Android : Change Name Space

Nov 9, 2010

Can I change the packet namespace in eclipse in an already existing project?

Android : Change name space

General :: Change Space / Margins Between Icons?

Jan 28, 2012

Any app which lets me change the space/margins between the icons? I've changed the font and it is a little larger size, therefore it gets chopped off at the second line caused by the icon below.

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HTC Hero :: Low On Space Phone Storage Space Is Getting Low

Sep 9, 2010

i got this notification yesterday so i deleted some apps and all my text messages but i cant get rid of it now!
any ideas?

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HTC Incredible :: SD Space And Disc Space

May 13, 2010

So I just downloaded an app that quickly shows battery life, SD space, and disc space. It says I have used 628 of 748 mb on the disc. I thought the phone had an internal memory of 8gb.

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Samsung Moment :: Notification "Low On Space Phone Storage Space Is Getting Low"

Dec 16, 2009

Had my Samsung Moment for about a month. LOVE IT. Few issues (same as everyone else has noticed), but nothing terrible. Until: Randomly today TWO Notifications popped up that said "Low on space Phone storage space is getting low." One was what seemed to be from the "hardware" and the other was from the "Work Mail" app (which I don't use, haven't used, haven't even opened). When I click it, it takes me to the Manager screen. So, I began uninstalling some apps I don't really use (I didn't have that many anyway...a couple of games [Solitaire, etc], Facebook, Notes). It started running really slowly and random Force Close messages would appear for things like android.process, messaging--things that have never Force Closed before. I turned it off (pressed and held the red button), waited a few seconds, then turned it back on again. Immediately after the "Sprint" logo lights show finished, I got another Force Close message. When the Home Screen showed up, I had the two notifications again "Low on space". When I cleared the notifications, only the "Work Mail" one would clear. I went through and deleted some more apps that I don't use. Got on my computer & Googled the issue. Found a couple of random forums that suggested cleaning out the Cache in the Browser. I did that. Cleaned the History & Cookies in the Browser, too. Then, I did a soft reset (took out the battery). Started it up again, SAME notifications. Less Force Close messages. But, it's running VERY slowly.

After a few hours, I noticed that I hadn't received any text messages or Gmail notifications. I had my sister text me about 2 hours ago. Still have not received it.
I really don't want to hard reset. I haven't synced my contacts (I have over 400 & the Sprint store had trouble moving them from my Centro to the Moment) to Google yet, nor have I hooked my Moment up to my Mac yet (the Sprint guys had no idea if it would work or not with Snow Leopard & I hadn't had time to check yet) and I'm worried to try it now that my Moment has gone crazy...I really don't want to lose 400 contacts.I don't download a lot of apps. Most are reputable (Pandora, MotherTED, Shazam, Movies, Jewels). The last one I remember downloading was Google Voice three days ago (which I haven't really used because I've had the flu). I don't know if this is a Malware/Virus issue or if I'm just an idiot & did something wrong. But, it's running REALLY slowly right now. Still not receiving texts or emails (though my Twitter app has notified me of a couple of @ replies).I'm going to call Sprint & Samsung tomorrow, then go to a Sprint tech store if they can't help. But, I'm just hoping one of you have come across this & can help before I have to deal with hours of hold music & techies who tell me to soft reset over & over again.

After awhile, I finally checked the storage space:
External SD care: Total: 1.89; Available: 1.85
Internal: About 2 hours ago when I first checked, after I had deleted a bunch of apps it said I had 7.something MB, now (after not downloading ANYTHING or barely even TOUCHING the damn thing) it says 1.95MB. Which leads me to believe that the 7.whatever was not necessarily accurate.

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HTC Incredible :: "Low On Space" Message Even Though There's Plenty Of Space Left

Aug 3, 2010

On Sunday I started getting the message "Low on space Phone Storage space is getting low." on the status bar. When I tap it, I'm taken to the "Manage Applications" screen, so it's clear that the message refers to the "Phone Memory," where apps are stored But when I go to Settings > SD card & phone storage here's what I see:
SD Card Total Space: 14.83GB
SD Card Available Space: 6.15GB
Internal Phone Storage Total Space: 6.60GB
Internal Phone Storage Available Space: 6.51GB
Phone Memory Total Space: 748MB
Phone Memory Available Space: 332MB
I've googled looking for solutions and it's obvious that this is a fairly common problem - especially on HTC phones. But the only possible solutions I've found are:
Too many apps are installed & space really is running low
A "bad" app was recently installed causing this error
Clear the cache for HTC Mail and HTC Message apps
Perform a Factory Reset We can rule this out since there is more than 44% of the Phone Memory available.
I didn't install any apps immediately before getting the message, but to be sure I uninstalled the 10 most recently added apps. No luck.
I've gone to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications, but the cache for these apps is already zero. The "Data" for Mail is 2.22MB and for Messages is 812KB.
This isn't fixing the problem, it's just a way to eliminate whatever condition has caused the symptom. But without an explanation of the actual problem I see no reason to think the problem won't come back in another two months.

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HTC Incredible :: Application Data Space "Low On Space" Notification

Aug 31, 2010

My phone keeps telling me this in my notification bar and its bugging the crap out of me. My intenal phone storage has over 6gb free and my SD card has 1.3 gb free. The notification will not go away, I have tried rebooting my phone. I can't not stand it, its just one of my things, but it makes me want to not use my phone. OCD i guess.Anyway, PLEASE tell me why it is doing this

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Android :: Space Between Component

Aug 20, 2009

I am putting one spinner and one button using following code. Can some one tell me how can i put some space between it?

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Android :: G1 Storage Space

Mar 12, 2009

How much storage space does a G1 phone come with?

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HTC Desire :: Low On Space - Android 2.1

Aug 23, 2010

I can't remove any more apps or messages what else could be filling this dam thing up? I am on 2.1 at the mo, O2 in the UK better hurry up with the 2.2!!!

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Android :: App For Space Station ISS

Sep 17, 2010

Is there in the States a app wich is folowwing de space station in a real time. if so what is the name of such a program. Greetings Nescio, the Netherlands.

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Where To Get Android App Server Space

Nov 29, 2011

I have an app idea that requires the app to go online and read/write from a shared server space. Very much like writing to a forum and retrieving the latest post from a forum.

My question is:Where can i get the hosting of that space? Will Android market do it for me if the space is very minimal? Or do I have to own a webserver?

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Android :: Mybackup Pro / Not Enough Space Online?

Nov 15, 2010

Went to back up all my apps, but there is not enough space online. Not sure I want to pay for more space.

So what are people doing? Backing up to SD card, removing SD card, and placing it in a safe place should their phone get lost/stolen?

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Android :: How To Refresh Screen So Space Gone?

Jun 6, 2010

I would like to make a Linear Layout that was created from xml invisible, and another Linear Layout visible to replace it. The replacement layout starts out as invisible. When I make the originally visible layout invisible, it still leaves space for it on the screen. How can I refresh the screen so that space is gone?

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Android :: SD Card Free Space?

May 31, 2010

is it possible to check, how much free space is available in android sd card through android programming..... i am storing some images in sd card but before that want to check how much free space is available.....

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Android :: Low On Space - Any Way To Transfer Applications To SD

Jul 17, 2010

How I transfer applications to sd?

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Android :: MySpace Taking Too Much Space

Nov 13, 2008

I did a search and didn't find anything so here goes....I installed the myspace application and it works great. I noticed the app itself was 3MB and after using it a few times the data is up to 12MB, so the entire thing is up to 15MB. Is the data like the cache on the browser, can the data be deleted, if so, how?..if not this program is too hoggy its just going to keep growing the more I use it.

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Android :: How To Decrease Space Between Checkbox?

May 30, 2010

The space between checkboxes in below UI layout is too much, how to decrease it?

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Android :: Out Of Disk Space Notice When It's Not

Jul 2, 2010

I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this? Admins feel free to move this thread where it should be. HTC Hero with 8gigs of memory installed. 2.1 OS.Like the title says: I am getting an error saying Low on disk space, but I have 6gigs free out of an 8gig MicroSd card. What gives? I suspect all my apps must be installing to the internal memory? Which is low with only 20megs left.I am almost sure that is what's happening. Is this by design? If so, is there a way I can install all my apps to the microsd card? I also have Astro File Manager installed and it is managing my systemapps cache and has placed the dir on: tmp/.astro/ So it's not a cache issue. Any ideas?

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Android :: Add Space Between Column In TableLayout

Jun 1, 2009

I am just developing application in android . i am building a test game TicTacToe . i am generating the GUI Programmatically i know i can develop the same gui using xml but again i am doing this for learning. okay, i have created a TableLayout and add three TableRows in it and each row i have created three buttons to create tictactoe interface . the problem i am facing is that when i add buttons in column in table row and run it there is no spacing between buttons. i have also use setPadding() method but it adds spacing around the whole row not in between columns.

Here is the code:........................

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Android :: Fb0 No Space Left On Device

Jan 12, 2010

When I enter the android kernel console, I type : cat 3.bmp > dev/graphics/fb0 error! write: No space left on device

After this, there is nothing showed on my lcd.

Could someone tell me what does this error message mean and how to solve please??

My all debug message :

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Android :: Internal Memory Space?

Apr 13, 2010

However after getting a bunch of apps from the android market i am getting a warning saying my internal memory card is getting full.when I check under settings, i still have about 20mb left. At what size do i start getting this warning? Its it possible to save apps onto the sd card instead of the internal memory? Also is there a size limit for the number of text messages, i starting getting warning messages for those as well.

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Android :: How To Get Available Space On Droid Sdcard

Sep 10, 2010

I am using Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() to create a file and I will need to know if there is enough space available before I create and store the file.

If you can cite the Android Ref doc, that would be helpful too.

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Android :: Calculate Space Does A TextView Take?

Jul 21, 2010

How much space does a TextView take?

When I declare a TextView, is it possible to calculate how much space (height and width) it is going to take when actually rendered on the phone?

I have noticed that based on the different screen sizes of phones (or density), the TextView is rendered accordingly. I want to be able to calculate the exact height and width rendered.

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Android :: Blank Space After ImageView / Cause Of Getting That?

Nov 5, 2010

There is sth weird about this ImageView, after big image scalled down there is still "free space". code...

and the original image shown in this example http ://

Why am 'I getting space after image?

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Android :: SD Card - How To Detect Remaining Space?

May 8, 2009

Is there any way to detect remaining space on the sdcard through the API? I prefer not to make native or shell calls.

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Android :: Changing Keyboard Options After Space

Sep 14, 2010

When using the keyboard, is it possible to change the default characters shown after entering a space in Froyo? For example, the current options are ! ? , @ _ Ideally, I'd like to change the @ for an & as I use it more. Does anyone know if this is possible?

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Android :: Determine Free Space On SD Card?

Aug 14, 2010

What is an effective way to determine how much free space is on the SD card?

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Android :: Low On Application Space - Delete Apps

Oct 30, 2010

I am frequently getting a "low on application space" msg telling me to delete apps. Does anyone know how to allocate more of the 4+gb I seem to have free in phone storage OR clear cache or something? It doesn't seen right to have 4gb free and be so low on app space that I can't exec Google Talk without deleting applications 1st.

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Android :: Internal/external Available Space In Application

Oct 15, 2010

I'm writing an android program to check available space of internal phone memory or external sd card. But i don't know how to do this. how to do it in Android?

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