Android : Determine Notification Bar Height From A Service

Jun 15, 2010

The application I'm working on is a service which runs in the background. The problem is that I need to determine the height of the notification bar for some functionality of the service.

I found a number of solutions for this, for regular activities - a view inside an activity can determine its own height without the notification bar, based on for example checking its actual view size from its onSizeChanged event, after it is already drawn. However, this is not applicable to a service which has no physical view drawn, nor directly related applications.

I would really appreciate any ideas on getting the size of the notification bar! Perhaps at a system level API?

Android : Determine notification bar height from a service

Android : Notification Bar Height From A Service

Jun 15, 2010

The application I'm working on is a service which runs in the background in android. The problem is that I need to determine the height of the notification bar for some functionality of the service.

I found a number of solutions for this, for regular activities - a view inside an activity can determine its own height without the notification bar, based on checking its actual view size from its onSizeChanged event, after it is already drawn. However, this is not applicable to a service which has no physical view drawn.

I would really appreciate any ideas on getting the size of the notification bar at a system level, perhaps?

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Android :: Determine Physical Screen Height In Cm Or Inches

Feb 3, 2010

I need to know exactly how big the screen is on the device in real units of length so I can calculate the acceleration due to gravity in pixels per millisecond. Is there a method somewhere in the Android API for this?

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Android : Change Height Of Notification

Mar 10, 2009

Is there any way to change the height of the "extended" notification (i.e. the contentView in the Notification)? It seems like I get the standard two lines no matter what... I'm thinking I've missed something, but ...

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General :: Change Notification Height?

May 12, 2012

each notification item height pretty big. Was wondering if your make it small and save space live the ios5 notification??

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Android : Min Height Fill_parent And Height Wrap_content In ScrollView - Or Just The Email App Compose Layout's Code

Oct 7, 2010

If I have the following:


How can I get the body (second EditText) to fill the rest of the screen, but still have the scrollview kick in when the contents of the body are too long? Like a height="wrap_content" and minHeight="fill_parent"

layout_height="fill_parent" seems to not do anything if you put them in a scrollview

A working example of what I want is the email app compose window

I tried this and the EditText elements act like they are wrap_content and no filling is happening. Just scrolling if you type enough


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Android :: When Listview Height Is Higher Than Screen Height It Goes Under Button

Oct 28, 2010

This is my layout that suppot delete from listview ,the problem is when listview height is higher than screen height it goes under the button , so need a solution for avoding it

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Android :: How To Get Button's Height To Match Another Element's Height

Nov 15, 2010

I want to put a button next to a EditText and I want their heights to match.For example, from the built in Android browser:

The Go button is the same height as the EditText field.I know I could wrap both these views in a parent layout view, and set both of their heights to fill_parent, and that would make them match.However, I would like to do this without having to give the layout a static size.I would rather have the EditText take whatever height it needs based on the font size and then have the button next to it match whatever height that might be.Is this possible with an xml layout?

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Android : RelativeLayout Height Not Following GridView Height

Aug 28, 2010

I am having problem with a GridView within a RelativeLayout, which is again within a ScrollView. The problem is that the height of the RelativeLayout is not following the height of the contents of the GridView. When there are more than one rows, the GridView is clipped and a scrollbar appears, which is undesirable. I have tried to illustrate my problem using an screenshot from the Android hierarchy viewer. You can see how the red RelativeLayout box has clipped the second row of the GridView. I am pasting the XML layout of the page (page.xml) and the individual grid item (griditem.xml). I have used the following code to inflate the grid items in the gridAdapter code:


What I should do to have the height of the RelativeLayout follow the full length of the gridView?

Here is the screenshot:

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Android :: Sending A Notification From A Service

Jul 30, 2009

I have a service running, and would like to send a notification. Too bad, the notification object requires a context, like an Activity, and not a service.

Do you know any way to by pass that ? I tried to create an Activity for each notification bu it seems ugly, and I can't find a way to launch an Activity without any view.

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Android :: Show Notification While Service Running?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to show notification in service..! While I click button in my home screen I just call service.! That service run every 30 seconds with the help of timer..! I want to show result to user..! How can I implement this..! Herewith I attached code..

HOme screen

package com.servicetest;

import java.util.Timer;

import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.Toast;....................

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Android :: Notification Service Clear Button Disable

Feb 27, 2010

when i run my application i am running one notification service .how i disable clear notification service button in my application only i need to run the service when my application is running .is there any way to disable the clear notification button.

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Android :: XMPP Service - Jabber - Push Notification

Apr 21, 2010

I am currently working on a project which requires a server to request data from the devices which are currently connected to the server. Meaning, first the server finds out which devices are connected to the server and then sends an application specific message to the client device which should wake certain functionality present on the client, like for example send out its current location.

I was looking into XMPP service which looked promising since it works as a PUSH notification. The <presence> in XMPP can be used to check if the device is currently connected and has subscribed to the server. Since every android user has a gmail account, I was thinking of using the gmail xmpp service to connect /subscribe to the server. Then send specific message to the client, i.e But if a message is sent this way the client app gets the message as well as the native gtalk client. So how do I go about intercepting this so that it doesn't show up on the gtalk client but my app still gets it.

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Retrieve And Set ListView Items (cells) Height Depending On ListView Height

Apr 4, 2012

I have some class In the onCreate method I retrieve ListView:

ListView list = (ListView)findViewById(; then:


In addition there are login.xml layout - there are:

android:layout_height="match_parent" >
and sn_row.xml:


At the moment I have cell's height 100dp, I need that cell's height will depend on device, I mean I have here 5 cells showing at login screen in ListView and I need that these 5 rows will fit the ListView (cell's height = ListView's height/5).

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Android :: Keeping Notification At The Status Bar After Service That Spawned Stops

Mar 9, 2010

I have a main application, that at some point spawns a service that checks for updates, if it finds any, it posts a notification with the ink to the update, and then the update service stops. Through the debugger I've noticed that the notification pops up but then disappears once my service is stopped, which I guess makes sense since the Notification object was instantiated within that service. What would be the best practice of keeping that notice available until the user clicks it?

1) somehow attaching the notification to my top service - which might get really ugly --> since that update service is spawned by another sub-service that is spawned by a broadcast receiver... so even if i wanted to somehow pass the object of my top level service it would mess the entire abstraction of my app structure and would force me to keep pointers to it through every event and service that I use... Perhaps there is some other way to get that service through the app's context? or any other alternative?

2) Finding a way to keep my update-service alive until the user presses the notification, but I'm not sure if there is any intent broadcasted that I could listen to...

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Out Of Service Notification Sound

Sep 20, 2010

I went to the sprint store, and I looked all over my phone for some sort of setting to get the phone to stop making the notification noise when out of service. Anyone know how to shut that off?

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General :: Music Player NEEDS Notification Service?

Feb 1, 2014

Notification Service In a Music Player: Useless or A Must have?

I ask this question because for the past few months i have been developing a music player, and whilst creating it, i have bumped into some issues and one of them is, a notification service.

I've tried and tried to implement it but haven't been able to so far.

So i need to know people opinions on the whole notification service in music players because if it's not that important then I'll leave it. I personally think every player should have it but what about you?

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2.1 Update :: No Service In Notification Panel When Drag Down After Upgrade To 2.1

Nov 11, 2010

I'm not sure if there is a defect in my update... but upon completion of update, I noticed that when I drag down the notification panel, immediately below the status bar before the notifications, the words "(No service)" is displayed. I do not remember 1.6 having that... but is it suppose to show my network name? I hope someone could enlighten me. It is irritating having those words there not knowing what it means.

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General :: Notification Service To Send Notifications To Desktop?

May 23, 2013

I work as a software developer and for the better part of my day I'm looking at my work screen and my phone is on silent. Because of this I miss SMS's and missed call notifications sometimes for hours. I have been looking for an app that allows me to push some, if not all, notifications raised by my phone to my desktop.

I tried growl but that requires a local web server which I cannot obviously run at work. I also do not have access to my work network from my phone because wifi is restricted. So I need a solution that sends these notifications over the web.

Is there an app or a service that can push notifications from android to my desktop?

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Android :: Way To Determine When App Is Being Finalized

Mar 21, 2010

I posted a question yesterday about determining when an app is being finalized vs destroyed for screen orientation change. Thanks to the answers I received I was able to resolve my problem with the screen orientation change. However, I am still running into a roadblock.
This app I am working on logs into a website with an HttpClient. As long as the app remains in memory the HttpClient will retain the cookies from logging in. However, once it is killed, it would need to log in again.
My question: How can I determine when the app is being killed from memory so I can set a boolean to false telling the app it has been removed from memory so the next time it starts it will read this and determine is must log in again? Or is it possible to serialize an HttpClient and put that in the savedInstanceState bundle? May extract the cookies from the client and put those in the savedInstanceState bundle? Is there something I'm completely missing here maybe?

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Android :: How To Determine Intent

May 12, 2009

I would like to know how can I determine the value to put in an ACTION tag in AndroidManifest....

We have some defined intent at ok.

I tried to do some stuff with receiver. I found an example SMS_RECEIVED. This example work when I use android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED in the action. If I try to find these constant in android.provider.Telephony I've a problem...It doesn't exist...So where is it defined?

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Android :: Determine Whether An Integer Is Even / Odd?

Sep 29, 2010

I feel stupid asking such a simple question, but is there an easy way to determine whether an Integer is even or odd?

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Android :: Any Way To Determine Connection Speed?

Oct 13, 2009

Is there a way to determine connection speed? E.g. EDGE, 3G, etc.? I already know NetworkInfo.getType() will tell me Wifi or Mobile. I'm looking at Is this NetworkInfo.getSubtypeName(), but the function is undocumented.

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Android :: Determine When Application Is Running

Jan 5, 2010

I have an application that uses a Service to fetch data in the background both while the application is running and when it's not. When it is not running i would like to show a notification when there is new data, but not when the app is running. How do i determine in my service whether the app is running or not?

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Android :: Determine Type Of File

Jan 10, 2010

What is the best way to determine file type in android? I want to check if the given file is image or music file or video or smth else. Could you please give me a small code snippet?

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Android :: How To Determine If Activity Is On Screen?

Mar 4, 2010

I am planning to have a Service send a broadcast which a BroadcastReceiver will act on and I would like it to create a Notification if an application is not currently on screen, but if the application is on screen (ie. showing to the user) then I would like to offer a Dialog and not create the Notification.Is it possible to determine if an Activity or application is currently on screen?

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Android :: Way To Determine User Identity

Oct 12, 2010

I'm looking for a way to determine user identity so I can globally track game scores off phone.IMEI provides identity of the phone - not effective if phone is on- traded or upgraded by individual. USIM provides identity of phone carrier subscriber - assumes device is phone, and currently has a SIM card.I'd like to be able to provide continuity as a user upgrades to a new device. And I dislike being forced to create an account on each global scoring system, so I don't want to force that on my users. And my end user experience with OpenFeint leaves me disinclined to use it.It doesn't need to be bullet proof. But it does need to be hassle free for my users.Is there any other identifier on an Android device that I can use to link data more cleanly with the current owner? And how would I get hold of that identifier? I'm thinking something like the user's Google account .. or similar

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Android :: How To Determine If Impossible To Get GPS Fix Location?

Jan 18, 2010

For example, I am inside a building and I want to get my location with the accuracy of 0.75 (Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE) and this will use the gps if my gps is on. Since I am inside a building, gps won't work. How can I determine if it is really impossible to get a gps fix location?

Is onLocationChanged(Location arg0) will be called even though no gps fix location was received when using LocationListener? Is it possible to use a timeout in requesting gps location so that I can shift to network as the location provider if i can't get any location?

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Android :: Best Way To Determine If There Is Internet Connection Is Available

Nov 11, 2010

i have this android application that requires to load data from a remote server via the internet. this update-functionaliy obviously requires the device to not only be connected to some kind of network, but also to the is want to schedule the update-service to some date and when it starts, it should determine whether it actually CAN reach the target server or not. therefore, a simple "is the device connected to wifi?" does not suffice, as the device may be connected to a wireless network that does not offer internet access. something like a PING is required.whats the easiest / best way to determine, if there is an internet connection is available i.e. server is reachable?

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Android :: Determine When Droid GC Runs?

Feb 19, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a way to identify (in code, not LogCat) when the GC has run? Perhaps an intent is fired? I could analyze the LogCat output, but it would be ideal if I could determine when the GC has run from my code.

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