Android : Read App Package Under / Data / App
Oct 27, 2009I want to read out the binary content of the .apk packages installed in /data/app. Not only the package information, but the content of the package itselt. How can I do that.
View 9 RepliesI want to read out the binary content of the .apk packages installed in /data/app. Not only the package information, but the content of the package itselt. How can I do that.
View 9 RepliesIs it possible to copy a file located on the sdcard to a package's internal filesytem located at /data/data/packagename/files/ folder?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am saving an image using openFileOutput and now i want to use this image in my java script file.
View 9 Replies View RelatedBasically I want to know how to get a list or array or any type of data about the files that have been stored in an package specific data section. By this I mean that after using something like:
FileOutputStream fOut = c.openFileOutput(fileName, 0); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fOut);
How can I get a list of the files saved to the data location of my application where this file and other files or saved so that I can choose which file I wish to read or edit. I've searched and searched for this but have not found anything of use any help will be greatly appreciated.
My app is creating a directory by using File thisDir = getDir("mycustomname", Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE); It is stored at /data/data/package/app_mycustomname/. I can browse that directory with DDMS or with 'adb shell', of course, it is empty. My App then creates some subdirectories there, and those have subdirectories too, and so on, and creates files in several of those. My app can read all those dirs and files, too. Sometimes I have to take a look at this directory tree, but I cannot browse deep into that tree, neither using DDMS (both inside Eclipse and standalone) nor using the shell. I can see that there is a directory called / data / data / package / app_mycustomname / mysubdirectory and I can even 'cd' into this directory. But when I do a 'ls' there, the directory is reported to be empty, though I'm sure there must be something inside. app_mycoustomname has the permissions drwxrwx-wx app_mycoustomname/mysubdirectory has the permissions drwxrwxrwx. I have the same issue on the emulator and on the ADP1, both running a 1.1 firmware.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI bought a hero used and went to hook it up to my work account (my only phone), but I can't talk my boss into paying for a data package and sprint wont split it out. Is there any way to trick sprint into thinking it is just a regular phone so they will connect it and I can just use it with wifi?I tried searching on this topic but didn't find anything.I might not have been searching for the right wording.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhile driving across iowa i suddenly lost access to the internet and in my top bar had a large, empty triangle and another triangle w. an ! in the middle of it, telling me i'd lost my data pkg. because. . . (and then it ended). i had no internet access after that for 2 days until i returned home and it came back at exactly the same spot on the interstate where i'd lost it. i was in major metro areas during these 2 days and my wife's incredible always had internet access while i did not.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe had a shock at work yesterday when our Orange bill arrived charging me �826.00 for the 1032mb of data I used over my 500mb allowance in the first month of owning a Desire. At the moment we're negotiating with Orange about that, and they're even sending me something approaching an itemised data bill to look at, but in the future I want to get onto a truly unlimited data account to prevent this happening again. Early indications from Orange are that they only do 500mb bolt ons and no more (and it's very hard to actually confirm this on their not too informative website), meaning this issue could easily rear it's ugly head again. If this is the case then I have to consider going elsewhere. Even though we're only in the first month of the contract I'm prepared to completely downgrade my Orange account and keep it running for my wife or something, and to take out a new account with O2 on an unlimited data package (plus I'll have 2 Desires to play with). The only trouble is that in the past (but not in the last 2 or 3 years) I've heard some horror stories about O2's coverage in the West Midlands (I live near to Wolverhampton) and wondered if anybody has local knowledge and can advise whether this has changed in recently.
View 9 Replies View RelatedFile file = new File(fileName);
Iterator iter = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("Reader");
ImageReader reader = (ImageReader);
ImageReadParam param= reader.getDefaultReadParam();
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(myFile);
reader.setInput(iis, false);
BufferedImage myJpegImage =, param);
How can i write equivalent codes for above codes on Android? Are there any hints how to read pixel data?
I would like to put the following tag in the manifest file. code...
The question is, how i can read the value of the meta-data tag (myname)?
Is there anyway to read data from an attachment through the USB port on an Android device? In particular, an EKG. Most the work can be done by the hardware of the device to simplify the output to a single number, a voltage reading. If its not possible, what about modifying an accessory that can already communicate with an android device? Thinking of devices that attach to android phones, what about sending the data as an audio signal to be read as the microphone from a headset and then analyzing the audio signal to convert it to a number that can be used to display a value. how to make this work?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to read MMS data i have seen the part table in the mmssms.db where the mms entries stored i am using cursor to and i want to know the appropriate URI like i am using "content://mms-sms/conversations" and the Column names of "Address"(Sent to), "Text" or "Subject" and "Data" column name of image.
i have seen the schema of mmssms.db and Their Column of part Table.
Is there a permission to allow one app to read the (private) data/data//files/ files of another application? If not, how do backup programs like MyBackup work?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi am new in android how read the data from server using intent.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to read/write log data into a text file in android that file should be res folder.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've noticed lately that some app recommender programs seem to get data off the android market. I'm wondering how I could retrieve information, such as screen shots, description, developer, number of downloads, rating, etc...
I've done many searches and I haven't found any solutions. It would be nice to be able to use that info to be able to see a rating for an app inside an app chooser, for example. Or perhaps be able to track changes and rating over time and version history, etc...
Is there an API to access that information? Is there a way to parse the data from a website? Or is there a complicated hack involved?
Is it possible to read data from vard in android 1.6? If yes then how can it is possible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI m using Android 1.5 my data directory does'nt have the read/write permissions
System.out.println("DAta can write??--->"+Environment.getDataDirectory().canWrite());
System.out.println("DAta can read??--->"+Environment.getDataDirectory().canRead());
So please suggest me how to provide permission for the data directory.
What m trying to do is to create a file and add some content to it iin the Data storage of the emulator like as below
private void writeToSDCard() {
try {
File lroot = Environment.getDataDirectory();
if (lroot.canWrite()){
File lfile = new File(lroot, "samplefile.txt");
FileWriter lfilewriter = new FileWriter(lfile);
BufferedWriter lout = new BufferedWriter(lfilewriter);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(m_cTAG, "Could not write file " + e.getMessage());
Is there a way to do it within an app without downloading the file first? Somehow stream the text content?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to android.I need to read text file from SDcard and display that text file.Is there any possibility to view a text file directly in android. or else how to read and display the text file ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to read SDCard data from android mobiles using eclipse(programmatically).
For that i want to open SDCard in binary mode,So that i can read SDCard sector by sector.
the problem is when i am debuging a programm using JNI in c++ its not going to take access in binary mode..
How to open a sdcard in binary mode using eclipse or java programming.
With android 4.1 on my Galaxy S3 I could select an image in the gallery, tap the menu and choose settings where I could find the exif data, but since upgrading to 4.3 the settings option is missing. So how do I now pull up the exif, notably the gps coordinates, on the phone?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi work on custom Application Manager and try to get the disk usage of installed package. So PackageManager.getpackageSizeInfo was removed from SDK on 0.9->1.0 update PackageStats(String pkgName)(cacheSize, codeSize, dataSize) returns always "0" Size of phys. file ( in "/data/app" seems wrong/not completely. Has anybody any solution to get the total disc space used by an installed package?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to collect phone numbers from phone with last-name and first-name (for sorting purpose). How can I achieve that in the simplest way? Is it possible with one query? And I need both versions: for pre 2.0 SDK and later to be compatibile.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my app i need to read the data at a content provider before the system actually initializes. Probably what i understand is that a boot complete intent would launch a homescreen activity.Exactly before the system initialized i want to see the data provided by the content provider and use it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAndroid documents starting the email intent for sending emails with Intent.ACTION_SEND. Is there an intent which directs the user to reading his email, or which launches the default email application? The application that launches the "read mail" intent would get no access to the email data.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the calendar.ics file. I have to read that file from my application and transfer the data in to Google calendar in android. I am new to android. I need some help to do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes in LogCat I'll see Wrote stack trace to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
But when using the DDMS perspective, "File Explorer" View, I can't see anything in the "data" directory, I'm assuming because permission denied. Is there a way (short of rooting my ion device) to read what's in that text file?
Is there perhaps an android app for developers that will show the contents of the file? It would seem there would have to be some way of reading the file without rooting the device, otherwise why does the o.s. write it out? How can I read this file?
If I change my plans minutes, will I lose my unlimited data package I have on my Droid?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am developing an application that needs to access data on the sd card. When I run on my development device (an odroid with Android 2.1) I have root access and can construct the path using:
However, when I install this on a phone (2.1) where I do not have root access I get files == null. I assume this is because I do not have the right permissions to read the data from the sd card. I also get files == null when just trying to list files on /sdcard. So the same applies without my constructed path.
Also, this app is not intended to be distributed through the app store and is needs to use data copied separately to the sd card so this is a real use-case. It is too much data to put in res/raw (I have tried, it did not work).
I have also tried adding: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
To the manifest, even though I only want to read the sd card, but it did not help. I have not found a permission type for reading the storage.