?

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Android :: Select Folder And Work Out When Intent Complete?

Nov 8, 2010

I am making a wallpaper and I want the user to select a folder. So I have a button in the preferences that launches an intent to open an image, but what I want is actually just a directory (I guess in the worst case I can strip the filename from the end). So thats my first problem. The second problem is how do I get notified of when the intent is complete?

public class FilePreference extends DialogPreference implements View.OnClickListener {
public void onClick(View v) {
// open up a gallery/file browser
Intent intent = new Intent();
getContext().startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select Folder"));

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Media :: Custom Ringtones From Rooted Media Folder To Show Up In Selection Menus?

Nov 12, 2010

How do I get my custom ringtones from rooted media folder to show up in selection menus?

I am rooted and have successfully copied .ogg .wav or .mp3 ringtones to system/media/audio/ringtones, notifications or alarms folders. I can even play them from those folders on press.

My hassle is I am not able to select these as my tones. They don't show up in the menus. I want them in the root because if I am connected to my pc and an email/text/call comes in that is assigned a Custom tone on sd, then my tones revert back to a default tone and I have to reset them all when i disconnect from pc

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HTC Desire :: Music Organisation - Albums Fragmented Into Individual Tracks

May 28, 2010

I used Salling Media Sync to transfer all my non-DRM music from itunes to my desire. Now, all the albums are in perfect order with the right ID3 info but some compilations, when viewed by album, fragment into an individual list of tracks rather than an album view. Most annoying when you just wanna play album.

Are there any progs out there that I can use to better organise my music library so when I view all music by albums I don't get a massive list of individual tracks?

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HTC Incredible :: Syncing Music - Manually Make All Of Folders For Albums

Apr 16, 2010

This will be my first smartphone so I am obviously new to the whole Android OS. I want this to replace my iPod Touch (not that I hate apple or anything I just want one device for everything) and was wondering how this process works on this phone exactly. I know that you can plug in your phone and manually make all of the folders for your albums and such but that seems like a lot of work.

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Media :: Sync Music With Itunes And Windows Media Player

Jun 7, 2010

Sync Music to Nexus One using itunes and Windows Media Player. This process automatically creates a Music folder at the root level of the SD card. Hopefully some of you find this useful, especially coming from using iTunes Read more

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Media :: Way To Sync Music To Android Device Using Media Monkey

Jul 22, 2010

How To: Properly Sync Music To Android With MediaMonkey | from the site: Mount your phone in USB Mode to your computer, and note the drive letter that it is associated Open this drive in Windows Explorer and create the appropriate folders where you want your music stored. I have one called Music and one called Playlists, but you can do this however you want. Now launch MediaMonkey, and make sure it shows your phones memory card in the left sidebar (separately from the MyComputer option) In MediaMonkey, click on Tools up top, then choose Options and go down to Portable/Audio Devices Uncheck *all* of the plug-ins except d_USBMass1.dll Highlight d_USBMass1.dll and click on the Configure button to the right Choose the Device Configuration tab in the dialog box that popped up In the middle of this tab, youll see a box called Device Name, which is where youll type the name of your phone (mine is NexusOne)Below this, choose the appropriate drive letter from the drop-down Below this, enter a Drive Label (again, mine is NexusOne)Leave the USB Device ID box empty and dont click the Find Device button While you have this dialog box open, you can tinker with the other tabs, if you want. This is where you can specify a folder hierarchy and adjust your sync settings. I would recommend creating a small playlist (~15-20 tracks from various artists/genres/albums) to test with you dont want to do a full sync only to realize you dont like your sync settings. This guide is better because it allows for the use of smart playlists and has much fewer steps than if you use winamp.

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Media :: Media Link Always Closes - Transfer Music?

Jan 4, 2010

I've been using Moto Media Link so transfer music to my droid but I can only use it for like a couple minutes then it just closes on it's own, anyone else have this problem? I'm on Windows XP.

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Media :: No Media Player Will Play Music In Order As CD

Jul 7, 2010

I guess no one cares to listen to their favorite music in the order the artist intended? we now listen to timeless classic Opera in whatever order? makes no difference? Classic Rock albums out of order? Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"?

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Media :: Synching Music Using Windows Media Player

Jun 16, 2010

After hours of hit and miss using programs like Double Twist etc. I found that the easiest way to sync music to the iHTC Music player is to use Windows Media Player and buy Album Art Grabber to load the album art. Once you have done the initial sync with WMP you can go back and load individual albums simply by dragging them to the sync area. Connect your phone to the PC and unmount the SD card Open WMP and click the sync tab. Click the drive that represents your SD card (mine was H You will be prompted to sync everything for either this session or all sessions. (I always click this session only). Works great and all I will need in the future!

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Media :: Media Player On Hero Not Recognizing All Music

Dec 22, 2009

I've got a ton of music on my SD card in my phone, approx. 6.5GB worth on an 8GB card. The problem is, the music players in Android (I've used the default, RockOn and MixZing, though I want to stay with MixZing) only recognize about 80% of the music, in their libraries. The thing is, the music is there! If I browse to the folder and launch the file it will play, but there's no artist/title data, even though all the files are properly tagged (mp3s), plus, it opens in a weird verion of the default music player that will stop playing if it loses focus.

This has been a issue ever since I got this phone. It's a brand new SD card (my previous one, in addition to this problem, had major corruption issues; I originally thought it was the card but I guess that's not the case). Also, I've gone through two different ROMs (one when I first got the phone, and a second that I upgraded to about a month ago), so I don't think that's the issue. It seems to affect random folders (albums) at different times, whenever the library is refreshed, but I can't refresh the library manually (that I've found) to see if it's just not scanning those files, or if it's a more underlying issue. I'm stumped

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Motorola Droid :: Option To Select Music For Voice Command

Nov 17, 2009

so there's an option to select music (artist, album) for voice command. i can not get it to work. it only goes to google search results. has anyone successfully gotten the droid to play music from voice command?

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Android : Way To Select Multiple Music Files / Share Through Bluetooth?

Jun 24, 2010

Is there any way to select multiple music files and share them through bluetooth, as it can be done in case of images and videos(from gallery)

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