Android :: What Options Have To Show Sentence Parts With Different Color?
May 26, 2010
I have a longer sentence >200 characters. I need to show on the screen having parts of them in different color, like highlighting search results, each with different color. The text should auto wrap with screen width, and have no break sections between parts. I meant with this that I can put sections on a new line. They will have to continue the previous section, only wrap when the screen is off.
The best would be an EditText, as I need to allow editing also, but I am wondering I am able to change the color of various sentence parts, or just as a whole. What do you think, with what UI elements can I achieve this view?
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May 31, 2010
I'm trying to change the default color for the options menu which is white. I want a black background for every item on the options menu. I've tried some shoots like android:itemBackground="#000000" on the item element within the menu element but it doesn't work. I don't know if this is doable or not. Any idea would be welcome! :)
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Jun 2, 2010
Will there ever be the option of changing the blinking light to different colors like the motorola droid i had's starting to bother me. Anyone know? Or of any other app that has the different color blinking light options for text, calls ect?
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Oct 4, 2010
When I plug in my phone now, it doesn't give me the three options anymore (Charging, USB, etc). Did I disable something that I'm not aware of? Just installed Battery Indicator Pro yesterday. Could that be the culprit?
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Sep 20, 2010
i am showing list of map overlays on google map using following code
mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();
drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.balloon);
itemizedOverlay = new MarkerItemizedOverlay(drawable,this);
GeoPoint point;
OverlayItem overlayitem;
for (DalMapSearch t : Sr)
if(t != null)
point = new GeoPoint((int) (t.getLati() * 1E6), (int) (t.getLongi() * 1E6));
overlayitem = new OverlayItem(point, heading, t.getAd_text()+", "+t.getLocation()+"@@"+t.getAd_id());...................
so in such a scenario balloon is displayed i want to show other images too depened upon category or a if statement. any one guide me how can i show different images as a map overlay? for example images are imageA,ImageB,ImageC
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Jul 27, 2010
On the phone it shoes me Holidays with the blue color, and all my other appointments/birthdays with red.
Is there a way to show birthdays in separate color, like orange or yellow? I dont use google contacts birthdays, i just add birthdays into the calendar myself.
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May 27, 2010
Android question. If i create an Options menu with menu.xml, can I change the menu buttons' standard text size, color etc using xml? I would like to change text size, bold, and color. I would like to avoid using themes and styles for this application.
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Apr 6, 2010
My application displays Hebrew text which comes from a Web Service. When a sentence contains digits (in the middle of it), the digits appear in a mirror view: 29 appears as 92, 21:45 appears as 54:12 and 2,000 appears as 000,2.
Also, when a sentence starts with digits or English characters, they get thrown to the end of the sentence messing it all up... Is RTL support in Android still immature?
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May 6, 2010
I'm using Docs to Go on my Incredible. If I have the keyboard open in the landscape view, it only displays half a sentence of text and I can't scroll through the text at all. It makes editing impossible. Any ideas how to fix this?
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm not sure what's wrong here, all i want to do is randomly grab an item from my array. Which is just like a random sentence. Then generate another once the button is pressed. All my code looks good to me but it's causing a crash when i hit the button. any ideas?
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Nov 17, 2009
for example the iphone has the lil magnifying glass and you can go through the whole sentence to put the cursor where you want it its horrible and a pain in the @$$, so anyways is there an app out there that fixes this? or is the update in dec. gonna have some NEW feature. and i wish the predictive text was better also i find myself going back and correcting a lot of the words
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Jan 18, 2010
If not, hopefully Google will have a new OTA out to allow that feature.
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Jun 28, 2010
Why does the text entry always ask me to confirm the last word of a sentence that ends with something other than a period? It's kind of annoying (using Handcent) to have to press on the spellchecked word before moving on or sending a text message. Sometimes I can just hit send, and sometimes it just blinks at me until I confirm that, yes, I did want to end my message or sentence with "Why?" or whatever happens to be at the end.
Annoying. Anything I can do to get rid of this?
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Jan 5, 2013
I've recently got my first ever smartphone, a Galaxy Note 2, and I like it a lot. I especially like being able to enter text with the stylus in my own handwriting.
The catch is that I write in BLOCK CAPITALS, and I would like the phone to automagically convert this input into lowercase (or ideally sentence case). I've tried googling around for an app or setting to do this, but all I could find was guidance for app developers on case conversion.
write in lowercase or to use an onscreen keyboard; I bought the phone as a paper notebook replacement, not as a tiny laptop.
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Jan 5, 2010
I have, for the time being, a custom view with a 9-patch image as a border.
That custom view is placed three times in a LinearLayout, so it looks like this:
| CustomView |
| CustomView |
| CustomView |
I have attached a click event listener to the View, so it is clickable. But then I click it, I cant see that I am clicking it - there is no change in color.
So, Im thought that I'd attach a "onPress" listener, and then change the background of the view but I couldnt find such a listener.
So, the question is - how do I create the behaviour on the View so I can see that it is being pressed? this is normally done in Android with a green background to indicate that it is now being pressed.
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Jan 7, 2010
I tried the Search feature to no avail for this particular question. When I originally downloaded the Spare Parts application for my Motorola Droid, it would show the amount of time each program had my phone in 'wakelock'. Ex: Going into the Partial Wake usage would show times. However, lately I noticed going in there this no longer happens... Anyways, just curious if anyone here has any ideas as to why.
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May 26, 2010
I need to split the Android screen into two parts and run 2 applications (app A and app B) simultaneously. App A will run on screen 1 and App B will run on screen 2. Both are visible to the users. I need to implement this thing in the Android Framework. I do not know much about the android framework and this is urgent and should be done on android 2.1. Is this possible, if yes please explain the procedure to achieve this.
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Oct 5, 2010
I'm a bit scared about obfuscating my application completely. I'm afraid to run into issues where I can't figure out a bug because lines and function names wont match. Please correct me if I'm wrong... I thought maybe the simplest way to protect important parts of my code is to create a jar of the important files. I know and understand that jars are good only for classes and no xmls or other Android dependent parts. I believe it would be simple this way since I would not have to worry about obfuscating too much and breaking my project. Also, could be helpful for distributing to clients a library which they can't decompile.
In terms of obfuscating jars maybe I could do the same to the Market Licensing code to protect my paid application from pirating? What are your thoughts on my approach? Maybe bad idea? What experiences have you had with obfuscating your application? Is it not as bad as I think?
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a theme in my app that defines a custom color for the background. This is the green you see above the tabwidget. In some of my Activities I'm using a Tabhost for my Layout. Now I get something like this as a result: My tabwidget has a black background and I'm happy with that, but the icons in the tabwidget are transparent and this leads to them showing the green background defined in my style. How can I define the tabhost as not styled and have the transparent icons show the tabwidget the resion on instead of a solid background color?
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm trying to put 2 listviews into my layout. The problem is that I don't know the size of each listview in advance. The first listview could have a few items (0, 1, 2 up to roughly 10) and the second listview could have many items (up to 100).
I tried to set the weight of both listviews at 1 but it did not work:
=> If the first listview has only 1 item and the second one 99, you don't see the first item of listview #1 => it's shrinks so much (relative to listview #2) that you don't see it.
So I'm thinking now to split the screen in 2 equals parts (no matter what/no matter the size of each listview) and put the two listviews in each part. Of course it needs to work on any device ... so how do I capture the device screen size, divide it in two and force the listview size to fit in each half of the screen ?
Has anyone done that already ? Is there another option to show two listviews of different sizes on the same layout (should I use a scrollview in some way ? => when the user is reaching the end of the first listview, the second listview appears => is that possible ?)
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Nov 22, 2010
I want to divide my screen to two parts,i have a linearLayout and it contains two linearLayouts again. How to divide these two linearLayous into two equal parts.
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Jun 17, 2010
I need to set alternate color in list view rows but when i do that it removes/ disables the on focus default yellow background
I tried with backgroundColor
rowView.setBackgroundColor(SOME COLOR);
also with backgrounddrwable.
But it wont work. is there any way we can set background color and on focus color simultaneously which will work.
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Apr 22, 2010
Is there any process to change the default text color white to "Black" and default selection color of android "orange" to "Blue" for whole project. i am using Eclipse for Android development.
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May 23, 2009
1. I want to use my own color for selecting ui views.
By default, android shows the selected view with background as orange. I want to show the view background color as red.
2. In the same way, I want the same behaviour should be applied to whole application.
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Mar 19, 2010
I have seen this example:
What's that * asterisk doing there? What is the difference when using or not?
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Aug 16, 2010
How to customize the color of the CheckMark color in android in a dialog. Currently , By default, the color of the checkmark is green by default. I would like to customize it to a different color of choice
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Dec 5, 2009
More specifically, the rubber/plastic edge that runs around the keyboard the the edge of the keyboard itself (the piece without the letters). I got a tiny bit of super glue on that rubber/plastic (I'm sure it's plastic but it feels kind of rubbery) edge. I'm debating about trying to remove it (it's almost unnoticeable, except to me, meaning I'll notice it constantly ).I know acetone will remove super glue. I've heard that rubbing alcohol can too, which is why I would try it first (it's less caustic than acetone, less chance of damaging the plastic). Is this a bad idea? Also, if rubbing alcohol works, would the alcohol that's on alcohol wipes (like the screen cleaner wipes) work as well? They're both isopropyl so I don't see why it wouldn't (the concentrations may be different, that's the only thing I can think of). Never applied either of these two things to plastic so I'm not sure what will happen.
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Nov 16, 2010
I just want to break a large image into some equal parts like 4, 6 or 8.
can we do it?
actually i want to store every parts of image as a separate image in my
drawable folder for future use.
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Oct 13, 2010
Anyone know any good sites to buy HTC EVO parts on or is there a section here that lets you buy/sell? I have somehow managed to break the mic on the phone and have been searching everywhere to find a replacement one other than shelling out more money for a used or damaged one.
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Feb 18, 2010
In android, when I press on a TextView, the text changes color (from white to grey). how can I disable that functionality?
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