Android : Way To Create Arrays Of Class Instances In JAVA
May 5, 2010How to create arrays of class instances in JAVA. code...

How to create arrays of class instances in JAVA. code...
I am writing a basic game engine and have an abstract class that represents any object that can be drawn in the 3D world, however inside this class is an abstract method Render() which I would like called automatically by the engine on each draw phase.
How could I implement this so that every class extending from my abstract class will automatically have Render() called? I am using java, android sdk 2.2, and opengl es
I have an application App1 which defines class A and uses instances of this class. What I want to achieve is - after App1 is installed on the device to be able to load App2 which defines and implements class B which is subclass of class A (imported from App1 package); and be able to get an instance of class B in the App1. Class B doesn't add any new interfaces, so using it as class A is ok. But I am not sure how to pass the instance of class B to App1 (preferrably without any user interaction).
Can anyone advise if this is feasible?
i hav two classes...both classes are extends activity.. i need call other class method on main class on android development..its urgent..please.. i done something like subclass sub = new subclass()...its not work..
In 1st activity class
import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.; import android.view.; import android.content.Intent;
/** * * @author pavankumar */
public class FirstActivity extends Activity {................
I have an activity (called Sender) with the most basic UI, only a button that sends a message when clicked.This works ok, the message is sent but every time a message is sent a new instance of Sender is started on top of the other. If I call sendSMS method three times, three new instances are started. I'm quite new to android so I need some help with this, I only want the same Sender to be on all the time
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know of a work around for the android xml file string array inability to process string <item>'s that are not legal java variable names If not, is this not a major bug? Why does an item in an array need to generate a reference id anyway? Isn't this redundant?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a list objects called Product (Listproducts).In the application I first have to create the list List products from XML file and then display the products on the map. One product can be located at several locations.Does anyone know what is the most appropriate way to create the structure (a list or linked list) which is the easiest to iterate through and enables to link the lists? The logic should work the following way:
1. Read each point from the list
2. Check which product belongs to the point
3. Display the product informations on the map
I'm creating a new class, using eclipse "New Java Class" dialog box. I can write the superclass I want (I can't find using "browse" button), but I can't write or select an interface to implement. I click "add" but ther is nothing to select. What I'm doing wrong?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have just started android. I just want to know that how can i call activity class from other java class. i just want to pass class object to activity class.
public class GsonParser extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
MagazineThread thread=new MagazineThread();
public GsonParser(JsonMagazineParser Obj)
and i am just doing like from other class. GsonParser obj=new GsonParser(this);passing obj to activity can i achieve that.
I want to create multiple instances of an activity in the same process. Should I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag like the code below?
This code is executed in class A to create another instance of activity A.
This question, will this code create another task? As I understand is a process can only have one task. Does it mean the two activities will exist in different tasks? That's what I want. I want the two activities to be in the same process.
I was wondering is it possible to create multiple instances of a single Activity in Android?
I currently start my own inCall screen for a Voip Test by using the following code...
This allows me to start the Activity fine. However when I call it for a second it just returns to the Activity already created rather than creating a new Activity and placing it on the stack.
I would like to be able to create the activity multiple times so that I have two or 3 Activities on the stack and the user can switch between them, using Home, Back buttons etc... Is this possible and if so what am I doing wrong?
i have two files
App. java contains frontend buttons and functionalities lists the imagesin the sd card. i want to call in click event in
package gallery.display;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.View;...........
I'm building a small Android application, but this is more of a Java question than an android question. Looking through the tutorials there are lines that look like: startService(new Intent(this, MyService.class));
What exactly does the "MyService.class" field represent? Is that just a reference to the class for a template?
Im currently developing a system where the user will end up having large arrays( using android). However the JVM memory is at risk of running out, so in order to prevent this I was thinking of creating a temporary database and store the data in there. However, one of the concerns that comes to me is the SDcard limited by read and write. Also another problem that comes to mind is the overhead of such an operation. Can anyone clear up my concerns, as well as also suggest a possibly good alternative to handling large arrays ( in the end these arrays will be uploaded to a website by writing a csv file and uploading it).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to correctly be able to differentiate between emulator instances. I know it's easily done with real devices. With real devices, you can use getDeviceId or getLine1Number from TelephonyManager. With emulators, all the instances have the same device id, same subscriber id, and same line1 number. Is there a way to differentiate them? Using NetworkInfo, I can call the toString method and I get my ip and the port on the computer. The problem with that is that the port is always different. I would like something more stable. Like when you use "adb devices" in command line. Emulator #1 is almost always "emulator-5556" and emulator#2 is almost always "emulator-5554". Is there a way to get the same info I get from "adb devices" in my code? If not, is it possible to use a command line parameter to force the emulator to use a certain phone number?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a newb to Android and Java and want to write a funtion that will display a list based on a varable that I pass to the function. The function is below and the code below creates an array out of a string called type, but what I want to do is pass it a variable string and have it build a list based on that string. So if I wanted the type list I would say list_it("type")But if I try something like getResources().getStringArray (R.array.thelist); it doesn't work.Can someone point me in the right direction? public void list_it(String thelist){String[] types = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.type); ArrayAdapter<String> mAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.list_item1, types);
ListView lv = getListView();
I am facing a problem in my Android app which is calling native functions through JNI. So thought somebody in this group can help me to resolve this. The current code :
1. Create an array in JNI layer ( by NewIntArray()) which can be used by both Java & C.
2.we can name that array as type jintArray array.
3.We call GetIntArrayElements() on this array to get its elements i.e, int * elementsX.
4. This elements would be used by a native call which will set it to some value.(project specific* : may not need interest for this issue)
5. We now get the updated value of elements. And copy it back to array using ReleaseIntArrayElements()
6.We use array in bitmap/canvas class of Java layer to display on screen. The whole procedure is followed for (480x640) times. And so there is a redundant creation of the array for every frame display. Is there any way to avoid this creation of array for each frame. Any better solution to achieve the above? I am not getting a way out of this & the performance of my app has gotten very low too Any JNI code snippets to modify steps (1 to 3 & 5) would be of great help to me.
I'm having some problems porting a Java application to work in Android platform. I detected an incompatibility problem between java sun and Adroid sdk in java.lang.Class. I oberved that: public Field[] getFields() Returns an array containing Field objects describing all fields which are defined. That's array is sorted as attributes are declared in the main Class in sun jdk. For example, next Class is defined as: public class Example { public boolean stop; public int atr1; public String name; ....
I want to get an array of strings reading from arrays.xml file we add in android values/ folder. Could any one kindly give a solution for this. Otherwise I will have to input each these entries in strings.xml and take them to java code using getResources()getString()
View 2 Replies View Relatedi hav two classes...both classes are extends activity.. i need call other class method on main class on android development..its urgent..please.. i done something like subclass sub = new subclass()...its not work..
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.;
import android.view.;
import android.content.Intent;...........
I want to know about the util Class used in Java. I am currently working on one Application in Android where I need to used a class from one file to another different file. I was told to import it like "import" here the "" is a package name.
Can I use thast class in my another file simply by importing the package along with the Class Name?
There are a lot of language which compiles into Java class files when can run on JVM (e.g. JRuby, Scala, Rhino). Can you please tell me if I can take those class files (compiles by the JRuby/Scala/Rhion compiler) and run it on Android platform?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to use HTTPS in my application. The Java URL class does not seem to do the job.
Does anyone have any pointers?
Apt while generating the resources, is it possible to provide a different package name for the generated class. Currently it seems to use the same package name as the one in manfifest defination of AndroidManifest.xml <manifest xmlns:android=""package=""> Also, is there a way to give custom class name instead of default R name say Resources.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am writing an android game. I need a Point class that stores x and y coordinates. I have found a class called java.awt.Point. Which looks like what I need. I have created an interface for java.awt.Point and put import java.awt.Point in my code. But when I do Point pos = new Point.
I get an error: cannot instantiate Point. Also if I do pos. I don't get x or y member variables. I could code my own Point class but I need to learn how to import stuff.
If I delete the interface for Point I get an error on import java.awt.Point. It says the import cannot be resolved.
When I try to edit project/res/main.xml using android layout editor in eclipse I get the error "Could not initialize class java.awt.font".
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any tool available to convert android dex file format to java class format? I've looked at dex2jar, but it looked very early in development. I'd like something that is stable enought for use.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm coming over from C# where I can make a namespace and then have each class placed into its own .cs file if I want, but in all of the examples I've seen for android all of the methods and classes are all in one big java file.
Is it possible to put my classes in to their own java files and then import those classes into a main program java file as needed like I do in C#?
Making a simple app for my android.
in my xml interface there is a text box in which the user will input a number (for example: 10). the id of this text box is "input1"
how do I call the value of input1 in Java and then perform a calculation on it?
For example...
suppose input1 = x
x + 5 or x*2
and for that matter, how do I have the resulting value appear as constantly updated text output in a specified place on the UI?
I keep getting this when trying to start a new project
ERROR: Unable to open class file No such file or directory
I tried changing preferences to alter build path to project, but it still wouldnt work,,,
Is subfolder on desktop a bad place to install Eclipse?