Android :: Publish Application To Droid Market
Jul 7, 2010I am new to Android development. I developed a new Android application. I would like to publish my Android application to the Android market. How can I do this?
View 1 RepliesI am new to Android development. I developed a new Android application. I would like to publish my Android application to the Android market. How can I do this?
View 1 RepliesThis may sound like a weird question, but I have developed a mobile web application which works well with Android (browser). Would it be possible for me to somehow list this website/application on the marketplace? Or does it strictly have to be a downloadable app?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI published an application that stores data in a local database.
Now I have to publish an update to this application to fix some little bugs, but I am afraid that downloading and installing the update will delate the local database associated with the previous version.
I would like to know how the update system works. Will installing an update completely delete all the apk, files, databases associeted with the previous version?
If so, how can I avoid this in my code?
It is possible to publish your own Android Application on a own Web Server?
View 7 Replies View RelatedCan I use the sample apps and edit them to publish them on the market?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe are converting out suite of iPhone apps written in .NEt MonoTouch to Android.
How do we catch, then publish exceptions so that they are reported via the Android Market?
I'm just about ready to Publish my application. I have a question about the Signing/Aligning of the application. In looking at the Android documentation they say to run "ant release" to compile the application in release mode. Then to sign and align the apk run "jarsigner" and "zipalign". I had used "android create project" to create my build.xml.
I modified it to run proguard. I find that when I run "ant release" it appears that signing is done as part of the process (I'm prompted for my keystore password) and the apk is zipaligned. I guess I'm confused that the documentation makes it 3 steps, "run ant release" then jarsign, then zipalign. BUT, my "ant release" seems to do everything. Is the documentation not upto date? Is it safe/acceptable to just run "ant release"?
I am about to finish my Android application. I would like to provide lite version and more complete paid pro version. Unfortunately, Google does not allow Australian developers to sell applications and I don't have any friends in US or UK.
Does anyone know of a person/company who would publish my pro application on my behalf? Google search did not bring up any results.
We are migrating to a new Android developer account and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about the best way to transition apps to the new account.
From what I can find, the only suggestions I've seen were to publish an update to the old app notifying the user of the new updated app. This requires us to publish the apps under a new package name which we would like to avoid if possible.
I have a custom EditText and a TextView in an Activity. The custom EditText traps for key presses and calculates the number of character entered and wants to publish the character count to the TextView. Do I use the java.util.Observable/Observer way ? Or is there a more native android method to achieve this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have several Android apps and found that the process of uploading apps for each release via Android Developers website slow and ineffective. We like to automate the process. To be more clear, we have automation for compiling and building the apps, it's a matter of uploading them to Android Market and fill in the app details for publishing. This is where we are left with manual publishing.
I am interested to learn how people automate the processing?
Does Google have a web service of some sort for publishing Android App on Android Market?
I m developing android apps. I have to connect android market in my application. So ,kindly suggest me how to connect android market.
View 1 Replies View RelatedApologies if there is a thread about this already (couldn't find it)... I used to be able to upload a mobile pic directly to Facebook and it would show on my wall/in my friends' feeds. Lately, my pics go directly to my "Mobile Pics" album, and do not show on my wall unless I publish the entire album again. I've checked my Facebook settings, and everything is set to 'Publish Content to my Wall", but my mobile pics continue to get uploaded directly to the album and do not publish. Anyone else having trouble with this? I'm not sure if it's a problem with the phone, the FB app, or my Facebook settings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen you guys buy Droid X on july 15th what first apps you planning to download/install from android market
View 49 Replies View RelatedI want to install the Photoshop mobile on my emulator. I need to do test the Mobile integration for image editing. But I dont know how to do that. I cannot access the market from the emulator.
Can anyone tell me how I can install it on my simulator.
Has anybody tried the Droid X/2 OC app on the market?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been using a nice widget called "Timeriffic". You can set up different notification profiles. 6:30 - 10:30pm I get all notifications. After 10:30pm I only get phone calls. Are you aware of a application that does this for email, wireless and other services as well? Was thinking it would be nice to set up a profile that stopped email polling at specific times to save battery life. I usually put the phone into airplane mode...but would like something automatic.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm just about done with development and emulator testing and I'm unclear how to proceed with getting my application ready for actual device testing and them publishing.
Here's my main concern: I have around 600 images that I will need to have loaded (on initial installation) onto an sd card. What is the best way to do this? HTTP? Is there an automated process? Is this handled by an installation script.
Are there documents that cover this type of scenario?
When it comes time for actual publishing the application, again, how will I handle loading the images onto the sd card during the initial installation?
I searched around I don't think that this question had been asked: Should I download the apps in that market that are already on my droid 2? (Ex.: Google Voice Search, Google Street View, etc.)
View 2 Replies View RelatedPDF, docx, xls, ppt. Is there an application on the market that allows me to view all these types of files? I have seen a few, but they all get crappy reviews. Anyone have one that works for them? Also, is it free or paid?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn terms of publishing apps for developers that reside in countries where they are not currently able to sell their apps via the Android Market, is this practice okay? Does it violate the Terms and Conditions of being a seller in any way?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working on an app that uses the rating bar (stars) to allow the user to grade information. The SDK version is 3 (OS 1.5 - <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3">, but the rating stars are shown incorrectly for devices with OS 2.1. I read some posts in the forum that suggest to upgrade the SDK version to 4 (OS 1.6 and higher), however this will excluse 1.5 users to download my application, and I do not want this to happen, because there are still a lot of 1.5 devices.
This makes me wonder: Is it possible to publish two versions for the same app simultaneously? For instance, publishing one APK for version 1.6 or higher version and another APK for 1.5 version simulataneously in the Market, both intended for the same application.
Is there a workaround for these kind of situations?
A couple nights ago, I installed a picture frame widget from the Market. Nice black frame, just what I wanted. Since then I've been getting unsolicited Spam texts. I don't know for sure, though, if its the widget causing the trouble. The reason I suspect it now is that there was no screen detailing what types of permissions the app had when I chose to install. I didn't think anything of it at the time, since it was supposed to be basically an inert widget. Now I'm regretting my naivete. So, I've uninstalled the pic frame (and Messaging Widgets just to be safe). Anything else I should do at this point? I don't do any banking or buying on my phone, but still.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLike the Alarm Clock, Calculator, etc. I see that the source is available at :
For example, the alarm clock I'm going to modify will "look exactly the same" as the built-in one, but there'll be a lot more functions. Is it legal to extend the functionality of the Alarm Clock and publish it as paid application?
I'm developing a mobile web browser application for Android which supports complex script rendering of Indic scripts.
For this, I used a currently available open source web browser for Android (which is licensed under GPLv3) & modified its code to support complex script rendering.
Now the code of the browser is from that open source app & the code of the complex script rendering part is from me.
My question is, Can I publish this application in a different name under the same license? (i.e. If the name of the open sourse app is "ABC Browser", can I publish the modified app which is able to support complex script rendering in a different name such as "XYZ Browser" under GPLv3 license?)
I am creating an application that checks the installation of a package and then launches the market-place with its id.
When I try to launch market place with id of an application say by throwing an intent android.intent.action.VIEW with url: market://details?, the market place application does launches but crashes after launch.
Note: the application doesn't exists in the market-place.
MyApplication is my application.
However, when I try to launch the market place for a package that exists in the market place say, everything works. Log for this case:
i finished my app today and wanted to publish it...only to discover i cant.
No matter what i upload,it wont work,it stays at 0%.Screenshots,app icons,apk's. nothing.
the only thing the page does save is the text in the description.
Why does SPRINT continue to publish EVO ads?
The phone�s great features and the clever way SPRINT introduced EVO to the US market have resulted in tremendous demand for the phone.
The EVO remains sold out at stores throughout the United States. There are long wait lists.
Yet SPRINT keeps advertising EVO with full page ads in major printed media and frequent TV spots.
Is there a business or other benefit of doing so?
I hope to figure out the direct URL link to my application on the market like http://market:blahblah
I was able to find the application ID previously by going to the UI interface to upload application, and looking at the URL link that can edit the app.
However, this method doesn't seem to work any more because the now the edit URL link contains only the package name and not the app ID.
Any idea how to get the application ID?
Wasn't there mention back during the Google conference of a Android media center type of application for the PC. Hate to think of the Itunes but yes, an itunes like application but for Android. Organize our music and other programs on the computer and sync it up. Make searching for applications easier and we can back up our downloaded ups on the pc.
Its great to use our phones as flash drives with plug and go but is there something already on the market or elsewhere that can do what I've mentioned?