Android :: Certain Labeled Items Not Shown In Gmail Inbox?

Apr 4, 2010

I feel silly asking this but can't figure it out. I use my gmail account specifically to get messages from a google groups boating forum. I have a work account w outlook and I use k-9 on my phone for that. I know that google doesn't have folders, but labels. I created a label 'xyz' for all email coming from that google group. My question is, how do I not have all these items show in my inbox?

In outlook, I can set up a rule that all email coming from goes into the xyz folder, and doesn't clutter my inbox. How do I do this in gmail. I have all my email messages showing that they belong to xyz label, so my rule is working, but I want them not showing in my inbox.

Android :: Certain Labeled Items Not Shown in Gmail Inbox?

Android :: Filtered/labeled/forward Accounts In Gmail And Android?

Nov 20, 2009

Here is what I kind of want to do to make life easier. I would like to just log into my main gmail account and see all of my 5 accounts in one place on the computer and on the phone.In gmail on the computer I want to forward e-mail from 4 other gmail accounts to my main account. Ive figured out how to set up labels and filters so each account gets there own area with just there emails in it. So the computer gmail is looking and working how I want it to.I currently have a BB and every time a e-mail gets forwarded I get a notification on my main account and the 2nd account. A copy of each e-mail is then placed on both accounts. I just want to see the 2nd account e-mail in its own in-box/folder/label and not both. Its currently working how I want it to in the computer gmail.

I want to keep each account separate how it looks ok on the computer with the in-box as my main and the 4 labeled/filters forward accounts below.Is this possible on android? if so how does can you set up different ringers for each account or filter/label? and how to you set it up period :-)If this all will not work ill just un do the forwarded accounts and go back to separate accounts, its just a pain to check each one as each gets e-mail. Or maybe there is an app for this.

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Android :: How To Read Sms From Inbox And Sent Items

Nov 5, 2010

I'm a beginner developing android application.I need to read sms from inbox and sort them according to the priority given by the user. For reading sms from inbox and show them in my app i found some code snippets but those are basically for older sdk . using SDK can you give me some code example about the reading sms from sms or any guide to develop this app.

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Android :: IMAP Email Not Shown In Outlook Sent Items Folder

Oct 18, 2010

I have an HTC Desire and have set up multiple email accounts on it with no trouble. The system works great. The only problem I find with work email accounts (non-gmail or hotmail) is that when I send an email it saves to the sent items folder on the phone but when I go to Outlook and go to the sent items folder there it does not show the sent item. But other than that there are no issues with sending or receiving. I am using 1and1 IMAP for these emails that are having trouble. Has anyone else found a solution to this without downloading an app. I am very used to the system already in Android 2.1.

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HTC Desire :: Mail Not Pulling Down Items In Inbox

Sep 1, 2010

I'm running into some issues with the HTC Mail client and I'm about ready to throw fits.I've configured my work IMAP email account, but it's not pulling any emails down to the inbox.I get the 'No mail' message when there is most definitely mail there.I can send from the account just fine, and the sent items feed back to the server w/out any problems.I've tried deleting the account and reconfiguring same result.Any way to start from a clean slate in the HTC Mail client w/out wiping the entire unit? I have configured another user's phone (same exact phone) on the same email system and theirs worked as expected adding to the frustration!

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 : Gmail Notification When I Receive An Email To My Gmail Inbox

Sep 11, 2010

Googled this issue and can't seem to find the resolution. I am using the Gmail app which came pre-installed on the phone. I have entered my account details, I can send emails but I don't get a notification when I receive an email to my Gmail Inbox. I have checked the settings and I have setup a ringtone and selected the option to flag up an icon in the notification bar. However the only way I know I have an email is if I open the app. I have a task manager and Gmail is on the ignore list.

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Android :: My Gmail Inbox Is A Nightmare

Jan 6, 2010

I hoard emails, because I first got gmail when I had a mac which uses the mail client, so I just never deleted them.Anyway, this means that when I first synced my phone, I ended up with nearly 14,000 emails. They are all unread. Any ideas on how to fix this? I know you can adjust the gmail settings to only forward new emails to pop but I can't take off and re-sync my account.I'm on a motorola droid, in case that's necessary info.

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Android :: Gmail App Default To All Mail Not Inbox

Sep 3, 2010

I just got an EVO, and I'm loving everything except this one thing. I would like my gmail app to default to "all mail," instead of simply "inbox." Why? I have some messages skip my gmail inbox (like facebook notifications or weekly coupons), so I have set labels to fix that! Keeps a clean inbox. BUT I want to still be notified of Facebook emails on my phone without having to specifically look for them. Say someone tags me in an unflattering picture, and I'm away from my laptop? I'd like to know right away! I have different needs for my phone and my laptop Does anyone else have these problems?

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Android :: Gmail Open To Inbox Instead Of First Msg On Froyo?

Jul 1, 2010

Ever since I upgraded my N1 to froyo, gmail always opens to first msg instead of inbox view. Even if I exit in inbox view.Is there a way to change this? i.e. I want gmail to go to inbox by default instead of first message.

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Android :: Force Gmail App To Always Open In Inbox?

Jan 6, 2010

When I start the gmail app I would like it to ALWAYS go to the Inbox.Instead it starts with some old message displayed and I have to tap menu Back to Inbox so I can see new messages.And it's not like it's opening the last message that I was reading either it's some old message that's not even in the Inbox.Is there any way to force it to ALWAYS go to the Inbox when I start the app?

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Android :: Gmail Priority Inbox Notifications

Sep 2, 2010

Does anyone know how to set it so that my Android phone only notifies me when I get a message in my "Priority Inbox" (the new feature Google just launched in case you don't know what it is)?With my email I receive a bunch of newsletters, so instead of being notified every time one of them arrives I'd like to be notified only when messages in my Priority Inbox arrive.Being able to be alerted to messages with certain labels only would also work.

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Android :: My Emails Are Disappearing From My Gmail Inbox

Oct 21, 2010

I've heard this happening with Gmail to other people, but I didn't believe it, now it's happening to me. I had a very very very vitally important email sent to me yesterday, and after viewing it, it just vanished. Gone for good. I can't find it. I've checked every folder, I've checked All Mail, I've checked trash, I've checked spam, drafts, everywhere. This is the 3rd or 4th time I've had an email vanish in the past 3 months. Completely gone, as if it never existed, without me deleting it.Has anyone else experienced this with Gmail? I know a few people who don't use Gmail for this very reason, but I thought they were crazy, now it's happening to me. HELP! I need that email back

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Android :: Gmail Sent Mails Showing Up In Client Inbox

Sep 5, 2010

For some reason when I send a gmail from my HTC Desire, that sent email will show up in my pc mail client inbox when I retrieve mail from gmail later in the day. (It never shows up in my gmail inbox on the handset). Why is that? and how do I stop it from doing that?

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Android :: Gmail Application Fail - Inbox View Only Seen

Aug 19, 2010

You think that google would put forth a much better effort for the email app on Android but ironically, its just a giant epic fail Inbox view only? WTF was Google thinking? It really does suck that i have to use the web app in order to have the full functionality of gmail. I understand Google is moving forward with web apps and the cloud and all that but damn, they leave us hanging like that?

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Android :: Display Time Of Message When Looking At Gmail Inbox?

Apr 20, 2010

anyway to display the time of the message when looking at the gmail inbox? I just get a date..

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HTC Incredible :: Pictures In Gmail Contacts Not Shown

May 3, 2010

How do I get Gmail pictures to show up in contacts list? I only have one contact with their picture showing up, and 25-30 that are not. Do I have to set the contact up differently for the picture to sync with Gmail?

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Android :: Get Messages In Gmail / Email Client Inbox Folder?

Nov 15, 2010

i would just like to ask on how can i get the messages on my email inbox folder and display it? similarly, how can I access gmail's inbox or other mail client's inbox folder? is this possible on android?

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HTC Incredible :: Gmail Won't Open To Inbox

Jun 1, 2010

When I start the gmail app I would like it to ALWAYS go to the Inbox. Instead it starts with some old message displayed and I have to tap menu - Back to Inbox so I can see new messages. And it's not like it's opening the last message that I was reading either - it's some older message pretty far down in the Inbox.Is there any way to force it to ALWAYS go to the Inbox when I start the app?

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Motorola Droid :: Gmail Not Showing Anything In Inbox?

Dec 14, 2009

Whenever I go into Gmail (I do not have push notification on, just check it every once in a while) it will say at the top "Inbox (2)", but then says "No Conversations" in the middle of the screen where it is supposed to list all the emails in my Inbox. I know that there are two in there because they are there whenever I check Gmail on my computer.I looked for an option in the Gmail settings in case it only shows unread mail, but can't find anything.If I navigate to a different label, it will show all the emails in them, just not the Inbox.It started out OK, but I just noticed it a day or so ago doing this.My father was messing around with my phone the other day, and I'm wondering if he did something?

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Motorola Droid X :: Gmail Vs Universal Inbox?

Jul 17, 2010

New Droid X user here.New to Android as well.I see I have a universal inbox in the included Messenging app. This seems to show all of my IMAP e-mail accounts as well as Facebook, etc.However, Gmail seems to require its own app.Not sure I see the point of having a universal inbox if I can't include my Gmail account?Am I missing something?

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HTC Hero :: Sent Gmail From Phone Showing In Inbox

Nov 13, 2009

When I send an email from my Gmail app on my Hero, the sent message shows up in my inbox by 'me' in the Gmail account I sent it from..

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Motorola Droid :: Gmail Not Defaulting To Inbox?

Nov 10, 2009

I have checked this multiple times to make sure I am not doing something wrong, but it keeps happening. If i leave my gmail on the inbox screen and go to the home screen of the phone, when i return to the gmail app a while later after I have received a new email, it takes me directly to a prior email message--not the newest message or my inbox, but to some other older message. This keeps happening no matter what I do. I am using two different gmail accounts, and even if I leave the gmail app from my secondary account--it still snaps back to my primary account and some old email after my phone has slept for a while. Does anyone have any idea what is happening?

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HTC Incredible :: Way To Stop Sendind Gmail To Inbox?

Jul 14, 2010

when I send pics to people using Gmail it sends the email to my inbox as well. any way to stop this from happening?

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Motorola Droid X :: Never Updates Gmail Inbox On PC

Sep 2, 2010

I have to tell it to refresh in order to have it check for new mail and it never updates my gmail inbox on the PC. I was wondering what settings are needed to get it to do these two things (if possible)?

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HTC Incredible :: Gmail 2.2.1 Not Always Going To Inbox - Saying Loading Conversations

Sep 13, 2010

Is anyone else having problems with gmail 2.2.1 not always going to your inbox?

What about it saying "loading conversations?"

I have OTA 2.2.

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General :: Gmail Not Auto-refreshing Inbox?

Aug 12, 2013

Have a strange issue since updating to Android 4.3. I get a notification for new mail (in fact i'm using Teslaunread with Nova launcher) so I know there are new emails waiting for me. I go into my gmail app, but the inbox isn't refreshed to show the new emails. I have to pull down from the top to refresh the view and then I see the new emails. As far as I remember, the inbox used to be refreshed automatically for me whenever I had a notification for new email.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Gmail App Inbox Ghost Messages

Mar 2, 2010

In my Gmail app, I have messages showing up in my Inbox that are *no longer* in my actual Inbox.There are a couple of messages I have since deleted, or moved to another folder, or archived that are still showing up.I keep refreshing, and these 'ghost' messages still show up.Just to be clear, when I go to in my browser, these messages are *not* in my Inbox.They are only showing up in my Gmail app Inbox.I'll take any suggestion that doesn't require me factory resetting my phone

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HTC Droid Eris :: Gmail Inbox Not Syncing Properly

May 21, 2010

i just got the Eris a couple days ago, and love it with a few exceptions. I've been searching and searching for an answer to this, and i cant seem to find it. When I activated my phone at the VZW store, I synced it with my gmail account. When I opened my inbox on my phone, I was surprised to see emails that i had deleted some time ago (using a computer). It synced over 2000 messages from my inbox. My first question is WHY?!? and is there a way to 'undo' that madness, and erase them all short of having to check every message's box and delete them?Also, why when I delete a message it doesn't get deleted right away? I usually have to close out the app then reopen it and it'll be gone. Also, why when I delete a message does it still appear when I check gmail on my computer? if I delete it from the inbox using my computer/phone, shouldn't it not still be on the other device?

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Samsung Moment :: Gmail Not Pushing Mail Into Inbox?

Nov 10, 2009

This is driving me nuts because I had the hero and swapped it out to the Moment and it did the same thing. I am using the Gmail app and whenever I get new mail I have to go into the ALL MAIL label to see it even though the mail has a Inbox tag on it. By doing this I don't get any notifications of new mail and must check it manually. I've tried clearing out Gmail app and Gmail storage but it will only sync once and stop again. So anyone having the same problem? Gmail not pushing mail into the in-box? I posted on Google help forums but so far people only told me to clear data of the applications.

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Motorola Droid X :: Delete Emails In Gmail Inbox?

Sep 20, 2010

Ever since i rooted my DX (rooted and deodexed with revolution), i've been having this weird email problem. When i go to delete emails in my gmail inbox on my phone they delete off the phone, but not in my actual gmail inbox online. Because when i delete the emails off my phone the inbox counter still reads all those emails that are still there. Well when i go online to delete them it goes back to normal. How can i fix this to where i dont have to keep goin online to delete emails?

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