Android :: Need Free Spreadsheet Applications
Dec 4, 2009Are there any good spreadsheet applications that are free?

Are there any good spreadsheet applications that are free?
I thought of a question today which I would like to put out there to see what people do / think. When I see a free application which I like and use if an Advertisement comes up which even vaguely interests me I will normally click on it. This I guess is my way of saying thanks to the dev for not only making the app but for keep it free. Who here uses the Ad's in apps? Do you do it because you know it will help the dev out or just because you where interested in the product the Ad was pitching?
View 30 Replies View RelatedI hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I'm wondering why so many apps are free. Take for example, PandaHome. I installed it and really love using it. But in the back of my mind I'm wondering why this product is free. Part of my concern is PandaHome has access to many key parts of my Android phone, like contacts, etc. Is it somehow tracking / using my data or my use of the phone for some other marketing purposes? They say there's no such thing as a free lunch, so there's got to be a catch somewhere? Why are so many great apps free?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am getting my first Android phone on monday, and I want to alleviate some of my bill with AT&T, so i was thinking of getting just the talk and 2GB of data a month. But I was wondering if anyone knew how the apps like Handscent send their text messages, and if they do. do you know how much data that takes up each time you send / receive a text? I want to make sure I won't go over my 2GB a month (screw them for not having unlimited data anymore)
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs their any app that allows me send local text messages for free?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cant seem to find any apps that cost. Is that why?
View 4 Replies View RelatedBesides handango what are some links to other app site that I can stick on my new beautiful phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHad to get new droid, and all of my free apps are gone.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAndroid is developed under the Apache v2 License but what about of the non-free applications?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo many apps, particularly free ones, seem to get access to things on the phone they don't need. For instance why would a card game that isn't an online card game need access to phone's location? Should I be worried that less than scrupulous folk are putting apps out in the "market"?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make my Android Application look a little bit sexier but as I don't have knack for design I was wondering if there are other themes that are available for importing into your Android app (like the Dark and Light themes that come with SDK)? I do not expect a Theme that would make Android app look like an iPhone app, but anything that would help me move in that direction is a welcome suggestion (and please don't go with "you can create theme on your own").
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just had my samsung moment replaced due to a defect and the new one doesn't come with imusic or MP3 Downloader? Are there any free music download apps any more?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't explaing why with the increasing number of downloads and increasing positive feedbacks the number of uninstalls is growing as well. Does anybody know what is the avarage value of free applications uninstall?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to know a website where I can download free paid android apps.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for good free Android Applications. does anyone know of any good free Android Applications?
View 15 Replies View RelatedMy friend took my sim card for my motorola cliq and found a website for free prepaid applications but he refuses to tell me it. Does anyone know any websites?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI already mentioned this briefly in another post as part of another publishing topic.
But I think it is pretty important for a lot of us to know good ways to make free versions that can't be cracked too easily etc. After all most people just download the free stuff, I know I do, so its important for numbers.
I just made a game called ScrollSlider and I want to make a free version with limited evaluation period perhaps, but I could use some advice on how to do it. I'm also having problems with data persistence as views appear and disappear and managing game loop view thread accordingly.
Is there a way to retrieve the free memory, total memory and maximum memory of other applications/processes using my application? I use Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() but it can only retrieve your current application... If there's somehow a method where I can just input their PIDs or Package Names like "Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory ().packageName" for example.. Here's my code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm sure that you all have already known AppBrain's Fast Web Installer which is able to programmatically install free applications in android market to the device.
How could it be possible ?
I have an android desire, but I can only access free apps in the market place. I have an app that offers a paid upgrade but when i click to the market place, tere is nothing there. I think this is because im in Singapore, and perhaps paid apps reot offered? (I think something similar with iphone is in place) Is there a way to pay for the apps on my pc then put on my phone?
View 3 Replies View RelatedPlease submit best free applications with links.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMusic junk and gmusic seem dead and gone.
View 30 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to have a spreadsheet that is a time sheet. I need it for work and it needs to be able to export to PDF.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhat good/great Non Market apps are you using? And do tell what they are, what they do and where to get the APKs. I am non rooted but forced 2.2 update.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI'm having more new app install issues. My sd card shows it has 6.5 gig free, but I cannot install to it from market place. If I unmount, I can install to the phones memory, but then I also cannot move apps to the sd card.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny ideas on how to free up space without deleting apps? I really like One Click Lag Fix, I don't wanna get rid of it just for space reasons. I was just looking using Root Explorer and there are some massive files in /data/fota. What are they? I have 3 files, fota.status, (Size 36) and fota_delta_dp1 and fota_delta_dp2 both size 62914560. That seems like a lot, I'm guessing it's measured in bytes so that'd be 60 megabytes or so, so 120 total. Are they safe to remove, seems like the results from the over-the-air update.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get all the paid apps free like the way people jailbreak an iphone? Just got a Samsung behold 2 and I searched and couldn't find anything.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI found a cool app called space physics. I want the full version but don't want to pay three bucks. anyone know how to get these apps for free or am I out to lunch?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've heard that somewhere in the market you can find the apps you've purchased and download them again. Still can't find that. Nor can I find any place that will show me a list of the free apps i had downloaded. not sure if the latter actually exists. Anyway, where do I go to find a list of my apps that have synced with google?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any function or even app on the phone that will tell me how much free space I have for apps on the phone? The "free space" number that is in ABout Phone, or in many many system tools type apps is misleading, because that is a combination of the app space and the working memory space. Since Linux loads that up to be more efficient, it will almost always show some relatively low number (30-40MB in my case) as long as the phone has been turned on for some time. In reality, I only have 35MB of apps installed on my phone, so I have plenty of room, it is just hard to tell. So far, the only place I can find that info is on the web-based side of appbrain. Is there any on-phone location where I would be able to get that info? (Short of actually adding up all my apps' sizes by hand?)
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