Android : Layout Doesn't Fit On WVGA Emulator Skin

Oct 29, 2009

I been working on default skin before, if i change my skin to WVGA , my layout displays only in a portion of the skin and the rest of screen is black.

although, i can see android's home screen in full view. do i need to change my skin settings or my layout itself?

Android : Layout doesn't fit on WVGA emulator skin

Android :: Layout Resource - FWVGA Vs. WVGA

Feb 20, 2010

This seems like a simple problem to me, but I can't figure it out. I have a fullscreen layout that displays differently if the screen is taller (854 instead of 800 pixels). I've tried putting the xml into layout-notlong-hdpiand layout-long-dpi respectively, but both my WVGA and FWVGA emulators go for the "long" version (as described in the doc).

Is there any way to distinguish between the two besides using the deprecated -800x480/-854x480 qualifiers?

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Android :: WVGA Emulator Causes My App To Run In Compatibility Mode

Jun 29, 2010

Sometimes when I run a FWVGA or WVGA emulator it causes my app to run in compatibility mode (small inner rectangle instead of full screen / MDPI instead of HDPI). If I delete the emulator and recreate another one this usually solves the problem. My app can support HDPI, MDPI, and LDPI screens. My Android Manifest Support Screens says Small Screens = true Normal Screens = true Large Screens = false Resize able = true Any Density = true, Usually the front page looks like this: But when it screws up it looks like this: Does anyone know what causes this or if there is a solution? It's not a major problem, just annoying.

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Android :: Emulator With WVGA Loading Image From Drawable Mdpi?

Jun 2, 2010

I read about in the google documents that the 3 folders corresponds to different screen types and that android would select the image from different folders automatically according to the screen type. I read that WVGA will load from drawable-hdpi and HVGA will load from drawable-mdpi. When I tested with 2 emulators both running 2.1, each with HVGA and WVGA. It turns out that they are both reading the image in mdpi. If I deleted the image in mdpi then they read from hdpi. Can someone answer why emulator with WVGA is reading from drawable- mdpi?

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Android :: Eclipse Emulator - Runs WVGA (hdpi) As Mdpi Screen

Jul 22, 2010

The problem I am having is that when I run a FWVGA or WVGA sized emulator it sometimes runs at a MDPI size instead of HDPI. Here is an example with pictures. I create the AVD with the proper hw.lcd.density setting and screen size and it randomly does this. There doesn't seem to be a pattern. I used to be able to just delete the AVD and create it over again and it would fix itself for a while but now it's getting worse.

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Android :: SDK-1.5 Emulator Does Not Find Skin

Apr 29, 2009

Screens beeing always too small :) I am trying to use a skin without any keyboard.

I got it here:

I am copying the BILGICIFTLIGI-LAYOUT-P folder inside D:androidoolslibimagesskins (please note my system is on D:...)

When running the emulator, I get such message : [2009-04-29 13:30:30 - Emulator] emulator: ERROR: could not find directory for skin 'BILGICIFTLIGI-LAYOUT-P', please use a different name

I tried using the -skindir option and provided the full path : -skindir "d:AndroidToolslibimagesskins" -skin "BILGICIFTLIGI-LAYOUT-P" ...with no success.

If I use -skin HVGA, then it works....

I have tried on 2 different machines and I get the same result. I also tried renaming BILGICIFTLIGI-LAYOUT-P into NOKBD (short name) with no more success. I have btw first tried -skin BILGICIFTLIGI-LAYOUT-P (no ") with no success.

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Android :: TMobile MyTouch Emulator Skin

Aug 9, 2009

I tried to Google for it to no avail. I really need it to make some promos - any hint

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Android :: Motorola DROID Emulator Skin Now Available For Android 2.0 SDK

Nov 1, 2009

Motorola DROID emulator skin now available for Android 2.0 SDK!

DROID by Motorola is a Smartphone powered by Android 2.0 and developed in partnership with Google and Verizon Wireless. It was released on 28/10/2009 and will be available in Q4 2009. This emulator skin faithfully brings the DROID to your Android 2.0 SDK in the original WVGA854 resolution (480x854 high density, normal screen). The emulator skin package, screenshots and installation instructions are now available at the above website.

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Android :: Android 2.0 Emulator (Droid Skin) Crawls

Nov 12, 2009

Is it just me or is everyone experiencing excruciatingly slow startup time followed by extermely poor responsiveness on the Android 2.0 emulator? I've got Eclipse Ganymede 3.4.1, Android SDK 5. My Android 1.5 emulator launches in a flash and performs pretty close to the device itself. Whereas 2.0 moves in super-slow-mo.

I'm using the Droid skin from The hardware I'm running on is more than capable, albeit I admit I'm on Vista. The point is the old emulator flies (and all my other apps fly), and the new emulator crawls.

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Android :: Skin - Htc Sense - Versus No Skin

Aug 21, 2010

Do you like the skins (Htc sense) that are on some Android phones, or do you like the base Android install?

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Android :: Skin Size 800x600px - How To Setup An Emulator With This Size

May 7, 2009


I would like to see how my app works on a 800x600 android netbook. how can i setup an emulator with this size?

thanks chris

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Android : Change Clock Skin Back To Original After Uninstalling Clock Skin?

Mar 27, 2010

Does anybody know how to change the clock skin back to original after uninstalling a clock skin? When you uninstall a clock skin, it uninstalls but the skin remains.

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Android : App Starts In 1.5 Emulator But Doesn't In 1.6

Apr 29, 2010

My app works on 1.5 emulator and 1.5 device. When i try to start it on 1.6 emulator, it produces strange exceptions (doesn't even start). I don't have any 1.6 device to try this app if it works on a real device.
I get some warnings in Eclipse ( warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a broken compiler.) and get cant rid of them (i think they come from some apache jars that i need to make http multipart posts).

Is it possible that this jars are cause for my exceptions in 1.6 or is it something else?

My logacat:


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Android :: AddView And Layout Method Doesn't Work Together

Sep 9, 2010

In Android when I am adding a view object like ImageView to FrameLayout view and then immediately trying to call layout() method to repositioned the added view object it is not working. But when I call the layout method alone after some new event e.g. touch event then layout() seems to work. This also happens when bringToFront() and layout() is used together, layout() does not seems to work together with other method. Is there any reason why is this like this? Also instead of adding view object in the middle of the screen can it be ADDED at some specific location in FrameLayout?

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Android :: Emulator Doesn't Link To Eclipse

Feb 19, 2009

I'm developing on a Mac with Eclipse and the emulator sometimes doesn't seem to link to eclipse (doesn't show anything in the logcat). I just have to close and run again and it works. I wonder why this happens. Has anybody else experienced this?

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Android :: Layout Preview Doesn't Work Properly When Using <style>

Oct 29, 2009

When I include <style> elements from /res/values/styles.xml the Layout designer/preview within Eclipse doesn't update with these styles, but shows as it would be without any styles.Can anyone confirm this issue? If so, Is there a way I can fix this myself easily? If not, where's the appropriate place to sumbit a bug report?

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Android :: Emulator Force Closes When Loading Custom Layout

Jul 9, 2010

i created a custom layout where i have a couple of LinearLayout in a ScrollView. Problem is when i set my SetContentView to my custom Layout (when the application starts), the emulator gives an error and force closes! i don't know why. i have tried with another custom layout or set it to main and it seems to work fine.

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Android : How To Know Device / Emulator Layout (landscape/portrait) Is Changed?

May 21, 2010

I am using two xml layout file layoutPotrait.xml and layoutLandscape.xml.When device/emulator is in portrait mode i want to set the content view with layoutPortrait.xml file and when I will change the emulator to landscape mode I want to set content view with layoutLandscape.xml file. How can I achieve this?

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Android :: OpenGL Coding - Emulator Doesn't Work

May 26, 2009

After spending the better half of this day getting my HTC Magic to work in developer mode, I've now found that some of my frist openGL coding attempts that appeared to work fine in the emulator doesn't work as expected on the device. I've narrowed this down to glColorf(r, g, b, a) not working as expected on the device itself. The provided OpenGL samples do work though. So for example, after modifying from the samples to the below code I find that I get the expected grey square on the emulator but a blank white screen (background fill colour) on the device.

class Cube { public Cube() { int one = 0x10000; int vertices[] = { -one, -one, -one, one, one, -one, one, one, };
// Buffers to be passed to gl*Pointer() functions // must be direct, i.e., they must be placed on the // native heap where the garbage collector cannot // move them. // // Buffers with multi-byte datatypes (e.g., short, int, float) // must have their byte order set to native order
ByteBuffer vbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(vertices.length*4); vbb.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mVertexBuffer = vbb.asIntBuffer(); mVertexBuffer.put(vertices); mVertexBuffer.position(0); }
public void draw(GL10 gl) { gl.glFrontFace(GL10.GL_CW); gl.glVertexPointer(2, gl.GL_FIXED, 0, mVertexBuffer); gl.glColor4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); gl.glDrawArrays(GL10.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); }
private IntBuffer mVertexBuffer;

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Android : Receiver Doesn't Receive Broadcast - When I Run It In Emulator

Feb 4, 2009

I have a service in an APK which starts a Thread which has the following in it's run method; Code...

But the receiver doesn't receive the broadcast when I run it in the emulator (or at least the log message doesn't get received). Any hints?

The views expressed in this email are those of the author and not necessarily those of Funky Android Limited, it's associates, or it's subsidiaries.

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Android :: Setup Width Of A Layout In Droid / Most Of Time It Doesn't Work

Aug 31, 2009

Is there Any way to set the width of the Layout.

Because most of the time it doesn't work?

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Android :: Eclipse Doesn't Recognize Style In Droid Layout Builder / Why Is So?

Nov 4, 2009

Since Android supports styles and it's good practice to use them (similar to CSS), I made a new style and applied it to 3 buttons.

The Layout builder in Eclipse did not register the changes and either broke (showed nothing) or didn't apply styles at all.

After running the app in the emulator, styles are correctly applied.

So is there something I'm missing or the Android plugin doesn't support styles?

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Android :: Vibrator Doesn't Work - Force Close Emulator

Aug 30, 2010

I'm still an Android & Java noob, but everything I've seen is telling me this should totally work, but it doesn't! not in the emulator, not on the phone.. I'm trying to use the vibrator using vibrate(500); ..I get an " application stopped unexpectedly " error

Code below:


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Android :: Emulator Doesn't Show Up / Command Window That Opens Up

Jul 15, 2010

I have a problem my emulator when i click on start button to run the AVD tehre is a command window that opens up and then there is nothing, the emulator window doesn't show up. I have extracted the sdk folder several time. deleted teh .android folder everytime . Can somebody tell me what is teh problem or what else can i do. Since its not running from sdk Setup.exe, in eclipse to i cant run it. Itsay launching the emulator but then there is nothing. Can someone tell me if android sdk as some log files where i can check the errors.

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Games :: GBA Emulator Control Layout Change

Nov 22, 2010

I'm fairly new to the Gameboid and I just installed a Bios and everything works out great but the only problem I have is that the D-pad is in the top left hand corner and that makes my thumb conver half the screen... (HTC Hero Btw.) How could I get my layout to look something like this:

Link: Google Image Result for

Some how so the D pad is more at the bottom and more visible, if the A and B were at the bottom it would be great too but thats not as big a deal.

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Android :: Gsm Call - Sms Send Doesn't Work From Emulator - Ddms Perspective

Jun 23, 2010

I have problems simulating call or sms since telnet or ddms perspective on eclipse. I'm connected to the device and some commands works (window scale,...)If i try to simulate a gsm call then everything seems ok but i haven't anything on my emulator (nor incoming call nor notification) then if i launch an "gsm list" command my inbound call is listed and i can cancel it the same thing occurs with sms send everything seems ok (return OK) but there is no notification on the emulator nor sms in inbox :-(

I'm using the sdk r06 on a windows xp machine. I try with fresh avd on different platform :-(

Important : it has worked so i know it can work, but i would like to know why it doesn't work now ! Using ddms i don't see any trace on the log view.

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Android :: Using SetCurrentTab On A TabHost In Landscape Mode Doesn't Work - In Emulator

Aug 13, 2009

Since I only have access to the emulators, I don't know if the problem can be reproduced on real phones. I'm using setCurrentTab on a TabHost to dynamically select a tab. When I am in portrait mode, it works, but as soon as I change to landscape (ctrl + f12), it doesn't work anymore. It doesn't send an exception, it just doesn't do anything. If I switch back to portrait (ctrl + f12), it doesn't work either. That means it just works when I first am in portrait mode. As soon as I change, it stops working. In order to make it work again, I need to close the application and reopen it.

The TabHost is from the current activity, which is a TabActivity.

Can you check if this happens to you too (emulator)?

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Android : Finger Drag On Motorola Droid Emulator Doesn't Work

Jul 16, 2010

I am programming an android application and my "testing" device is a Motorola Milestone (Droid). I have done a grid that scroll like the iPhone home menu ( with "points").
I got two problems:

The first one : the drag only works on the Android Device Emulator and don't on the Droid! (Maybe the multi-touch screen is a problem?) The drag is too responsible, and flip views sometimes one by one (this is ok) and sometimes 2 by 2 or 3 by 3! That is clearly problematic!

Here is the code of my OnTouch method: Code...
Update : It doesn't work anymore on the Google Nexus One!

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Difference Between Screen Layout In Eclipse In XML Editor And In Emulator

Dec 19, 2012

Why there is difference between the screen layout in eclipse in xml editor and in the emulator?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Use Skin/case-Don't Use Skin/case

Jun 4, 2010

And how many people use a skin or case, or even screen protector. Personally, I won't leave the house without my otterbox commuter case on, I just feel like it would be for me to leave me house without clothes on, Dones't feel right.

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