Android :: How Ot Convert Apk File To Jar File?
Oct 27, 2010How we can convert apk file to jar file in android?

How we can convert apk file to jar file in android?
How to convert class file to dex file in android? Is there any way?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to convert this into a File object, and only a File object - I need to pass it to another constructor that requires a File. How can I convert a URI like this to a File object? If I try File newFile = new File(myURI);I get an error in Eclipse suggesting that I should convert the URI to a String. Supplying URI.getPath() in the constructor doesn't help either.
This relates to the 'How can I convert object to object?' question, which unfortunately seems to have no good answer, but I want a File object out, not a java uri. I don't mind if I have to write it to a bytestream and back again - whatever is the best way.Apologies if I'm cross-posting my own question, but I thought I might need to make things a bit clearer.
I have a library that takes a File object as a parameter to one of the functions.
I am getting the file like this:
this.openFileOutput("myFile", MODE_PRIVATE)
I need to load this file from the system, however, I don't know how to convert FileOutputStream to File. Or is there another way of doing this?
I retrieved and saved the call history details in the file format. However, I would like to know if we have an option to convert the file format to .csv or .xls or any other format.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anybody tell me how to convert a string to an xml file in android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having some difficulties developing my first app. My problem is a bit too specific so I couldn't find if any1 else had the same problem.
After writing a number as a string into memory and reading the said string from memory, I cannot convert it back into a number.
For example, the string written in is 1234, when I retrieve it and write it onto the app, it still shows up as 1234.
When I convert this string to an int using Integer.parseint(), it gives me an error. Then I tried converting a String 123 thats just declared, it works perfectly.
I assume it is the retrieving part that messed up the string and made it unable to be turned into an int. or how to store numbers in memory in other ways?
heres the part of the code that retrieves the string and convert it
FileInputStream fIn = null;
InputStreamReader isr = null;
String data = null;
I've been trying to convert a certain Dex file to Jar.
It's not the regular Classes file,When I try to convert it i get this error
dex-translator not support an odex file asks me to download smali to covert odex to dex, the Smali file is in Jar
how to use it to convert Odex file to Dex
Are the users able to convert the apk file of my app back to the actual code?If they do is there any way to prevent this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tried Videora, but that was a failure. I use doubletwist on my Android phone and it doesnt play DIVX files but it will play MP4... The whole point is I'm trying to play The Dark Knight Rises on my phone...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a big problem deodexing files in ICS. I have tried xUltimate 2.3.3 but it doesn't work and I get error messages. Then I have tried baksmali by calling
java -jar baksmali-1.3.2.jar -x -d ./origi_frame myapp.odex
It works without giving me any error messages but in the output directory are only *.smali-files (instead of dex-files). Before calling baksmali I have downloaded the framework-folder from the device and placed it under ./origi_frame.
How is it possible to convert an .odex file to a .dex file?
I am using a Nexus S, Android 4.0.4, rooted.
I have a excel sheet. Can make it apk file?
I was trying to send some .gif files to some friends via WhatsApp and I realised that it doesn't actually send them as .gif files, it converts them to .jpg files?
Is there any way I can convert them on my Android device to small video files so I can send them via WhatsApp?
Can we convert tunein records to mp3 or any file? I added .mp3, .wav, .aac but isnt working.
View 2 Replies View RelatedYou can convert the file to be attached to me a file cwm in a file flashable with the stock recovery.
I tried to change the name of the file to, but the stock recovery gives me error.
Does anyone know how to get mkv video playback on the moment without having to convert the file of course...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've taken a few vids on my Desire, but the 3gp format is pretty limited and what I'd like to do is play it back on my PS3.
Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations about what software to use and what format to convert the 3gp file to in order for same size same quality playback on PS3?
I have the localized strings file that is used in the Iphone app that I work on to port to Android. Are there any tools that go through the file taken from the xcode project and build the xml needed to use the strings in android? This tool should be easy to build but I appreciate any pointers to already working tools.
View 4 Replies View RelatedLooking for an app where I can take a pic (got the droid x 8MP camera) and want to take pic of a text document and have it convert the text to a text file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there anything the Dalvik VM supports (in terms of bytecode) which is not used currently because the .class files don't have it?
As an example, if people would write their own Source-to-DX converter for their functional language XYZ, would they be able to implement e. g. full tail calls although the .class file does support tail calls only under certain circumstances?
I am successful in creating file using openFileOutput(). and can read the file using openFileInput().
I am able attach file from external storage sdcard while emailing the same using getExternalStorageDirectory as sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file://"+Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/ zibra.txt"));
But while trying to attach file from the openOutputFile stored area using sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.parse("file://"+ getFilesDir() + "/zibra.txt"));, resulting emptied file emailing.
My file is stored in "/data/data/com.example/files/zibra.txt".
what is going wrong in it?
We are suddenly unable to install our app on G1 developer phones with 1.6. Works perfectly on emulator. When installing the app we get:
Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE Please check logcat output for more details. Launch canceled!
And logcat:
PackageManage: Couldn't copy package file to temp file.
What does this mean? We checked that there is actually room enough on the phone.. We tried reverting the code to a revision that worked previously, but are getting the same error.
How to play video present in local file system (ex:in res/a.3gp) using VideoView .I am getting error as Video cant be played.Can any one help me in sorting out this issue?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to play file which is stored in SDCARD in emulator. I have Linux O/S. So i need to provide command in run configuration. I am providing following parameter.
-sdcard /usr/android/sdcard/mysdcard.iso -audio oss [i]
The following is my code to play file.
try { mMediaPlayer.setDataSource("/sdcard/test_cbr.mp3"); mMediaPlayer.prepare(); // Giving error. mMediaPlayer.start(); }
I have some reference data in a text file (~5MB) that I want to use with might android application.The file is of the format:
1|a|This is line 1a
1|b|This is line 1b
2|a|This is line 2a
2|b|This is line 2b
2|c|This is line 2c
What I want to know is the most efficient way (less memory, fast, size etc.) to use this file within my application.
a.) Should I save the file as a raw resource and open and read the whole file whenever I need a certain line.
b.) Should I convert the file to XML and use XPath to query the file when ever I need to look up a value
<!--sample XML -->
<line number="1">
<entry name="a">This is line 1 a</entry>
c.) Should I just copy & paste the whole file as a static string array in the application and use that.
[EDIT] I will also need to search this file and jump to arbitrary keywords e.g. "line 1a".
I have a large bitmap (say 3888x2592) in a file. Now, I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533 and save it to another file.I normally would scale the bitmap by calling Bitmap.createBitmap method but it needs a source bitmap as the first argument, which I can't provide because loading the original image into a Bitmap object would of course exceed the memory (see here, for example).Is there a way to read a large image file with 10MP or more and save it to a new image file, resized to a specific new width and height, without getting an OutOfMemory exception?I also tried BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, options) and setting the Options.outHeight and Options.outWidth values manually to 800 and 533, but it doesn't work that way.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have created the private signed keystore file using eclipse and i have released the apk files in android market website. after some days we got some issues from users and we have fixed the issues but i don't have private signed keystore file. while making the apk file i need to use previous version release used private signed keystore file. Is there way to get private signed keystore file from previous apk release file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow come this is the only file manager on the market (that I've found... I went through quite a few) that can open an HTML file from your SD card? I was a loyal user of Estrogen until I found that it couldn't.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm developing with Android 2.1 on a Nexus One with firmware 2.1 update 1. I'm using the RehearsalAudioRecorder class from here: Code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm writing a bitmap editor. Each document consists of about 3 bitmap layers and documents are, at the moment, saved as a custom file with a .bme extension. These files can be converted to standard jpg/png files by rendering each bitmap on top of one bitmap and saving the latter. I need some way for the user to be able to select .bme files they've created already. Is there anything in Android that can make this easier for me? The only option I can see is to write an activity that creates a list view and write a list adapter that looks for .bme files on disk i.e. a copy of the standard "Media Gallery" app that works for my .bme files. The list adapter will either have to generate a thumbnail preview of the image to show to the user or I'll have to package such a preview in the .bme file when they're created. This is the only option I can think of. I thought I'd ask in case there is more Android friendly way of doing this. For example, can you add custom file support to the "Media Gallery" app?
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