Android : Droid 2.2 Wifi Hotspot API?
Jun 11, 2010What is the API call I need to make in Android 2.2 (Froyo) to create a Wifi hotspot (as seen in the Tethering and Portable Hotspot settings item).

What is the API call I need to make in Android 2.2 (Froyo) to create a Wifi hotspot (as seen in the Tethering and Portable Hotspot settings item).
I was under the impression that when Android 2.2 was released and upgraded the Droid there would be an included WiFi Tether app to create a mobile hotspot on the device. However, since I received the update, I've yet to be able to find the app.
Was there not an included app in the upgrade?
Is there an app in the Market that will suffice that will not require the Droid to be rooted?
Is a rooted Droid with Android 2.2 the only way to have a WiFi Tether app run successfully on the Droid?
I"ve heard that you can root the Droid 2 to enable to use it as a WiFi hot spot. What steps I have to take in order to do this? I'm somewhat computer savvy, have written software in Visual Basic, C++ and a few other languages.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat are the pros and cons of using my droid Ultra as a wifi hotspot compared to paying extra for a Jetpack. We don't use it much, usually only when we travel. And then it is just my wife and my laptops just checking emails and surfing the web when bored...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have rooted my Droid 1, installed Cyanogen's 6.0 ROM, but I am baffled on how to make my phone into a wifi hotspot. Can somebody lead me into the write direction?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anybody has come across a app that turns the Eris into a WiFi hotspot. I did so looking up but didn't come up with much thanks.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone want to help me turn my Eris into a wifi hotspot so I can use with my Ipad? I know I have to root but then need lots of help.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan you use the Eris' 3g on the itouch? Some how transfer it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I decided to actually try out Barnacle today, as I've had it installed for a couple days now. Set my options, started it, and connected with an older Acer laptop that a co-worker had at the office. Here are the speeds I got from the local San Diego, CA server...
5.13Mb down
1.37Mb up
Wow...that's phenominal for a mobile device!
Original Droid won't have Wifi hotspot, USB tether in Froyo [#Froyogeddon] | Android Central
View 10 Replies View RelatedIv'e done alot of searching for the answer to my question with no luck. So I finally rooted and downloaded ROMmanager and installed bugless beast. I saw that there is a new WirelessTether app in my drawer. When I turn it on, it shows up as wifi on my ipod touch. Is this the same thing as a wifi hotspot?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI decided to try the WiFi hotspot available through 2.2. GREAT! Actually worked quite a bit better than I thought it would. Only trouble is, ... now I'm back at home, it fails to connect to the home network.
+ Restarting phone
+ Re-entering password
+ Forgetting network + refinding
WiFi sees the network, says "Connecting", comes up "Failed to connect", "Scanning" and loops on that sequence. I know the router's working because this laptop is using it right now
How does either the sprint or verizon wifi hotspot option compare to a real broadband connection? I'm assuming the speeds would be poorer but I want to hear from a personal account first. If the 3g performance is exceptional i may just drop my comcast cable modem given the droid x can support up to 8 wireless devices.
View 2 Replies View Relatednot sure if this has been asked before but i was just wondering if there was an app available to make the droid into a wifi hotspot, either on or off the market.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOK all you developers there is not a GOOD wifi hot-spot locater out there! I want to be able to put in my zip code or have it pull from my gps where I am and then tell me where the nearest wifi spots are. I used to have an awesome app on my Blackberry. It was user driven--as in we could add hot-spots and rate them. Jii Wire is trying. Their Iphone app works awesome . . their Android app . . well it stinks! Given it is a new app and hopefully they will continue to make it better but seems rather slow in coming. Google places has a wifi finder but unfortunately there are too many morons that don't get how important is to have their business listing be correct--if they have claimed it you can't even add it for them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs the Wifi Hotspot for the Droid X going to be required? Or is it optional?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs some of you might be aware of the miwi app for the iPhone what allows you to create a hot spot from your iPhone and allows you to sharenthe phones 3G connection. Is there anything similar for the android platform?
View 7 Replies View RelatedLooking for good app for creating a wifi hotspot. I understand that froyo has it built in, but i am not sure if i should try that or just go the easy way with an app.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to write an application that it can record we have been accessed wifi hotspot's location, and display in map. But I have a problem that how do I get wifi hotspot's location.
And I think it can use wifi signal to get wifi hotspot's location, but it can may not accuracy at once time. And if it have no solution, I could may do that record own location gps when access wifi hotspot at the first time.
I want my Android phone to share its internet connection with other wifi enabled devices. Seems so cool to have a laptop and a couple ipods or something sharing the connection.
I know this can be done if the phone is rooted, or whatever you call it, but isn't there an app that I can download and make it work without needing to hack the phone? I know PDA net works pretty well, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. You have to connect the phone to the computer via USB or bluetooth, and it gets on the internet through there. I want to be able to have multiple devices quickly and easily jump on the Androids connection.
I'm getting a galaxy s3 very soon and I'm thinking about getting a nexus 7 with it.But as you know,nexus 7 doesn't have 3G so my only option to access network on it when there's no wifi network available is to use my future s3 as a wifi hotspot.So my questions are:
1-Is data consumption when using the phone as a wifi hotspot the same as if I'm normally using 3G on the phone itself ?
2-How long can an android(specifically the S3 if it matters much) act as a wifi hotspot before the battery runs out ?
I want to know how can i filter the hotspot is secured or public using Android WIFI API or android sdk?
The best WiFi/BT tether/hotspot app out there has just added support for the EVO 4G about half an hour ago. Of course, root is required but it's just one click away with unrevoked. Forget Sprint's $30 a month tether - this one is free and supported by the community. This is why I love Android. All info here:
Rooted EVO 4G Users Can Now Enjoy Unlimited Free WiFi/Bluetooth Tether (Hotspot) As Android-wifi-tether App Adds Support For EVO
I am running on Android 4.0.4. Is there a way to activate Reverse USB tethering and WiFi hotspot at the same time? I want to give internet from my PC to phone, via usb internet. Then give internet to my friends via Android Wi-Fi hotspot
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just posted this post successfully using my laptop connected to my desire flashed to 2.2 using it's wifi hotspot giving me internet access from my laptop. I can say that everything I need and have tested works perfectly on my flashed desire.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if we can log into the sprint wifi hotspot like a normal router?
I am hoping to forward some ports and hopefully open up my NAT.
I could not find anything, I know that the sprint overdrive has router settings like this.
Just thought I'd let everyone know, it DEFINITELY is possible. Before having an EVO I asked around all over and not many people would commit to saying it worked. I'm just here to say it works GREAT.
just got pinged at 95 ms and it works fine. Halo 3, Warcraft 3... they all work fantastic. Pretty much no different than my previous "high speed" cable connection.
I'm paying the $30 for the mobile hot spot and I have to say it's 100% worth it. I still only have 3g, no 4g yet... can only imagine how nice it will be then.
Quick background, I am still on a $30/month SERO plan with my Touch Pro 2 and waiting to get a $10/24 month discount but Sprint has put a halt to all discounts for the time being, so I'm going to try when the iPhone 4 comes out and when Verizon gets their Droid X. I was going to sell my EVO but it seems I might as well keep it since I'm going to eventually use it.
So in the meantime, I'm going to hold onto the TP2/SERO and use the EVO when I am within a WiFi network. Thing is sometimes I want to bring the EVO out, so I thought maybe I could open up a WiFi hotspot with HTC's Wifi-Router software and connect to it with the EVO. But the EVO isn't recognizing the WiFi hotspot. My laptop can recognize it though. I tried to add the WiFi network but it'll say "Not in range, remembered".
I've just purchased a 32gig Ipad Wifi Only and wondered if it would be possible to link this to a HTC desire (running Froyo) when I'm on the move? I understood that you could make the desire a wifi hotspot and connect it to laptop etc so just wondered if this would also work with Ipad
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow much do you think Verizon will charge for the mobile hotspot feature when it comes to the incredible via froyo? Considering the pre has the service for free.
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