Android :: Playlist Shortcut - Not Working - Meridan
Oct 22, 2009
I created a shortcut to a playlist (m3u) on my Home screen. When I clicked it, it asked if I wanted to use Meridian media player or the standard one. I prefer Meridian, so I selected that. It opened Meridian and showed the playlist file name, etc, but not the actual playlist. Is there any way to get this to work and actually play (or load) the playlist?
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Dec 15, 2012
I'm running a new galaxy s2 and am running into a major problem with the playlists I'm creating. After I create a new playlist and spend time putting songs in them they work for a while untill, usually overnight when I try and play them again the song stays at 0 seconds and will not play. I havent found any other forums addressing this problem and I'm going crazy trying to fix it especially since in my trouble shooting i cant seem to find one thing that makes it happen. Its not certain songs or certain playlist. The songs work fine untill for some reason they wont play anymore. My phone recongnizes them and the same song will play if I play it through the normal route (Atrists or albums) but when i play it from a playlist it wont play. Also i am running this music from an sd card and this is a new problem and it happens with all the music players i try. I was on winamp and then i moved to player pro because i thought the problem was with winamp but its happening with player pro to.
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Apr 22, 2010
I was curious...does anyone know if there is a app out there that allows you to add a playlist of ringtones? Everytime you recieve a call it would be a random ring tone from the list. If you have specifically set a ring tone for a specific contact, then that one will play when they call you, but if no ring tone is set...then it would pick a random one from your playlist.
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Aug 16, 2009
Is there a way to launch a playlist whith intent? I can retrieve the path of the m3u playlist with: Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query (MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null); cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex (MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.DATA)); But, I can't launch this m3u file neither with Intent nor with MediaPlayer.
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Mar 31, 2010
I'm making a media player, but my code doesn't show all my playlists and for many others it does not show any.Why doesn't the code below work completely?
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Jul 7, 2010
When i add new songs to my HTC Tattoo Android Phone, it correctly adds the songs to the list in the standard Music Player.
But when i delete songs from the phone through USB-connection, the songs stays on the playlist, even though they dont exist.
This has resulted in a playlist of over 400 songs, which only 40 of them actually works..
Is there any way to force a renew on the playlist so i can get a "clean" playlist?
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Dec 22, 2009
As of right now I am using the stock Music widget on the droid for my music. I made several playlists today but now would like to move some songs to another playlist and delete them from the original playlist. However there is no way to do this. The only option I found was to delete the song from the library all together! Any apps you all recommend that might be better to use for my music?
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Apr 13, 2010
I am wanting to query the members of a given playlist. I have the correct playlist id, and want to use a managedQuery() to look at the playlist members in question.
What I have is this: Code...
I don't know what the volume argument needs to be. I've tried this: MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.toString() for the "volume" argument.
That gives me back a valid content URI that looks like:
However, my cursor comes back null. I probably am way off base -- I know what I want to do is very simple.
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Jul 23, 2010
when i did, a playlist that has taken me the last two weeks to make disappeared. as luck would have it though it reappeared today for some reason. i would like to make a copy of it to save on my pc in case it decides to disappear again, but i can't seem to find the file. i made the playlist using the "Music" app that came with the phone. it's about 250 songs out of the 4.5 gigs i put on sd card.
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Jul 18, 2010
I am looking for an Android Audio Player that is based on a "now playing" playlist, like Amarok, Winamp or WMP. In relation with that playlist, I want buttons to add a song as the next song, or to add the song to the end of the playlist. Like the Rockbox firmware does it. Is there any app out there that works like this? I don't need any advanced features like lyrics, covers, etc, I just want to listen to music. In case there's nothing around, I'll even consider developing my own. Who needs synched lyrics if there's not even an "add next" option?
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Apr 22, 2010
The playlist names can be found by a query on MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI
and then look at the MediaStore.Audio.PlaylistsColumns.NAME column. There is a data column too, MediaStore.Audio.PlaylistsColumns._DATA, but it is returning null. The list of songs (MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI/id) do not seem to show any playlist affiliation.
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Jul 27, 2009
Anyone knows if Android 1.5 support video playlist format such SMIL? Also Android SDK doesn't include all the classes in J2ME such as:
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Jan 10, 2010
I'm using the MixZing app for my music. It's otherwise not bad, but I find I have to manually (and individually!) enter songs to a Playlist from my G1. I'd rather do it via Windows Explorer with a right-click function, but I don't believe there is one. Is there any way I can add songs on my G1 to a playlist using Windows Explorer?
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Nov 15, 2010
With my old phone, MyTouch, Android 1.6, I would export a playlist from iTunes as an .m3u file, and copy that playlist file over to /sdcard/music/playlists so that it would be on my phone. I manually copy all of the music from the playlists into /sdcard/music so that every song that is in said playlists is in the music directory. The music app would take awhile to update and read everything, but once I gave it some time to work, everything worked wonderfully. That was all I had to do.
With my new phone, Incredible, Android 2.2, when I do the same steps, it doesn't work. I open the music app, go to the playlist option, and it thinks and thinks and thinks. Then each playlist will appear, alphabetically, and then disappear, until there are no playlists at all.
I read some forums online and have tried multiple things, and apparently Android 2.2 reads the SD card looking for music, and when reading a playlist, if it can't find any of the songs in the list, it deletes the playlist. The playlist is not only deleted from the list in the music app, but is completely deleted from the SD card entirely.
Here is my concern... When this playlist is exported, it has the path from C: on my computer, because that is where the music is housed on the computer. Moving it to my phone has never been a problem previously because it ignored the C: path and just found the song, without worrying about the additional directory information. But the newer version of Android isn't doing the same thing, I think it's more picky?
Anywho, I need my playlists! I don't want to use MediaMonkey, and the m3u files have worked fine in the past - quick and easy, without having to use additional programs. I really, really, REALLY don't want to have to go through these playlist files and remove all of the path information because these are huge lists, but I guess I might have to. Do you have any other ideas on what I can do to make this work?
I've tried different directories for the playlists on the phone - but I don't think that's the problem because the phone can SEE the playlists, and then deletes them. I've tried creating a playlist on the phone so that I could see the format of it, but the playlist that I created can't be found on the phone. I don't know how the phone creates them, or where it houses them, as I tried to search for it and was unsuccessful.
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Mar 18, 2010
I have a Nexus I would like to sync with my iTunes on my Mac. What is the best way to do this to get the playlists etc?
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Dec 10, 2009
Does anyone know if there is a good car kit that I can plug my Hero into my car and listen to the playlist or Pandora through my car stereo?...and also charge it at the same time?
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Nov 15, 2009
This can't be as difficult as it seems. Just to make sure the SD card is clean I formatted it, then mounted the SD card and using doubleTwist did the following:
- Brought my iTunes playlists into doubleTwist
- Selected the one I wanted on the Droid (named "Mobile Phone")
- Drug it to the connected Droid and the songs start transferring just fine (there's only about 300 in this playlist).
- Transfer gets about 70% completed and just hangs up. DoubleTwist at this point is hung up so can't unmount the SD card. Unplug the USB cable
- Now when I go to the SD card it says "SD card is busy" but of course nothing is happening.
- At this point I have to do a battery pull to gain access to the SD card in order to format it again.
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Aug 17, 2010
I want to change the order of songs of playlists created in my Android [Samsung Galaxy S / Vibrant], but can't figure out how to do it. I've figured out how to create playlists and delete duplicates. I can delete songs from a playlist, but if I just want to move them up, so far no luck. [I'm trying the free version of MixZing player since the std. player says there's not room in my music database to show me the artists in my collection, but that's a different problem. I suppose there's a chance that upgrading MixZing might solve this problem, but I doubt it.
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Jan 14, 2010
Does anyone know how to get to play songs? I assume it's some sort of plugin I don't have but I dunno. There have been a few sites that Just had a large grey circle with an X in the middle.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have arranged my music in folders on the memory card, but when i go into music folder it just shows all the tracks in alphabetical order. My old Z6 let you see folders and select tracks from them.
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Feb 23, 2010
Can someone suggest a program which will automatically create a playlist for every music folder in my htc hero? it doesnt matter whether it is through pc or phone.
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Dec 4, 2009
Ok I have a Sprint HTC Hero and I have made some great playlists, problem is I cannot back up my playlist to my SD Card, so if I do a hard reset all playlists are gone forever.. Does anyone know where these files are kept or how to back up them up. I have already tried "MyBackup Pro" but it said "Music playlist backup failed" everytime.
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Jul 30, 2012
I recently got CM9 on my Xperia Arc lt15. Overall I'm happy with it except Apollo. I find it difficult to make a playlist. You have to press every freaking song to add it to a playlist. Why not have an option to select some or all songs? Or am I doing it wrong?
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Jul 16, 2010
Does anyone know how to save a playlist from one rom and import it to another using the music app musicmod? I made some playlists while using BBv0.4 in Musicmod. I am now running CM6 but cannot figure out how to import my playlists from BB. I did save them but they do not seem to save to the SD card, or if they do I don't know where they save to. And I can't find an import option in musicmod anyway. Does anyone have an idea of how I could import my playlists to a new rom? It took a really long time to make them, I can't do that every time I flash a new rom.
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Jul 25, 2010
This is my first Android phone. Coming from the iPhone 3Gs, I am expecting a lot. So far this phone is great, it has some bugs on it but I am willing to work with it. One of the best thing about the iPhone was that it was an ipod, a really great music player. Since I am new to Android, I am still learning how to use it.
I am using DoubleTwist to sync my music to the phone. I was able to import all my info from Itunes over to DT, but the problem was syncing it to the phone. I am not able to sync my playlist to the phone. I am able to sync the music itself but when I try to play it on my phone it is a mess. Is it possible to get my playlist to sync with this phone?
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Nov 24, 2009
Has anyone else made a playlist within the music player? Whenever I try to remove a song using "Remove from Playlist", it will remove it from the list until I reboot the phone. Which will then reappear in the list.
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Nov 11, 2009
Anyone have any ideas how to get the alarm to wake to a playlist? Would be nice to wake to music rather then some nasty noise. And since the thing is loaded with my songs would be nice for it to just pick one of my songs randomly.
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Sep 9, 2010
Was asked for someones number today so went to send a contact to another contact as I used to on previous phones and can't work out how to, or if it's possible.
Also can't work out how to sort out a Playlist in Mediascape. My playlist option seems to have 99% of all my music in there but unable to add, delete or start a new one.
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Jul 27, 2010
So what I'd like to do on one of my corner screens is have 4 music widgets, each one set to a different playlist. is this possible? I am rooted and using Suave Smash, but I'm willing to DL a different music program if I need to. The playlists are already created and accessible in the music app, I would just like them in a widget on the screen.
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Nov 6, 2009
If I tap the menu button while in the playlist section there is no options other than go back to library.
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