Android :: How To Add New Table For A Existing Database
May 13, 2010I have already having 2 tables in a database now i want to create a new table in that database it self how can i create?
View 3 RepliesI have already having 2 tables in a database now i want to create a new table in that database it self how can i create?
View 3 Repliescan I insert a new column into existing table. Because I had read somewhere that SQLite is limited on the ALTER TABLE command.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to deploy an application with an existing SQLite database.I've been reading though the examples that are posted but they are always missing some part of the class. I feel like I'm trying to bake muffins but no one told me to use baking powder.Can someone post a full database helper class for depoying an SQLite database on Android? Edit : Delete old code because it doesn't work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an existing SQLite database file from another project.
Where do I include the database file into my Eclipse project to have it deploy with the app.
Do I need to indicate that the database file is writable? (In the iPhone world you need to copy the database file from the app's bundle to a writable folder on the iPhone proper before first use.)
Once I have the database file on the phone, how do I tell SQLiteOpenHelper to use it? (I extend SQLiteOpenHelper in a custom class.
Before I create a table, how can I know whether the table already exist in database? How to query?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working at an application about SQLite database. I have inserted some table in an database file. But I don't know how to get all the tables' name using code. For example, I defined a database object SQLiteDatabase dataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(getDatabasePath("Mydatabase"), null); and how can I get all the table names stored in the database file "Mydatabase". Counld anyone give me some code.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow to clear a table in android database.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a custom ContentProvider to
* access android existing database (e.g. Contacts, SMS)?
* extend an Exciting ContentProvider which has access to android existing database (e.g. ContactsProvider to access Contacts DB)?
to dear all Android developers, I need to know the UTC bias of my phone to correct the UTC time information I got from a site. I have read earlier posts and already found the solution to get TimeZone information from the "System.currentTimeMillis();" method. However, I need to translate the TimeZone (as like, "Asia/Taipei") to the UTC bias that it has to be (as like, "UTC+8" or other formats). Does anyone know the actual API solution? I have surveyed android.util.TimeUtils and found nothing to do this. The worst solution may I have is to build a "TimeZone/UTC" database table to translate this..
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am new to andriod.I am creating a table and inserting the values into table by using sql lite.Now i need to change vales based on the can i done this pls post some code.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhere could I find any examples of rendering XML data in a ListView? i.e, the model is read from a XML file, not in an existing array or database cursors.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am working on a project for a belgium Tv Guide. Now I download a database (.db) file from a server to the sdcard to work with. In this database are 2 tabels, tvchannels and tvprograms. Now I can do several updates to the tvchannels table and i want to make a backup of this table to a lokal database file. How can i do that? I want to do this because I have to download a new database file every daye from the server and the channels that are choses are saved in the tvchannels database. I want to backup this database table and when the new database file (tvgids.db) is downloaded I want to replace the tvchannels database (from downloaded database file) with the backup from tvchannels..
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a table with column headings: | _id (long) | Name (String) | x (integer) | y (integer) |
I want to delete the row in the table that has Name myName.
// In onCreate
dbHelper = new DBAdapter(this);
// Function in DBAdapter class
public boolean deleteTitleGivenName(String myName)
{return dbHelper.delete(DATABASE_TABLE_2, KEY_NAME + "=" + myName, null) > 0;}
// Function call in java code
dbHelper.deleteTitleGivenName(myName); // this is where my code fails
Just as a note: myName is for sure in the database. Also, I can not use the ROWID since I am getting myName from a ListView.
I just started programming with Android and I have tried for days to solve this problem.
Is my WHERE clause correct (KEY_NAME + "=" + myName)?
Not sure of the absolute utility of this but seems as though it should be possible and useful. Can you extend ContentProvider to provide URIs representing new queries (i.e., joins across multiple tables not specified by existing URIs) for an existing system database? The alternative seems to be that I need to write a series of cursor queries then join them -- seems like a lot of unnecessary code duplication.
I have been trying this for the contacts database as an exercise, but no love so far. The crux seems to be that I cannot open a database in another package during the setup phase. Am I just completely out in left field here? It's possible as I am new to both Java and Android.
I want my app to access database every hour and read next record from the table then update desctop widget and send notification. I know that there is AlarmManager which I can use to register my Intents but they are deleted when the phone is turned off or rebooted. Is there any other android class/service that I would update my application continuously even when I reboot my phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Android when you upgrade a database all data is lost. I'm going through a phase of development right now that is forcing many database upgrades. I don't want to lose all my data (and have to manually re-enter it) each time I upgrade my database. I would like to store my data in flat files and load those flat files into their respective tables each time a database upgrade occurs.
My questions is: What is the best way to go about this on the Android platform? Where should I store the data files (res/raw???) What sql should I execute to load these files?
I want to read data from database and displayed it in table layout form. table will contain n rows and 2 columns. But row size is not fixed then how to show them in table layout format?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a database where I store two different kinds of data. One table is for favorite routes, the other stores the retrieved routes from a server.
I can retrieve the routes etc just fine. But after retrieving the first Route, pressing back or HOME, and then retrieving another route, the routes table is filled with all the old routes plus the new ones.
So my question: how do I delete ONLY the routes table and not the whole database because I don't want to delete the added favorites?
I found the following function in the android docs:
public int delete (String table, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs) and I tried to implement it, but I must pass a SQLiteDataBase as an argument. But how?
I implemented: public void deleteTableRoutes(SQLiteDataBase db){ db.delete("routes", null, null);}
But I want to call this function from a different class where I have no reference to the database.. so what do I have to pass as an argument? Or how do I get a reference to my database?
I build my database upon the code example of the NotePadExample from the dev docs.How to solve this problem?
This is an extract of my class from where I want to call deleteTableRoutes(...)
private String start_from;
private String destination;
private int hour;
private int min;
private int day;
private int month;
private Source source;
private List<Element> tempList;
private List<Element> routes;
private String startT = "";
private String arrivalT = "";
private String duration = "";
private String line = "";
private boolean first=true;
private List<ResultElement> finalResult;
private List<Element> results;
private DbAdapter mDbHelper;
i'm trying to access (read & write) from non-default (example 2nd table) table of a sqlite database which i created using sqlite database browser. but somehow, i cant seems to find the way to access it.
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/";
private static String DB_NAME = "TestDatabase";
private SQLiteDatabase myDatabase;
select data method works, but i can only select from table 1 and not table 2
I have created a table named train_table in SQLite database with 3 columns. they are train_id, train_no and train_name. Now, i wrote a class in which i displayed the train_name in a list view. how do i get the related train_no in the next page? can anyone help me in sorting this problem.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my project, I would like to create a database with single table. I would also like to insert data on this table from word or excel document. is it possible? if so please how can I do it? some code snippets would be of great help. I have four different activities which I would like them to interact with this single table. the first is the main activity and its purpose is just to launch the other three activities according to user choice. so it has no interaction with the DB. but the other three activities will read from the table whenever called. Can you please tell me how to call the dbhelper on these activities? I am unable to do this and I am currently creating one db per each activity which is not the optimal way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to android application development.I have create registration form with user name,password, email. this values should be stored in sqlite database table. retrieve the data from the table. in i have create the table and insert the values of registration form data in to the table dynamically. In extends the databaseopenHelper class overwrite the oncreate and upgrade methods.this class i used this class in In i am going to display the data in on success register details. there are no errors but it gives the error on the emulator unexpectedly stoped...................
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an equivalent view structure to the iPhone default table cell? The default table cell formats an image (icon) and text in a nice looking way. Are there suggested equivalents for Android? Is there a sample somewhere?
I want to create say 5 different types of cells in table along with identifiers and load them appropriately as per the given data depending upon the type?
Creating TableRow inside TableLayout seems to be one of the options but how to dynamically create the tableRows depending upon the type?
Here is my screen description: It is a TableLayout and it contains multiple Rows. I have set TableRow as clickable, as I want to go to next screen on click of a tableRow. Everything I am doing through Java programming (instead of XML layout, because number of TableRows changes each time) On next screen, I wanted to display all the views of that particular clicked TableRow. Here the problem i am facing is how to capture particular tableRow on onclick() even and how do I get all the textviews of that particular Row. I tried to set id at runtime, and tried to get id of view, but it's not working, giving error resourcenotfoundexception.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe table "credentials" does show up in the adb shell.
I've checked logcat and it doesn't seem to report a problem...
I've been pouring over this and I bet its some silly syntax typo! Or, at least I hope it is something trivial.
I have a table layout with a few predefined rows in it. Each row has only two columns.
Now I need to dynamically add additional rows in it.
I have two problems:
1) When programmatically inflating, I cannot set the index of the newly created row (I want it in place 'n') 2) After inflation, the inserted (actually appended) row doesn't listen to parent table's stretch column property.
So here are my questions:
q1) Can I set the place where to insert the inflated row programatically ?
q2) Why doesn't the new row inflate properly (the second column is not shown because the first column doesn't contains a TextView with fill_parent.
In the end I need the first column to occupy 80% of the screen width, and the second column remaining 20%.
q3) is that doable with programmatic row insertions ?
When a button is clicked, the following method is run:
public void createTableRow(View v) {
TableLayout tl = (TableLayout) findViewById(;
TableRow tr = new TableRow(this);
LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
TextView tvLeft = new TextView(this);
tvLeft.setLayoutParams(lp);...................... is an xml TableLayout. I can see from debugging that the method is being accessed, but nothing is drawn to the screen. What gives? Do I need to reset the Content View somehow?
ive been looking for a week now i need some help connecting to a remote database...i want my app to get data out of the database and update the database.ive tried this but i dont understand it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm currently developing a Field-Service application that stores data in the local sqlite database on an android device. At some point, usually after completing the data collection rounds, the local sqlite db is to be synchronized to a remote sybase db on the server.Any suggestions as to how this could be achieved or engineered as a solution? Or even better, are there alternatives to synchronizing data in such an application?
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