Android : Can I Draw Outside Bounds Of An Canvas
Oct 26, 2010I'm porting an app written in a graphics environment that allows drawing to happen outside the bounds of the clipping rectangle. Any way to do this in Android?

I'm porting an app written in a graphics environment that allows drawing to happen outside the bounds of the clipping rectangle. Any way to do this in Android?
My loadMap() method generate a canvas.throwIfRecycled exception when i try to load a new map.
When i start the game, the initial map loads and work fine though,
its only when i try to load a new map that i get the exception ..
How can i "reset" canvas and the bitmap i use to draw into, so i can startover fresh with them ?
here's what i use to create and draw my maps:
So basicaly once i created and used picDest and canvas, i cannot figure how to reset it all for when i want to load a new map..
I'm making an App that needs to be able to draw new graphics on top of the last set.
This is my current onDraw() method -
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if(points.size() > 0) {
//do some stuff here - this is all working ok
canvas.drawLine(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, linePaint);
Basically, I need to draw the new graphics as a layer on top of the last, so what I'm looking for is a way to carry the image of the last canvas to the current. I have tried to figure it out myself using the canvas.setBitmap() method but it acts very funny.
i'm trying to develop a simple pie chart class for android. For now, it can take a map of labels and values and draw the pie chart. I'm yet to add the legends for the pie, which is where i need to place the texts near small rectangles on the screen corner. Any help appreciated, since i'm new to Android dev.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy requirement is to draw a line on canvas for every second. I am able to draw the line but its clearing the previously drawn lines when I call myview.invalidate(). Now my question is how to draw a new line retaining all the previously drawn line on the same canvas.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to load an icon from resource and draw over it. But I cannot get it into a canvas. Can anyone please help me with the code below. If I uncomment c.drawColor(), I get blue color as expected. So the problem is on icon.draw(). code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to load e.g. LinearLayout with some Buttons from XML and draw it on Canvas in a way that the Views behave normally (I can set onClick actions for the Buttons and when I press a Button, it changes it's background drawable). Can I do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to draw a nine patch onto a Canvas object on the Android. What seems strange is that although I generated my nine patch using the draw9patch tool, the constructor for NinePatch requires an additional byte array called the "chunk" to construct the nine patch. Why isn't this simpler? What is the "chunk"? And if you have done this yourself, how did you go about it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have figured out the static layout this far, but I have no idea how to make it display my text anywhere else but in the top left corner. StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(text, getTextPaint(), 140, android.text.Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER,(float)1.0, (float)0.0, true); layout.draw(canvas);
View 2 Replies View RelatedFirst I want to say that I have read many articles on this subject in this forum and on some external resources(very helpful was Robert Green's diary at and
However, despite all of this I want to start topic regarding FPS, and ask for advice from experienced game developers on Android platform.
My main question is "How to improve FPS when draw on Canvas?"
I have implemented simple 2D arcade game skeleton for testing purpose. Now I have ~20 FPS and want to increase this value to 40-50 FPS, if this is possible of course. I know about Open GL ES, but so far I am interested in Canvas.
In every frame I draw following stuff on the screen: - Canvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK) - to clear the screen - 1 spaceship PNG 24x24 image 1.25 kb - 5 asteroids PNG 64x64 image ~8 kb each - from 1 to 30 bullets PNG 8x8 image 299 b - 4 30x30 Rectangles - to control objects on the screen
After running my app, in logcat I can see following output data: - Average FPS: 20 (Total frames drawn: 1945 in 97 seconds) - Average onDraw: 32 ms (clear canvas: 3, draw game stuff: 26, draw controls: 1) - Average updatePhysics: 1 ms
From this output I can assume, that my main problem here is "draw game stuff" wich includes: - draw 1 spaceship - draw 5 asteroids - draw from 1 to 30 bullets
Here is my code:........................
I need do draw on Android's Canvas using Blur effect, it is a very simple feature, I need to draw a circular area, which is blurred (the foreground) and the background transparent, I can do everything with manipulating the colour alpha to do it with custom transparency but I need it to be blurred instead of transparent..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to draw hands on the canvas which is smooth and closed arc. How can I draw it? Any code regarding graphics or reference class to draw it will be helpful.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anybody tell me or send me some links if there is any..which tells how Google map draw on canvas in android. what is the logic behind that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere is no problem with portrait mode but when i try my app on landscape mode it doesn't look how it should.What is general approach to solve this problem.My first idea is replacing X and Y places.If i am on the right track how should i do this ? Should i use an if statement at the beginning of the onDraw() function and write entire same code twice (one for x,y and other is for y,x) ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am very new to android development and have been trying to draw a square comprised of multiple smaller rectangles of different colours... Like a Mosaic essentially. Basically at the moment I am reading values from a file which assigns the colour to the smaller Rects. I am using a pair of nested for loops to try to draw the small Rects sequentially, line by line. However when the program finishes there is only one small Rect drawn which is the last one to be drawn and its colour corresponds to the first value read from the file. Here is some of my code to show you what I mean:
public SnapshotDraw(Context context) {
for(int a = 0; a < 63; a++){
for(int b = 0; b < 63; b++){
fileName = PREFIX + "2" + EXTENSION;..............
How can i draw a view on a canvas by giving the x,y position in the canvas.
For example,
I have custom view myView, which was created by inflating one of my layout.xml file.
Now i want to draw this myView on the canvas at position (x, y).
How can i do that? code...
I want to draw a bitmap on a canvas with bigger size than it is. I can use canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, null, destRect, null); but that gives a poor quality, as the result is pixelated, if the source image is sightly smaller than the destination rectangle. How can i draw my bitmap using bilinear or bicubic resampling?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Bitmap object and want to render it to a Canvas object with varying levels of translucency (i.e. make the whole bitmap partially see through). For example, I have sprites in a game (that are drawn over the top of a bitmap background) that I want to fade out from being opaque to being invisible. Can I do this without having to resort to OpenGL?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI currently have a game written using the Android canvas. It is completely 2D, and I draw bitmaps as sprites on the canvas, and it technically works, but I have a few features that I need to add that will require drawing many more bitmaps on the screen, and there will be a lot more movement.
The app needs more power.
What is the best way to go from this method of drawing Bitmaps on a canvas to using OpenGL so I can draw them faster?
I don't know why this is generating an ArrayOutOfBoundsException! It's likely I've overlooked something because I'm so tired but if someone could tell me what is wrong I'd appreciate it. Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have small ViewGroup somewhere in the middle of the screen. this ViewGroup contains some Views that i'd like to animate.
now this ViewGroup in dispatchDraw() method manages any child Views animations, clipping them to ViewGroup's bounds.
my question is whether it is possible not to clip them to ViewGroup's bounds?
In my android application I use this method in "draw" Overlay class for draw route on map. Can someone tell me if this method is good (in terms of performance) for route draw on map or I must to put code in Thread ??
I'm new to android.
public synchronized void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
if (pointsAndTimes.isEmpty()) {
Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setARGB(250, 255, 0, 0);.............
I wanted to create an gallery with images.The images within the gallery should be zoomable and pannable. I could able to pinch-zoom an image but could not able to set zoom limitand prevent the image from being panned off the screen. I used the following code to zoom an image: browser/source/browse/src/se/robertfoss/MultiTouch/TouchImageView.javaspec=svnd3e623ddeb6f9e97d9eba2c7aaa7c4567a3822b5&r=d3e623ddeb6f9e97d9eba2c7aaa7c4567a3822b5 First approach : I used TouchImageView to supply images to gallery, this allows me to pinch zoom but can't scroll the gallery. i.e I cant differentiate between 'single tab event' and 'tab to scroll event'
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having some trouble working with the SQLite database. I am able to create the database, add to it, and delete from it with no problem by following the Notepad examples, but I am trying to avoid duplicates and therefore want to check to see if an entry exists already.
Below is the code I have for testing to see if a game exists. I get the correct Log message of "No Games" when there are no games, as well as the correct value for column from getColumnIndex which is proven to me by the log printout telling me that column = 1.
The error message that I receive if I don't catch the exception says "Caused by android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 requested, with a size of 1
Where is Index -1 being requested if my call to getColumnIndex is returning 1? Code...
I was wondering if there was any way (I'm somewhat a newbie at Java) to get the MapBounds of a Google MapView on Android.
Just to clarify, here's what I'd like to do.
Calculate the maximum and minimum long and lat whenever the map is moved, or zoomed and display those values in a Toast.
Is there any possible way to do this - or am I in over my head?
The following function is giving me an out of bounds exception...
public void count(){
SQLiteDatabase db = table.getWritableDatabase();
String count = "SELECT count(*) FROM table";
Cursor mcursor = db.rawQuery(count, null);
int icount = mcursor.getInt(0);
System.out.println("NUMBER IN DB: " + icount);}
It's meant to return the number of rows in the database. Anybody know whats wrong? am I perhaps doing this task the wrong way?
I want to have a elmenent with a 2 color border outline. I can do a single color outline using the element, but this only allows me to draw a single line. I tried using 2 elements within my but that didnt work either. Is there a way to either draw a shape within a shape or draw 2 lines around my shape (which has rounded corners btw).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make an app that requires me to draw over a layout with buttons, etc. I want to build a transparent canvas over the current layout and draw onto that canvas. How is this done?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to copy the image drawn in one canvas (details) into another canvas. The commonly discussed solution of using bitmaps will not work because the Bitmap class does not have many of the important methods belonging to the Canvas class.
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The problem I'm having is that it seems that the resolution of the rendering context is limited. When using the emulator I'm getting a rendering canvas of 480x320, which is fine. Now; when I use my HTC Desire I am only getting a canvas of 533x320 while the native resolution of this phone is 800x480px.