Android :: Sending Files Via Bluetooth And Wifi
Jul 3, 2009We are using Android SDK 1.5 for our project. I dono how to send files using Bluetooth and Wi-fi i,e Which APIs or Intents to use and all..

We are using Android SDK 1.5 for our project. I dono how to send files using Bluetooth and Wi-fi i,e Which APIs or Intents to use and all..
Has anyone managed to send files via bluetooth on the Desire? I'm able to receive without any issues, but cannot get a file sent to a macbook or Nokia mobile. I'm trying Bluetooth File Transfer, Explorer and Astro to do so and nothing seems to happen.
View 25 Replies View RelatedI have no problem sending a file from my computer to my phone via bluetooth. However I cant seem to figure out how to send files from my phone to my computer. I tried using bluetooth file transfer from the app market but its not working.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm facing a problem with my new Xperia X10 Mini pro. I CAN'T SEND/RECEIVE FILES VIA BLUETOOTH.
I can pair my phone to another phones but it's impossible to establish a connection and send files via Bluetooth.
Is there a way to do it? I have a Mac with my music and I have Astro File Manager but I'm not sure if that's possible...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to establish a server (J2SE) and client (Android). The client will send a string over to the server over Bluetooth. For Android the code snippet is as below: BluetoothAdapter adapter = null; adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); BluetoothDevice device = adapter.getRemoteDevice(address); //I have hardcode the server bluetooth mac address adpter.enable();.............
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have just got a Samsung Galaxy Portal and discovered it does not support sending pictures by bluetooth!
Does anybody know of an app I can use to provide this function?
I have a ContentProvider that I use to send a file via Intent.createChooser(). If I pick eMail or GMail as the app to send vith, it's working fine, but if I pick Bluetooth, it fails with "Unknown file, Failure reason: Storage issue" Sending an image from the Camera app via Bluetooth works fine. My phone is the Nexus One.
I've tried:...................
I cant send any files(pictures,mp3 files) through bluetooth.
Can anyone give some solution on how it works?
is there an easy way to send a batch of photos to my PC by bluetooth? I've just done some through the album app, but I had to do them one at a time which was painful. Ideally I'm looking for an interface where you can select the pics by thumbnail and then tell the phone to transfer all the selected ones.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBeta-Testers needed for File via SMS sending software and service!
SMSMyFile is a free file-sending hosting service. It features a new and original concept of sending files via SMS to other mobile users.
- Send full-size pictures and videos, any type of data, audio, programs etc. to mobile or PC
- You dont need to set up an email connection and are not limited to MMS, Bluetooth or infrared connectivity restrictions
- Service is completely free of charge, the only costs are your regular carrier charges for SMS and data sending
- Supports all the latest Mobile platforms - Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone, Android, Palm Pre - WebOS, Blackberry, JAVA Mobile.
- Data can be sent as a link to recipient's email on PC and then downloaded at no cost
- The uploads are currently limited to a maximum file-size of 10MB per upload
- The person receiving will be be charged only for data transfer, with no charge when using a WiFi connection
SMSMyFile service and client now free for all Android users!
I N S T A L L A T I O N:
Search for "smsmyfile" on Android market and install!
I have some Android code that can send files to my webserver using an HttpsUrlConnection, but when it tries to send larger files I get an OutOfMemory exception when opening the OutputStream. Can anyone offer some assistance?
It looks something like this:
This is where I try different things. The closes solution has been: httpConn.setChunkedStreamingMode(1024); In this case, I don't get the OutOfMemory immediately when opening the OutputStream, but I see the heap growing as I os.write() and it eventually runs out.
I have a single user access to a Wifi device on my macbook. I'd like to use my HTC evo and sisters iPhone on the Wifi also. Is there any way I can broadcast the wifi from one of my devices. I know if I had my laptop hardwired I could share the Wifi, but I've not found anything to do Wifi to Wifi. or Wifi to Bluetooth. Any know, I don't have data plans on the cell phones as I am out of town.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI try to send an image over bluetooth to another device. This works mostly fine, but sometimes, I get a StreamCorruptedException: Wrong format: 0x27 on the receiving device. Anybody knows what this means? And how can I avoid that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to develop a simple app which send a small string like "arun" to other device which can receive data using wifi..
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of sending via bluetooth an Mp3 track from my HTC Desire to my partners phone? Is it possible I'm new to this mobile phone mularkey
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to send a ringtone by Bluetooth and I cant figure out how. Can anybody help. I have a HTC hero by sprint
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to write a client application which talk to server application via bluetooth. Server application is running on embedded platfrom.
I referred bluetoothchat example for bluetooth data transfer. In my application I have two activities, Main activity shows list of bluetooth devices and when a user clicks on one of the devices it will open a new activity. Then it will open a bluetooth socket start thread to connect to server. I have a message handler which talks to the connected thread.
my codes looks like this
public class ConnectActivity extends Activity {
// Unique UUID for this application
public static final UUID MY_UUID_INSECURE =
Some times my UI hangs when I click a button, it takes ages to respond back. In my method for ledOn I call bluetooth input stream. Is this correct method to do it.
I have a Plantronics Voyager 510 (LOVE IT!!) and I can only seem to get the phone to send calls through to it. It works perfect, but how can I send audio from the Music Player or from when I am playing a movie? Do I need an App to do it or is there a setting that I am missing somewhere? I am using the Samsung Moment with 2.1
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've downloaded this .pdf document, used Astro to find it in the download folder and it opens fine from there. Even managed to to use that folder app and create a label/link/shortcut thingy to it on my main screen, however I can't seen to send it to anyone else via bluetooth?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a HTC Hero & i was wondering how you send songs or images to other people via Bluetooth?I have looked around the phone and there is no Send via Bluetooth anywhere.It kinda sucks if you cant do it as every phone these days should have the capability of sending & receiving Files.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSending photos by Bluetooth
View 20 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an app which contains three tabs.. let's just call them TabA, TabB, and TabC.
In my main class which extends TabActivity I have a Bluetooth Adapter which handles sending and receiving messages. I initialize the BluetoothAdapter onStart. Part of the initialization tries to reference controls on the three tabs. But my problem is that only TabA (my default tab) has been initialized at this point so when it tries to access TabB and TabC, they're still null.. How can I initialize all 3 activities, and access controls on each of the tabs when receiving messages from the BluetoothAdapter? (Basically I want TabA to contain a TextView to log all messages, TabB will contain a few controls like sliders and checkboxes that will change based on the messages recieved, and TabC will just have an array of buttons that send specific data..)
Trying to send any file form any file manager
does not show Bluetooth for example or any other relevant app to send with!
Is there anyway to send a business card other than by bluetooth? This phone is the most unfriendly user phone that I have ever owned.Suggestion to SE,before bringing new software update,please make it more user friendly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use mNotes to push my Lotus Notes email to my phone. The problem is it will only allow one device to sync with. If I try to sync both tablet and phone it will drop the other out. I am looking for a way to sync my tablet email with my phone over bluetooth and basically use my phone as the main server to send email through when I am not in the office.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been havng trouble emailing pictures with my HTC hero ("unable to send mail" notices) and wonder if others have had similar experiences. The problem seems to be worse with anything greater than the lowest resolution. Even 400kbyte pictures are a problem. I assume this is just a file transfer problem, not a camera app problem (the app from which the file is mailed). Mails w/o attachments go thru 100% of the time.
I spoke with someone at sprint today, and the first thing they told me was that I need to have at least three bars of signal strength, then I was told that higher resolution pictures can't be sent from the hero.
Given that Sprint does not have more that two bars in most of northern new jersey, this is a bit of a problem. If this is true, I don't think they should be calling this a data service.
For the most part, internet browsing and even video like youtube and TED work fine, and most the time I can get an EVDO connection.
Playing with it a bit, it looks to me like the issue is maintaining a solid data link to upload the file. I'd expect better with a TCP/IP connection, as I've had some experience designing that sort of thing. Late at night, if I get two bars and set the phone down so the signal strength does not waver, I can generally send even a 5 mpixel picture that's nearly 1000k.
I've tried this with the mail set to allow up to 1000k transfers and with no limit on transfer size, and that has no effect.
Some specific questions I have are:
1) Are others having this problem?
2) Anybody have a solution?
3) Anybody notice if it's network congestion related?
4) Anybody know anything about messing with the TCP/IP settings like timeouts and retrys to hold a connection on a spotty rf network?
Is it possible? I don't seem to be able to do it.
View 22 Replies View Relatedi recently bought a HTC Desire Z and when i broguht it home, i hooked it up to my wireless n router with MAC filtering and I believe WPA security. it was working fine until around sunday. it said i was connected to my network but i was not recieving or sending any data.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was playing around with my old LG Versa today. My son is using it for a camera. He's 7. I went to the bluetooth menu on the phone, put the device in discovery mode, and transferred a picture to the Versa from my Incredible. I thought shit, I wonder if I can transfer music this way. When I open up ES File Explorer, it has the option for bluetooth, but I cannot access the Versa from there. Does the Versa need a memory card to access from file explorer. It tells me invalid path or something.
Just found share option in stock music player. I use "3" instead for the album art, but the stock has bluetooth share. Now I gotta see if it works.