Android :: Get Dimension From R.attr In Java Code
Sep 19, 2009Resources.getDimensionPixelSize (android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight) does not work. So how to? And any other way to specify resolution independent dimension values in Java code?

Resources.getDimensionPixelSize (android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight) does not work. So how to? And any other way to specify resolution independent dimension values in Java code?
I want to load resource that is located in android.R.attr class.Next code failed to load resource with Resources$NotFoundException exception:
getResources().getString(android.R.attr.action); //action is a string resource
Also tried to load resource using:
No exception is thrown, but returned TypedArray array has nothing valuable inside it. At least I couldn't find anything that is connected to actual resource id or resource I'm interested in.So, how to load resources represented by android.R.attr.* ids?
I have an activity with 50 buttons. Want to avoid writing 50 switch cases for onClick listener events. Is their a way to map the buttons with its respective loading of UI in XML format and avoid writing Java code.
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newPost =new Button(BlogsList.this); newPost.setText("Add Entry To Blog"); newPost.setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10); newPost.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams (LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); newPost.setOnClickListener(new NewPost(b.getName (),b.getBlogId())); l22.addView(newPost);
I need to de-serialise a file into an object of a given type. Basically the method will do this:
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
MyClass newObject = (MyClass)in.readObject();
return newObject;
I would like this method to be generic, therefore I can tell it what type I want to in.readObject() to cast its output into, and return it. Hope this makes sense...then again, I probably didn't understand generics properly and this is not actually possible, or advisable.
<string name="title_new">Yeni Kamera</string>
I have this string in string.xml,
public void SetTitle(String _title) {
And title is a TextView.. I want to take string for _title, how can I do?
I Have a Java application and I need to convert it to an Android application is there any resources to show how ? in Android developer site I didnt found anything like that! I need to use the Java methods and classes in android ,How it can be done?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I install .apk file by using java code. that is , we can install .apk from cmd "adb install program_name.apk" I wonder that how can we install .apk file bu using another program. To summarize I will have button and when user click it another program(in sdcard) will be installed to phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my layout xml, I have: <TabHost android:id="@+id/tabhost" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent">
<TabWidget android:id="@android:id/tabs" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>
My question is how can I get a reference to TabWidget object. I tried this: mTabWidget = (TabWidget) findViewById(; but this won't compile since ' is not visible. And then I try change the id to android:id="@+id/tabs" but I get a run time error saying: "Your TabHost must have a TabWidget whose id attribute is ''"
I want to add <uses-permission> via programatically .I want to telephone number of the device.For that i need to access the phone state.But i need to add that permission only with Java code at runtime. Is it Possible to do so. (or) Can you suggest any alternative way to read the telephone number .?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found that it is possible to set dimensions of my interface elements in XML layouts using DIPs as in following fragment : "android:layout_width="10dip" But all Java interface takes integer as arguments and there is no way to specify dimensions in DIPs. What is the correct way to calculate this? I figured that I have to use property density of DisplayMetrics class but is this a correct way ? May I rely on that formula:
pixels * DisplayMetrics.density = dip
I want to hide the linear layout so i used
LinearLayout mainLayout=(LinearLayout)this.findViewById(;
android:enabled can be set at AndroidManifest.xml <activity android:name="MyActivity" android:enabled="true">
How can I set the attr true or false in my programm?
I am trying to integrate Google Health on android and am trying to use a client login example which is working fine as a standalone java program. But when I implement the same in android it gives me all these errors. I guess I am missing some saxparser libraries. Here is the code that I am using. I am using the same code that was used in the example code provided by google for client login. Can someone let me know where I am going wrong or what I am missing..................
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This is the code for iphone wat is its equivalent in java.
I am using "Hello, Android" 1.5& 1.6 with the 2.1 android Java build. I type: import android.os.Bundle;
It disappears as soon as I finish typing!
I want to set current wallpaper as my application background . Any ideas to do it through XML or Java code ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDid anyone create the Java Code Formatter Profile for Eclipse IDE that conforms to the Android Code Style Rules? Android Code Style Guide defines "Android Code Style Rules".To conform to these rules one have to change quite a number of settings of the Java Code Formatter
(Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter) default profile (in Eclipse IDE).
Did anyone manage to configure the formatter to follow the "Android Code Style Rules" already?
If yes, please export the Formatter profile and publish to be used by community. I've tried to do this myself but I've found that there are too many formatter options available, and most of them are not mentioned in the Code Style Guide.
Does anyone know what approach one can take to automatically generate Java source code, from for example an xml or json file, in eclipse? One great example of what I am thinking of doing is what Google Android sdk does: they have an R class generated automatically from the resources. Every time a resource file is saved in Eclipse R class is automatically regenerated.
UPDATE: Example:
In the text (xml or json file) I have the following:
<tag id="ALPHA">
<description>The first alpha tag.</description>
<value>231232</value> </tag> <tag id="BETA">
<description>This is the beta tag.</description>
<value>231232</value> </tag>
Then in my generated java class, say R I would have something like:
R.tags.ids.ALPHA //refers to an enum value for example
R.tags.values.ALPHA //refers to final int with avlue 231232
R.tags.descriptions.ALPHA //refers to the String with description
I am using custom listadapter for ListActivity, but half adapter is getting built and then throws "java.lang.StackOverflowError". When I ran the same code on sdk1_1r1 it works perfect. When do i try to run on sdk1_5r3, gives this error. Generally java.lang.StackOverflowError when happens if the some function caught in infinite recursion, but if this is case then why does it working on sdk1.1r1 perfectly. I tested the appl on sdk1_5r3 both emulators default AVD(96 RAM) and custom AVD(523 RAM). For all try it gives the same error.
Log Cat:..........................
I am trying to execute "ls -a" from java code, any idea how to do so.
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