Android :: Interconnecting Emulator Instances Android

Jun 15, 2010

I want to communicate two emulators via DatagramSocket in Android. Each of them is a Node in a P2P system. Thus each of them has a server Thread and client Thread (created per GUI event).

However I can not get any communication beetwen those 2 emulators.Can anyone point me the mistake or give some good advice. For the record while I was testing communication on a single device (client faking other node) everything worked, so I don't think there is a bug in the code. Btw does any one knows how can I get 2 set of logs for those 2 emulators (logA, logB)?

Android :: Interconnecting Emulator Instances Android

Android :: Differentiate Emulator Instances And Real Device Instances

Jul 22, 2009

I need to correctly be able to differentiate between emulator instances. I know it's easily done with real devices. With real devices, you can use getDeviceId or getLine1Number from TelephonyManager. With emulators, all the instances have the same device id, same subscriber id, and same line1 number. Is there a way to differentiate them? Using NetworkInfo, I can call the toString method and I get my ip and the port on the computer. The problem with that is that the port is always different. I would like something more stable. Like when you use "adb devices" in command line. Emulator #1 is almost always "emulator-5556" and emulator#2 is almost always "emulator-5554". Is there a way to get the same info I get from "adb devices" in my code? If not, is it possible to use a command line parameter to force the emulator to use a certain phone number?

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Android :: Running Two Instances Of Emulator

Jul 19, 2010

I have written some code in eclipse and I want to run it on two separate Android emulators.

How do I do this when I click "Run"?

I read online and it said I need to do AVD configuration. What is that and how do I do that?

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Android :: Connect Two Emulator Instances Through Network

Apr 7, 2010

I'm doing a distributed system using Android for my research project.In order to test it, I have connected two emulator instances in the same host machine. However, I need to put these two instances in separate host machines and make them connect through the local network (Wi-fi).I have seen that the emulator runs behind a virtual router, so it seems that I would have to somehow configure such virtual router, in order to forward my requests.

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Android :: Launching Multi Instances Of Emulator

Feb 28, 2009

How to i do to launch 2 instances of the Emulator at the same time?

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Android : Interconnecting To Droid Emulators On Different Machines?

Nov 24, 2010

Is there a way to interconnect 2 emulator instances running on different machines? One of them is acting as a client and other as a server, hence 2-way interaction is required.

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Android : How To Run Multiple Instances Of Same App?

Sep 14, 2010

is it possible to run multiple instances of the same app on android? What I mean if the app does not support multiple identities is it possible to install it twice and configure each instance separately?

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Android :: How The Use Same Instances When Launching Application Twice

Apr 14, 2009

My app has 4 activities on the stack A->B->C->D (top)

If you press home and re-enter the application, another instance of A is started, so the stack is A->B->C->D->A (top). I know this because when I press BACK, A is popped off and I now see D (instead of going to the Home screen).

What I want is that when the user re-enters the app, they re-enter on the same activity they were in before (D).


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Android :: How To Use Same Instances When Launching Application Twice

Mar 17, 2009

Is it possible to re-use all the instances of Activities and Services when an application is launched twice. For instance: 1/ I start my application APP1. Some activities are launched and a service is started. 2/ I click "Home" device button 3/ I can see the icon the launch again my application APP1 4/ I click on it and the APP1 is launched twice

I would like to re-use the existing the instances of Activities and Services from the first launch. I guess it is related to "SingleTop" or "SingleTask" but it doesn't seem to work.

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Android :: Multiple Instances Of Service?

Apr 15, 2010

I would like to do this, let me know if it possible in android?

App1 --> bindService() or startService() to AndroidService1 App2 --> bindService() or startService() to AndroidService1 (same service)

I would like App1 and App2 to get different instances of AndroidService1. Why I want to do this is say App2 doesn't need the service any more & it calls stopService() then App1 should still continue to work with its own instance of service app.

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Android :: One Vs Many Instances Of HttpClient Per Application

Oct 23, 2009

Until recently, our app shared a single Apache HttpClient instance using the ThreadSafeClientConnManager across the whole application. The http client instance was held by a singleton class.

Since I dislike the singleton pattern for its numerous problems, I refactored our API accessor to be a per-thread object, but now for every thread (which mostly means per Activity/Service in our case) a new HttpClient instance is created.

It's not that I have problems with this new approach, but I've read that the Apache folks suggest to only have one instance per app for performance reasons.

Visually, what we did before was this:

HttpClient (thread safe)

Now, we do this:

Activity1 ... ActivityN
| |
| |
HttpClient1 HttpClientN

How do you guys do this in your applications? If you share one single HttpClient across your app and potentially many concurrent threads, how do you handle access to it?

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Android :: Mulitple Instances Of Pending Intent

Sep 16, 2010

I created a widget that when clicked activates a PendingIntent.The problem is when I have more than one widget on the screen only the latest one will start the PendingIntent.I have read some about a unique request code, but not figured this out.Any ideas how I can have multiple widgets and the PendingIntents work for each?

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Android :: How To Create Multiple Instances Of An Activity

Feb 19, 2010

I want to create multiple instances of an activity in the same process. Should I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag like the code below?


This code is executed in class A to create another instance of activity A.

This question, will this code create another task? As I understand is a process can only have one task. Does it mean the two activities will exist in different tasks? That's what I want. I want the two activities to be in the same process.

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Android : How Would You Call A Method From All Instances Of A Class?

Sep 18, 2010

I am writing a basic game engine and have an abstract class that represents any object that can be drawn in the 3D world, however inside this class is an abstract method Render() which I would like called automatically by the engine on each draw phase.

How could I implement this so that every class extending from my abstract class will automatically have Render() called? I am using java, android sdk 2.2, and opengl es

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Android : How To Create Multiple Instances Of An Activity?

Jul 1, 2010

I was wondering is it possible to create multiple instances of a single Activity in Android?

I currently start my own inCall screen for a Voip Test by using the following code...

This allows me to start the Activity fine. However when I call it for a second it just returns to the Activity already created rather than creating a new Activity and placing it on the stack.

I would like to be able to create the activity multiple times so that I have two or 3 Activities on the stack and the user can switch between them, using Home, Back buttons etc... Is this possible and if so what am I doing wrong?

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Android :: Starting Two Instances Of Activity With Flag Intent

Jul 18, 2010

When starting two activities of the same class within the same instance using the flag REORDER_TO_FRONT, the new extra information of the second call does not override the first starting activity. Is this the desired behavior? How do retrieve the new extras?

For example: In the StubActivity, I have this code:
Intent i = new Intent(this, A.class);
i.putExtra("foobar",1); startActivity(i);

Activity A is displayed, and then this code is called upon a button press:
new Intent(this, A.class);

Activity A is re-displayed. Now check for the extras: int foobar = getIntent().getExtras().getInt("foobar")
Turns out that foobar = 1

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Android :: Instances Of MediaPlayer To Play Sounds/video

Jan 18, 2010

Is it possible to have two instances of MediaPlayer to play sounds/ video? How many instances are actually allowed? I can see from the Javadocs that there is a limited amount of instances of MediaPlayer allowed.

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Android :: How To Pass Class Instances Between Applications In Droid

Mar 18, 2010

I have an application App1 which defines class A and uses instances of this class. What I want to achieve is - after App1 is installed on the device to be able to load App2 which defines and implements class B which is subclass of class A (imported from App1 package); and be able to get an instance of class B in the App1. Class B doesn't add any new interfaces, so using it as class A is ok. But I am not sure how to pass the instance of class B to App1 (preferrably without any user interaction).

Can anyone advise if this is feasible?

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Android : Multiple Instances Of Included Layout - Namespacing

Jan 12, 2010

I've been attempting to use the <include> tag in some layouts and it seems that these are of limited use because of the flat namespace of the approach.

Suppose I have a layout (attribs and xml namespace decl omitted for clarity).


Now in my java code I have a conundrum. I am not able to identify each individual instance o f the children included layouts root view. In the include tags I can replace the root id with "row1" and "row2" so I can find the individual linear layouts using findViewById



However, I can't easily access the two instances of the TextView which are children of row1 and row2 because all I have to play with is the single id "text"



In this case, which instance (row1.text or row2.text) does this refer to, both of them, or none?

I guess I would need to use another means of accessing the children of row1 and row2.

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Android : Way To Create Arrays Of Class Instances In JAVA

May 5, 2010

How to create arrays of class instances in JAVA. code...

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Android :: Unwanted Automated Creation Of New Instances Of Activity Class

May 11, 2010

I have an activity (called Sender) with the most basic UI, only a button that sends a message when clicked.This works ok, the message is sent but every time a message is sent a new instance of Sender is started on top of the other. If I call sendSMS method three times, three new instances are started. I'm quite new to android so I need some help with this, I only want the same Sender to be on all the time

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Android :: Can I Save SharedPreferences To File So I Can Have Multiple Instances Of The Prefs?

Jul 19, 2010

I love how SharedPreferences work in android and I would like to know if there is an easy way to save them to another file so I could load a previous instance of the prefs and vice versa. Basically when you load this file, all the preferences would change to how you had it before at once. I want to be able to swap 3 or 4 different versions of the same pref keys in this way. Is there an easy way to do this?

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Android :: Make Different Instances Of A Widget Behave Different Based On Their AppWidgetId

Oct 5, 2009

I am developing a simple widget which has a couple of buttons in its layout.

Before the widget gets added, the configuration activity is displayed, where the user can choose if the widget makes any sounds when the buttons get pressed or not.

Thus, a user can put two instances of the widget, one where he chose sound to be activated and another where he chose the opposite. However, I can not seem to be able to reproduce the expected behavior (that one reproduces sound and the other doesn't).

The buttons' behavior varies according to the flags specified to the PendingIntent:

- FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT seems to override the previous intent/setting - no flags (0x00) seems to ignore any intent/setting after the first instance of the widget is put.

What I want to do: I want to be able to configure different instances of the same widget to behave in a different way, according to what the user specified in the configuration activity. I am attempting to do this with the help of the appWidgetId of each instance:

I have tried the following when assigning an action to the click of the button:


This results in the first widget acting properly (The IDs printed in logcat are as expected) When adding a second widget, however, the first widget starts reporting the second widget's appWidgetId in its onReceive(), when it previously did no such thing. (because of the FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, I guess)

How can one make different instances behave in a different way? Is there a way to do this with the help of the appWidgetId?

I have elaborated a widget application for the purpose of debugging this problem which tries to be minimal, while reproducing the (un) desired behavior:

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Android :: Intent Filters - Prevent Creation Of Multiple Activity Instances?

Feb 16, 2010

I added an intent filter to one of my activities, so that when a user clicks a URL like "", and if my app is installed, my registered activity can be launched. It works well.

I see that this creates a new instance of my registered activity though, every time a link is clicked. Is there any way to prevent multiple instances from being created - just recycle an existing instance if one already exists?

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Android : Multiple Activity Instances Launched By Same Intent. Bring One Uniquely To Foreground?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm struggling with my app that launches multiple instances of the same Activity using the same intent. My main activity is of class type A and it does a startActivity() of two children that are of the same class type B. So we have B1 and B2 launched. If B1 and B2 are both paused (by pushing back button and making sure finish() is not invoked on them so they are truly paused), how can A uniquely bring either B1 or B2 to the foreground again? I do want to launch a new B activity. I want to uniquely bring B1 or B2 to the foreground.

so both B1 and B2 were created like this... Intent intent = new Intent(context, B.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent);

Now I want A to bring B1 (or B2) to the foreground/front so I use the below code, but how do I distinguish B1 or B2 when starting the activity? This only brings the last instance of B that was on top to the foreground.

Intent intent = new Intent(context, B.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT); startActivity(intent);

I've tried keeping around references to B1 and B2 and doing something like this, but this also only goes to the last instance of activity class B that was on top...

Intent intent = new Intent(B1context, B.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT); B1context.startActivity(intent);

I even tried this, but it still doesnt get me my unique B1 or B2... Intent intent = B1.getIntent(); // i.e. the original intent that started me startActivity(intent); // still only brings to front the last B that was on top.

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Android :: Debug Memory Leak Where Exception Instances In Heap Dump Have No Inbound References?

Sep 2, 2010

I've been trying to diagnose a memory leak in an Android application I'm writing. I got a heap dump loaded into Eclipse, but the results I'm seeing are very curious. There are some 20,000 instances of an exception (specifically, LDAPException from the UnboundID LDAP library) in the heap with no inbound references.

That is, they show up at the root of the dominator tree. The OQL SELECT objects e FROM com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException e WHERE (inbounds(e).length = 0) returns over 20,000 results, totalling to nearly all of the heap. And yet, the GC runs before the heap dump and I can see that it's running in the console, repeatedly, during the execution of the leaky code. If these instances have no inbound refs, what could be keeping them alive?

I also tried doing a "shortest paths to GC" query. It shows one LDAPConnectionReader row retaining 2 instances, and ~20k LDAPException @ <addr> unknown rows with various hex addresses.

Update: I haven't had time to further diagnose this since posting it, and the bounty I posted is ending before I likely will. I'm awarding it as best I can now, lest the points go to waste. Thanks to everyone who looked into this! I will come back later and update again with the results of further diagnosis, when life is a little less hectic.

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General :: Is It Possible To Run Two Instances Of Same App

Oct 27, 2011

I've been using a GTD app to keep track of things. My business partner will be joining me soon with an android device. I'm wondering if it is possible to run two instances of this GTD app so that I can have one for personal and one for business. The business one would be so that he can also run the app and we can sync our schedules.

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General :: Possible To Run Multiple Instances Of Same APK?

May 13, 2014

I'm wanting to install 2 instances of the same APK.The app is: Star Wars Force Collection..Once you install the app and login to your account, theres no way to change accounts without uninstalling / reinstalling and logging into new account.

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General :: How To Install Multiple Instances Of Same APK

Jan 25, 2012

I was tinkering and editing an apk, and i managed to compile it and install it fine and it works and is suited to me. So i was wondering ( not too good with xmls ), is it possible to edit the manifest file to rename the apk so I can install multiple copies ( i.e. have the original unmodified one and the modified one at the same time ). I need this for testing purposes. Which lines do i need to edit exactly so the phone doesn't give me the "installing this application will replace the current..." warning, so I can multiple instances of it?

APKs are managed by package name, not by file name, but you can't simply change the package name in the manifest of a compiled APK.

Even assuming you manage to do it without messing up the file, which is not a simple task, there will still be code referring to the package name, so the app will crash.

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HTC Incredible :: Run Multiple Instances Of Calendar Widget?

May 3, 2010

OK, here goes my first post.

I have the calendar syncing with my gmail calendar, which has multiple calendars inside (mine, my wifes, ours, baseball schedule, cavs schedule, etc..)

I also have the stock "mail" (not Gmail) application syncing with my exchange at work.

Since I got 7 home screens to work with, I wanna put my Gmail calendar on home screen #1, and my exchange calendar on home-screen #7. Sort of a seperation of home and work

So I put the stock widget on home-screen#1, and again on home-screen#7. But a widget is basically just a frontend for an app running in the background. When I go to home-screen#1 and select MINE, WIFES, and CAVS.......that selection affects the widget on home-screen #7 as well. I go to screen #7, tell it to display Exchange only.......and when I go back to #1, it is switched to exchange.

So.....any way to do what I want?
1) Have a calendar on home-screen#1 that shows my Gmail calendar(s)
2) Have a calendar on home-screen#7 that shows my Exchange calendar

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