Android :: Google App Engine - Supported XML Binding Tool Available?
Feb 14, 2010
A REST XML (not JSON!) Web Service should exchange XML Schema specified XML between a Google App Engine and an Android app. I wanted to use XStream for both, however, I could not get it to work for the Google App Engine, therefore to me Apache XMLBeans is the next best choice (JAXB does not work on both).
However, with Google App Engine there is no problem, but on Android, I get several severe exceptions (eg. due to the usage of the Stax API with its javax.xml.* packages). So, Is there any other XML-binding possibility to stream XML documents on GAE and Android? If not, is it possible to patch Apache XMLBeans to work with Android?
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Jul 9, 2009
I'd like to be able to send a POST request from an Android app to App Engine and have it linked to the user's Google account.I read that you need to obtain an authentication token and send it with the POST request. Does Android provide a way to request this token?And how would GAE process it?I feel like this should be easy and I'm missing something obvious.
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Nov 5, 2009
I'm currently working on a project that uses Google App Engine as a server. I see that prior to the Android 2.0 SDK there was no way to directly access a user's Google Account information for the purposes of authentication. Do the new Account Manager APIs now make it possible to automatically log a user into a GAE app? Is anyone else working on something like this? Are there any publicly available examples on how to accomplish this?
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Aug 26, 2010
I have spent two days trying to decide on a way to upload and download data to the Google App Engine. Do I use REST or simple HTTP post/get? Do I use JSON or XML? Do I use java or Python. I am thinking probably use python and probably use REST. But which one out there? There are so many to choose from. None seem to work out-of-the-box, but need faffing around with bits of code from here and bits of code from there. And is not clear at the outset what am taking on or what the limitations are.
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Oct 6, 2010
I am writing a syncadapter using google account and app engine. The account appears in account and sync, but when I try to select the account for syncing, I am getting a hard database error. I am trying to figure if this error is on mobile or the app engine. Further, what can be causing this error. Another error that I am getting is failed to find provider info.
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Dec 20, 2009
I would like to write a client application for Android that uses the Google App Engine as a database backend. My Android client would connect to the App Engine to save information, then it would connect later for reports. Is it possible to use the App Engine as a backend like this?
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Dec 31, 2009
I need to write an application that sends data to the Google App Engine from Android. The data that I would like to send can be described by a typical database record. Each record has some integers, strings, dates, etc. I would like to keep the connection details hidden/secured so that someone can't create false data in the datastore, if it it's not too involved. My question is: what is a good way to get this data from Android devices into the GAE datastore? If you could post a link to the appropriate Android libraries, or a link to how this has been done in the past, that would be really helpful.
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Oct 7, 2010
I am doing a debug key and I can't. I am stuck here:
"Once you have located the keystore, use this Keytool command to get the MD5 fingerprint of the debug certificate:
$ keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey
-keystore .keystore
-storepass android -keypass android"
I located my keystore, but I don't know how to put that order. I think that order is for linux, and I am using windows XP Professional.
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Jan 19, 2010
I accidently deleted the google search and voice bar that was on the top of my screen since it somehow go to the right 3rd screen.Does anyone know how to get this back? DO i need to download a new application?
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Nov 14, 2010
I am trying to post data to the Blob Store on google's app engine, this code runs without throwing any exceptions, but on the blobstore end there is no log on the post request at all. The server side stuff works when i post using a form (albeit with mime data). I have allowed my android app to use internet. This is a stab in the dark but if any of you folks might have had an issue like this before perhaps the problem i am having might ring a bell
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Jun 7, 2010
How do I find the users available Google Calendars and then create an event in one of those calendars?
Direct access to the Calendar on the handset is for some unknown bizarre reason UNSUPPORTED and not documented and untestable unless you have EVERY single device and ROM. Therefore blind development, cr4p for users and cr4p when you have to blame Google.
Aren't we developing apps to help users with their day-to-day things? Accessing and creating events in a calendar ON THE HANDSET would sem like a logical day-to-day thing to do?
Anyway so I turned to the GDATA API. However the documentation bears no resemblance to anything available for the android SDK. The documented classes stated to be available to be used for Calendar access are not available in the downloadable libraries!?!?!?
So my question, how do I find the users available Google Calendars and then create an event in one of those calendars from an Android app?
Any links posted which say 'see here' please make sure the code is valid for android! :)
(code examples would be great - oh and preferably using the users credentials on the handset to login to the Calendar).
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Nov 17, 2010
How to do I de-bing and make google my primary search engine? Also will this be corrected when the 2.2 update is available?
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Jan 14, 2013
I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo (MT15i Hallon) with the newest Nightly CM10 installed. My problem is, that in Google Now, when I ask "What's this song" it says "This action is not supported in your country". I tried everything, changing language, timezone, default google search engine, nothing worked.
My question would be, is there a way to edit a file with rootexplorer to gain ability of using this feature?
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Oct 5, 2009
I am very new beginner, and I am designing a small application as below.
- After a user starts the application, he/she can click the start button to start a background task. (e.g. retrieving the news headlines periodically, then do something...)
- Even after the user quits the application, the background task still running.
- To stop the background task, the user needs to run the application again, and clicks the stop button to stop the background task.
In the above scenario, what API should I use ? (Local Service Binding ? Remote Service Binding ? Handler ?)
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Dec 16, 2009
I am working on an android application, where the activity binds to a local service to perform certain tasks.Now I am binding the service in the OnCreate method of the Activity, after which the activity has to use the service object to invoke the functionality defined in the servicein the OnStart method. The problem here is that once a call "bindservice" has been made, we might not get the serviceobject immediately, so my service object would be null till that time. So i cannot invoke the service functions.So is there a way to determine in the activity that the service has been bound and the service object is valid and could be used now. For reference i'm attaching a code snippet for the same.
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Mar 13, 2010
Can an Activity be bound to two different Services at the same time or do I have to unbind one Service before binding to the other one?
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Apr 30, 2010
Can one service be bound to n activities?
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Jun 24, 2010
After I Bind to a service inside the method I start a CountDownTimer. The problem is that the timer does not start counting down. I have gone through with the debugger and sure enough it is executing the method that starts the Timer.If I use a button to start the timer it works! What could I be doing wrong?
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Jul 2, 2010
I'm a little confused on how binding to services works. I understand using Context.startService() starts the service and that bindService doesn't call onStartCommand. But my understanding is that if I use startService, I have to explicitly stop the service. But I want the service to die if there are no more activities bound to it.My problem is that calling bindService never calls onServiceConnected(), so my Service binder object is null. Does the service have to be explicitly started in order to bind to it? If so, how does it know to terminate when nothing is binding to it anymore, and how do I know if it's started so I can know to use the bound object?
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Oct 19, 2010
I am just starting out with Android and I am attempting my first test app, but I am a bit stuck.
I have an SQLite database and a user is selecting a picture and a reference to this a long with a short description is getting stored in the database. This is all working fine, now I want to bind the images from to database to a gallery, but I am a bit confused how I do this.
My layout xml is as follows:
I want the gallery with a button below
My on create function I have the following:
I am using the notepad tutorial as an example and my class extends ListActivity.
When I run it I get the error
Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''
I'm assuming I am using the wrong type of binding, but I can't seem to find anywhere that tells me how to bind from an sqlite DB to a gallery.
I also want to add a reference to the rowId in the gallery so when the image is clicked it will open the relevant page (so it can show the message)
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Oct 19, 2009
Has anyone succeeded in running the Java bindings for dbus on Android? All indications point at dbus already running as a process within the Android OS, but there is no official access point for them through the Java interface.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a service component (common task for all my apps), which can be invoked by any of the apps. I am trying to access the service object from the all activities, I noticed that the one which created the service [startService(intent)] has the right informaion. But rest does not get the informaion needed.
My Code is as below:
If I invoke startService(intent). it creates a new service and runs in parallel to the other service.
If I don't invoke startService(intent), serviceObj.getData() retuns null value.
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Feb 12, 2010
I am new to both Android and Stack Overflow. I have started developing and Android App and I am wondering two things:1) Is it possible to parametrize a TextView? Lets say I want to render a text message which states something like: "The user age is 38". Lets suppose that the user age is the result of an algorithm. Using some typical i18n framework I would write in my i18n file something like "The user age is {0}". Then at run time I would populate parameters accordingly. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this or similar approach in Android. 2) Let's suppose I have a complex object with many fields. Eg: PersonModel which has id, name, age, country, favorite video game, whatever. If I want to render all this information into a single layout in one of my activities the only way I have found is getting all needed TextViews by id and then populate them one by one through code. I was wondering if there is some mapping / binding mechanism in which I can execute something like: render(myPerson, myView) and that automatically through reflection each of the model properties get mapped into each of the TextViews. If someone has ever worked with SpringMVC, Im looking for something similar to their mechanism to map domain objects / models to views (e.g. spring:forms)
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Aug 17, 2009
I currently building an android apps that retrieve data from a distant Web service and I search an efficient way to bind data form XML to ListView. I already use CursorAdapter and i search on the web for an "XmlAdapter". I read on Google IO topic "Coding for Life - Battery Life, That Is" ( CodingLifeBatteryLife.html) that is more efficient to use "stream parser" instead of "tree parser" but I don't find the way to build a class that implement ListAdapter because of stream parser can't navigate backward so I don't understand how implement method that use "position" parameter (How retrieve data before current XML Parser position?).
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Sep 17, 2010
There is no solution for this?
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Jun 18, 2009
Can anyone tell me if its possible to create some kind of custom adapater for XML data to a Spinner? I'm wanting to create a set of XML data that contains city names & latitude/longitude positions but only display the city name in the Spinner and access the lat/long when a new city is selected.
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Nov 13, 2010
I am writing application that has service that provides real time data to subscribers via remote callback mechanism. Now I wanted to add a widget that visualizes essential part of this data but got error: "IntentReceiver components are not allowed to bind to services". So what's the right way to get data from that service?
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Jul 1, 2010
Is there any fundamental difference in binding a service to an vs binding it to an I want to bind the service to an Application because I want to keep some global state/data in the Application instead of duplicating it in all my activities.
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Nov 23, 2009
I was poking around in the documentation for the simpleCursorAdapter and I read that if the simpleCursorAdapter doesn't identify your images as resources it will assume they are URIs. My question is how do i retrieve the URI for an image placed into the asset folder of my application?
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Nov 23, 2009
I am binding a remote service from an activity and unbind the same on the onPause of the Activity,when the activity again restarts i bind the service .It does bind with the remote service and i am also successful in getting the remote-service method getting executed after the restart.But when returning a message from the callback-RemoteCallbackList.the mCallbacks.beginBroadcast returns me 0 clients.Am i missing some thing here ?why am i am getting zero clients when I call mCallbacks.beginBroadcast.?
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