Android :: Phone Sleep Function
Sep 16, 2010I previously had a blackberry curve and loved the sleep function where phone would shutoff every night ay 10 and turn itself on at 6:00, is there an app/function for the droid where I can do the same?

I previously had a blackberry curve and loved the sleep function where phone would shutoff every night ay 10 and turn itself on at 6:00, is there an app/function for the droid where I can do the same?
How to know Android Phone is going to sleep? Help me with a sample code.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy problem is or has just started for some reason it was working fine yesterday. When i use my phone and then leave it alone 30 secs it goes into sleep mode and the lock is applied, now before i used to be able to push the menu or home button and the lock screen is displayed to which i can then swipe it down to unlock. This has stopped working all of a sudden, i press home or menu button and the lock screen will not swipe down to unlock the only way i can get into the phone is by pushing menu twice. I liked using the swipe down to unlock it. Is there any reason this has started to happen all of a sudden?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy does the youmail app not let my phone sleep? Background: Installed youmail app, realized battery was going FAST. Looked at awake time and it was 100%. Uninstalled all apps since the awake time debacle. awake time returns to normal. Re-install only youmaill app, awake time goes back to 100%. Go into preferences or settings, whatever and set for NO polling at all unless requested, no notifications, nothing. Awake time still 100%.Un-install youmail, awake time back to normal.I really like the app and the widget, someone tell me there is a way to fix this. I would like to re-install and use this app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm developping a LiveWallpaper on Android 2.1. This application must download an image every fifteen minutes and draw it on the screen. Everything works except when the phone is in sleep mode. Do you think it is possible to run an application like this when the phone is in sleep mode? And if yes how?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've written a test service to understand how android implements a service. I believe I understand the difference between Context.startService and Context.bindService. If I am not mistaken, Context.startService will tell android to keep this service running, even after the Activity that started it has ended.
While testing the service, I have come across something interesting.
My problem is that the service appears to sleep or pause for a few hours, run a short time, and then sleep for a few more hours, then run a short time, etc when the phone has become inactive. In other words, when I am doing things on the phone the service is doing what is is supposed to. But after I have finished doing things on the phone and the screen goes blank the service appears to sleep or pause. I don't know if I have implemented the service wrong or if this is how Android services work.
The test service I have written simply sets a postDelayed handler to increment++ a variable in the Runnable every minute, and then write the value of that variable and a timestamp to a file (log.txt) on the sd card. This how I know that the service appears to sleep. Because there are gaps in the timestamp that correspond to when the phone was inactive. If the service were truly active the whole time, there should be a line item in the log.txt file every minute.
From the log.txt file below you can see that over an eleven hour period there are only 36 line items with time stamps ranging from 10:27 PM through 9:23 AM. If the service was running and active the whole time there should be over 600 lines in the text file. The phone was on AC power the whole time so Android should not have tried to stop services due to power issues. The phone was not used or touched from about midnight to 9 the next morning, so there should not have been a low resource clean up.
I have spent several days looking for an answer and everything I can find seems to validate that when a service is started and not bound, it will stay running ( app/Service.html). However, it appears it does not. Unless I have completely missed the ball on this.
I have included the and as well as the log file.
Here is a sample log.txt
Here is the service java file:
I'm trying to check if the phone is currently asleep in a service. It's currently a very messy implementation (I'm reading a file in the filesystem that says if the phone is asleep or awake every 10 seconds) so I'm wondering if this is possible with PowerManager or something.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using a combination of alarm (set with AlarmManager) and background service to periodically synchronize data in my application. The only problem I have is that when sleep policy terminates Wi-Fi connection the synchronization no longer works. Is there a way to "wake up" the Wi-Fi connection that has been put to sleep? GMail somehow manages to do that because it notifies me about new e-mail even if the phone entered sleep mode.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that can turn off my wifi whenever I put my phone to sleep? To conserve battery, I always have to turn off my wifi before I turn it off, and turn it back on when I unlock it. After a few days of this, it gets pretty annoying. I'm used to the iPod touch where when you sleep it, the wifi automatically turns off to save battery,and when you unlock it, and turns it back on. It would really save me the time.
Also I noticed this Wifi sleep policy thing. I don't really understand, can someone elaborate or explain more. Is it that when your not using your wifi for +15 min, it automatically turns off? Do you turn it on manually, or does it do it auto when you starting using wifi programs like browser.
Is there any way to detect whether an android phone is in sleep mode (screen is black) in the code?I wrote a home screen widget. I don't want the widget gets updated when the screen is black to save the battery consumption.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a service which polls a server at certain intervals. I use an AlarmManager and a BroadcastReceiver to start the service. My problem is that after a certain duration, even though the WiFi is still enabled, but for some reason, my application can't contact the server. I get an "Unreachable network" error. Note that I've already acquired a partial wake lock as well as a wifilock. Here's my code for the BroadcastReceiver.
public class ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
WakeLock wakeLock = null; WifiLock wifiLock = null;
try { PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context .getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
// acquire a WakeLock to keep the CPU running
wakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "MyWakeLock");
if(!wakeLock.isHeld()){ wakeLock.acquire();
} Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WakeLock acquired!");
WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
wifiLock = wm.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL , "MyWifiLock");
if(!wifiLock.isHeld()){ wifiLock.acquire();
} Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WifiLock acquired!");
context.startService(new Intent(context, ThePollerService.class));
} finally { // release the WakeLock to allow CPU to sleep
if (wakeLock != null) { if (wakeLock.isHeld()) {
wakeLock.release(); Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WakeLock released!");
} } // release the WifiLock if (wifiLock != null) { if (wifiLock.isHeld()) { wifiLock.release();
Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WiFi Lock released!"); } } } } }
I am an android developer I have a problem..
I want to be get notified when the phone screen goes to sleep Help with a sample code.
I want to prevent android phone from going to sleep using my code?
How to do that?
I would like to compile a list of Android phones that either
1) Comes with native call recording functionality.
2) Support call recording with 3rd party applications.
It would be great if you can lend a hand.Please note that phone/apps that require using speakerphone to record the calls do *not* count. That's a ugly hack I consider marginally useful.Please don't bring legality discussions here as well.Models that have this function built-in.Samsung Galaxy S (South Korean version SHW-M110S, with firmware DH09 or newer).Models that don't have this function built-in but can use 3rd party app to record calls in both ways without turning on speakerphone.HTC Magic (a.k.a. G2); requires root and custom kernel; with rViox
I was investigating the issue of setting up a delayed activity/event, that will occur and trigger even if the phone is in sleep mode (wake up, do what you need to do, go back to sleep). I was thinking of the following methods: 1. sendMessageDelayed 2. Timer 3. AlarmManager.The basic requirement is to be able to set a triger in the future, and be sure that this trigger wakes up the system if it is sleeping,perform the task, and go back to sleep.A partial wakup is required (no screen flickering). Currently i'm using the sendMessageDelayed, and i keep a wake lock held for the timeout period (bad practice).
View 8 Replies View RelatedEverytime i have checked my awake time and up time, they are the same! i don't know why! i have had an android phone since feb (had the hero) and it has never done this to me before.
rooted using unrevoked.
don't have wifi, bluetooth, or gps on.
when i check to see what's using my battery from the about phone->battery
-> Battery use i see this :
cell standby 23%
wifi 26% ( just realized it somehow got turned on through the day)
phone idle 24%
android system 12%
voice calls 9%
display 4%
dialer 2%
I can't think of anything else to mention, but PLEASE someone give me some advice as to what is making my phone stay awake!
When my phone is unlocked it stays unlocked with the screen on... did i change something somewhere?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk well I just realised that my phone is dying rather quickly now and come to find out, my phone is not going to sleep for some reason. Never had this problem after 2.2 update and all the sudden it happens. Last thing I downloaded from market wad pdanet. Any ideas to what could be going on?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI apologize if these topics were already covered in previous threads.I wasn't able to find anything related in my searches. Auto-rotation for keyboard when answering a text message received in sleep mode does not work. If I actively send a text when phone is already awake, keyboard rotates with no problem but when I go to reply to a text that I received while phone is in sleep mode, the keyboard does not rotate. Is this the norm?I am also experiencing a delay when the I wake the phone. After unlocking the phone, I used to go straight to my home page, now I get a "loading" message which takes several seconds. Is this due to the number of apps I have loaded? Is it possibly due to number of photo frames I have on my home screen or the complexity of the wallpaper?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to write a simple function that determines if a contact has a phone number or not. And am not having any luck what so ever. I have tried several ways of achieving this all found on line. At present I have the following:
public boolean has Phone() {Cursor phones = getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI,null,ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID + "=" + this.getId(),null); boolean has = false;if(phones.get Count() > 0) {has = true;}if(!phones.isClosed()){phones.close();}return has;}
I've used blackberry's for a long time now and love one feature of it. The Standby mode that you can put the phone into and the only notification that will pull it out is the alarm clock. I've found a few alarms that will disable notifications, except calls. Well I don't want any notifications through the night. Only the alarm waking me up in the morning. Is anyone familiar with an existing app that puts the phone in a low energy sleep that only wakes it up for the alarm clock?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have username,password and checkbox of remember me. how to implement remember me function to keep username and password data?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to add an alarm, so I used the following code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to hide my phone number when calling out? I came over from BlackBerry, where there is simply an option to "hide" my phone number on outgoing calls... but I can't seem to do this with my Eris. Someone once suggested that I prefix my contacts with *69... but that seems to prevent caller id from working properly, which just trades one issue for another.
If possible, I would prefer to be selective with who I do this with (it's okay for personal contacts to see my number... but it's not okay for business contacts to see my number).
After weeks of being afraid, i finally installed the new update to my evo last night. My phone isnt/wasnt rooted before the install...and my battery life seems to really crappy since i did the install last night. I took the phone off the charger at 7am, used it just for texting basically, sent maybe 50 texts back and fourth and now the phones at 68% battery life via system monitor.
I check the about phone and it says the uptime and awake time are the this because it was changed with the new software? the phone was on and plugged in all night and its only giving me an "UP" time and awake time of 3 hours and xx minutes?
Anyone else have this problem? with the phone being awake, will this kill my battery faster? i searched and could only find problems with the eris, not the evo, any ideas?
I had this problem the first week i got the phone, i had terrible battery life and sprint reset it, and made the problem disappear...i had awesome battery life averaging 10-18 hours on a single charge with heavy useage...any ideas?
So after applying the update my awake and uptime are identical. I'm trying to see whats the easiest way to find the source of it? Im guessing its an app that I was using on 2.1 that isnt working right with 2.2.
View 6 Replies View RelatedToday I noticed some very rapid battery drain and narrowed it down to Palmary Weather. I figured out that you must use the back key until the app exits for this to work correctly. If you just press the home key while in the app, it will keep the phone awake.
OK, I was just giving a quick heads up, but might as well keep a running list to make this easy. Just please make sure you've actually proven these apps have caused this issue or else we might have 1,000 listed. Also, this is not saying that the app is causing you an issue, just the obvious ones to look at when you do have a problem.
Known Problem Apps
- Flickr (if Facebook for HTC Sense is also setup to sync)
- Palmary Weather (updated:issue only occurs if you do not exit the app correctly...working fine now)
- Profile
- Slacker Radio (some do not have an issue if you hit Menu/Exit to close app...others still have issue)
- Google Listen (must be configured to only download while on Wi-Fi and while charging)
- Meebo
- Alice
- MyLock
I could not find it with search. I'm back to having less than 5 hours of battery before it shuts down. At 3:00 today I was at 100% charge and at 6:00 I was at 40%. The really interesting part is when I look at the battery details. I'm at 30% right now and I have 3:24:15 of uptime and 3:23:56 of awake time. Something is not letting the droid sleep. Other than stock apps I have, xtremelabs speed test, connect bot, keepass, astro file manage and K-9. The only app that should be running is K-9 and it's using 4% of the battery.
View 49 Replies View RelatedOver the last week or so I've been obsessed with trying to get my hero into sleep mode, in order to save battery. For those who don't know about this, there are many threads around the net telling of a fix for the messages bug, which prevents the phone entering sleep. It's supposed to reduce CPU usage, thus saving battery.
Now, I've followed the methods of many people who claim to have done this successfully, down to a tee, but for the life of me, I can't get it to work. For some reason my awake time is always at 100%. It's now at the pont of driving me mad, and I'm just wondering if anyone else has tried and failed to do the fix. If anyone needs background info on this problem, I'll post a link up later, as I'm sending this via my phone at the minute.
I'm definitely diggin' Swype on my Evo, however I've got a question that hopefully has a simple answer. My phone used to go to sleep after a minute, which is what I like/want. Since I installed the Swype Beta today, it won't. I have to go and tap my power button to make it sleep. Is there a work around for this?
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