Android : Is Way Of Doing Threads In Phone Correct

May 17, 2010

I'm writing a live wallpaper, and I'm forking off two separate threads in my main wallpaper service. One updates, and the other draws. I was under the impression that once you call thread.start(), it took care of everything for you, but after some trial and error, it seems that if I want my update and draw threads to keep running, I have to manually keep calling their run() methods? In other words, instead of calling start() on both threads and forgetting, I have to manually set up a delayed handler event that calls on both the update and draw threads every 16 milliseconds. Is this the correct way of having a long running thread?

Also, to kill threads, I'm just setting them to be daemons, then nulling them out. Is this method ok? Most examples I see use some sort of join() / interrupt() in a while loop. I don't understand that one...

Android : Is way of doing threads in phone correct

Android :: Application Threads Vs Service Threads

Apr 13, 2010

What are the advantages/disadvantages in placing a lengthy network access code in a thread in an activity or a thread in a service? How would it affect the application? I am writing a streaming audio player and from what I've read so far putting the code in a service will still end up blocking the application so a new thread is needed, does anyone know if it makes more sense to put this piece of code in a service.

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Android :: Get Phone Correct Timezone

Nov 14, 2010

I am trying to get phone's correct timezone. I tried String newTzID = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone().getID(); This is returning "America/Atikokan". But my phone's timezone is EST. Both of these have an offset of GMT -5 hours. But I actually need to differentiate between EST and "America/Atikokan", since "America/ Atikokan" doesn't have day light savings time. Is there a way to get the correct id?

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Android :: Need To Allow State Of A Correct Phone Call

Oct 14, 2009

I can see that we can get a phonestate via the PhoneStateListener, but there is no way of telling the state of the call. OFFHOOK is a number of states combined into one. Is there a particular reason for this? Are we not allowed to see the correct state of a call?

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Motorola Droid : Phone Deleted All Text Msg Threads

Aug 1, 2010

Last week I noticed all my text message threads were gone from my phone! I have heard people complaining about this in the past and it happened to me. What is more surprising is that a friend told me today that his complete CONTACT list was deleted from the phone! What is going on with these Droids that are making them delete information like this?

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Motorola Droid :: Phone Randomly Deletes All SMS Message Threads

Feb 16, 2010

Today I got a text, opened it up, and all I got was an empty list of all my messaging threads. Everything was erased. Does anyone know why this would happen, and if there is any way to recover the texts?

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HTC Incredible : Is Visual Voicemail In Phone Correct One - Do I Need To Download App?

May 7, 2010

I have 3 questions about Visual Voicemail in the Incredible.

1. Is the Visual Voicemail that's in the phone the correct one, or do I need to download the app? It seems when I get a Visual Voicemail, it is showing up in with my text messages. Is that how it's supposed to work or is there supposed to be a separate app?

2. Is it just me, or do people who leave messages sound mechanical? The few voicemails that I've received so far sound terrible. They sound like their voices are synthesized or something. When I talk on the phone, people sound totally normal.

3. Do I even need to pay the $2.99 per month that I am paying Verizon for this service? Or is there a free app available that does the same thing?

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General :: Phone Stuck In Roaming With Correct IMEI

May 19, 2014

I flashed my Verizon Note 2 (SCH-I605) to the SOKP Rom from a Jedi X Rom (v13 I believe). After the flash, I noticed my network was not working. Eventually I found out that the device was registering as a GT-7105. Not sure what went wrong, as the rom was flashed with no errors. I also ensured that my recovery was on the appropriate version (TWRP in this case) and I also did a factory reset. To try and rectify the issue I wiped the phone and tried various other roms. In every one of those cases I found that the phone was constantly roaming. I had checked my network mode and tried switching between Global and LTE/CDMA which did nothing. Being completely out of options, I just installed to a stock rom through Odin (VRAMC3 4.1.2) and let it update via Wifi to 4.3 and still nothing. (I am well aware of the Knox security feature and will address this in a moment)

Here are the different ways I tried to diagnose the issue after this that led nowhere:

1. Made contact with a Tier-2 specialist from Verizon that tried various diagnostic methods and found that my phone was simply not registering on the Verizon network, or ANY other network for that matter.

2. I went to a Verizon store and got my SIM card replaced.

3. I even went to a repair shop to see if the phone possibly had a faulty connection.

I have already verified that the IMEI is correct based on the sticker behind the battery. The PRL is on 15310. The very last thing I tried was entering "getprop" inside a terminal. I'm taking a guess here, but I noticed my ril.serialnumber was all 0s. If I need to root my phone again to try something, I am more than willing to. My phone is out of warranty and not insured, I'm not really concerned about the Knox warranty trigger unless it will render my phone completely unusable.

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HTC Incredible :: Correct Size For Maximum Screen Realistate On Phone?

May 8, 2010

Just wondering if that is the correct size for maximum screen realistate on the incredible? When using doubletwist, it imported them at 320x480 or something and all of my pics are just way too small.

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Motorola Droid :: Correct Wallpaper Size For Phone (960x854 ,480x854 ,526x2)?

Sep 7, 2010

What the correct wallpaper size for droid,I've seen many sizes so I have no idea


Can someoen clarify for me ha and also when I'm searching for wallpapers do I want pixel resolution or screen size for best look.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Correct Character To Use Pause In A Stored Phone Number?

Oct 6, 2010

I have phone numbers stored that was transferred from my HTC phone that have a "p" in the dialing sequence to introduce a pause for e.g. a calling card. When this number is used in the X10 it will not recognize the "p" as a pause.
What is the correct character to use?

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Android :: IntentService And Threads

Oct 22, 2010

We are in the process of refitting some of our recievers and services with IntentServices (mostly to address rare ANR issues - and because IntentService is pretty cool...). In one case we are converting a traditional service to an IntentService. The original service fired off a few methods whose job was to download data from our servers. Each of these requests would spawn a thread of their own to do the work (apparently not fast enough to avoid the occasional ANR). So now we have a question concerning the life cycle of these processes.

For example, the following situation demonstrates what is happening:

- Start Intent Service - Trigger Download1 - Download 1 thread starts - End Intent Service

- Download 1 thread continues..... - Download 1 thread ends

Our question concerns our exposure to the OS shutting down the Download 1 thread because the Intent Service has terminated before it finishes up. Not sure if it is becomes more or less likely that the OS will view it as something that can be flushed.

If the Download 1 thread is more likely to be flushed by OS we will need to take a different approach.

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Android :: Threads Or ASyncTask

Apr 6, 2010

I am working on a simple application (studying purposes) which list all the files from a selected folder. On top of that I would like to have a search feature where the user can search for files (the code for that is already in place). Now, I was thinking about having the search running in the background somehow, whilst the user can still navigate, create folders, copy, sort and do other stuffs normally. When the search finishes the user would get a notification and then could click on it and go to that activity (It ideally should be the same ListView I already use for browsing the files, I would just need to update the Adapter there with the latest processed data after clicking in the notification). What's the best answer for that? Threading or AsyncTask?

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Android :: Services X Threads

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to understand the idea behind the Services. If it runs in the program's thread, why not create just a separate thread (or AsyncTask) to do the job? Can a service keep running in the background? For example, i want to create a task that will continuously be polling data from a server, even if the main application is not running. Can this be achieved with a Service?

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Android :: Asynctask Threads Never End

Mar 13, 2010

while debugging and app that uses AsyncTask to record audio and update UI I noticed that everytime that an AsyncTask object ends running (finishes doInBackground and onPostExecute or on Cancelled it´s thread stays alive (running status).At least for me that should not be the behavior of the class since the doInBackground task may not stay running forever (as an example the android manual says that a status bar should be updated by an asynctask, and it won´t last for the whole app running time).Is there anything I´m missing, as a method to destroy it, or should I just ignore and keep creating threads as I need and the VM will handle them as it needs resources?

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Android : Way To Save Threads?

Jun 5, 2010

how do i save certain threads?

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Android : Do Threads Add A Lot Of Overhead To An App

Aug 3, 2010

As my app matures, I find myself finding more and more uses for threads. By now I must have about 25 threads, all doing important things and working together in symphony.

I notice however that my app is sitting around 15.5MB resident. Compared to the browser (+/-35MB) I feel pretty safe, but I do notice the resident size of my app ever increasing.

The question is, how much overhead is involved with adding a thread?

I'm also wondering if the synchronized keyword encounters more and more latency with each new thread that is present?

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Android :: Timer - Threads - Reliability

Mar 4, 2010

I have an activity that uses a Timer (java.util.Timer) to control the display. I set it off to repeat its run() method every second or so. When it runs, it updates some View elements.

As Timer runs in its own thread, I assumed this would be reliable. But I notice that sometimes there is a stutter, or delay, in the views updating. It's like they occasionally get stacked up, and all happen together. Studying the output from logcat, I notice that this happens when the device is doing something else - some system functions, or sometimes a garbage collection.

How can I avoid this? I'm not aware I can run the main activity in a thread of its own, can I? If the timer has its own thread, why is it affected?

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Android :: Suspending And Resuming Threads

Nov 17, 2009

We are developing an application that needs to suspend and resume threads like a debugger (meaning in a non-safe way like Object.wait() and Object.notify()).In the Java SDK the methods Thread.suspend() and Thread.resume() are deprecated but we can still use them. Also there is the Java debugger API which allows one to do that if you connect to the VM as a debugger. Is there some API for android we can use? Is there a published Java Debugger API we can apply for Android?

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Android :: BG Threads With 1.6 - AlarmManager Starving

Oct 30, 2009

I have a question about the background thread handling change that went into SDK 1.6. I read here that BG threads get placed in a scheduling class that can't use more than 5-10% of the CPU in order to keep the foreground responsive. Do system services get into that scheduling class?

My app uses repeating alarms. It was great with 1.5, very reliable. Since the upgrade to 1.6, the phone seems to be dropping some of my repeating broadcasts, especially if I am doing something fun in the foreground like with WIFI when the Alarm is supposed to fire. I do not have any of the task killer programs that have been a hot topic lately. To be clear, the dropped alarm broadcast behavior is intermittent. I am not 100% sure if I really am doing something when it has failed. If the timer is a one shot, it seems to work better but there is no real empirical evidence here. My phone is usually in my pocket when I fire one of the one shot alarms. If my theory about system services in the background scheduling class is correct, then I probably cannot find a workaround or defensively code a solution. Will it be the same in 2.0?

Have others seen issues with alarms and with the setRepeating method? I am looking for suggestions to troubleshoot this problem. How can I determine if the problem is the broadcast, if it is the repeating alarm creation, or if there is some other issue like low memory coming in to play.

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Android :: Memory Error With Threads

Mar 4, 2010

I have a couple of worker threads in my app which I stop and restart during onPause() and onResume(). I use a method that clears all the reference to and from the threads when stopping. However ThreadGroup is still retaining a reference to my threads and causing a small memory leak. After pausing and resuming my app about 40 to 50 times I will then get OutOfMemory Errors when loading bitmaps. Allthough this doesn't effect most of my users I do get occasional reports of crashes. How can I remove the references to my threads from ThreadGroup so that GC can do it's job.

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Android :: Pass Messages Between Threads?

Jan 9, 2010

Currently I have two threads, other than the UI thread, which need to communicate with each other. Thread one needs to be able to send messages directly to thread two, and vice versa. What is the best way to implement this?

At the minute, my code looks like this...

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Android :: Delete Threads In Handcent?

Sep 24, 2010

When i try to delete a threads, handcent crashes. the reason i want to delete threads is because i believe my conversations of upwards 2000 messages are slowing down the handcent performance and therefore my phone >
anyone else have this problem or know a way to delete all that garbage?

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Android :: Sensor Listeners - Threads And Responsiveness

Jun 24, 2010

I have two questions about sensor listeners

1. from which thread are sensor values updated and should this be synchronized? can sensor's listener callback be a good place to call custom's view onDraw method? as this should be done from different thread. I cant find anything about it. In another words my problem is that I want to listen to sensors change and draw something on view surface but I dont know which thread (the main thread of the application?) is updating sensor's state

2. If I register sensor listener with SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST my application is not responsive at all! Raw application with TextView only is not reacting to go back or home button! How should I deal with this or am I doing something wrong?

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Android :: Keep Threads And Views Alive Between Activities

Sep 13, 2010

Trying to understand the Android framework model. I have an application that needs to have several threads running. On thread gets GPS fixes, another picks up GPS fixes and pushes them to server, and yet another occasionally polls a server for dispatched orders. Some of these threads update status Views as well.

Since I am new to Android, the application framework model hasn't clicked for me. Where are these threads started? Right now I start the threads in the initial Activity, but if I understand it right, once that Activity goes invisible it is stopped. Furthermore, I have to track GPS and network statistics so that I can have a View which may (or may not) be the active View.

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Android :: Threads And Screen Orientation Change

Aug 30, 2009

In the following sequence of events:

1. Start a new thread (as a result of a button click - or similar).

2. User changes the screen orientation (causing the Activity that started the thread to be destroyed).

3. Thread finishes, and wants to do some dialog (or any UI) work. However, doing a showDialog, dismissDialog, ... will crash, as the thread it still referring to the old Activity.

This can be solved by updating the data in the thread to refer to the new Activity upon a screen orientation change.

However, couldn't the Android framework just forward any requests from a destroyed activity, to the newly created Activity, saving us developers of handling it ourselves?

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Android :: Google Team - Pin Favorite Threads

Mar 18, 2009

I was wondering, why there is no functionality to pin threads a user is interested in. As there is such a high traffic on these groups, it takes time to find the threads I answered to or some I am interested to see how the problem is solved. Sometimes you don't remember the naming of the subject or the user that wrote it and then searching becomes annoying. An easy way would be to pin some threads! I mean the right side is nearly empty an everybody is authenticated when she uses the group, not to just read.

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Android :: How Emulator Schedules Application Threads?

Sep 22, 2010

Are there any limits on the number of threads or any constraints on how the emulator (under Eclipse) schedules the application threads? I get suspended threads that don't really wait on anything but rather get bumped out from execution time. I will try using the Debug class to get some statistics on the thread alloc etc. even though the DDMS does that already. One example is, I have a simple class that simply prints a '.' every 3 seconds - well, the LogCat shows the emulator collecting garbage objects but the thread is suspended and does not print the '.'

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Android :: Running Listeners In Separate Threads

Aug 25, 2009

I would like to know how to run a listener on an isolated thread. Because I would like to use a LocationListener and make some calculations in the main thread. So the LocationListener would be "slow down", because of those calculations. Is it possible to have it run in a different thread? Or is it by default in a separate thread?

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Android :: Way To Create Methods / Threads In Java?

Sep 7, 2010

I want to create one method and call the created Thread inside that method in my Android Application, I am new to Java as I had told before. Can anybody giive me an example of how should I create a method and call a Thread inside that method!

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