Android : How To Convert File To .csv Format In Droid?
Jun 30, 2010I retrieved and saved the call history details in the file format. However, I would like to know if we have an option to convert the file format to .csv or .xls or any other format.

I retrieved and saved the call history details in the file format. However, I would like to know if we have an option to convert the file format to .csv or .xls or any other format.
I've taken a few vids on my Desire, but the 3gp format is pretty limited and what I'd like to do is play it back on my PS3.
Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations about what software to use and what format to convert the 3gp file to in order for same size same quality playback on PS3?
Is there any way to convert mp3 to PCM stream in android?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'd like to know whether it's possible to have phone numbers converted
into international format when a call is outgoing.
For instance, if a french user (sorry it's the only format i know i
won't make a mistake :-) try to call with the national format : then a method will convert it into international format
like this : +
I've looked into the doc of the PhoneNumberUtils but i don't know if
there is a method doing what i want.
I am trying to convert string to date, and then I ma saving this date in a file , which saves in the following format:Mon Jun 21 16:31:24 Asia/Karachi 2010.and then when later I read this date from file as a String, I again want to save it to a Date,
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to convert a image into Base64 format and send it to server. I have one Base64 class which accept byte array and return a string.I am sending image into chunks of data.I am creating creating one chunk of 100kb. If image is less than 100 kb then image is uploaded on server, but if it is greater than 100kb (i.e when it requires more than one chunk) then it will not uploaded. I think it is because I am converting image into Base64 in parts and on server it decode it only in one shot. Now I want to send a image for conversion of Base64 only in one chunk. But if image is too large then it throw OutOfMemoryException (Obviously after all it is mobile having very limeted resources).
My code is as follows:
I'm on the android bandwagon and started going through google's "view" tutorials. Everything was hunky-dory until I hit the grid view tutorial. I got errors all over the place when I started editing the "" File. I thought I'd fix it by following through with the next part of the tutorial, creating the ImageAdapter class, but it created more. I realized alot of my issues could be resolved by importing widgets which were not mentioned in the tutorial (i.e. android.widget.GridView,.ImageView, .BaseAdapter etc.) However, after all the reconciliation suggested by eclipse the files were finally showing no errors. I go to run it as an android app and bam, "Your project contains error(s)." window comes up. There are no errors showing on the files I've created. I cleared the error log and shut down eclipse and started again the error log now reads: Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1. I'm a little lost at this point. I think I've included the required information. If you need to know more let me know.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any tool available to convert android dex file format to java class format? I've looked at dex2jar, but it looked very early in development. I'd like something that is stable enought for use.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to android development.I wanted to know that Is there any way to convert psd or html to android Xml Layout format ? If yes how can i achieve this and if no, any alternative to that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am developing an app in which i need the image in TIFF format.But in android u can convert your bitmap/image to only JPEG/png image. is there a way to convert JPEG/png file to TIFF format or is there any jar available to do so.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using Zend Studio 7.2 as my main IDE. I develop android apps. I wanted to work with html parsers, however adding external jars I get always the same problem Converting to dalvik format failed and eclipse needs a lot of time to build workspace.
any ideas?
I have a library that takes a File object as a parameter to one of the functions.
I am getting the file like this:
this.openFileOutput("myFile", MODE_PRIVATE)
I need to load this file from the system, however, I don't know how to convert FileOutputStream to File. Or is there another way of doing this?
Can anybody tell me how to convert a string to an xml file in android?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a url for the video file.the format of that file is itunes M4V. i want to play it in android mobile. is it possible? if not so let me know?
View 2 Replies View Relatedjust wanted to know what good free programs you use to convert the .3gpp files off the phone to .WMV files.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI downloaded 'FormatFactory 2.50' and was wondering what settings I need to convert movies for my T-mobile Vibrant.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have the htc droid Incredible Froyo installed. I'm shooting 1280x720 video. I've downloaded the 3gpp video/audio files to my computer and want to burn them to a cd or dvd.
How do I convert the 3gpp audio/video files to a format that can be viewed with a dvd player or on another computer? Do you know of any Conversion software that will accomplish this?
I have a 22 minute video shot at 720p resolution which consumed 1.24GB.
I have a string defined in my String.xml file that uses format arguments, i.e.: <string name="myString">Hello %1$s.</string> Is there a way to assign a value to the format argument in a layout xml file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anything the Dalvik VM supports (in terms of bytecode) which is not used currently because the .class files don't have it?
As an example, if people would write their own Source-to-DX converter for their functional language XYZ, would they be able to implement e. g. full tail calls although the .class file does support tail calls only under certain circumstances?
If more than one application supports to open a specified file format. I need to make my application as a default application from my code.How it possible to make it default from the code?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using a Samsung Galaxy 3 with android 2.2 and I want to install some application what is downloadad from many different sources. So now here is my problem:
1. I copy the choosen .apk file on my SD card.
2. I have downloaded ASTRO file manager.
3. I have ticked the option installing non-android applications.
4. I want to open the apk file from there but when I click on app installer I onyle get a blank screen and under the details I receive the following error message:
Could not open xy.apk as APK file.
In the meantime I have also copied some music files on my mobile, these are all MP3, works fine on my comp however when I wanted to play it on my mobile with several music players it said the file format is not supported...
The phone used to have 2.1 and I made the update manually but after the update...
How to convert class file to dex file in android? Is there any way?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to convert this into a File object, and only a File object - I need to pass it to another constructor that requires a File. How can I convert a URI like this to a File object? If I try File newFile = new File(myURI);I get an error in Eclipse suggesting that I should convert the URI to a String. Supplying URI.getPath() in the constructor doesn't help either.
This relates to the 'How can I convert object to object?' question, which unfortunately seems to have no good answer, but I want a File object out, not a java uri. I don't mind if I have to write it to a bytestream and back again - whatever is the best way.Apologies if I'm cross-posting my own question, but I thought I might need to make things a bit clearer.
I have a video that i want to put onto my phone but don't know what format to convert it to so i can watch it on my phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am writing an app that needs to be able to open (be associated in the browser download window for example) with a certain file type. The file type has .emx extension and is in an xml format (the top of the files have <?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?> ). However, I can't for the life of me get my app associated with this filetype.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAre the users able to convert the apk file of my app back to the actual code?If they do is there any way to prevent this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having some difficulties developing my first app. My problem is a bit too specific so I couldn't find if any1 else had the same problem.
After writing a number as a string into memory and reading the said string from memory, I cannot convert it back into a number.
For example, the string written in is 1234, when I retrieve it and write it onto the app, it still shows up as 1234.
When I convert this string to an int using Integer.parseint(), it gives me an error. Then I tried converting a String 123 thats just declared, it works perfectly.
I assume it is the retrieving part that messed up the string and made it unable to be turned into an int. or how to store numbers in memory in other ways?
heres the part of the code that retrieves the string and convert it
FileInputStream fIn = null;
InputStreamReader isr = null;
String data = null;