Android :: Droid Voice Recognizer Not Present / Solution To This?
Jul 2, 2010Recently i upgraded from android 1.5 to 2.2..
now when i run the voicerecognition app it gives me the error "recognizer not present"
is there a solution to this..

Recently i upgraded from android 1.5 to 2.2..
now when i run the voicerecognition app it gives me the error "recognizer not present"
is there a solution to this..
I just purchased the Motorola milestone in Canada at Telus and when I want to use the speech recognizer for anything like speech to text it said "speech recognizer not present". How do I fix that so I could use that application?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have an inkling how I could find out the available languages for speech recognition (relating to the LANGUAGES extra on the ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH action).
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhere can i download block recognizer software as an input for my android ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an issue with Tal kto Me on the Milestone (EU Droid) where it continuslly says:
"It seems that speech recognizer is not available on your android device. You can still use the application by typing your text in the first text box and then press Translate."
I have downloaded all the text to speech packs I can think that would be relevant, namely:
SpeechSynthesis Data Installer
Text-To-Speech Extended
...and yet it still doesn't work.
How do I close a whole hierarchy of activities and show a new activity not present in the current task?
Consider a FTP browser that resumes the previous session on launch. Each folder is displayed in its own activity. When I click on a folder, a new activity is started for the folder. If I press the back button, the app returns to the previous activity, which corresponds to the the parent folder.
I can logoff from the menu at any time. Logging off should bring me to the login activity (not present the current task when the app has resumed the session), and close all the other activities. How can I do this?
From what I've read, if the activity were in the current task I could use FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP in the intent, but this is not my case.
I have the following issue. I am starting a recognizer intent activity in order to detect speech using the "startActivityForResult" method. I have also an "onActivityResult" method listening for results from the recognizer activity. It works and it detects my speech. The problem is that it is only called when everything is ok or when i cancel the operation, but it is not called if it doesn't find a matching text "RecognizerIntent.RESULT_NO_MATCH" or in the rest of wrong cases "RecognizerIntent.RESULT_........" What is happening? Application is Android 2.1 and I have tested on a Android 2.2 device.
View 1 Replies View RelatedGoogle turned up nothing, but I wanted to see if anyone here was aware of any VGA or composite video adapter for the Eris. I don't even know if there is a video signal present on the bottom connector. I figured asking here was worth a shot.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhas "Google Speech Recogniser" built in so vocal commands are completely offline.Is it due to an apk in this new s.o.?
Can we port that apk in 4.0.3. ?
I hate s-voice beacause my internet connection is not so good... and so it calls wrong people or simply it doesn't work... so I must use Cyberon.But if s-voice could be offline... maybe it would be better...
In my android application i would like to keep the backlight on always,without the screen getting locked.
Is there any way that i can do this code...
Have also used user permission in manifest.
To be more clear i have placed this in my splash screen but the issue is like the splash screen gets started after a particular time the screen shows force close after a bright light.
Could you please let me know if there is any solution for this.
I have added a MapView element in my android project. The project is not showing any error, but when i run the application on my emulator (Google API 2.2), the map isn't visible. Instead only the grid lines are seen. The DDMS is giving me "" exception. I have already added INTERNET permission in my application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know the priorities of the android team but to me this looks like a really significant bug. As reported here: here: =Widget&colsp.and a few other places in different wording. Apart from it not working anything like the documentation specifies, it disables two methods in the widget provider class, creates potentially huge redundancies/wasted cpu usage and pretty much makes any widget that uses a config activity a bad piece of software. Further yet, the problem with screen real estate failures (first link, my post) applies to ALL widgets, config activity or not. The entire widget framework is effected by these limbo widgets and it seems like something really small, perhaps a few lines of code to fix, considering you display Toasts and other things, the failure paths are already known, should it not just unbind these widget ids on failure? Also as a small suggestion, considering you know the minimum dimensions of the widgets before they're added, widgets could not even be shown or grayed out if the screen can not accommodate them. I notice the "Add" in the Menu does this but only when the screen is completely full, if there is any space left, a larger widget can still be chosen to add, even though it's guaranteed to fail.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use opengl es 2.0 to draw some picture,and create the FBOs, but how to present the renderbuffer on the screen? code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI made an icon and saved it in res/drawable directory as icon.png and edited the line code...
But on restarting the emulator, the icon doesn't get displayed. There are no other icon.png files in the project.code...
I have a file which I created and is present in data/data/com.andr.filedemo/files/a.xml. Now I want to parse this file using XML Pull parser. How can we give the path of that file or how we can access that file and then parse that file using XML Pull parser.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my app i am using google maps.on clicking a pin on google map we have to get an popup at that position.but i am using custom dialog it display the message at center of the how to display a popup instead of dialog at the position we have clicked.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf u have downloaded any android source code u would see a test folder present for almost all applications and base framework. I wanted to know whether we build the test code too while building sdk from source code or is it just for our reference. If it is for the latter, what is the best way to use it. Please post me the exact use of tests present in android source code.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSomebody will tel me the command for checking sdcard of device
what is command to check SDCARD is present ?
or in other words how to appl the sdcard is there or not?
As the subject, it looks like get the windows DC in windows Mobile. How can I meet this effect?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am calling my application from clicking on button in web-page. I made that activity as BROWSABLE. It is working fine when I open that web-page in android emulator and click on button; i.e. it is opening the application. Now, I want to whether that activity is present or not in my emulator i.e. it is installed or not, by clicking on button... How can I check that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFull code. how do i access the parent activity's mail layout elements? In this case a button. I have it declared in main.xml. When a button in the listview is clicked, i want to change the text of the button in main.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNow I've done a bit of research into Fusion tables already and I know it's possible for me to put all the data that's going to be in my app into a fusion table and then display the fusion table there for the user to see the data. Much easier to update the data when need be instead of making it static text and having to update the app via the play store every time I need to update the data.
How do I do this though? All I know is that it's possible and that I should use the Fusion table API. More than anything I just need a starting point so I know how to set up Eclipse and then learning the code is up to me.
Any apps at the moment that use Fusion tables to hold their applications data? Would be good to download them and have a play.
I want to open soft keyboard while starting an activity. The activity contains nothing as its element. I just need to open soft keyboard on the launch. I've tried with
<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible|stateVisible|adjustResize" but it didn't work.
Also tried with
but it didn't work as well i'm using emulator to run the code
Referring to the code example of mine
how can i accommodate bigger resolution images in android.
when i try to display bigger resolution image from Internet it give me null bitmap.
any one guide me whats the solution?
I am developing an app that uses the speech recognizer but I only want the speech recognizer to listen for speech for x number of seconds regardless of when the last speech input was or was not recognized. I looked through the speech recognizer documentation and I didn't see parameter to set the exact time the speech recognizer runs for. How I could accomplish this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedToday i tried to do something that i used to do back in my Alias 2 days (regular cellphone), but couldn't.
Can i record a simple voice message and send it via MMS? It was pretty simple to do with a cell phone...
I saw that the eris comes with a voice recorder, but i recorded a message and was not able to send it.
Any ideas?
Also, when sending pictures via MMS, it always resizes them and obviously the person receiving doesn't get the same quality. I realize that sending via Gmail doesn't resize, but i send to other cell phones a lot.
I'm thinking the only fix is lowering the camera resolution? I think that lowering the resolution is still better than having it resized for the message. Has anyone tried lowering the resolution to a point that the picture does not need to be resized for MMS?
Same thing for Video messages.. can't even send them. Not sure if it's HAndcent, or the file is just to big
I have several images present in different folders in my sdcard. I would like to display a list of thumbnails. So what I have done is while rendering any row in the list I read the file in an input stream, get the byte array, decode it to obtain a bitmap and set it in an imageview.
So far so good. But when I scroll the list, the list scrolls in jerks. I believe this is because decoding a bitmap from byte array takes some time. What I would like to know is that, is there any optimization which I can do to improve the performance, or better still is there any better method to achieve what I want ?
I changed the voice mail number from *86 (version default) to my Google voice number. This works when I am not answering the phone and I the caller gets connected to my GV account. But when my phone is not in coverage the caller gets my version voice mail. Appreciate if someone can correct my settings or suggest any app that does it. I am from Windows mobile world and missing those settings when you can define several settings for voice mail (unanswered, rejected, unavailable etc...)
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs the voice changeable? Its awful. That is all.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell to start things off, I had my iPod touch 1st gen. stolen out of my car, and finding out that the cable I use to play music over my Alpine headunit will not work with my newly acquired iPod touch 2nd gen. has prompted me to look into other ways to have all my music with me in my car as well as be able to play it over my stereo.I found this lovely little A2DP receiver online very cheap:All in all, this has cost me less than an iPod cable that would work with the newer iPod I have, and makes everything much simpler, reducing the number of devices I carry. Hopefully this helps someone, I am curious to see what the audio quality for A2DP is while streaming music from the DROID,
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