Android :: Draw The Direction Arrow On The Map
Sep 13, 2010I am creating a class extending mylocationoverlay. then, i override the draw method. is this the correct method? because after i rewrote the draw method, the map tile cannot render.

I am creating a class extending mylocationoverlay. then, i override the draw method. is this the correct method? because after i rewrote the draw method, the map tile cannot render.
Does anyone know how to change the direction of the unlock arrow? I use my phone in my left hand so it would be much more handy to use the phone if I could change the direction of the arrow. Currently the arrow goes from bottom left side of screen to the middle right side and this causes me to have to use both hands to use the phone even to do the simplest of tasks.
I want to be able to have the unlock arrow go from the bottom right side of the screen to the middle left side. This option would be a more normal flowing one handed function for me.
Is there an option for this? I have tried to find it and can not see it anywhere. I sure hope this can be changed because this is becoming very anoying. I like the swoop idea and think it could be handy and better than my old iPhone option but I need the direction change.
Does Android 3.2 smartphones all support arrow/direction keys? If so, what are the keyCode for the four keys?
does KeyEvent class already defined these keys?
I'm sure this has probably been noticed and mentioned. Encase it hasn't; did you know you can switch from left to right. Press and hold the top of it, it flashes, you just then turn it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my android application I use this method in "draw" Overlay class for draw route on map. Can someone tell me if this method is good (in terms of performance) for route draw on map or I must to put code in Thread ??
I'm new to android.
public synchronized void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
if (pointsAndTimes.isEmpty()) {
Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setARGB(250, 255, 0, 0);.............
The one where you angle your bow and select how much power to shoot the arrow.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy company's web based time card system requires the use of the arrow keys to move from cell to cell. (I can't just tap on the desired cell, because they're frequently hidden until I can arrow over to them.)
Using an EVO with the standard browser, is there a way to simulate the arrow keys on the desktop? With a 3rd party browser?
New to Android and this is probably a stupid question but I couldn't find an answer after searching the forums.
I have the Evo and cant figure out how to get rid of the completed download indicator arrows at the top of the screen.
I'd like to show a large green arrow in front of all other views when the user clicks a button. The arrow should fade in, stay there for 1-2 seconds and fade out again. How would I go about programming this? I've looked at the animation examples but would like to confirm the way forward before I dive into programming something that won't work :-):
Draw the arrow-image as a bitmap, immediately make it invisible Fade it in ("alpha"-change animation)
Let it stay for 2 seconds Fade it out (again, "alpha"-change animation)
Is this correct, or would you suggest something else?
Does Android 3.2 smartphones all support arrow/direction keys? If so, what are the keyCode for the four keys?
does KeyEvent class already defined these keys?
Every one can any body explain to me how I can get direction in Htc desire ,cause when I ask about any direction or end point always the answer is no route.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a Dell Streak, about to lose my arrows keys in version 2.1 when it's released.
I have man-sized sausage fingers and need arrow keys in order to position the cursor.
Any 3rd party keyboard have this feature?
I have created an activity that extends ExpandableListActivity class.
I want to customize the look and feel of my expandable list activity. I have achieved the customization of list selectors.
What i want next is to change the default "expandable arrow" image that comes.
I am using a button to hide some edit text boxes and to display them, that means if I press a button 4 edit text boxex will scroll down and again if I press it that 4 edit text boxes scrolled down will scroll up and not visible, my problem is there any widget which has arrow button on that such that it can show scroll up and scroll down.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been playing with the data given by the accelerometer,trying to work out how I can gauge a shake from front to back or side to side. This all seems straightforward enough.But I'd love to know the direction of the shake. So, if the user is shaking backwards and forwards, I want to know if the device is moving away from the user, or back towards him/her. I can't find any way of telling this.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to show the direction information in my app.Direction from one address to the another using Google maps and also wanted to set overlays at the starting address and the destination address.Is there any classes in android too do that.
View 5 Replies View RelatedScrolling on an Android phone makes sense because it's like you're physically sliding the page upwards. However, now that I'm used to doing that, when I get on my laptop and start to scroll with my touchpad, sometimes I find myself scrolling the wrong direction. On a touchpad you drag downwards to go down on the page, or to slide the page upwards. So it's backwards from the motion you would make on your phone.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a compass for my application BUT the difference is that, instead of having a line always pointing to north, I want this line to point for a specific point. I've been trying dozens of algorithms and nothing works. I've finally found one that points me exactlly to the point I want. But it doesn't move if I change the position of the device which is my objective. Basically, what I want is that no matter the direction I'm using my device. The line always point me to the point (picLatitude,picLongitude). I understood that for the line to move, I can't use static variables. I need to use the values offered by the onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event). This are the data I have available:
event.values[0]: azimuth, rotation around the Z axis (device in relation to north, 0º) event.values[1]: pitch, rotation around the X axis event.values[2]: roll, rotation around the Y axis mLatitude: device current latitude got from GPS (variable) mLongitude: device current longitude got from GPS (variable) picLatitude: static picture latitude established previously picLongitude: static picture longitude established previously distance: distance in Km from device to the picture calculated previously
And this the formula that works correct, and gives me the correct angle. (But it doesn't use any of the Sensor Data so the line Compass doesn't move):
double dLong = picLongitude - mLongitude; double y = (Math.sin(dLong) *
Math.cos(picLatitude)); double x = (Math.cos(mLatitude) * Math.sin(picLatitude) - Math.sin(mLatitude)*Math.cos(picLatitude)*Math.cos(dLong)); double angleDegreesWrongRange = Math.abs(Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x))); float angleDegrees = (float) ((angleDegreesWrongRange+360) % 360);
I got this "bearing" formula from this website: I've try adding, subtracting, the azimuth.. I've tried with the others, seriously at this point I'm just demoralized.
Is there an easy to know the direction of scroll (up or down for a vertical list) and the scroll velocity for ListView's?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to find the direction between two locations in Android?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove expandable arrow from some of the items in ExpandableListView? Also is there way to customize this arrow, move it to another place in the item?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to have an EditText with one modification: on the right (still inside the EditText) there is an arrow pointing downwards, that I can set OnClickListener to. So when user clicks on the arrow it displays a menu. What is the best way to do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe preference activity gets inflated by invoking
and here are the preferences.xml code...
everything looks okay, but EditTextPreference entries (2 and 3) have arrow-down icons next to them, just like ListPreference (1) does. Why is it so and how can I remove these icons as they look irrelevant?
The screenshot is here:
I am searching for an on screen keyboard, where you can select keys by using the arrow keys of an IR remote.
The device I am using is an Android HDMI Stick (ICS 4.0.4) which has no touch screen obviously.
I am wondering whether it is possible to detect voice direction in android or not? For example on nexus one using the actual mic and the noise cancellation mic or using any other method?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to know if there is an interface to access the direction in which the phone is pointing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to implement something that I don't even know if it's possible. So I have this class which implements a SensorEventListener like this:
private SensorEventListener mySensorEventListener = new SensorEventListener(){
@Override public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
} @Override public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
myCompass.updateDirection((float)event.values[0]); } };
And a class that handles the way the compass looks like this:
public static class compassLook extends View {
private Paint paintPointer = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
private Paint paintCircle = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
private Paint paintLeters = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
private boolean firstDraw; private float direction = 0 ;
public compassLook(Context context) { super(context); init();
} public compassLook(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init();
} public compassLook(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle); init(); } private void init(){
paintPointer.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paintPointer.setStrokeWidth(3);
paintPointer.setColor(Color.argb(255, 209, 114, 2)); paintCircle.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
paintCircle.setStrokeWidth(2); paintCircle.setColor(Color.argb(150, 255, 255, 255));
paintLeters.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paintLeters.setStrokeWidth(1);
paintLeters.setColor(Color.argb(230, 255, 255, 255)); paintLeters.setTextSize(12);
firstDraw = true; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { setMeasuredDimension(MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec),
MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec)); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
int cxCompass = (getMeasuredWidth()/2); int cyCompass = (getMeasuredHeight()/2);
float radiusCompass; if(cxCompass > cyCompass){ radiusCompass = (float) (cyCompass * 0.9);
} else{ radiusCompass = (float) (cxCompass * 0.9);}
canvas.drawCircle(cxCompass-50, cyCompass, radiusCompass, paintCircle);
if(!firstDraw){ // Desenho da linha que aponta canvas.drawLine(cxCompass-50, cyCompass,
(float)(cxCompass-50 + radiusCompass * Math.sin((double)(- direction) * 3.14/180)),
(float)(cyCompass - radiusCompass * Math.cos((double)(-direction) * 3.14/180)),
paintPointer); double mLatitude = (mLocation.getLatitude() / 1E6);
// I get this value from a LM request double mLongitude = (mLocation.getLongitude() / 1E6);
// I get this value from a LM request double picLatitude= Double.parseDouble(picLatitudeString);
// I get this value from a bundle double picLongitude = Double.parseDouble(picLongitudeString);
// I get this value from a bundle float direction = (float)
Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(picLongitude- mLongitude, picLatitude-mLatitude));
float distancia = (float) (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mLatitude- picLatitude,
2) + Math.pow(mLongitude-picLongitude,2)))/2;
//Desenho do texto que indica a distancia
canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(distancia) + "Km", cxCompass-30,
cyCompass+20, paintLeters); } } public void updateDirection(float dir)
{ firstDraw = false; direction = dir; invalidate(); } }
My current app flies in a sub activity when you flick-up. Problem is, it flies in horizontally from the right. I want it to fly in vertically from the bottom to match the flick direction. I'm sure this must be an xml property somewhere, but I can't find it. Does someone have a pointer as to how to set this?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am using Tablet skin for running emulator output. All the menu and list items are displayed properly e.g. Horizontally whereas Videos are being played vertically. How can I change the direction of video? Kindly reply as soon as possible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy question is, in car dock mode/ my location it has me traveling south or downward, how can I Get the my location ball or arrow to face upward or north?
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