Android :: Draw Custom View On Specific Position Of Screen?
Apr 5, 2010I have a custom component which consists of 2 text view and 4 toggle buttons. I want to draw this view at some specific position on the screen. How is that possible?

I have a custom component which consists of 2 text view and 4 toggle buttons. I want to draw this view at some specific position on the screen. How is that possible?
This is really frustrating, I am trying to get a carriage return drawn in my custom view and nothing is working. I have tried 'System.getProperty("line.separator")' but that makes it say null and I have tried '
' and '
' and those just both draw a little square. I am using the canvas.drawText meathod.
I have a custom view that I had to write for a large scrollable image, as the images are larger than the size of the screen. Before, I had tried to do it by putting the image into a ScrollView but that of course didn't work. The view itself is within a RelativeLayout within the activity and at the bottom of the screen I have two buttons that are used for navigation and at the top a TextView with a caption for the activity (the main header is already being used here for instruction). In my below code, I've checked the Hierachy Viewer to confirm all the elements are loaded and in the Activity I can see the TextView, however it overlays the ZN5ScrollView area and below the image I just have a blank area of the size defined rather than my buttons. For the bottom navigation, the Hierachy Viewer is saying the absolute_y of the bottom navigation is 480. I'm wondering if anyone can help with my layout code here to get this working correctly? Bottom navigation is 50px high, ZN5ScrollView is 365px above the navigation, and the TextView takes up the rest of the area at the top
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a MapView in a service (live wallpaper), but have it hidden so that I can render it to a Bitmap, and then map it to a texture to render in opengl. I have a Canvas and a Bitmap, and I intended to call myMap.draw(myCanvas) in order to get it into the correct bitmap so that I could then bind it as a texture.
When I Initialize I do the following:
myMap = new MapView(ctx, APPSTATICS.MAP_API_KEY);
I get an error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: stub at<init> (Unknown Source)
Why I can't create a new mapview which I can use to draw to a offscreen bitmap?
Is there a way to place widgets / views on the screen at any specific position required?
Something like a calendar with daily events that could overlap.
e.g. if every hour in a day is represented by 1 hour and there are 2 appointments that overlap partially (say 12:00 - 12:30 and 12:20 - 01:00) this would be drawn in the same row but the 12:20 one positioned slightly below the first.
Also there may be views (Image/TextView) that need to span 2 rows (i.e. 12:30 - 1:30).
I think a SurfaceView is one option (is this efficient?) but am not sure if there is some better layout that could be used.
We could use a TableLayout for the hour rows but not sure if there is a way to place overlapping widgets on this?
I'm looking to draw a cube at specific co-ordinates. I've got all 4 corners and the centers x/y value. I now want to construct a cube at those co-ordinates. Does anyone know of any tutorials or have any information on how I would go about said task?
Ive got the following code. I'd like to map each of its corners to a specific x/y co-ord...
Trying to solve my current problem of drawing an image on an Android MapView and then animate it to represent a moving object, I decided to try to just draw a raw ImageView at a GeoPoint on the map and then try and animate it from there.
This is the code I put in my map activity (extends MapActivity)'s onCreate method:
Again, I'm just trying to draw the static icon and animate it from there. I can already do this with an ItemizedOverlay, but as far as I can tell, I can't animate the elements of an AnimatedOverlay the way that I can animate a view. Thus, using ImageView.
But the icon doesn't show up.
I have been looking this but haven't found a concrete example is there a way to click a specific point on a Map and then draw a overlayitem it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a layout which contains a TextView.
The content of the TextView might change on runtime. (discussed on a different issue here: )
I can position the layout by drag&drop. If the size of the layout doesn't change, the position stays, but as soon as the size of the layout changes (because more text inside the TextView) the position is reseted.
I use the layout(left, top, right, bottom) to position the layout.
Now I don't know where I should add my layout() call to make sure it stays at the right position...
Here is my class
I have a HorizontalScrollView with a series of CompoundButtons. I want to find the (x,y) for a given child view. I have tried using:
like this:
View tmpView = this.findViewById(viewId);
Rect hitRect = new Rect();
the hitRect is always 0,0 - 0,0.
I need the x,y mainly to scroll to a particular child view. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I need to place additional image button "my current location" to a top right corner of the MapView. Any ideas how to do this?
Making the questions generic:
1) According to MapView documentation it is possible to attach additional view objects to a MapView. How to do this?
2) How to place such additional controls into specific position on MapView?
On my htc i was looking through display, i see g sensor calibration and i perform this calibration and after i do so the screen seems to have a delay when switch from the horizontal position to the vertical position. its weird because when i switch to the phone horizontally it switch normally and responds fast. but when i switch back to vertically it takes almost 7 seconds to actually switch back, sometimes it switch within 2 or 3 secs but never as quick as switching horizontally.
Originally Posted by Rigmaster
Make sure you have the latest updates, which impact speed on the device in some unpredictable and unexpected ways. During system updates, your Evo may reboot and will take the g-sensor changes as last calibrated.
If you're already updated, shut down and repower (soft reboot) should do the trick. I actually updated my phone and after it started to do this. I restarted the phone plenty of times i even took the battery out for 30 seconds. It only does it when im texting on the browser, basically everything but the camera. He camera screen rotation is perfect. I even rooted the phone but i havent figured out how to use the root to fix the problem. Should i do a firmware update? Because i just did the htc software update.
Is there any way to any way to allow the user to only view a certain <div> with WebView?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone give me a tip for how to get the position of a view what is a child of an AbsoluteLayout? I want to do this for drag and drop the selected view.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I get a View's x/y position (relative to the root layout of my Activity) in Android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to do something which seems simple. I want to have a map view, with a menu that slides up from the bottom of the screen where settings (for overlay) can be adjusted. However when I use a TranslateAnimation to affect the y position of the LinearLayout (which holds the menu), the buttons in the LinearLayout move, but there "hit area" stays in the same position as they were before the animation.
I've also looked into tweening the view's marginTop value, but haven't even been able to determine how that would be done.
I'm just getting started with developing for Android. I'm looking to port one of my iPhone applications, but I'm kind of at a loss for how to draw a view at runtime (a view not declared in the XML). Basically, I want to draw a simple rectangle, but then be able to manipulate its frame after being drawn. Sorry if this is a really, really simple question, but I can't seem to find some equivalent to the iPhone SDK here.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am creating a android app using LunarLander as a example.Now I need to create a few buttons which are drawn over the view.I do not want them as a seperate layout above or below the view but in the custom view.Is this possible or am I going to have to programmatically show the button images then detect the touch. The buttons I create using new never show on the app. I assume this is because I have overwritten the onDraw and the buttons are never drawn even though I call.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I draw a view on top of image. There is a predefined android xml file and when I run the application I would like to bring up a dot or a square on the top of image. Here the image already shows up from pulling information from andrid res folder , how to draw an dot over it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a class which extends a View and I'm drawing few images in the canvas. and i want to draw two buttons as well. could someone tell me how to do this? code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedLet consider this is my tile view (which is a bitmap):
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
First, I have change the view to
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Second, I would like to change the middle one, and I expect the result is 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
However, the view give the result: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Is there any method that I can draw the particular part but now the whole view? code...
Between each row in list view, android draw a horizontal line (fades away at both ends). If I have a LinearLayout view, how can i add a border like that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to draw line on MapView given coordinates?
AFAIK, on iPhone it is possible.
If there was any way that I could get a hint at the bottom of an Edit Text view -- and then the user to start entering text at the top of the box.
As a bonus question, is there any way I can make the hint NOT disappear once the user starts entering text.
I currently have a view in my Android app and the view is playing a frame animation. I want to animate the view to increase its size to 150%. When I apply a scale animation to it, and the scale animation is completed, I want the view to stay at that new size for the rest of the activities life cycle. Unfortunately right now when the scale up animation is complete, the view snaps back to the original size. How can I get it to keep the new animated tranformation? I'm using myView.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext,R.anim.scaleUp150));
View 3 Replies View RelatedI try t get the position of the item who contains my button.How Can I pass the position variable present in the getView method to my onClick Method?I will have several button In my View (Item view)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a GridView, using a custom adapter (myAdapter extends BaseAdapter), where each item in the grid holds an ImageButton. getView() is working fine.
However, from elsewhere in my code, how can I update the image (setImageResource) for one particular item in the grid based on its position in the GridView?
So far, I've added this to my adapter class:
And would like to write something like this: mygridview.getItemIdAtPosition(20).changeImage(); (doesn't compile).
I have a horizontal scrollview with text fields,here i need to get the first and last position of textview when i scrolled it,how can i get the position of textview when i scrolled.and also need to know how to set color for text when i clicked the particular text from this. sample code....
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy friend and i develop a Android program.
Now we got to the question if it's possible to get the actual position of an ListElement.
Example: You drag the list up and down, and now you want to konw which element is on the center of the screen?
Is it possible to set the absolute position of a view in android? (I know that there is an AbsoluteLayout, but it's deprecated...)
Lets say I have a screen 240x320px, and I want to put an ImageView which is 20x20px with its center at the position (100,100).
What do I have to do?