Android :: Unknown Space To Right Of Grid View / Fix It?
Aug 9, 2010My xml code is...
But there appear to the right of the gridView a blank. Its size seems for scroll bar. I don't know how it comes. Can anybody help me?
My xml code is...
But there appear to the right of the gridView a blank. Its size seems for scroll bar. I don't know how it comes. Can anybody help me?
I have a GridView that displays thumbnails of images, I want to change the thumbnail size (zoom in/out) during runtime, what is the best way to achieve this? I changed the columnWidth of gridView during runtime but after that I scroll the gridview and I get memoryoutoferror exception.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to add scroll bar in gridview,How can i add scroll bar in grid view?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat I want is a central column using Grid View, but everything I try does not work. It always aligns to the left. I have tried messing around with layout_gravity and gravity to no avail. I have a Grid View in a Linear Layout:
<Linear Layout
I have a GridView of 9 rows of which the first one is sort of "header" row.As there are 8 more rows they flow beyond the end of screen and need to be scrolled down to.However this scrolling also causes the first row to go "off-screen".Was wondering if there is any way I can prevent the first row alone from being scrolled off?I dont want to make this a separate LinearLayout as it is part of a dynamic View (the GridView) that I create at runtime.
I want to display the grid view elements in only one row that means i want horizontal scrolling in grid view.Each time i want to display only 5 elements only in one row.
Below is the my layout code
In that above code now i want to remove the that 2 image view and set the horizontal scroll to that grid view elements.For this give me some suggestions,Thanks in advance
I want to display the number of images according to one number.That means if number is 1 i want to display only one imageview in grid,if number is 3 i want to display the 3 images in grid .But i take only one image that means depending on the number that image will be displayed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHello. I can't understand how this works in Android. I traversed samples and have no idea. For instance I need 2x2 grid view of TextView widgets. How to write needed code?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCreate Footer in Grid View For Android.
View 2 Replies View RelatedGridView is not behaving like it is supposed to.
This screenshot shows that the GridView (in landscape mode) is flushed left.
I want it centered. This is the XML layout for the GridView.
<Linear Layout
Not allowing horizontal spacing between grid view item, I am using following for grid view, I don't want horizontal space between grid view item. android:horizontalSpacing="0px"android:verticalSpacing="0px"
By using this there no vertical space between item. But the horizontal space remain there, how to eliminate this horizontal space between grid items.
My purpose is to set headers for related items of grid view and for this i am thinking about to set the width of grid view different for header and sectional view's.if any other way 2 set sectional header for related items is possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have 20 items in an grid view.
If I click any item in an grid view,how should I make that item non clickable?
I'm have a custom GridView Array Adapter. The problem for me is that when the grid list gets large enough to scroll off the screen the gridview and arraylist get out of sync. For instance in my case I have code that checks if an actor is of type director the text color should be red. if you scroll up and down my list enough times all the actors text in my gridview will become red. The thing is that the Gridview appearance actually looks fine its the backing data. Here is the complete class. In the code you can see where I tried to override getItem and getItemId but that didn't fix anything. Code...
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to re-arrange the applications list in grid view in alphabetical order?
If I switch to "list view", they are in alphabetical order, but in grid view, they are not. I could not find a way to do it.
Is it possible to build a GridView object in XML with 3 columns and 4 rows of Image buttons? It doesn't seem to have similar containment relationship like LinearLayout or RelativeLayout viewgroups.
I want to do this entirely in an xml layout file. When I put ImageButton xml tags inside a GridView xml body, The layout panel in eclipse is throwing an exception: UnsupportedOperationException:addView(View, LayoutParams) is not supported in AdapterView.
I am using MapView in my application.I ma getting "android.view.inflateException:Binary XML file line #43:Inflating Class<unknown>" Exception while loading the map second time. First Time it shows correctly
The XML file i am using shows here
The Code:.................
When I had a view that's in my HorizontalScrollView it leaves a blank area because it's still being considered for layout purposes. Is there a way to have it not occupy space when I hide it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi got this notification yesterday so i deleted some apps and all my text messages but i cant get rid of it now!
any ideas?
I want a 3*3 grid with an ImageButton centered in each cell
I've done the code ...
With this code, rows have the good height, but not width, and ImageButtons are not centered in cells...
I want to remove or hide an app from the main grid. Is it possible?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem and i will be grateful if anyoune helps me.
Ok. I've started android programming 2 month ago. Now i am developing a simple game, nava battle. For this programm i need to build a grid, where i can place ships and coordinates. I can't seem to find out how I should be doing this?
I think i should build a custom view, which will do all that i need. If anyone could show some examle or explain how to build appropriate view i'll be happy
I've doubled checked my API key is right and that is right I doubled checked that it was correct. Here is my source and XML could anyone check to see what is wrong. Also I make sure I have Internet. code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have used GridView for 2-dim grid of Buttons. My problem is, that a user may "navigate" through this grid's cells -- with use of arrow keys it is possible to move yellow rectangle and by pressing enter select cell (rectangle becomes orange for a moment). Everything is behind buttons which are placed in cells of grid. How to disable possibility to select and navigate cells of grid? I would like to still use grid view but have the same possibility to navigate (change focus) among buttons (not cells in which buttons are placed) at it is possible when I place buttons in cells of TableView (not GridView).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create something like a rectangular grid with pictures. When a picture is clicked, it should zoom in pushing the other ones out. I don't know what you name you call this particular model with but does anyone have suggestions on where I should start?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I just downloaded an app that quickly shows battery life, SD space, and disc space. It says I have used 628 of 748 mb on the disc. I thought the phone had an internal memory of 8gb.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to improve the load of my activities in my Android app. Every activity is either a GridView, a List or a Gallery. My questions is : How can I load only what's displayed ? Let's say I have to display a list of 500 songs (The same with a grid of 500 pictures), and each cell includes the Thumbnail, title and lenght. How can I know which one is currently displayed? I don't know if I made myself clear, if not please jut let me know.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got a custom layout which is like a grid. I registered it for contextmenu. Now if I do a long click on it, I'd like to know the position where the user clicked on. I have to let my custom layout implement MenuInfo right? But what about the click position?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a similar query to the one posted here. I create a grid consisting of a variable number of buttons, at runtime (in a TableLayout), and would like to find the index of the button pressed. The actual Button objects are currently stored in an array, although I'm not sure if that is really necessary. I tried to write the ClickListener using something along the lines of code...
but this just always returns -1. Is it possible to get the id (or some other reference to the button pressed) without predefining the buttons in xml?
The solution in the other post describes cycling through the whole array of Buttons and comparing ids. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
I have a TableLayout where each cell of the table contains a single button or textView. I want to make sure that every cell has the same height and the same width. In other words all column widths are the same and all row heights are the same. Of course, it has to do this while resizing the TableLayout to its given layout_width and layout_height. Do I have to do the math myself and set each cell manually or is there an automatic way to do it?
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